Exemple #1
static void
limit_bandwidth (wgint bytes, struct ptimer *timer)
  double delta_t = ptimer_read (timer) - limit_data.chunk_start;
  double expected;

  limit_data.chunk_bytes += bytes;

  /* Calculate the amount of time we expect downloading the chunk
     should take.  If in reality it took less time, sleep to
     compensate for the difference.  */
  expected = (double) limit_data.chunk_bytes / opt.limit_rate;

  if (expected > delta_t)
      double slp = expected - delta_t + limit_data.sleep_adjust;
      double t0, t1;
      if (slp < 0.2)
          DEBUGP (("deferring a %.2f ms sleep (%s/%.2f).\n",
                   slp * 1000, number_to_static_string (limit_data.chunk_bytes),

      if (slp > 1) // VisualWget: We do not expect to sleep more than 1 second.
        slp = 1;

      DEBUGP (("\nsleeping %.2f ms for %s bytes, adjust %.2f ms\n",
               slp * 1000, number_to_static_string (limit_data.chunk_bytes),

      t0 = ptimer_read (timer);
      xsleep (slp);
      t1 = ptimer_measure (timer);

      /* Due to scheduling, we probably slept slightly longer (or
         shorter) than desired.  Calculate the difference between the
         desired and the actual sleep, and adjust the next sleep by
         that amount.  */
      limit_data.sleep_adjust = slp - (t1 - t0);
      /* If sleep_adjust is very large, it's likely due to suspension
         and not clock inaccuracy.  Don't enforce those.  */
      if (limit_data.sleep_adjust > 0.5)
        limit_data.sleep_adjust = 0.5;
      else if (limit_data.sleep_adjust < -0.5)
        limit_data.sleep_adjust = -0.5;

  limit_data.chunk_bytes = 0;
  limit_data.chunk_start = ptimer_read (timer);
Exemple #2
struct urlpos *
get_urls_css_file (const char *file, const char *url)
  struct file_memory *fm;
  struct map_context ctx;

  /* Load the file. */
  fm = read_file (file);
  if (!fm)
      logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, "%s: %s\n", file, strerror (errno));
      return NULL;
  DEBUGP (("Loaded %s (size %s).\n", file, number_to_static_string (fm->length)));

  ctx.text = fm->content;
  ctx.head = ctx.tail = NULL;
  ctx.base = NULL;
  ctx.parent_base = url ? url : opt.base_href;
  ctx.document_file = file;
  ctx.nofollow = 0;

  get_urls_css (&ctx, 0, fm->length);
  read_file_free (fm);
  return ctx.head;
struct urlpos *
get_urls_html (const char *file, const char *url, bool *meta_disallow_follow,
               struct iri *iri)
  struct file_memory *fm;
  struct map_context ctx;
  int flags;

  /* Load the file. */
  fm = wget_read_file (file);
  if (!fm)
      logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, "%s: %s\n", file, strerror (errno));
      return NULL;
  DEBUGP (("Loaded %s (size %s).\n", file, number_to_static_string (fm->length)));

  ctx.text = fm->content;
  ctx.head = NULL;
  ctx.base = NULL;
  ctx.parent_base = url ? url : opt.base_href;
  ctx.document_file = file;
  ctx.nofollow = false;

  if (!interesting_tags)
    init_interesting ();

  /* Specify MHT_TRIM_VALUES because of buggy HTML generators that
     generate <a href=" foo"> instead of <a href="foo"> (browsers
     ignore spaces as well.)  If you really mean space, use &32; or
     %20.  MHT_TRIM_VALUES also causes squashing of embedded newlines,
     e.g. in <img src="foo.[newline]html">.  Such newlines are also
     ignored by IE and Mozilla and are presumably introduced by
     writing HTML with editors that force word wrap.  */
  flags = MHT_TRIM_VALUES;
  if (opt.strict_comments)

  /* the NULL here used to be interesting_tags */
  map_html_tags (fm->content, fm->length, collect_tags_mapper, &ctx, flags,
                 NULL, interesting_attributes);

  /* If meta charset isn't null, override content encoding */
  if (iri && meta_charset)
    set_content_encoding (iri, meta_charset);

  DEBUGP (("no-follow in %s: %d\n", file, ctx.nofollow));
  if (meta_disallow_follow)
    *meta_disallow_follow = ctx.nofollow;

  xfree_null (ctx.base);
  wget_read_file_free (fm);
  return ctx.head;
Exemple #4
/* Convert the Un*x-ish style directory listing stored in FILE to a
   linked list of fileinfo (system-independent) entries.  The contents
   of FILE are considered to be produced by the standard Unix `ls -la'
   output (whatever that might be).  BSD (no group) and SYSV (with
   group) listings are handled.

