int rhoPlainLogData(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity, const char* szCategory, const void* data, int len ){ rho::LogMessage oMsg(file, line, severity, LOGCONF(), rho::LogCategory(szCategory) ); oMsg.addRawString( static_cast<const char*>(data),len); return 1; }
/** * Test try receive functionality */ TEST_F(TypedSendReceiveSocketTest, TestTryReceive) { VmsTypedSendSocket<TestMsg> *pSender = m_pSocketFactory->CreateTypedSendSocket<TestMsg>(STR_ADDRESS); VmsTypedReceiveSocket<TestMsg> *pReceiver = m_pSocketFactory->CreateTypedReceiveSocket<TestMsg>(STR_ADDRESS, new TestMsg::TCreator); const int iWaitMsecs = 5; VistaTimer oTimer; VistaType::microtime tStart= oTimer.GetMicroTime(); TestMsg *pWhatIHeard = pReceiver->TryReceive(iWaitMsecs); VistaType::microtime tEnd= oTimer.GetMicroTime(); EXPECT_TRUE(pWhatIHeard == NULL); EXPECT_GE(1000.0*(tEnd-tStart), static_cast<double>(iWaitMsecs)); TestMsg oMsg("Hello World!"); pSender->Send(&oMsg); tStart= oTimer.GetMicroTime(); pWhatIHeard = pReceiver->TryReceive(iWaitMsecs); tEnd= oTimer.GetMicroTime(); EXPECT_TRUE(pWhatIHeard != NULL); EXPECT_LE(1000.0*(tEnd-tStart), static_cast<double>(iWaitMsecs)); if(pWhatIHeard != NULL) ASSERT_EQ(oMsg.GetMsgText(), pWhatIHeard->GetMsgText()); delete pReceiver; delete pSender; }
void BF_GUI_TopVMenu::KeyDown(const char *bytes, int32 numBytes) { /* handle keys */ if(numBytes==1 && (bytes[0]==B_RIGHT_ARROW || bytes[0]==B_LEFT_ARROW)){ BMessage oMsg(BF_MSG_TOPMENU_HCLOSE); oMsg.AddInt8("key",(const int8)bytes[0]); BMessenger oMessenger(poHMenu); oMessenger.SendMessage(&oMsg); }else BF_GUI_DlgView_VMenu::KeyDown(bytes,numBytes); }
/** * Test simple ping-pong between the socket pair */ TEST_F(TypedSendReceiveSocketTest, TestConnection) { VmsTypedSendSocket<TestMsg> *pSender = m_pSocketFactory->CreateTypedSendSocket<TestMsg>(STR_ADDRESS); VmsTypedReceiveSocket<TestMsg> *pReceiver = m_pSocketFactory->CreateTypedReceiveSocket<TestMsg>(STR_ADDRESS, new TestMsg::TCreator); TestMsg oMsg("Hello World!"); pSender->Send(&oMsg); TestMsg *pWhatIHeard = pReceiver->Receive(); EXPECT_TRUE(pWhatIHeard != NULL); if(pWhatIHeard != NULL) ASSERT_EQ(oMsg.GetMsgText(), pWhatIHeard->GetMsgText()); delete pReceiver; delete pSender; }
// Uploads the PNG file to Gyazo BOOL uploadFile(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR fileName, BOOL isPng) { const int nSize = 256; LPCTSTR DEFAULT_UPLOAD_SERVER = _T(""); LPCTSTR DEFAULT_UPLOAD_PATH = _T("/upload.cgi"); LPCTSTR DEFAULT_UPLOAD_TOKEN = _T(""); //LPCTSTR DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = _T("User-Agent: Gyazowin/1.0\r\n"); const int DEFAULT_UPLOAD_SERVER_PORT = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT; TCHAR upload_server[nSize]; TCHAR upload_path[nSize]; TCHAR upload_token[nSize]; //TCHAR ua[nSize]; lstrcpy(upload_server, DEFAULT_UPLOAD_SERVER); lstrcpy(upload_path, DEFAULT_UPLOAD_PATH); lstrcpy(upload_token, DEFAULT_UPLOAD_TOKEN); //lstrcpy(ua, DEFAULT_USER_AGENT); int upload_server_port = DEFAULT_UPLOAD_SERVER_PORT; TCHAR runtime_path[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR runtime_dirname[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR