Exemple #1
NRTAPI(NRT_BOOL) nrt_Utils_parseGeographicString(char *dms, int *degrees,
        int *minutes, double *seconds,
        nrt_Error * error)
    int degreeOffset = 0;
    int len = strlen(dms);
    char dir;

    char d[4];
    char m[3];
    char s[3];

    /* ddmmssX or dddmmssY */
    if (len == 7)
        degreeOffset = 2;
    else if (len == 8)
        degreeOffset = 3;
        nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER,
                        "Invalid decimal string: %s. Should be ddmmssX or dddmmssY",
        return NRT_FAILURE;
    dir = dms[len - 1];
    if (dir != 'N' && dir != 'S' && dir != 'E' && dir != 'W')
        nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER,
                        "Invalid direction: %s. Should be [NSEW]", dms);
        return NRT_FAILURE;

    /* Now replace all spaces */
    nrt_Utils_replace(dms, ' ', '0');

    /* Now get the corners out as geographic coords */
    d[degreeOffset] = 0;
    memcpy(d, dms, degreeOffset);

    memcpy(m, &dms[degreeOffset], 2);
    m[2] = 0;

    memcpy(s, &dms[degreeOffset + 2], 2);
    s[2] = 0;

    *degrees = NRT_ATO32(d);
    *minutes = NRT_ATO32(m);
    *seconds = (double) NRT_ATO32(s);

    if ((degreeOffset == 2 && dir == 'S') || (degreeOffset == 3 && dir == 'W'))
        *degrees *= -1;

    return NRT_SUCCESS;
Exemple #2
NRTAPI(NRT_BOOL) nrt_Utils_parseDecimalString(char *d, double *decimal,
        nrt_Error * error)
    /* +-dd.ddd or += ddd.ddd */
    int degreeOffset = 0;
    int len = strlen(d);
    char sign = d[0];
    if (len == 7)
        degreeOffset = 2;
    else if (len == 8)
        degreeOffset = 3;
        nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER,
                        "Invalid decimal string: '%s'. Should be +-dd.ddd or +-ddd.ddd",
        return NRT_FAILURE;
    /* Now replace all spaces */
    nrt_Utils_replace(d, ' ', '0');
    *decimal = atof(&(d[1]));

    if (sign == '-')
        *decimal *= -1;

    return NRT_SUCCESS;
Exemple #3
NRTPROT(int) nrt_IntStack_pop(nrt_IntStack * stack, nrt_Error * error)
    if ((stack->sp >= 0) && (stack->sp < NRT_INT_STACK_DEPTH))
        return stack->st[(stack->sp)--];
    /* This return value is nonsense.  We need to */
    nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_INT_STACK_OVERFLOW,
                    "Stack pointing at depth: %d", stack->sp);
    return 2147483647;
Exemple #4
NRTPROT(int) nrt_IntStack_push(nrt_IntStack * stack, int n, nrt_Error * error)
    /* TODO: See above */
    if ((stack->sp >= -1) && (stack->sp < NRT_INT_STACK_DEPTH - 1))
        stack->st[++(stack->sp)] = n;
        return 1;

    nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_INT_STACK_OVERFLOW,
                    "Stack pointing at depth: %d", stack->sp);
    return 0;
Exemple #5
NRTPROT(int) nrt_IntStack_top(nrt_IntStack * stack, nrt_Error * error)
    /* TODO: Someone should rewrite this class to not be so quirky */
    /* It is inconsistent with the rest of the library */
    if ((stack->sp >= 0) && (stack->sp < NRT_INT_STACK_DEPTH))
        return stack->st[stack->sp];

    nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_INT_STACK_OVERFLOW,
                    "Stack pointing at depth: %d", stack->sp);
    return 0;
Exemple #6
NRTAPI(nrt_DateTime *) nrt_DateTime_fromString(const char *string,
                                               const char *format,
                                               nrt_Error * error)
    struct tm t;
    nrt_DateTime *dateTime = NULL;
    double millis = 0.0;

    /* NOTE: _NRT_strptime() does not use the tm_isdst flag at all. */
    t.tm_isdst = -1;

    if (!_NRT_strptime(string, format, &t, &millis))
        nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT,
                        "Unknown error caused by the call to strptime with string [%s] and format string [%s]",
                        string, format);
        return NULL;

    /* Create a DateTime object */
    dateTime = (nrt_DateTime *) NRT_MALLOC(sizeof(nrt_DateTime));
    if (!dateTime)
        nrt_Error_init(error, NRT_STRERROR(NRT_ERRNO), NRT_CTXT,
        return NULL;

    /* Initialize it from the tm struct
     * TODO: Update _NRT_strptime() to just use a DateTime directly */
    dateTime->year = t.tm_year + 1900;