   The time stamps are stored in a separate variable, time_t
   compatible (I hope).  The timezones are ignored.  */
static struct fileinfo *
ftp_parse_unix_ls (const char *file, int ignore_perms)
  FILE *fp;
  static const char *months[] = {
    "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
    "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
  int next, len, i, error, ignore;
  int year, month, day;         /* for time analysis */
  int hour, min, sec, ptype;
  struct tm timestruct, *tnow;
  time_t timenow;
  size_t bufsize = 0;

  char *line = NULL, *tok, *ptok;      /* tokenizer */
  struct fileinfo *dir, *l, cur; /* list creation */

  fp = fopen (file, "rb");
  if (!fp)
      logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, "%s: %s\n", file, strerror (errno));
      return NULL;
  dir = l = NULL;

  /* Line loop to end of file: */
  while ((len = getline (&line, &bufsize, fp)) > 0)
      len = clean_line (line, len);
      /* Skip if total...  */
      if (!strncasecmp (line, "total", 5))
      /* Get the first token (permissions).  */
      tok = strtok (line, " ");
      if (!tok)

      cur.name = NULL;
      cur.linkto = NULL;

      /* Decide whether we deal with a file or a directory.  */
      switch (*tok)
        case '-':
          cur.type = FT_PLAINFILE;
          DEBUGP (("PLAINFILE; "));
        case 'd':
          cur.type = FT_DIRECTORY;
          DEBUGP (("DIRECTORY; "));
        case 'l':
          cur.type = FT_SYMLINK;
          DEBUGP (("SYMLINK; "));
          cur.type = FT_UNKNOWN;
          DEBUGP (("UNKNOWN; "));

      if (ignore_perms)
          switch (cur.type)
            case FT_PLAINFILE:
              cur.perms = 0644;
            case FT_DIRECTORY:
              cur.perms = 0755;
              /*cur.perms = 1023;*/     /* #### What is this?  --hniksic */
              cur.perms = 0644;
          DEBUGP (("implicit perms %0o; ", cur.perms));
           cur.perms = symperms (tok + 1);
           DEBUGP (("perms %0o; ", cur.perms));

      error = ignore = 0;       /* Erroneous and ignoring entries are
                                   treated equally for now.  */
      year = hour = min = sec = 0; /* Silence the compiler.  */
      month = day = 0;
      ptype = TT_DAY;
      next = -1;
      /* While there are tokens on the line, parse them.  Next is the
         number of tokens left until the filename.

         Use the month-name token as the "anchor" (the place where the
         position wrt the file name is "known").  When a month name is
         encountered, `next' is set to 5.  Also, the preceding
         characters are parsed to get the file size.

         This tactic is quite dubious when it comes to
         internationalization issues (non-English month names), but it
         works for now.  */
      tok = line;
      while (ptok = tok,
             (tok = strtok (NULL, " ")) != NULL)
          if (next < 0)         /* a month name was not encountered */
              for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                if (!strcasecmp (tok, months[i]))
              /* If we got a month, it means the token before it is the
                 size, and the filename is three tokens away.  */
              if (i != 12)
                  wgint size;

                  /* Parse the previous token with str_to_wgint.  */
                  if (ptok == line)
                      /* Something has gone wrong during parsing. */
                      error = 1;
                  errno = 0;
                  size = str_to_wgint (ptok, NULL, 10);
                  if (size == WGINT_MAX && errno == ERANGE)
                    /* Out of range -- ignore the size.  #### Should
                       we refuse to start the download.  */
                    cur.size = 0;
                    cur.size = size;
                  DEBUGP (("size: %s; ", number_to_static_string(cur.size)));

                  month = i;
                  next = 5;
                  DEBUGP (("month: %s; ", months[month]));
          else if (next == 4)   /* days */
              if (tok[1])       /* two-digit... */
                day = 10 * (*tok - '0') + tok[1] - '0';
              else              /* ...or one-digit */
                day = *tok - '0';
              DEBUGP (("day: %d; ", day));
          else if (next == 3)
              /* This ought to be either the time, or the year.  Let's
                 be flexible!

                 If we have a number x, it's a year.  If we have x:y,
                 it's hours and minutes.  If we have x:y:z, z are
                 seconds.  */
              year = 0;
              min = hour = sec = 0;
              /* We must deal with digits.  */
              if (c_isdigit (*tok))
                  /* Suppose it's year.  */
                  for (; c_isdigit (*tok); tok++)
                    year = (*tok - '0') + 10 * year;
                  if (*tok == ':')
                      /* This means these were hours!  */
                      hour = year;
                      year = 0;
                      ptype = TT_HOUR_MIN;
                      /* Get the minutes...  */
                      for (; c_isdigit (*tok); tok++)
                        min = (*tok - '0') + 10 * min;
                      if (*tok == ':')
                          /* ...and the seconds.  */
                          for (; c_isdigit (*tok); tok++)
                            sec = (*tok - '0') + 10 * sec;
              if (year)
                DEBUGP (("year: %d (no tm); ", year));
                DEBUGP (("time: %02d:%02d:%02d (no yr); ", hour, min, sec));
          else if (next == 2)    /* The file name */
              int fnlen;
              char *p;

