void addr_debug_print(int verbose, const ioa_addr *addr, const s08bits* s) { if (verbose) { if (!addr) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "%s: EMPTY\n", s); } else { s08bits addrbuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; if (!s) s = ""; if (addr->ss.sa_family == AF_INET) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "IPv4. %s: %s:%d\n", s, inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr->s4.sin_addr, addrbuf, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN), nswap16(addr->s4.sin_port)); } else if (addr->ss.sa_family == AF_INET6) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "IPv6. %s: %s:%d\n", s, inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &addr->s6.sin6_addr, addrbuf, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN), nswap16(addr->s6.sin6_port)); } else { if (addr_any_no_port(addr)) { TURN_LOG_FUNC( TURN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "IP. %s:\n", s, nswap16(addr->s4.sin_port)); } else { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "%s: wrong IP address family: %d\n", s, (int) (addr->ss.sa_family)); } } } } }
int main(int argc, const char **argv) { int res = -1; UNUSED_ARG(argc); UNUSED_ARG(argv); if(argc>1) print_extra = 1; set_logfile("stdout"); set_system_parameters(0); { const unsigned char reqstc[] = "\x00\x01\x00\x58" "\x21\x12\xa4\x42" "\xb7\xe7\xa7\x01\xbc\x34\xd6\x86\xfa\x87\xdf\xae" "\x80\x22\x00\x10" "STUN test client" "\x00\x24\x00\x04" "\x6e\x00\x01\xff" "\x80\x29\x00\x08" "\x93\x2f\xf9\xb1\x51\x26\x3b\x36" "\x00\x06\x00\x09" "\x65\x76\x74\x6a\x3a\x68\x36\x76\x59\x20\x20\x20" "\x00\x08\x00\x14" "\x9a\xea\xa7\x0c\xbf\xd8\xcb\x56\x78\x1e\xf2\xb5" "\xb2\xd3\xf2\x49\xc1\xb5\x71\xa2" "\x80\x28\x00\x04" "\xe5\x7a\x3b\xcf"; u08bits buf[sizeof(reqstc)]; memcpy(buf, reqstc, sizeof(reqstc)); {//fingerprintfs etc res = stun_is_command_message_full_check_str(buf, sizeof(reqstc) - 1, 1, NULL); printf("RFC 5769 message fingerprint test(0) result: "); if (res) { printf("success\n"); } else if (res == 0) { printf("failure on fingerprint(0) check\n"); exit(-1); } } {//short-term credentials u08bits uname[33]; u08bits realm[33]; u08bits upwd[33]; strcpy((char*) upwd, "VOkJxbRl1RmTxUk/WvJxBt"); res = stun_check_message_integrity_str(TURN_CREDENTIALS_SHORT_TERM, buf, sizeof(reqstc) - 1, uname, realm, upwd, shatype); printf("RFC 5769 simple request short-term credentials and integrity test result: "); if (res > 0) { printf("success\n"); } else if (res == 0) { printf("failure on integrity check\n"); exit(-1); } else { printf("failure on message structure check\n"); exit(-1); } } {//negative fingerprint buf[27] = 23; res = stun_is_command_message_full_check_str(buf, sizeof(reqstc) - 1, 1, NULL); printf("RFC 5769 NEGATIVE fingerprint test(0) result: "); if (!res) { printf("success\n"); } else if (res == 0) { printf("failure on NEGATIVE fingerprint check\n"); exit(-1); } } } { const unsigned char reqltc[] = "\x00\x01\x00\x60" "\x21\x12\xa4\x42" "\x78\xad\x34\x33\xc6\xad\x72\xc0\x29\xda\x41\x2e" "\x00\x06\x00\x12" "\xe3\x83\x9e\xe3\x83\x88\xe3\x83\xaa\xe3\x83\x83" "\xe3\x82\xaf\xe3\x82\xb9\x00\x00" "\x00\x15\x00\x1c" "\x66\x2f\x2f\x34\x39\x39\x6b\x39\x35\x34\x64\x36" "\x4f\x4c\x33\x34\x6f\x4c\x39\x46\x53\x54\x76\x79" "\x36\x34\x73\x41" "\x00\x14\x00\x0b" "\x65\x78\x61\x6d\x70\x6c\x65\x2e\x6f\x72\x67\x00" "\x00\x08\x00\x14" "\xf6\x70\x24\x65\x6d\xd6\x4a\x3e\x02\xb8\xe0\x71" "\x2e\x85\xc9\xa2\x8c\xa8\x96\x66"; u08bits