Exemple #1
tenDWMRIKeyValueFromExperSpecSet(Nrrd *ndwi, const tenExperSpec *espec) {
    static char me[]="tenDWMRIKeyValueFromExperSpecSet";
    char keystr[AIR_STRLEN_MED], valstr[AIR_STRLEN_MED];
    double maxb, bb;
    unsigned int ii;

    if (!(ndwi && espec)) {
        biffAddf(TEN, "%s: got NULL pointer", me);
        return 1;

    nrrdKeyValueAdd(ndwi, tenDWMRIModalityKey, tenDWMRIModalityVal);
    maxb = tenExperSpecMaxBGet(espec);
    sprintf(valstr, "%.17g", maxb);
    nrrdKeyValueAdd(ndwi, tenDWMRIBValueKey, valstr);
    for (ii=0; ii<espec->imgNum; ii++) {
        double vec[3];
        sprintf(keystr, tenDWMRIGradKeyFmt, ii);
        ELL_3V_COPY(vec, espec->grad + 3*ii);
        bb = espec->bval[ii];
        /* Thu Dec 20 03:25:20 CST 2012 this rescaling is not, btw,
           what is causing the small discrepency between ngrad before
           and after saving to KVPs */
        ELL_3V_SCALE(vec, sqrt(bb/maxb), vec);
        sprintf(valstr, "%.17g %.17g %.17g", vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]);
        nrrdKeyValueAdd(ndwi, keystr, valstr);
    /* HEY what if its a full B-matrix? */

    return 0;
Exemple #2
******** nrrdKeyValueCopy()
** copies key/value pairs from one nrrd to another
** Existing key/value pairs in nout are blown away
nrrdKeyValueCopy(Nrrd *nout, const Nrrd *nin) {
  char *key, *value;
  unsigned int ki;

  if (!(nout && nin)) {
    /* got NULL pointer */
    return 1;
  if (nout == nin) {
    /* can't satisfy semantics of copying with nout==nin */
    return 2;

  for (ki=0; ki<nin->kvpArr->len; ki++) {
    key = nin->kvp[0 + 2*ki];
    value = nin->kvp[1 + 2*ki];
    if (nrrdKeyValueAdd(nout, key, value)) {
      return 3;

  return 0;
_nrrdReadNrrdParse_keyvalue (FILE *file, Nrrd *nrrd, 
                             NrrdIoState *nio, int useBiff) {
  char me[]="_nrrdReadNrrdParse_keyvalue", err[BIFF_STRLEN];
  char *keysep, *line, *key, *value;

  /* we know this will find something */
  line = airStrdup(nio->line);
  if (!line) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: can't allocate parse line", me);
    biffMaybeAdd(NRRD, err, useBiff); return 1;
  keysep = strstr(line, ":=");
  if (!keysep) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: didn't see \":=\" key/value delimiter in \"%s\"",
            me, line);
    free(line); biffMaybeAdd(NRRD, err, useBiff); return 1;
  keysep[0] = 0;
  keysep[1] = 0;
  key = line;
  value = keysep+2;
  /* convert escape sequences */

  nrrdKeyValueAdd(nrrd, key, value);

  return 0;
Exemple #4
demoIO(char *filename)
  char me[]="demoIO", newname[]="foo.nrrd", *err, *key, *val;
  int kvn, kvi;
  Nrrd *nin;

  /* create a nrrd; at this point this is just an empty container */
  nin = nrrdNew();

  /* read in the nrrd from file */
  if (nrrdLoad(nin, filename, NULL))
    err = biffGetDone(NRRD);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble reading \"%s\":\n%s", me, filename, err);

  /* say something about the array */
  printf("%s: \"%s\" is a %d-dimensional nrrd of type %d (%s)\n",
         me, filename, nin->dim, nin->type,
         airEnumStr(nrrdType, nin->type));
  printf("%s: the array contains %d elements, each %d bytes in size\n",
         me, (int)nrrdElementNumber(nin), (int)nrrdElementSize(nin));

  /* print out the key/value pairs present */
  kvn = nrrdKeyValueSize(nin);
  if (kvn)
    for (kvi=0; kvi<kvn; kvi++)
      nrrdKeyValueIndex(nin, &key, &val, kvi);
      printf("%s: key:value %d = %s:%s\n", me, kvi, key, val);
      key = val = NULL;

  /* modify key/value pairs, and write out the nrrd to a different file */
  nrrdKeyValueAdd(nin, "new key", "precious value");
  if (nrrdSave(newname, nin, NULL))
    err = biffGetDone(NRRD);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble writing \"%s\":\n%s", me, newname, err);

  /* blow away both the Nrrd struct *and* the memory at nin->data
     (nrrdNix() frees the struct but not the data,
     nrrdEmpty() frees the data but not the struct) */