config_file[MAX_PATH+1]; if (0 != ::GetModuleFileName(NULL, runtime_path, MAX_PATH)) { TCHAR tmp[MAX_PATH+1]; _tsplitpath_s(runtime_path, tmp, runtime_dirname, tmp, tmp); } lstrcpy(config_file, runtime_dirname); lstrcat(config_file, _T("\\gyazo.ini")); if (PathFileExists(config_file)) { LPCTSTR SECTION_NAME = _T("gyazo"); GetPrivateProfileString(SECTION_NAME, _T("server"), DEFAULT_UPLOAD_SERVER, upload_server, sizeof(upload_server), config_file); GetPrivateProfileString(SECTION_NAME, _T("path"), DEFAULT_UPLOAD_PATH, upload_path, sizeof(upload_path), config_file); GetPrivateProfileString(SECTION_NAME, _T("token"), DEFAULT_UPLOAD_TOKEN, upload_token, sizeof(upload_token), config_file); //GetPrivateProfileString(SECTION_NAME, _T("user_agent"), DEFAULT_USER_AGENT, ua, sizeof(ua), config_file); upload_server_port = GetPrivateProfileInt(SECTION_NAME, _T("port"), DEFAULT_UPLOAD_SERVER_PORT, config_file); } const char* sBoundary = "----BOUNDARYBOUNDARY----"; // boundary const char sCrLf[] = { 0xd, 0xa, 0x0 }; // 改行(CR+LF) TCHAR szHeader[200]; StringCchPrintf(szHeader, 200, TEXT("Auth-Token: %s\r\nContent-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----BOUNDARYBOUNDARY----"), upload_token); std::ostringstream buf; // 送信メッセージ wchar_t fname[_MAX_FNAME]; wchar_t ext[_MAX_EXT]; _wsplitpath(fileName, NULL, NULL, fname, ext ); std::string data = (isPng) ? "imagedata" : "data"; LPCTSTR file = (isPng) ? _T("gyazo") : wcsncat(fname, ext, _MAX_FNAME); size_t size = wcstombs(NULL, file, 0); char* CharStr = new char[size + 1]; wcstombs(CharStr, file, size + 1); // -- "imagedata" part buf << "--"; buf << sBoundary; buf << sCrLf; buf << "content-disposition: form-data; name=\""; buf << data; buf << "\"; filename=\""; buf << CharStr; buf << "\""; buf << sCrLf; //buf << "Content-type: image/png"; // 一応 //buf << sCrLf; buf << sCrLf; // 本文: PNG ファイルを読み込む std::ifstream png;, std::ios::binary); if ( { MessageBox(hwnd, _T("PNG open failed"), szTitle, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); png.close(); return FALSE; } buf << png.rdbuf(); // read all & append to buffer png.close(); // 最後 buf << sCrLf; buf << "--"; buf << sBoundary; buf << "--"; buf << sCrLf; // メッセージ完成 std::string oMsg(buf.str()); // WinInet を準備 (proxy は 規定の設定を利用) HINTERNET hSession = InternetOpen(_T("Gyazowin/1.0"), INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0); if(NULL == hSession) { LastErrorMessageBox(hwnd, _T("Cannot configure wininet.")); return FALSE; } // 接続先 HINTERNET hConnection = InternetConnect(hSession, upload_server, upload_server_port, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, NULL); if(NULL == hConnection) { LastErrorMessageBox(hwnd, _T("Cannot initiate connection.")); InternetCloseHandle(hSession); return FALSE; } // 要求先の設定 HINTERNET hRequest = HttpOpenRequest(hConnection, _T("POST"), upload_path, NULL, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE | INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, NULL); if(NULL == hRequest) { LastErrorMessageBox(hwnd, _T("Cannot compose post request.")); InternetCloseHandle(hConnection); InternetCloseHandle(hSession); return