int luasofia_nta_agent_create(lua_State * L)
    luasofia_su_root_t *lroot = NULL;
    url_string_t * contact = NULL;
    luasofia_nta_agent_t* u_nta_agent = NULL;
    su_home_t *home = su_home_create();
    tagi_t *tags = NULL;

    /* get and check first argument (should be a root_t) */
    lroot = (luasofia_su_root_t*)luaL_checkudata(L, -4, SU_ROOT_MTABLE);

    if(lua_isuserdata (L, -3)) {
        //Since there is no metatable for url_t or url_string_t we cant perform a checkudata here.
        contact = (url_string_t *) lua_touserdata (L, -3);
    } else {
        contact = URL_STRING_MAKE(luaL_checkstring (L, -3));

    /* check the callback function */
    if(!lua_isfunction(L, -2))
        luaL_error(L, "nta_agent_create failed!, expected a callback function !");

    /* check if there is tags */
    tags = luasofia_tags_table_to_taglist(L, -1, home);

    u_nta_agent           = (luasofia_nta_agent_t *) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(luasofia_nta_agent_t));
    u_nta_agent->L        = L;
    u_nta_agent->agent    = nta_agent_create (lroot->root,
                                              (url_string_t const *)contact,
                                              (nta_agent_magic_t *)u_nta_agent,

    // lets hold the ref to the lua callback function.
    lua_pushvalue(L, -3);
    u_nta_agent->callback_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);

    if (!u_nta_agent->agent)
        luaL_error(L, "nta_agent_create failed!");

    /* set its metatable */
    luaL_getmetatable(L, NTA_AGENT_MTABLE);
    lua_setmetatable(L, -2);

    /* store nta_agent at luasofia userdata table 
       userdata_table[nta_agent_lightudata] = nta_agent_fulludata */
    luasofia_userdata_table_set(L, u_nta_agent->agent);

    return 1;
int nua_stack_init(su_root_t *root, nua_t *nua)
  su_home_t *home;
  nua_handle_t *dnh;

  static int initialized_logs = 0;


  if (!initialized_logs) {
    extern su_log_t tport_log[];
    extern su_log_t nta_log[];
    extern su_log_t nea_log[];
    extern su_log_t iptsec_log[];


    initialized_logs = 1;

  nua->nua_root = root;

  home = nua->nua_home;
  nua->nua_handles_tail = &nua->nua_handles;

  dnh = su_home_clone(nua->nua_home, sizeof (*dnh) + sizeof(*dnh->nh_prefs));
  if (!dnh)
    return -1;

  dnh->nh_prefs = (void *)(dnh + 1);
  dnh->nh_valid = nua_valid_handle_cookie;
  dnh->nh_nua = nua;
  nua_handle_ref(dnh); dnh->nh_ref_by_stack = 1;
  nua_handle_ref(dnh); dnh->nh_ref_by_user = 1;
  nh_append(nua, dnh);
  dnh->nh_identity = dnh;
  dnh->nh_ds->ds_local = nua->nua_from;
  dnh->nh_ds->ds_remote = nua->nua_from;

  if (nua_stack_set_defaults(dnh, dnh->nh_prefs) < 0)
    return -1;

  if (nua_stack_set_params(nua, dnh, nua_i_none, nua->nua_args) < 0)
    return -1;

  /* XXX - soa should know what it supports */
  nua->nua_invite_accept = sip_accept_make(home, SDP_MIME_TYPE);

  nua->nua_accept_multipart = sip_accept_format(home, "%s, %s",

  nua->nua_nta = nta_agent_create(root, NONE, NULL, NULL,

  dnh->nh_ds->ds_leg = nta_leg_tcreate(nua->nua_nta,
				       nua_stack_process_request, dnh,

  if (nua->nua_nta == NULL ||
      dnh->nh_ds->ds_leg == NULL ||
      nta_agent_set_params(nua->nua_nta, NTATAG_UA(1), TAG_END()) < 0 ||
      nua_stack_init_transport(nua, nua->nua_args) < 0) {
    SU_DEBUG_1(("nua: initializing SIP stack failed\n"));
    return -1;

  if (nua_stack_set_from(nua, 1, nua->nua_args) < 0)
    return -1;

  if (nua->nua_prefs->ngp_detect_network_updates)

  return 0;
    void DrachtioController::run() {
        if( m_bDaemonize ) {
            daemonize() ;

