    nrf_cunit_mock_call *      p_sd_mock_call;
    nrf_cunit_mock_call *      p_transport_read_mock_call;
    nrf_cunit_mock_call *      p_transport_consume_mock_call;

    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *) "sd_power_system_off", &p_sd_mock_call);
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_rx_pkt_extract", &p_transport_read_mock_call);
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_rx_pkt_consume", &p_transport_consume_mock_call);

    p_transport_consume_mock_call->compare_rule[0] = COMPARE_ANY;

    p_sd_mock_call->arg[0] = 0x56;

    uint8_t in_data[] = {BLE_RPC_PKT_CMD,                        // Packet type
                         SD_POWER_SYSTEM_OFF};               // Opcode

    p_transport_read_mock_call->arg[0]    = BLE_RPC_PKT_CMD;
    p_transport_read_mock_call->result[0] = (uint32_t)in_data;
    p_transport_read_mock_call->result[1] = sizeof(in_data);

    ble_rpc_cmd_handle(NULL, 0);


/* This test case will make the SoftDevice return error to the command decoder module and will
 * test if this error is encoded properly in the command response.
    // Preparation of expected output
    nrf_cunit_mock_call * p_sd_call_mock_obj;
    nrf_cunit_mock_call * p_transport_read_mock_call;
    nrf_cunit_mock_call * p_transport_write_mock_call;
    nrf_cunit_mock_call * p_transport_alloc_mock_call;
    nrf_cunit_mock_call * p_transport_consume_mock_call;

    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"sd_ble_gap_adv_data_set", &p_sd_call_mock_obj);
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_rx_pkt_extract", &p_transport_read_mock_call);
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_pkt_write", &p_transport_write_mock_call);
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_tx_alloc", &p_transport_alloc_mock_call);
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_rx_pkt_consume", &p_transport_consume_mock_call);

    p_transport_consume_mock_call->compare_rule[0] = COMPARE_ANY;

    uint8_t buffer[40];
    p_transport_alloc_mock_call->result[0] = (uint32_t)buffer;

    uint8_t in_data[] = {BLE_RPC_PKT_CMD,                                 // Packet type
                         SD_BLE_GAP_ADV_DATA_SET,                     // Opcode
                         31,                                              // Adv data len
                         0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08,  // Adv data
                         0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10,
                         0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08,
                         0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
                         0                                               // SR data len

    p_sd_call_mock_obj->error = NRF_ERROR_BUSY;

    // Expected Transport Layer API call

    p_transport_read_mock_call->arg[0]    = BLE_RPC_PKT_CMD;
    p_transport_read_mock_call->result[0] = (uint32_t)in_data;
    p_transport_read_mock_call->result[1] = sizeof(in_data);

    ble_rpc_cmd_handle(NULL, 0);


    // Preparation of expected output
    nrf_cunit_mock_call * p_mock_call;

    /*** Data that is received on from the transport layer. ***********/
    uint8_t in_data[] = {BLE_RPC_PKT_CMD,                        // Packet type
                         0xFF,                                   // INVALID opcode
                         0x23,                                   // Some data.
                         0x04, 0x00,
                         0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08};

    /*** Data has been received, and a call to pkt_extract is expected, return received data. ***/
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_rx_pkt_extract", &p_mock_call);
    p_mock_call->arg[0]    = BLE_RPC_PKT_CMD;
    p_mock_call->result[0] = (uint32_t)in_data;
    p_mock_call->result[1] = sizeof(in_data);

    /************* A response should be returned, allocate a tx buffer. *************/
    /*************** No buffer is available, so a NO_MEM is returned. ***************/
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_tx_alloc", &p_mock_call);
    p_mock_call->error = NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM;

    /************* A response should be returned, allocate a tx buffer. *************/
    /***********Second call to alloc returns a buffer which is now free. ************/
    uint8_t buffer[20];
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_tx_alloc", &p_mock_call);
    p_mock_call->result[0] = (uint32_t)buffer;

    /********************* Setting up the expected response. *********************/
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_pkt_write", &p_mock_call);

    /************* When cmd response has been send, the rx buffer should be freed. *************/
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_rx_pkt_consume", &p_mock_call);
    p_mock_call->compare_rule[0] = COMPARE_ANY;

    ble_rpc_cmd_handle(NULL, 0);


/* This test case will test if the unrecognised command is properly responded to with a command
 * response with error code set to NRF_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED.