    /* 0-based so add 1 */
    dateTime->month = t.tm_mon + 1;
    dateTime->dayOfMonth = t.tm_mday;
    dateTime->dayOfWeek = t.tm_wday + 1;
    dateTime->dayOfYear = t.tm_yday + 1;
    dateTime->hour = t.tm_hour;
    dateTime->minute = t.tm_min;
    dateTime->second = t.tm_sec + millis / 1000.0;

    /* Compute the # of milliseconds */
    if (!nrt_DateTime_updateMillis(dateTime, error))
        return NULL;

    return dateTime;
Exemple #7
NRTAPI(nrt_Off) nrt_IOHandle_getSize(nrt_IOHandle handle, nrt_Error * error)
    DWORD ret;
    DWORD highOff;
    nrt_Uint64 off;
    ret = GetFileSize(handle, &highOff);
    if ((ret == -1))
        nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_STAT_FILE,
                        "GetFileSize failed with error [%d]", GetLastError());
        return (nrt_Off) - 1;

    off = (nrt_Uint64)highOff;
    return (nrt_Off)((off << 32) + ret);
Exemple #8
NRTAPI(nrt_Off) nrt_IOHandle_seek(nrt_IOHandle handle, nrt_Off offset,
                                  int whence, nrt_Error * error)
    LARGE_INTEGER largeInt;
    int lastError;
    largeInt.QuadPart = offset;
    largeInt.LowPart =
        SetFilePointer(handle, largeInt.LowPart, &largeInt.HighPart, whence);

    lastError = GetLastError();
    if ((largeInt.LowPart == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER)
        && (lastError != NO_ERROR))
        nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_SEEKING_IN_FILE,
                        "SetFilePointer failed with error [%d]", lastError);
        return (nrt_Off) - 1;
    return (nrt_Off) largeInt.QuadPart;
Exemple #9
NRTAPI(nrt_List *) nrt_List_clone(nrt_List * source, NRT_DATA_ITEM_CLONE cloner,
                                  nrt_Error * error)
    nrt_List *l = NULL;
    if (source)
        nrt_ListIterator iter = nrt_List_begin(source);
        nrt_ListIterator end = nrt_List_end(source);
        l = nrt_List_construct(error);
        if (!l)
            return NULL;

        while (nrt_ListIterator_notEqualTo(&iter, &end))

            /* Foreach item in each list... */
            NRT_DATA *data = nrt_ListIterator_get(&iter);

            /* Use the function pointer to clone the object...  */
            NRT_DATA *newData = (NRT_DATA *) cloner(data, error);
            if (!newData)
                return NULL;

            /* ... and then insert it with the key into the new table */
            if (!nrt_List_pushBack(l, newData, error))
                /* destruct the created list. NOTE - there is no way for us to
                 * destroy the NRT_DATA* chunks that have already been cloned */
                return NULL;

        nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT,
                        "Trying to clone NULL pointer");

    return l;
Exemple #10
NRTAPI(NRT_BOOL) nrt_DateTime_formatMillis(double millis, const char *format,
                                           char *outBuf, size_t maxSize,
                                           nrt_Error * error)
    time_t timeInSeconds;
    double fractSeconds;
    struct tm t;
    char *newFmtString = NULL;
    const char *endString = NULL;
    size_t begStringLen = 0;
    size_t formatLength;
    size_t startIndex = 0;
    size_t i, j;
    NRT_BOOL found = 0;

    timeInSeconds = (time_t) (millis / 1000);
    t = *gmtime(&timeInSeconds);
    fractSeconds = (millis / 1000.0) - timeInSeconds;

    /* Search for "%...S" string */
    formatLength = strlen(format);
    for (i = 0; i < formatLength && !found; ++i)
        if (format[i] == '%')
            startIndex = i;
            for (j = startIndex + 1; j < formatLength; ++j)
                if (format[j] == '%')

                if (format[j] == 'S')
                    found = 1;
                    formatLength = j - startIndex + 1;
                    begStringLen = startIndex;
                    endString = format + j + 1;

    /* If we found a "%...S" string, parse it */
    /* to find out how many decimal places to use */
    if (found)
        int decimalPlaces = 0;

        /* Figure out how many decimal places we need... */
        for (i = startIndex + 1; i < startIndex + (formatLength - 1); ++i)
            if (format[i] == '.')
                /* The digits that follow should be */
                /* the number of decimal places */
                sscanf(format + i + 1, "%d", &decimalPlaces);

        if (decimalPlaces > 0)
            char buf[256];
            size_t newFmtLen = 0;
            size_t bufIdx = 0;
            size_t endStringLen = endString ? strlen(endString) : 0;

            newFmtLen = begStringLen + 1;
            newFmtString = (char *) NRT_MALLOC(newFmtLen);
            if (!newFmtString)
                nrt_Error_init(error, NRT_STRERROR(NRT_ERRNO), NRT_CTXT,
                goto CATCH_ERROR;
            memset(newFmtString, 0, newFmtLen);

            if (begStringLen > 0)
                /* do the first part of the format */
                strncpy(newFmtString, format, begStringLen);

                if (strftime(outBuf, maxSize, newFmtString, &t) == 0)
                    nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT,
                                    "Unknown error caused by the call to strftime with format string: [%s]",
                    goto CATCH_ERROR;
                bufIdx = strlen(outBuf);

