 * @brief DataIO::open_for_reading load frame from file into dataset
 * @return A Dataset object ready for use
Dataset DataIO::open_for_reading(){
    file.open(filename, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
    // read header
    uint8_t header[1+1+1+8+8]; // magic cookie, proto version, data mask, number of frames, frame-length
    file.read((char*)&header, sizeof(header));
    if(header[0] != 170){
        std::cout << "Tried to read file, but it appears to be corrupted! (no magic cookie found)" << std::endl;
    if(header[1] != 0){
        std::cout << "Tried to read file, but the file format version does not match the version this parser understands!" << std::endl;
    uint8_t datamask = header[2];
    frames_available = *((uint64_t*)&header[3]);
    std::cout << "number of frames: " << frames_available << std::endl;
    bodies = *((uint64_t*)&header[3+8]);
    std::cout << "number of bodies: " << bodies << std::endl;

    dataset = Dataset(bodies);
    for(unsigned long i = 0; i < bodies; i++){
        dataset.masses[i] = 1.0;
        dataset.velocities[i] = number3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        dataset.positions[i] = number3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    read_buffer = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*3*bodies);
    return dataset;
Dataset::Dataset(unsigned long size)
    // TODO: force alignment and use alignment annotations

    // A Datasets number of contained bodies is static
    // and cannot be changed after initialization.

    positions = (number3*)aligned_alloc(16, sizeof(number3)*size);
    velocities = (number3*)aligned_alloc(16, sizeof(number3)*size);
    prev_positions = (number3*)aligned_alloc(16, sizeof(number3)*size);
    prev_velocities = (number3*)aligned_alloc(16, sizeof(number3)*size);
    masses = (number*)aligned_alloc(16, sizeof(number)*size);

    positions = new number3[size];
    velocities = new number3[size];
    masses = new number[size];
    prev_positions = new number3[size];
    prev_velocities = new number3[size];
    prev_accelerations = new number3[size];
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++){
        prev_accelerations[i] = number3(0.0);

    assert(size > 1);
    bodycount = size;
std::tuple<number3, number3, number>
Dataset::generate_star_data(RNG &generator, RD1 &pos_dist, RD2 &vel_dist, RD3 &mass_dist){
    number3 pos = number3(0.0);
    number3 vel = number3(0.0);
    number mass = -1.0;
        pos = number3(pos_dist(generator), pos_dist(generator), pos_dist(generator));
        if(glm::length(pos) <= 10.0*LYR_TO_AU) break;
        mass = mass_dist(generator);
        if(mass > 0.0) break;
    vel = number3(0.0); //number3(vel_dist(generator), vel_dist(generator), vel_dist(generator));
    return std::make_tuple(pos, vel, mass);
number3 Dataset::compute_center_of_mass(){
    number3 com = number3(0);
    for(unsigned long i = 0; i < bodycount; i++){
        com += prev_positions[i]*masses[i];
    return com/total_mass;
 * @brief DataIO::next_frame load the next available frame into the previously returned dataset.
 * If no more frames are available, the dataset is left unchanged.