Exemple #5
** little helper function to do pre-blurring of a given nrrd
** of the sort that might be useful for scale-space gage use
** nblur has to already be allocated for "blnum" Nrrd*s, AND, they all
** have to point to valid (possibly empty) Nrrds, so they can hold the
** results of blurring. "scale" is filled with the result of
** scaleCB(d_i), for "dom" evenly-spaced samples d_i between
** scldomMin and scldomMax
gageStackBlur(Nrrd *const nblur[], const double *scale,
              unsigned int blnum,
              const Nrrd *nin, unsigned int baseDim,
              const NrrdKernelSpec *_kspec,
              int boundary, int renormalize, int verbose) {
    char me[]="gageStackBlur", err[BIFF_STRLEN], val[AIR_STRLEN_LARGE],
              keyscl[]="scale", keykern[]="kernel";
    unsigned int blidx, axi;
    NrrdResampleContext *rsmc;
    NrrdKernelSpec *kspec;
    airArray *mop;
    int E;

    if (!(nblur && scale && nin && _kspec)) {
        sprintf(err, "%s: got NULL pointer", me);
        biffAdd(GAGE, err);
        return 1;
    if (!( blnum >= 2)) {
        sprintf(err, "%s: need blnum > 2, not %u", me, blnum);
        biffAdd(GAGE, err);
        return 1;
    for (blidx=0; blidx<blnum; blidx++) {
        if (!AIR_EXISTS(scale[blidx])) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: scale[%u] = %g doesn't exist", me, blidx,
            biffAdd(GAGE, err);
            return 1;
        if (blidx) {
            if (!( scale[blidx-1] < scale[blidx] )) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s: scale[%u] = %g not < scale[%u] = %g", me,
                        blidx, scale[blidx-1], blidx+1, scale[blidx]);
                biffAdd(GAGE, err);
                return 1;
    if (3 + baseDim != nin->dim) {
        sprintf(err, "%s: need nin->dim %u (not %u) with baseDim %u", me,
                3 + baseDim, nin->dim, baseDim);
        biffAdd(GAGE, err);
        return 1;
    if (airEnumValCheck(nrrdBoundary, boundary)) {
        sprintf(err, "%s: %d not a valid %s value", me,
                boundary, nrrdBoundary->name);
        biffAdd(GAGE, err);
        return 1;

    mop = airMopNew();
    kspec = nrrdKernelSpecCopy(_kspec);
    if (!kspec) {
        sprintf(err, "%s: problem copying kernel spec", me);
        biffAdd(GAGE, err);
        return 1;
    airMopAdd(mop, kspec, (airMopper)nrrdKernelSpecNix, airMopAlways);
    /* pre-allocate output Nrrds in case not already there */
    for (blidx=0; blidx<blnum; blidx++) {
        if (!nblur[blidx]) {
            sprintf(err, "%s: got NULL nblur[%u]", me, blidx);
            biffAdd(GAGE, err);
            return 1;
    rsmc = nrrdResampleContextNew();
    airMopAdd(mop, rsmc, (airMopper)nrrdResampleContextNix, airMopAlways);

    E = 0;
    if (!E) E |= nrrdResampleDefaultCenterSet(rsmc, nrrdDefaultCenter);
    if (!E) E |= nrrdResampleNrrdSet(rsmc, nin);
    if (baseDim) {
        unsigned int bai;
        for (bai=0; bai<baseDim; bai++) {
            if (!E) E |= nrrdResampleKernelSet(rsmc, bai, NULL, NULL);
    for (axi=0; axi<3; axi++) {
        if (!E) E |= nrrdResampleSamplesSet(rsmc, baseDim + axi,
                                                nin->axis[baseDim + axi].size);
        if (!E) E |= nrrdResampleRangeFullSet(rsmc, baseDim + axi);
    if (!E) E |= nrrdResampleBoundarySet(rsmc, boundary);
    if (!E) E |= nrrdResampleTypeOutSet(rsmc, nrrdTypeDefault);
    if (!E) E |= nrrdResampleRenormalizeSet(rsmc, renormalize);
    if (E) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble setting up resampling\n", me);
        biffAdd(GAGE, err);
        return 1;
    for (blidx=0; blidx<blnum; blidx++) {
        kspec->parm[0] = scale[blidx];
        for (axi=0; axi<3; axi++) {
            if (!E) E |= nrrdResampleKernelSet(rsmc, baseDim + axi,
                                                   kspec->kernel, kspec->parm);
        if (verbose) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: resampling %u of %u (scale %g) ... ", me, blidx,
                    blnum, scale[blidx]);
        if (!E) E |= nrrdResampleExecute(rsmc, nblur[blidx]);
        if (!E) nrrdKeyValueAdd(nblur[blidx], me, "true");
        sprintf(val, "%g", scale[blidx]);
        if (!E) nrrdKeyValueAdd(nblur[blidx], keyscl, val);
        nrrdKernelSpecSprint(val, kspec);
        if (!E) nrrdKeyValueAdd(nblur[blidx], keykern, val);
        if (E) {
            if (verbose) {
                fprintf(stderr, "problem!\n");
            sprintf(err, "%s: trouble resampling %u of %u (scale %g)",
                    me, blidx, blnum, scale[blidx]);
            biffAdd(GAGE, err);
            return 1;
        if (verbose) {
            fprintf(stderr, "done.\n");

    return 0;