            /* do the seconds - separately */
            memset(buf, 0, 256);
            if (strftime(buf, 256, "%S", &t) == 0)
                nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT,
                                "Unknown error caused by the call to strftime with format string: [%s]",
                goto CATCH_ERROR;

            if (strlen(buf) + bufIdx + 1 > maxSize)
                nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT,
                                "Format string will cause buffer to overflow: [%s]",
                goto CATCH_ERROR;

            /* tack it on the end */
            strcpy(outBuf + bufIdx, buf);
            bufIdx = strlen(outBuf);

            memset(buf, 0, 256);
            NRT_SNPRINTF(buf, 256, "%.*f", decimalPlaces, fractSeconds);

            if (strlen(buf) + bufIdx + 1 > maxSize)
                nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT,
                                "Format string will cause buffer to overflow: [%s]",
                goto CATCH_ERROR;

            /* tack on the fractional seconds - spare the leading 0 */
            strcpy(outBuf + bufIdx, buf + 1);
            bufIdx = strlen(outBuf);

            if (endStringLen > 0)
                /* tack on the end part */
                memset(buf, 0, 256);
                if (strftime(buf, 256, endString, &t) == 0)
                    nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT,
                                    "Unknown error caused by the call to strftime with format string: [%s]",
                    goto CATCH_ERROR;

                if (strlen(buf) + bufIdx + 1 > maxSize)
                    nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT,
                                    "Format string will cause buffer to overflow: [%s]",
                    goto CATCH_ERROR;
                strcpy(outBuf + bufIdx, buf);

    if (newFmtString == NULL)
        if (strftime
            (outBuf, maxSize, newFmtString != NULL ? newFmtString : format,
             &t) == 0)
            nrt_Error_initf(error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT,
                            "Unknown error caused by the call to strftime with format string: [%s]",
                            newFmtString != NULL ? newFmtString : format);
            goto CATCH_ERROR;

    return NRT_SUCCESS;

    if (newFmtString)

    return NRT_FAILURE;
Exemple #11
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int rc = 0;
    int argIt = 0;
    char *inName = NULL, *outName = NULL;
    nrt_Error error;
    j2k_Component *component = NULL;
    j2k_Container *container = NULL;
    j2k_Writer *writer = NULL;
    j2k_WriterOptions options;
    char *buf = NULL;
    nrt_Uint64 bufSize;
    nrt_IOInterface *outIO = NULL;
    nrt_Uint32 width, height, precision, tileWidth, tileHeight;

    for (argIt = 1; argIt < argc; ++argIt)
        if (!inName)
            inName = argv[argIt];
        else if (!outName)
            outName = argv[argIt];

    /* hardcoded for now... */
    width = 128;
    height = 128;
    precision = 8;
    tileWidth = width;
    tileHeight = height;

    if (!inName || !outName)
        nrt_Error_initf(&error, NRT_CTXT, NRT_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT,
                        "Usage: %s <raw-input> <output-j2k>", argv[0]);
        goto CATCH_ERROR;

    if (!(component = j2k_Component_construct(width, height, precision,
                                              0, 0, 0, 1, 1, &error)))
        goto CATCH_ERROR;

    if (!(container = j2k_Container_construct(width,
        goto CATCH_ERROR;

    memset(&options, 0, sizeof(j2k_WriterOptions));
    /* TODO set some options here */

    if (!(writer = j2k_Writer_construct(container, &options, &error)))
        goto CATCH_ERROR;

    if (!readFile(inName, &buf, &bufSize, &error))
        goto CATCH_ERROR;

    if (!j2k_Writer_setTile(writer, 0, 0, (nrt_Uint8*)buf,
                            (nrt_Uint32)bufSize, &error))
        goto CATCH_ERROR;

    if (!(outIO = nrt_IOHandleAdapter_open(outName, NRT_ACCESS_WRITEONLY,
                                           NRT_CREATE, &error)))
        goto CATCH_ERROR;

    if (!j2k_Writer_write(writer, outIO, &error))
        goto CATCH_ERROR;

    goto CLEANUP;

        nrt_Error_print(&error, stdout, "Exiting...");
        rc = 1;
        if (container)
        if (writer)
        if (buf)
        if (outIO)
    return rc;