 * @return true if there was another frame, false otherwise
bool DataIO::next_frame(){
    if(frames_read == frames_available) return false;
    file.read((char*)read_buffer, bodies*sizeof(float)*3);
    for(unsigned long i = 0; i < bodies; i++){
        dataset.positions[i] = number3(read_buffer[i*3], read_buffer[i*3 + 1], read_buffer[i*3 + 2]);
    return true;
void Dataset::initialize_random(RandomConfiguration conf){
    if(conf == RandomConfiguration::UNIFORM_SPHERE){
        std::random_device dev;
        std::mt19937 rng(dev());
        std::normal_distribution<number> mass_distribution(10, 1.0);
        std::uniform_real_distribution<number> position_distribution(-20.0*LYR_TO_AU, 20.0*LYR_TO_AU);
        std::uniform_real_distribution<number> velocity_distribution(-1, 1);
        std::cout << "Initializing cluster..." << std::endl;
        for(unsigned long i = 0; i < bodycount; i++){
            number3 pos, vel;
            number mass;
            std::tie(pos, vel, mass) = generate_star_data(rng, position_distribution, velocity_distribution, mass_distribution);
            positions[i] = pos;
            velocities[i] = vel;
            masses[i] = mass;
        std::cout << "done. Initialized " << bodycount << " stars." << std::endl;
    else if(conf == RandomConfiguration::SOLAR_SYSTEM){
        positions[bodycount - 1] = number3(0);
        velocities[bodycount - 1] = number3(0);
        masses[bodycount - 1] = 10.0;
        for(unsigned long i = 0; i < bodycount - 1; i++){
            number sign = (i % 2 == 0) ? -1 : 1;
            positions[i] = number3(LYR_TO_AU*sign*(i+1)/5.0, 0.0, 1.0*LYR_TO_AU*sign*(i+1)/5.0);
            velocities[i] = number3(0, (0.005/4*M_PI*M_PI)*sign*(5.0 - i)*1.0, 0);
            masses[i] = 0.05;
            std::cout << "mass: " << masses[i]
                      << "pos: " << positions[i].x << ", " << positions[i].y << ", " << positions[i].z
                      << "vel: " << velocities[i].x << ", " << velocities[i].y << ", " << velocities[i].z
                      << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Unknown random configuration requested!" << std::endl;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < bodycount; i++){
        total_mass += masses[i];
Exemple #7
void Interface::menu()
    //instantiate polynomials of different data types for use by user
    Polynomial<int> p1, p2, p3;
    Polynomial<float> p4, p5, p6;
    Polynomial<double> p7, p8, p9;
    Polynomial<Complex> p10, p11, p12;
    //instantiate additional variables for use by user
    int number = 5;
    float number2 = 3.2;
    double number4 = 3.2;
    Complex number3 (2, 0);
    int x = 0;
    Complex x1;
    //determines when to exit menu
    bool goAgain = true;
    //used for user input in navigating menu 
    int choice, operation;
    //begins menu loop, menu does not exit until user asks to exit
    while (goAgain)
        //asks user what data type they would like to work with on this iteration
        //Test Driver allows user to test every data type with each requirement
        cout << "Welcome to the Polynomial Machine!  Please choose a data type for your Polynomial: " << endl;
        cout << "1 - int" << endl;
        cout << "2 - float" << endl;
        cout << "3 - double" << endl;
        cout << "4 - Complex" << endl;
        cout << "5 - Run Test Driver Instead (tests all functionality)" << endl;
        choice = getValidChoice();
        //goes to case corresponding to choice above
        switch (choice)
            //if user chooses integer, prompted to enter 2 int polynomials    
            case 1:
                cout << "Input the first integer term: " << endl;
                cin >> p1;
                cout << "Input the second integer term: " << endl;
                cin >> p2;
                //user prompted to choose operation to perform on polynomials
                cout << "Select the operation you wish to perform: " << endl;
                cout << "1 - Equality/Replace" << endl;
                cout << "2 - Add" << endl;
                cout << "3 - Multiply" << endl;
                cout << "4 - Evaluate" << endl;
                cout << "5 - Write to File" << endl;
                operation = getValidOperation();
                //carries out operation selected by user above
                switch (operation)
                    case 1:
                        cout << "Setting polynomial 1 equal to polynomial 2 yields polynomial 1: " << endl;
                        p1 = p2;
                        cout << p1 << endl;
                    case 2:
                        cout << "Adding polynomial 1 and polynomial 2 yields: " << endl;
                        p3 = p1 + p2;
                        cout << p3 << endl;