    // Preparation of expected output
    nrf_cunit_mock_call * p_transport_read_mock_call;
    nrf_cunit_mock_call * p_transport_write_mock_call;
    nrf_cunit_mock_call * p_transport_alloc_mock_call;
    nrf_cunit_mock_call * p_transport_consume_mock_call;

    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_rx_pkt_extract", &p_transport_read_mock_call);
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_pkt_write", &p_transport_write_mock_call);
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_tx_alloc", &p_transport_alloc_mock_call);
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_rx_pkt_consume", &p_transport_consume_mock_call);

    p_transport_consume_mock_call->compare_rule[0] = COMPARE_ANY;

    uint8_t buffer[20];
    p_transport_alloc_mock_call->result[0] = (uint32_t)buffer;

    // Expected Transport Layer API call
                                 0xFF, // INVALID_OPCODE

    // Stimuli

    uint8_t in_data[] = {BLE_RPC_PKT_CMD,                        // Packet type
                         0xFF,                                   // INVALID Opcode
                         0x23,                                   // Some data.
                         0x04, 0x00,
                         0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08};

    p_transport_read_mock_call->arg[0]    = BLE_RPC_PKT_CMD;
    p_transport_read_mock_call->result[0] = (uint32_t)in_data;
    p_transport_read_mock_call->result[1] = sizeof(in_data);

    ble_rpc_cmd_handle(NULL, 0);


// This test case is intended to test that if an invalid (non-existing/unsupport) gap event is
// received, then sd_ble_evt_get(...) shall return NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUND.
    // Place holder for the actual decoded event length, size is 2 less (Too small).
    ble_evt_t actual_ble_evt     = {{0}, {{0}}};
    uint16_t  actual_ble_evt_len = sizeof(actual_ble_evt);

    /**************************** Creation of the encoded input data ****************************/
    /** The connected event as it looks on the wire (UART) */
    uint8_t encoded_gatts_unsupported_evt[] = { BLE_RPC_PKT_EVT,
                                                (BLE_GATTS_EVT_LAST - 1), 0,          // Evt ID - Doesn't exist.
                                                0xaa, 0xbb,                           // Some data.
                                                0xcc, 0xdd                            // Some data.

    uint16_t encoded_packet_length = 7;

    /**************************** Creation of the expected event ****************************/
    /** We only validate that length can is returned correctly, without destroying the event. */
    // NONE Needed as we verify unaligned pointer behavior.

    /**************************** Execution of the test / Verify decoder behavior ****************************/
    // Simulate an event from the transport layer. -- Should stimulate an event from hci_transmport (evt. dispatcher) with pointer to RX buffer.
    // Execute the call to the decoder with the encoded data.
    // This should trigger an interrupt, and the data can be retrieved with sd_ble_evt_get(...)
    (void) ble_rpc_event_pkt_received(encoded_gatts_unsupported_evt, encoded_packet_length);

    uint32_t err_code = sd_ble_evt_get((uint8_t *)(&actual_ble_evt), &actual_ble_evt_len);
    CU_ASSERT_INT_EQUAL(actual_ble_evt_len, 0);

static void ble_teardown_func(void)

    uint16_t uuid_gatt   = 0x1801;
    uint8_t  uuid_type   = BLE_UUID_TYPE_BLE;

    nrf_cunit_mock_call * p_mock_call;
    nrf_cunit_mock_call * p_sd_call_mock_obj;
    nrf_cunit_mock_call * p_transport_read_mock_call;
    nrf_cunit_mock_call * p_transport_alloc_mock_call;
    nrf_cunit_mock_call * p_transport_consume_mock_call;

    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"sd_ble_uuid_encode", &p_sd_call_mock_obj);
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_rx_pkt_extract", &p_transport_read_mock_call);
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_tx_alloc", &p_transport_alloc_mock_call);
    p_transport_alloc_mock_call->error = NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM;

    uint8_t buffer[20];
    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_tx_alloc", &p_mock_call);
    p_mock_call->result[0] = (uint32_t)buffer;

    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_rx_pkt_consume", &p_transport_consume_mock_call);
    p_transport_consume_mock_call->compare_rule[0] = COMPARE_ANY;
    p_transport_alloc_mock_call->error = NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM;

    /********************* Setting up the expected response. *********************/
    uint8_t expected_transport_op_code   = SD_BLE_UUID_ENCODE;
    uint32_t expected_transport_err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;

    uint8_t expected_transport_data[] = {BLE_RPC_PKT_RESP,                                       // Packet type
                                         expected_transport_op_code,                             // op code
                                         (expected_transport_err_code & 0x000000ffu) >> 0,       // error code
                                         (expected_transport_err_code & 0x0000ff00u) >> 8,       // error code
                                         (expected_transport_err_code & 0x00ff0000u) >> 16,      // error code
                                         (expected_transport_err_code & 0xff000000u) >> 24,      // error code
                                         2,                                                      // length of encoded UUID
                                         0x01, 0x18};                                            // encoded UUID

    nrf_cunit_expect_call_return((uint8_t *)"hci_transport_pkt_write", &p_mock_call);
    p_mock_call->arg[1] = (uint32_t)expected_transport_data;
    p_mock_call->arg[2] = sizeof(expected_transport_data);

