void precise_generators(
    MatrixPairList  *gen_list)
    MatrixPair  *matrix_pair;

    for (matrix_pair = gen_list->begin.next;
         matrix_pair != &gen_list->end;
         matrix_pair = matrix_pair->next)
        o31_invert(matrix_pair->m[0], matrix_pair->m[1]);
void conjugate_matrices(
	MatrixPairList		*gen_list,
	double				displacement[3])
	 *	We want to conjugate each MatrixPair on the gen_list so as to move
	 *	the basepoint the distance given by the displacement.  The
	 *	displacement, which is a translation (dx, dy, dz) in the tangent
	 *	space to H^3 at (1, 0, 0, 0), is a linear approximation to where the
	 *	basepoint ought to be.
	 *	It won't do simply to conjugate by the matrix T1 =
	 *				   1         dx        dy        dz
	 *				   dx        1         0         0
	 *				   dy        0         1         0
	 *				   dz        0         0         1
	 *	Even though T1 is a linear approximation to the desired translation,
	 *	it's columns are not quite orthonormal (they are orthonormal to a
	 *	first order approximation, but not exactly).  We need to use a
	 *	translation matrix which is exactly orthonormal, so that the
	 *	MatrixPairs on the gen_list remain elements of O(3,1) to full
	 *	accuracy.
	 *	One approach would be to apply the Gram-Schmidt process to find an
	 *	element of O(3,1) close to T1.  The problem here is that the
	 *	Gram-Schmidt process itself may introduce additional error.
	 *	Better to start instead with a second order approximation to the
	 *	translation matrix, given by T2 =
	 *	1 + (dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2)/2    dx            dy            dz
	 *			   dx            1 + (dx^2)/2    (dx dy)/2     (dx dz)/2
	 *			   dy              (dx dy)/2   1 + (dy^2)/2    (dy dz)/2
	 *			   dz              (dx dz)/2     (dy dz)/2   1 + (dz^2)/2
	 *	Note that T2 is actually orthonormal to third order;  that is,
	 *	its columns fail to be orthonormal only by fourth order terms.
	 *	We will start with the second order approximation T2 and apply
	 *	Gram-Schmidt to it.  The correction terms -- all of fourth order --
	 *	will not significantly affect the closeness of the approximation.
	 *	Digression.
	 *		You may be wondering where the matrix T2 came from.
	 *		Drop down a dimension, and consider the product of a translation
	 *		(dx, 0) and a translation (0, dy).  The result you get depends
	 *		on the order of the factors.
	 *			( 1   dx  0) ( 1   0   dy)     ( 1   dx  dy )
	 *			( dx  1   0) ( 0   1   0 )  =  ( dx  1  dxdy)
	 *			( 0   0   1) ( dy  0   1 )     ( dy  0   1  )
	 *			( 1   0   dy) ( 1   dx  0)     ( 1   dx  dy )
	 *			( 0   1   0 ) ( dx  1   0)  =  ( dx  1   0  )
	 *			( dy  0   1 ) ( 0   0   1)     ( dy dxdy 1  )
	 *		Averaging the two results leads to the matrix T2 shown above.
	 *	End of digression.

	O31Matrix	t2;
	MatrixPair	*matrix_pair;

	 *	Initialize t2 to be the second order approximation shown above.
	initialize_t2(displacement, t2);

	 *	Apply the Gram-Schmidt process to bring t2 to a nearby element
	 *	of O(3,1).

	 *	For each MatrixPair on gen_list . . .
	for (matrix_pair = gen_list->begin.next;
		 matrix_pair != &gen_list->end;
		 matrix_pair = matrix_pair->next)
		 *	Conjugate m[0] by t2.
		 *	That is, replace m[0] by (t2^-1) m[0] t2.
		o31_conjugate(matrix_pair->m[0], t2, matrix_pair->m[0]);

		 *	Recompute m[1] as the inverse of m[0].
		o31_invert(matrix_pair->m[0], matrix_pair->m[1]);

		 *	Set the height.
		matrix_pair->height = matrix_pair->m[0][0][0];