                    case 3:
                        cout << "Multiplying polynomial 1 and polynomial 2 yields: " << endl;
                        p3 = p1 * p2;
                        cout << p3 << endl;
                    case 4:
                        cout << "Enter a value for evaluation: " << endl;
                        x = getValidInt();
                        cout << "Evaluating polynomial 1 with " << x << " yields: " << endl;
                        cout << p1.evalPoly(x) << endl;
                    case 5:
                        cout << "The first polynomial was written to \"output.txt\""<< endl;
            //if user chooses float, prompted to enter 2 float polynomials     
            case 2:
                cout << "Input the first float term: " << endl;
                cin >> p4;
                cout << "Input the second float term: " << endl;
                cin >> p5;
                //user prompted to choose operation to perform on polynomials
                cout << "Select the operation you wish to perform: " << endl;
                cout << "1 - Equality/Replace" << endl;
                cout << "2 - Add" << endl;
                cout << "3 - Multiply" << endl;
                cout << "4 - Evaluate" << endl;
                cout << "5 - Write to File" << endl;
                operation = getValidOperation();
                //carries out operation selected by user above
                switch (operation)
                    case 1:
                        cout << "Setting polynomial 1 equal to polynomial 2 yields polynomial 1: " << endl;
                        p4 = p5;
                        cout << p4 << endl;
                    case 2:
                        cout << "Adding polynomial 1 and polynomial 2 yields: " << endl;
                        p6 = p4 + p5;
                        cout << p6 << endl;
                    case 3:
                        cout << "Multiplying polynomial 1 and polynomial 2 yields: " << endl;
                        p6 = p4 * p5;
                        cout << p6 << endl;
                    case 4:
                        cout << "Enter a value for evaluation: " << endl;
                        x = getValidInt();
                        cout << "Evaluating polynomial 1 with " << x << " yields: " << endl;
                        cout << p4.evalPoly(x) << endl;
                    case 5:
                        cout << "The first polynomial was written to \"output.txt\""<< endl;
            //if user chooses double, prompted to enter 2 double polynomials                 
            case 3:
                cout << "Input the first double term: " << endl;
                cin >> p7;
                cout << "Input the second double term: " << endl;
                cin >> p8;
                //user prompted to choose operation to perform on polynomials
                cout << "Select the operation you wish to perform: " << endl;
                cout << "1 - Equality/Replace" << endl;
                cout << "2 - Add" << endl;
                cout << "3 - Multiply" << endl;
                cout << "4 - Evaluate" << endl;
                cout << "5 - Write to File" << endl;
                operation = getValidOperation();
                //carries out operation selected by user above
                switch (operation)
                    case 1:
                        cout << "Setting polynomial 1 equal to polynomial 2 yields polynomial 1: " << endl;
                        p7 = p8;
                        cout << p7 << endl;
                    case 2:
                        cout << "Adding polynomial 1 and polynomial 2 yields: " << endl;
                        p9 = p7 + p8;
                        cout << p9 << endl;
                    case 3:
                        cout << "Multiplying polynomial 1 and polynomial 2 yields: " << endl;
                        p9 = p7 * p8;
                        cout << p9 << endl;
                    case 4:
                        cout << "Enter a value for evaluation: " << endl;
                        x = getValidInt();
                        cout << "Evaluating polynomial 1 with " << x << " yields: " << endl;
                        cout << p7.evalPoly(x) << endl;
                    case 5:
                        cout << "The first polynomial was written to \"output.txt\""<< endl;
            //if user chooses complex, prompted to enter 2 complex polynomials                 
            case 4:
                cout << "Input the first complex term: " << endl;
                cin >> p10;
                cout << "Input the second complex term: " << endl;
                cin >> p11;
                //user prompted to choose operation to perform on polynomials
