Exemple #1
/* cash_words()
 * This converts a int4 as well but to a representation using words
 * Obviously way North American centric - sorry
    Cash		value = PG_GETARG_CASH(0);
    unsigned int val;
    char		buf[256];
    char	   *p = buf;
    Cash		m0;
    Cash		m1;
    Cash		m2;
    Cash		m3;
    text	   *result;

    /* work with positive numbers */
    if (value < 0)
        value = -value;
        strcpy(buf, "minus ");
        p += 6;
        buf[0] = '\0';

    /* Now treat as unsigned, to avoid trouble at INT_MIN */
    val = (unsigned int) value;

    m0 = val % 100;				/* cents */
    m1 = (val / 100) % 1000;	/* hundreds */
    m2 = (val / 100000) % 1000; /* thousands */
    m3 = val / 100000000 % 1000;	/* millions */

    if (m3)
        strcat(buf, num_word(m3));
        strcat(buf, " million ");

    if (m2)
        strcat(buf, num_word(m2));
        strcat(buf, " thousand ");

    if (m1)
        strcat(buf, num_word(m1));

    if (!*p)
        strcat(buf, "zero");

    strcat(buf, (val / 100) == 1 ? " dollar and " : " dollars and ");
    strcat(buf, num_word(m0));
    strcat(buf, m0 == 1 ? " cent" : " cents");

    /* capitalize output */
    buf[0] = toupper((unsigned char) buf[0]);

    /* make a text type for output */
    result = (text *) palloc(strlen(buf) + VARHDRSZ);
    VARATT_SIZEP(result) = strlen(buf) + VARHDRSZ;
    memcpy(VARDATA(result), buf, strlen(buf));

Exemple #2
/* cash_words()
 * This converts an int4 as well but to a representation using words
 * Obviously way North American centric - sorry
	Cash		value = PG_GETARG_CASH(0);
	uint64		val;
	char		buf[256];
	char	   *p = buf;
	Cash		m0;
	Cash		m1;
	Cash		m2;
	Cash		m3;
	Cash		m4;
	Cash		m5;
	Cash		m6;

	/* work with positive numbers */
	if (value < 0)
		value = -value;
		strcpy(buf, "minus ");
		p += 6;
		buf[0] = '\0';

	/* Now treat as unsigned, to avoid trouble at INT_MIN */
	val = (uint64) value;

	m0 = val % INT64CONST(100); /* cents */
	m1 = (val / INT64CONST(100)) % 1000;	/* hundreds */
	m2 = (val / INT64CONST(100000)) % 1000; /* thousands */
	m3 = (val / INT64CONST(100000000)) % 1000;	/* millions */
	m4 = (val / INT64CONST(100000000000)) % 1000;	/* billions */
	m5 = (val / INT64CONST(100000000000000)) % 1000;	/* trillions */
	m6 = (val / INT64CONST(100000000000000000)) % 1000; /* quadrillions */

	if (m6)
		strcat(buf, num_word(m6));
		strcat(buf, " quadrillion ");

	if (m5)
		strcat(buf, num_word(m5));
		strcat(buf, " trillion ");

	if (m4)
		strcat(buf, num_word(m4));
		strcat(buf, " billion ");

	if (m3)
		strcat(buf, num_word(m3));
		strcat(buf, " million ");

	if (m2)
		strcat(buf, num_word(m2));
		strcat(buf, " thousand ");

	if (m1)
		strcat(buf, num_word(m1));

	if (!*p)
		strcat(buf, "zero");

	strcat(buf, (val / 100) == 1 ? " dollar and " : " dollars and ");
	strcat(buf, num_word(m0));
	strcat(buf, m0 == 1 ? " cent" : " cents");

	/* capitalize output */
	buf[0] = pg_toupper((unsigned char) buf[0]);

	/* return as text datum */