user[] = "\xe3\x83\x9e\xe3\x83\x88\xe3\x83\xaa\xe3\x83\x83" "\xe3\x82\xaf\xe3\x82\xb9"; u08bits realm[33]; u08bits nonce[29]; u08bits upwd[33]; u08bits buf[sizeof(reqltc)]; memcpy(buf, reqltc, sizeof(reqltc)); u08bits uname[sizeof(user)]; memcpy(uname, user, sizeof(user)); strcpy((char*) realm, "example.org"); strcpy((char*) upwd, "TheMatrIX"); strcpy((char*)nonce,"f//499k954d6OL34oL9FSTvy64sA"); res = stun_check_message_integrity_str(TURN_CREDENTIALS_LONG_TERM, buf, sizeof(reqltc) - 1, uname, realm, upwd, shatype); printf("RFC 5769 message structure, long-term credentials and integrity test result: "); if (res > 0) { printf("success\n"); } else if (res == 0) { printf("failure on integrity check\n"); exit(-1); } else { printf("failure on message structure check\n"); exit(-1); } { //encoding test printf("RFC 5769 message encoding test result: "); size_t len = 0; u16bits message_type = STUN_METHOD_BINDING; stun_tid tid; u16bits *buf16 = (u16bits*)buf; u32bits *buf32 = (u32bits*)buf; memcpy(tid.tsx_id,"\x78\xad\x34\x33\xc6\xad\x72\xc0\x29\xda\x41\x2e",12); stun_init_buffer_str(buf,&len); message_type &= (u16bits)(0x3FFF); buf16[0]=nswap16(message_type); buf16[1]=0; buf32[1]=nswap32(STUN_MAGIC_COOKIE); stun_tid_message_cpy(buf, &tid); stun_attr_add_integrity_by_user_str(buf, &len, uname, realm, upwd, nonce, shatype); if(len != (sizeof(reqltc)-1)) { printf("failure: length %d, must be %d\n",(int)len,(int)(sizeof(reqltc)-1)); exit(-1); } if(memcmp(buf,reqltc,len)) { printf("failure: wrong message content\n"); { int lines = 29; int line = 0; int col = 0; int cols = 4; for(line = 0;line<lines;line++) { for(col = 0; col<cols; col++) { u08bits c = buf[line*4+col]; printf(" %2x",(int)c); } printf("\n"); } } exit(-1); } printf("success\n"); } //Negative test: buf[32] = 10; res = stun_check_message_integrity_str(TURN_CREDENTIALS_LONG_TERM, buf, sizeof(reqltc) - 1, uname, realm, upwd, shatype); printf("RFC 5769 NEGATIVE long-term credentials test result: "); if (res == 0) { printf("success\n"); } else { printf("failure on NEGATIVE long-term credentials check\n"); exit(-1); } } { const unsigned char respv4[] = "\x01\x01\x00\x3c" "\x21\x12\xa4\x42" "\xb7\xe7\xa7\x01\xbc\x34\xd6\x86\xfa\x87\xdf\xae" "\x80\x22\x00\x0b" "\x74\x65\x73\x74\x20\x76\x65\x63\x74\x6f\x72\x20" "\x00\x20\x00\x08" "\x00\x01\xa1\x47\xe1\x12\xa6\x43" "\x00\x08\x00\x14" "\x2b\x91\xf5\x99\xfd\x9e\x90\xc3\x8c\x74\x89\xf9" "\x2a\xf9\xba\x53\xf0\x6b\xe7\xd7" "\x80\x28\x00\x04" "\xc0\x7d\x4c\x96"; u08bits buf[sizeof(respv4)]; memcpy(buf, respv4, sizeof(respv4)); {//fingerprintfs etc res = stun_is_command_message_full_check_str(buf, sizeof(respv4) - 1, 1, NULL); printf("RFC 5769 message fingerprint test(1) result: "); if (res) { printf("success\n"); } else if (res == 0) { printf("failure on fingerprint(1) check\n"); exit(-1); } } {//short-term credentials u08bits uname[33]; u08bits realm[33]; u08bits upwd[33]; strcpy((char*) upwd, "VOkJxbRl1RmTxUk/WvJxBt"); res = stun_check_message_integrity_str(TURN_CREDENTIALS_SHORT_TERM, buf, sizeof(respv4) - 