                cout << "Select the operation you wish to perform: " << endl;
                cout << "1 - Equality/Replace" << endl;
                cout << "2 - Add" << endl;
                cout << "3 - Multiply" << endl;
                cout << "4 - Evaluate" << endl;
                cout << "5 - Write to File" << endl;
                operation = getValidOperation();
                //carries out operation selected by user above
                switch (operation)
                    case 1:
                        cout << "Setting polynomial 1 equal to polynomial 2 yields polynomial 1: " << endl;
                        p10 = p11;
                        cout << p10 << endl;
                    case 2:
                        cout << "Adding polynomial 1 and polynomial 2 yields: " << endl;
                        p12 = p10 + p11;
                        cout << p12 << endl;
                    case 3:
                        cout << "Multiplying polynomial 1 and polynomial 2 yields: " << endl;
                        p12 = p10 * p11;
                        cout << p12 << endl;
                    case 4:
                        cout << "Enter a value for evaluation: " << endl;
                        x = getValidInt();
                        cout << "Evaluating polynomial 1 with " << x << " yields: " << endl;
                        x1 = p10.evalPoly(x);
                        cout << x1 << endl;
                    case 5:
                        cout << "The first polynomial was written to \"output.txt\""<< endl;
            //if user chooses Test Driver, Test Driver begins                 
            case 5:
                cout << "This is the Test Driver. It checks all functionality for all data types.  Enjoy!" << endl;
                cout << "For reference, number is " << number << " for ints, " << number2 << " for floats/doubles, ";
                cout << "and " << number3 << " for complex numbers." << endl << endl;
                //prompts user to enter integer polynomial
                cout << "Enter Polynomial 1 (int): " << endl;
                cin >> p1;
                cout << "Polynomial 1 is:" << endl;
                cout << p1;
                //prompts user to input another integer polynomial from a file
                cout << "Enter Polynomial 2 (int) from a file" << endl;
                bool worked = true;
                string inFileName;
                ifstream inStr;
                //gets valid filename for input
                    cout << "Enter name of file to read from: ";
                    cin >> inFileName;
                    inStr.open (inFileName.c_str());
                    if (inStr.fail())
                        cerr << "Error opening file. Try again." << endl;
                        inStr.ignore(80, '\n');
                        worked = false;
                        worked = true;
                } while (!worked);
                inStr >> p2;
                cout << "Polynomial 2 is: " << endl;
                cout << p2;
                //sets polynomial 1 equal to polynomial 2
                cout << "Setting Polynomial 1 equal to Polynomial 2 makes Polynomial 1: " << endl;
                p1 = p2;
                cout << p1;
                //sets polynomial 1 equal to constant
                cout << "Setting Polynomial 1 equal to 4 makes Polynomial 1: " << endl;
                p1 = 4;
                cout << p1;
                //re-enter polynomial 1
                cout << "Enter Polynomial 1 (int)" << endl;
                cin >> p1;
                cout << "Polynomial 1 is now:" << endl;
                cout << p1;
                //test overloaded plus operator 
                cout << "Adding Polynomial 1 and Polynomial 2 gives:" << endl;
                p3 = p1 + p2;
                cout << p3 << endl;
                cout << "Adding Polynomial 1 and number gives:" << endl;
                p3 = p1 + number;
                cout << p3 << endl;
                cout << "Adding number and Polynomial 2 gives:" << endl;
                p3 = number + p2;
                cout << p3 << endl;
                //test overloaded multiplication operator
                cout << "Multiplying Polynomial 1 and Polynomial 2 gives:" << endl;
                p3 = p1 * p2;
                cout << p3 << endl;
                cout << "Multiplying Polynomial 1 and number gives:" << endl;
                p3 = p1 * number;
                cout << p3 << endl;
                cout << "Multiplying number and Polynomial 2 gives:" << endl;
                p3 = number * p2;
                cout << p3 << endl;
                //test polynomial evaluation
                cout << "Enter a value for x" << endl;
                cin >> x;