		/* now we can initialize logging */
		m_logger.reset( this->createLogger() );
		this->logConfig() ;

        DR_LOG(log_debug) << "Main thread id: " << boost::this_thread::get_id() << endl ;

       /* open stats connection */
        string adminAddress ;
        unsigned int adminPort = m_Config->getAdminPort( adminAddress ) ;
        if( 0 != adminPort ) {
            m_pClientController.reset( new ClientController( this, adminAddress, adminPort )) ;

        string url ;
        m_Config->getSipUrl( url ) ;
        DR_LOG(log_notice) << "starting sip stack on " << url << endl ;
        int rv = su_init() ;
        if( rv < 0 ) {
            DR_LOG(log_error) << "Error calling su_init: " << rv << endl ;
            return ;
        m_root = su_root_create( NULL ) ;
        if( NULL == m_root ) {
            DR_LOG(log_error) << "Error calling su_root_create: " << endl ;
            return  ;
        m_home = su_home_create() ;
        if( NULL == m_home ) {
            DR_LOG(log_error) << "Error calling su_home_create" << endl ;
        su_log_redirect(NULL, __sofiasip_logger_func, NULL);
        /* for now set logging to full debug */
        su_log_set_level(NULL, m_Config->getSofiaLogLevel() ) ;
        setenv("TPORT_LOG", "1", 1) ;
        /* this causes su_clone_start to start a new thread */
        su_root_threading( m_root, 0 ) ;
        rv = su_clone_start( m_root, m_clone, this, clone_init, clone_destroy ) ;
        if( rv < 0 ) {
           DR_LOG(log_error) << "Error calling su_clone_start" << endl ;
           return  ;
        /* enable extended headers */
        if (sip_update_default_mclass(sip_extend_mclass(NULL)) < 0) {
            DR_LOG(log_error) << "Error calling sip_update_default_mclass" << endl ;
            return  ;
         /* create our agent */
        char str[URL_MAXLEN] ;
        memset(str, 0, URL_MAXLEN) ;
        strncpy( str, url.c_str(), url.length() ) ;
		m_nta = nta_agent_create( m_root,
                                 URL_STRING_MAKE(str),               /* our contact address */
                                 NULL,         /* no callback function */
                                 NULL,                  /* therefore no context */
                                 TAG_END() ) ;
        if( NULL == m_nta ) {
            DR_LOG(log_error) << "Error calling nta_agent_create" << endl ;
            return ;
        m_defaultLeg = nta_leg_tcreate(m_nta, defaultLegCallback, this,
        if( NULL == m_defaultLeg ) {
            DR_LOG(log_error) << "Error creating default leg" << endl ;
            return ;
        /* save my contact url, via, etc */
        m_my_contact = nta_agent_contact( m_nta ) ;
        ostringstream s ;
        s << "SIP/2.0/UDP " <<  m_my_contact->m_url[0].url_host ;
        if( m_my_contact->m_url[0].url_port ) s << ":" <<  m_my_contact->m_url[0].url_port  ;
        m_my_via.assign( s.str().c_str(), s.str().length() ) ;
        DR_LOG(log_debug) << "My via header: " << m_my_via << endl ;

        m_pDialogController = boost::make_shared<SipDialogController>( this, &m_clone ) ;
        /* sofia event loop */
        DR_LOG(log_notice) << "Starting sofia event loop in main thread: " <<  boost::this_thread::get_id() << endl ;

        /* start a timer */
        m_timer = su_timer_create( su_root_task(m_root), 30000) ;
        su_timer_set_for_ever(m_timer, watchdogTimerHandler, this) ;
        su_root_run( m_root ) ;
        DR_LOG(log_notice) << "Sofia event loop ended" << endl ;
        su_root_destroy( m_root ) ;
        m_root = NULL ;
        su_home_unref( m_home ) ;
        su_deinit() ;

        this->deinitializeLogging() ;