              /* Since the file name may contain a SPC, it is possible
                 for strtok to handle it wrong.  */
              fnlen = strlen (tok);
              if (fnlen < len - (tok - line))
                  /* So we have a SPC in the file name.  Restore the
                     original.  */
                  tok[fnlen] = ' ';
                  /* If the file is a symbolic link, it should have a
                     ` -> ' somewhere.  */
                  if (cur.type == FT_SYMLINK)
                      p = strstr (tok, " -> ");
                      if (!p)
                          error = 1;
                      cur.linkto = xstrdup (p + 4);
                      DEBUGP (("link to: %s\n", cur.linkto));
                      /* And separate it from the file name.  */
                      *p = '\0';
              /* If we have the filename, add it to the list of files or
                 directories.  */
              /* "." and ".." are an exception!  */
              if (!strcmp (tok, ".") || !strcmp (tok, ".."))
                  DEBUGP (("\nIgnoring `.' and `..'; "));
                  ignore = 1;
              /* Some FTP sites choose to have ls -F as their default
                 LIST output, which marks the symlinks with a trailing
                 `@', directory names with a trailing `/' and
                 executables with a trailing `*'.  This is no problem
                 unless encountering a symbolic link ending with `@',
                 or an executable ending with `*' on a server without
                 default -F output.  I believe these cases are very
                 rare.  */
              fnlen = strlen (tok); /* re-calculate `fnlen' */
              cur.name = xmalloc (fnlen + 1);
              memcpy (cur.name, tok, fnlen + 1);
              if (fnlen)
                  if (cur.type == FT_DIRECTORY && cur.name[fnlen - 1] == '/')
                      cur.name[fnlen - 1] = '\0';
                      DEBUGP (("trailing `/' on dir.\n"));
                  else if (cur.type == FT_SYMLINK && cur.name[fnlen - 1] == '@')
                      cur.name[fnlen - 1] = '\0';
                      DEBUGP (("trailing `@' on link.\n"));
                  else if (cur.type == FT_PLAINFILE
                           && (cur.perms & 0111)
                           && cur.name[fnlen - 1] == '*')
                      cur.name[fnlen - 1] = '\0';
                      DEBUGP (("trailing `*' on exec.\n"));
                } /* if (fnlen) */
                error = 1;
            abort ();
        } /* while */

      if (!cur.name || (cur.type == FT_SYMLINK && !cur.linkto))
        error = 1;

      DEBUGP (("%s\n", cur.name ? cur.name : ""));

      if (error || ignore)
          DEBUGP (("Skipping.\n"));
          xfree_null (cur.name);
          xfree_null (cur.linkto);

      if (!dir)
          l = dir = xnew (struct fileinfo);
          memcpy (l, &cur, sizeof (cur));
          l->prev = l->next = NULL;
struct urlpos *
get_urls_file (const char *file)
  struct file_memory *fm;
  struct urlpos *head, *tail;
  const char *text, *text_end;

  /* Load the file.  */
  fm = wget_read_file (file);
  if (!fm)
      logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, "%s: %s\n", file, strerror (errno));
      return NULL;
  DEBUGP (("Loaded %s (size %s).\n", file, number_to_static_string (fm->length)));

  head = tail = NULL;
  text = fm->content;
  text_end = fm->content + fm->length;
  while (text < text_end)
      int up_error_code;
      char *url_text;
      struct urlpos *entry;
      struct url *url;

      const char *line_beg = text;
      const char *line_end = memchr (text, '\n', text_end - text);
      if (!line_end)
        line_end = text_end;
      text = line_end;

      /* Strip whitespace from the beginning and end of line. */
      while (line_beg < line_end && c_isspace (*line_beg))
      while (line_end > line_beg && c_isspace (*(line_end - 1)))

      if (line_beg == line_end)

      /* The URL is in the [line_beg, line_end) region. */

      /* We must copy the URL to a zero-terminated string, and we
         can't use alloca because we're in a loop.  *sigh*.  */
      url_text = strdupdelim (line_beg, line_end);

      if (opt.base_href)
          /* Merge opt.base_href with URL. */
          char *merged = uri_merge (opt.base_href, url_text);
          xfree (url_text);
          url_text = merged;

      char *new_url = rewrite_shorthand_url (url_text);
      if (new_url)
          xfree (url_text);
          url_text = new_url;

      url = url_parse (url_text, &up_error_code, NULL, false);
      if (!url)
          char *error = url_error (url_text, up_error_code);
          logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("%s: Invalid URL %s: %s\n"),
                     file, url_text, error);
          xfree (url_text);
          xfree (error);
          inform_exit_status (URLERROR);
      xfree (url_text);

      entry = xnew0 (struct urlpos);
      entry->url = url;

      if (!head)
        head = entry;
        tail->next = entry;
      tail = entry;
  wget_read_file_free (fm);
  return head;