                cout << "Evaluating Polynomial 1 with " << x << " gives " << p1.evalPoly (x) << endl;
                //test writing to a file 
                cout << "Writing Polynomial 3 to a file." << endl << endl;

                //prompts user to enter float polynomial
                cout << "Enter Polynomial 4 (float): " << endl;
                cin >> p4;
                cout << "Polynomial 4 is:" << endl;
                cout << p4;
                //prompts user to enter another float polynomial from a file
                cout << "Enter Polynomial 5 (float) from a file" << endl;
                //gets valid filename for input
                    cout << "Enter name of file to read from: ";
                    cin >> inFileName;
                    inStr.open (inFileName.c_str());
                    if (inStr.fail())
                        cerr << "Error opening file. Try again." << endl;
                        inStr.ignore(80, '\n');
                        worked = false;
                        worked = true;
                } while (!worked);
                inStr >> p5;
                cout << "Polynomial 5 is: " << endl;
                cout << p5;
                //sets polynomial 4 equal to polynomial 5
                cout << "Setting Polynomial 4 equal to Polynomial 5 makes Polynomial 4: " << endl;
                p4 = p5;
                cout << p4;
                //sets polynomial 4 equal to constant
                cout << "Setting Polynomial 4 equal to 3.3 makes Polynomial 4: " << endl;
                p4 = 3.3;
                cout << p4;
                //re-enter polynomial 4
                cout << "Enter Polynomial 4 (float)" << endl;
                cin >> p4;
                cout << "Polynomial 4 is now:" << endl;
                cout << p4;
                //test overloaded plus operator 
                cout << "Adding Polynomial 4 and Polynomial 5 gives:" << endl;
                p6 = p4 + p5;
                cout << p6 << endl;
                cout << "Adding Polynomial 4 and number gives:" << endl;
                p6 = p4 + number2;
                cout << p6 << endl;
                cout << "Adding number and Polynomial 5 gives:" << endl;
                p6 = number2 + p5;
                cout << p6 << endl;
                //test overloaded multiplication operator
                cout << "Multiplying Polynomial 4 and Polynomial 5 gives:" << endl;
                p6 = p4 * p5;
                cout << p6 << endl;
                cout << "Multiplying Polynomial 4 and number gives:" << endl;
                p6 = p4 * number2;
                cout << p6 << endl;
                cout << "Multiplying number and Polynomial 5 gives:" << endl;
                p6 = number2 * p5;
                cout << p6 << endl;
                //test polynomial evaluation
                cout << "Enter a value for x" << endl;
                cin >> x;
                cout << "Evaluating Polynomial 4 with " << x << " gives " << p4.evalPoly (x) << endl;
                //test writing to a file 
                cout << "Writing Polynomial 6 to a file." << endl << endl;


                //prompts user to enter double polynomial
                cout << "Enter Polynomial 7 (double): " << endl;
                cin >> p7;
                cout << "Polynomial 7 is:" << endl;
                cout << p7;
                //prompts user to enter another double polynomial from a file
                cout << "Enter Polynomial 8 (double) from a file" << endl;
                //gets valid filename for input
                    cout << "Enter name of file to read from: ";
                    cin >> inFileName;
                    inStr.open (inFileName.c_str());
                    if (inStr.fail())
                        cerr << "Error opening file. Try again." << endl;
                        inStr.ignore(80, '\n');
                        worked = false;
                        worked = true;
                } while (!worked);
                inStr >> p8;
                cout << "Polynomial 8 is: " << endl;
                cout << p8;
                //sets polynomial 7 equal to polynomial 8
                cout << "Setting Polynomial 7 equal to Polynomial 8 makes Polynomial 7: " << endl;
                p7 = p8;
                cout << p7;
                //sets polynomial 7 equal to constant
                cout << "Setting Polynomial 7 equal to 6.7 makes Polynomial 7: " << endl;
                p7 = 6.7;
                cout << p7;
                //re-enter polynomial 7
                cout << "Enter Polynomial 7 (double)" << endl;
                cin >> p7;
                cout << "Polynomial 7 is now:" << endl;
                cout << p7;
                //test overloaded plus operator 