1, uname, realm, upwd, shatype); printf("RFC 5769 IPv4 response short-term credentials and integrity test result: "); if (res > 0) { printf("success\n"); } else if (res == 0) { printf("failure on integrity check\n"); exit(-1); } else { printf("failure on message structure check\n"); exit(-1); } } {//negative fingerprint buf[27] = 23; res = stun_is_command_message_full_check_str(buf, sizeof(respv4) - 1, 1, NULL); printf("RFC 5769 NEGATIVE fingerprint test(1) result: "); if (!res) { printf("success\n"); } else if (res == 0) { printf("failure on NEGATIVE fingerprint check\n"); exit(-1); } } {//IPv4 addr ioa_addr addr4; ioa_addr addr4_test; printf("RFC 5769 IPv4 encoding result: "); res = stun_attr_get_first_addr_str(buf, sizeof(respv4)-1, STUN_ATTRIBUTE_XOR_MAPPED_ADDRESS, &addr4, NULL); if(res < 0) { printf("failure on message structure check\n"); exit(-1); } make_ioa_addr((const u08bits*)"", 32853, &addr4_test); if(addr_eq(&addr4,&addr4_test)) { printf("success\n"); } else { printf("failure on IPv4 deconding check\n"); exit(-1); } } } { const unsigned char respv6[] = "\x01\x01\x00\x48" "\x21\x12\xa4\x42" "\xb7\xe7\xa7\x01\xbc\x34\xd6\x86\xfa\x87\xdf\xae" "\x80\x22\x00\x0b" "\x74\x65\x73\x74\x20\x76\x65\x63\x74\x6f\x72\x20" "\x00\x20\x00\x14" "\x00\x02\xa1\x47" "\x01\x13\xa9\xfa\xa5\xd3\xf1\x79" "\xbc\x25\xf4\xb5\xbe\xd2\xb9\xd9" "\x00\x08\x00\x14" "\xa3\x82\x95\x4e\x4b\xe6\x7b\xf1\x17\x84\xc9\x7c" "\x82\x92\xc2\x75\xbf\xe3\xed\x41" "\x80\x28\x00\x04" "\xc8\xfb\x0b\x4c"; u08bits buf[sizeof(respv6)]; { //decoding test memcpy(buf, respv6, sizeof(respv6)); res = stun_is_command_message_full_check_str(buf, sizeof(respv6) - 1, 1, NULL); printf("RFC 5769 message fingerprint test(2) result: "); if (res) { printf("success\n"); } else if (res == 0) { printf("failure on fingerprint(2) check\n"); exit(-1); } } {//short-term credentials test u08bits uname[33]; u08bits realm[33]; u08bits upwd[33]; strcpy((char*) upwd, "VOkJxbRl1RmTxUk/WvJxBt"); res = stun_check_message_integrity_str(TURN_CREDENTIALS_SHORT_TERM, buf, sizeof(respv6) - 1, uname, realm, upwd, shatype); printf("RFC 5769 IPv6 response short-term credentials and integrity test result: "); if (res > 0) { printf("success\n"); } else if (res == 0) { printf("failure on integrity check\n"); exit(-1); } else { printf("failure on message structure check\n"); exit(-1); } } {//negative decoding test buf[27] = 23; res = stun_is_command_message_full_check_str(buf, sizeof(respv6) - 1, 1, NULL); printf("RFC 5769 NEGATIVE fingerprint test(2) result: "); if (!res) { printf("success\n"); } else if (res == 0) { printf("failure on NEGATIVE fingerprint check\n"); exit(-1); } } {//IPv6 deconding test ioa_addr addr6; ioa_addr addr6_test; printf("RFC 5769 IPv6 encoding result: "); res = stun_attr_get_first_addr_str(buf, sizeof(respv6) - 1, STUN_ATTRIBUTE_XOR_MAPPED_ADDRESS, &addr6, NULL); if (res < 0) { printf("failure on message structure check\n"); exit(-1); } make_ioa_addr((const u08bits*) "2001:db8:1234:5678:11:2233:4455:6677", 32853, &addr6_test); if (addr_eq(&addr6, &addr6_test)) { printf("success\n"); } else { printf("failure on IPv6 deconding check\n"); exit(-1); } } } { if(check_oauth()<0) exit(-1); } return 0; }