    // Expected SoftDevice call
    ble_uuid_t uuid_data;

    uuid_data.uuid = 0x1801;
    uuid_data.type = uuid_type;

    p_sd_call_mock_obj->arg[0]    = (uint32_t)&uuid_data;
    p_sd_call_mock_obj->result[0] = 2;

    uint8_t in_data[] = {BLE_RPC_PKT_CMD,                  // Packet type
                         SD_BLE_UUID_ENCODE,           // Opcode
                         1,                                // ble_uuid present (not null)
                         uuid_gatt & 0xFF, uuid_gatt >> 8, // ble_uuid_t->uuid
                         uuid_type,                        // ble_uuid_t->type
                         1,                                // length pointer present (not null)
                         1};                               // result buffer present (not null)

    p_transport_read_mock_call->arg[0]    = BLE_RPC_PKT_CMD;
    p_transport_read_mock_call->result[0] = (uint32_t)in_data;
    p_transport_read_mock_call->result[1] = sizeof(in_data);

    ble_rpc_cmd_handle(NULL, 0);

    (void) uuid_data;
Exemple #8
void teardown_func(void)
    // ----- Verifying the mock calls.
static void event_decoder_suite_teardown(void)

    // Place holder for the actual decoded event.
    ble_evt_t actual_ble_evt = {{0}, {{0}}};
    uint16_t  actual_len     = sizeof(actual_ble_evt);

    /**************************** Creation of the encoded input data ****************************/
    /** The connected event as it looks on the wire (UART) */
    uint8_t encoded_gatts_write_evt[] = { BLE_RPC_PKT_EVT,
                                          BLE_GATTS_EVT_WRITE, 0,               // Evt ID
                                          0x90, 0x78,                           // Conn Handle
                                          0x56, 0x34,                           // Attribute handle
                                          0x12,                                 // Operation
                                          0x01, 0x10,                           // service uuid
                                          0x20,                                 // service uuid type
                                          0x03, 0x30,                           // char uuid
                                          0x40,                                 // char uuid type
                                          0x05, 0x50,                           // desc uuid
                                          0x60,                                 // desc uuid type
                                          0x07, 0x70,                           // Service handle
                                          0x08, 0x80,                           // Value handle
                                          0x90,                                 // Attribute type
                                          0x45, 0x54,                           // Offset
                                          0x05, 0x00,                           // Data length
                                          0x99, 0x88, 0x77, 0x66, 0x55          // Data

    uint16_t encoded_packet_length = 31;

    /**************************** Creation of the expected event ****************************/
    /** The BLE event as it should look when it has been decoded and fetch by the application. */
    uint32_t    event_buffer[80 / sizeof(uint32_t)];
    ble_evt_t * expected_ble_evt = (ble_evt_t *)event_buffer;

    memset(event_buffer, 0, 80);

    expected_ble_evt->header.evt_id                                     = BLE_GATTS_EVT_WRITE;
    expected_ble_evt->header.evt_len                                    = 33;
    expected_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.conn_handle                         = 0x7890;
    expected_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write.handle                 = 0x3456;
    expected_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write.op                     = 0x12;

    // context
    expected_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write.context.srvc_uuid.uuid = 0x1001;
    expected_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write.context.srvc_uuid.type = 0x20;
    expected_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write.context.char_uuid.uuid = 0x3003;
    expected_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write.context.char_uuid.type = 0x40;
    expected_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write.context.desc_uuid.uuid = 0x5005;
    expected_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write.context.desc_uuid.type = 0x60;
    expected_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write.context.srvc_handle    = 0x7007;
    expected_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write.context.value_handle   = 0x8008;
    expected_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write.context.type           = 0x90;

    expected_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write.offset                 = 0x5445;
    expected_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write.len                    = 0x5;

    expected_ble_evt->[0] = 0x99;
    expected_ble_evt->[1] = 0x88; //lint !e415 !e416
    expected_ble_evt->[2] = 0x77; //lint !e415 !e416
    expected_ble_evt->[3] = 0x66; //lint !e415 !e416
    expected_ble_evt->[4] = 0x55; //lint !e415 !e416

    uint16_t expected_len  = (uint16_t)(offsetof(ble_evt_t,;
    expected_len          += expected_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write.len; // One byte is already counted in the struct itself.

    /**************************** Execution of the test / Verify decoder behavior ****************************/
    // Simulate an event from the transport layer. -- Should stimulate an event from hci_transmport (evt. dispatcher) with pointer to RX buffer.
    // Execute the call to the decoder with the encoded data.
    // This should trigger an interrupt, and the data can be retrieved with sd_ble_evt_get(...)
    (void) ble_rpc_event_pkt_received(encoded_gatts_write_evt, encoded_packet_length);

    // Fetch the decoded event and compare it to the expected.
    uint32_t err_code = sd_ble_evt_get((uint8_t *)(&actual_ble_evt), &actual_len);

    CU_ASSERT(compare_ble_events(expected_ble_evt, expected_len, &actual_ble_evt, actual_len) == true);

//    CU_ASSERT(pull_and_verify_ble_evt(expected_ble_evt, expected_len) == true);