                cout << "Adding Polynomial 7 and Polynomial 8 gives:" << endl;
                p9 = p7 + p8;
                cout << p9 << endl;
                cout << "Adding Polynomial 7 and number gives:" << endl;
                p9 = p7 + number4;
                cout << p9 << endl;
                cout << "Adding number and Polynomial 8 gives:" << endl;
                p9 = number4 + p8;
                cout << p9 << endl;
                //test overloaded multiplication operator
                cout << "Multiplying Polynomial 7 and Polynomial 8 gives:" << endl;
                p9 = p7 * p8;
                cout << p9 << endl;
                cout << "Multiplying Polynomial 7 and number gives:" << endl;
                p9 = p7 * number4;
                cout << p9 << endl;
                cout << "Multiplying number and Polynomial 8 gives:" << endl;
                p9 = number4 * p8;
                cout << p9 << endl;
                //test polynomial evaluation
                cout << "Enter a value for x" << endl;
                cin >> x;
                cout << "Evaluating Polynomial 7 with " << x << " gives " << p4.evalPoly (x) << endl;
                //test writing to a file 
                cout << "Writing Polynomial 9 to a file." << endl << endl;

                //prompts user to enter complex polynomial
                cout << "Enter Polynomial 10 (complex): " << endl;
                cin >> p10;
                cout << "Polynomial 10 is:" << endl;
                cout << p10;
                //prompts user to enter another complex polynomial from a file
                cout << "Enter Polynomial 11 (complex) from a file" << endl;
                //gets valid filename for input
                    cout << "Enter name of file to read from: ";
                    cin >> inFileName;
                    inStr.open (inFileName.c_str());
                    if (inStr.fail())
                        cerr << "Error opening file. Try again." << endl;
                        inStr.ignore(80, '\n');
                        worked = false;
                        worked = true;
                } while (!worked);
                inStr >> p11;
                cout << "Polynomial 11 is: " << endl;
                cout << p11;
                //sets polynomial 10 equal to polynomial 11
                cout << "Setting Polynomial 10 equal to Polynomial 11 makes Polynomial 10: " << endl;
                p10 = p11;
                cout << p10;
                //sets polynomial 10 equal to constant
                cout << "Setting Polynomial 10 equal to (4 + 3i) makes Polynomial 10: " << endl;
                p10 = Complex(4,3);
                cout << p10;
                //re-enter polynomial 10
                cout << "Enter Polynomial 10 (complex)" << endl;
                cin >> p10;
                cout << "Polynomial 10 is now:" << endl;
                cout << p10;
                //test overloaded plus operator 
                cout << "Adding Polynomial 10 and Polynomial 11 gives:" << endl;
                p12 = p10 + p11;
                cout << p12 << endl;
                cout << "Adding Polynomial 10 and number gives:" << endl;
                p12 = p10 + number3;
                cout << p12 << endl;
                cout << "Adding number and Polynomial 11 gives:" << endl;
                p12 = number3 + p11;
                cout << p12 << endl;
                //test overloaded multiplication operator
                cout << "Multiplying Polynomial 10 and Polynomial 11 gives:" << endl;
                p12 = p10 * p11;
                cout << p12 << endl;
                cout << "Multiplying Polynomial 10 and number gives:" << endl;
                p12 = p10 * number3;
                cout << p12 << endl;
                cout << "Multiplying number and Polynomial 11 gives:" << endl;
                p12 = number3 * p11;
                cout << p12 << endl;
                //test polynomial evaluation
                cout << "Enter a value for x" << endl;
                cin >> x;
                x1 = p10.evalPoly(x);
                cout << "Evaluating Polynomial 10 with " << x << " gives " << x1 << endl;
                //test writing to a file 
                cout << "Writing Polynomial 12 to a file." << endl << endl;

        //asks user if they would like to perform any other operations
        //sets goAgain accordingly
        cout << "Would you like to perform another operation: " << endl;
        cout << "1 - Yes" << endl;
        cout << "2 - No" << endl;
        goAgain = getValidDecision();
        cout << endl;
    //once user is done, outputs thank you and returns to Driver to end program
    cout << endl << "Thanks for using the Polynomial Machine!" << endl << endl;