FALSE; } // 要求を送信 BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; if (HttpSendRequest(hRequest, szHeader, lstrlen(szHeader), (LPVOID)oMsg.c_str(), (DWORD) oMsg.length())) { // 要求は成功 DWORD resLen = 8; TCHAR resCode[8]; // status code を取得 if(!HttpQueryInfo(hRequest, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE, resCode, &resLen, 0)) { LastErrorMessageBox(hwnd, _T("Cannot get status code.")); InternetCloseHandle(hRequest); InternetCloseHandle(hConnection); InternetCloseHandle(hSession); return FALSE; } // 結果 (URL) を読取る DWORD len; char resbuf[1024]; std::string result; // そんなに長いことはないけどまあ一応 while (InternetReadFile(hRequest, (LPVOID)resbuf, 1024, &len) && len != 0) { result.append(resbuf, len); } // 取得結果は NULL terminate されていないので result += '\0'; if( _ttoi(resCode) != 200 ) { // upload 失敗 (status error) TCHAR errorBuf[200]; StringCchPrintf(errorBuf, 200, TEXT("Cannot upload the image. Error %s "),resCode); std::wstring stemp = std::wstring(result.begin(), result.end()); StringCchCat(errorBuf, 200, (LPTSTR)stemp.c_str()); MessageBox(hwnd, errorBuf, szTitle, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); } else { // upload succeeded // クリップボードに URL をコピー setClipBoardText(result.c_str()); // URL を起動 execUrl(result.c_str()); bSuccess = TRUE; } } else { // アップロード失敗... LastErrorMessageBox(hwnd, _T("Cannot connect to the server.")); } // ハンドルクローズ InternetCloseHandle(hRequest); InternetCloseHandle(hConnection); InternetCloseHandle(hSession); return bSuccess; }
void VmsSimpleIsoServer::Run() { if(m_strServiceSocketName.empty() || m_strDataFileName.empty()) return; //load data vtkDataSetReader *pReader = vtkDataSetReader::New(); vstr::out() << "Reading data..." << std::endl; pReader->SetFileName(m_strDataFileName.c_str()); pReader->Update(); vstr::out() << "\tDONE!" << std::endl; vtkContourFilter *pFilter = vtkContourFilter::New(); pFilter->SetInputConnection(pReader->GetOutputPort()); vstr::out() << "Entering server loop" << std::endl; //cache the message tags for easy access const std::type_info& TERMINATE_TAG = typeid(VmsSimpleIsoVocabulary::TerminateMsg); const std::type_info& UPDATE_ISO_TAG = typeid(VmsSimpleIsoVocabulary::RequestIsosurfaceMsg); //enter service loop: //as long as there are new isovalues ==> we'll answer with the corresponding surface while(true) { IVistaSerializable *pMsg = m_pServiceSocket->ReceiveRequest(); if(pMsg == NULL) { vstr::warnp() << "Intercepted invalid or empty message!" << std::endl; continue; } //we have nothing to add -> just ping-pong the message as ack m_pServiceSocket->SendAck(pMsg); const std::type_info& rMsgType = typeid(*pMsg); if(rMsgType == TERMINATE_TAG) { delete pMsg; break; } else if(rMsgType == UPDATE_ISO_TAG) { double dIsoVal = static_cast<VmsSimpleIsoVocabulary::RequestIsosurfaceMsg*>(pMsg)->GetIsoVal(); vstr::out() << "Updating for " << dIsoVal << std::endl; pFilter->SetValue(0, dIsoVal); pFilter->Update(); vstr::out() << "\tDONE!" << std::endl; VmsSimpleIsoVocabulary::UpdatePolyDataMsg oMsg(pFilter->GetOutput()); m_pDataSocket->Send(&oMsg); } else { vstr::errp() << "Undefined message!" << std::endl; vstr::errp() << "typeid name is " << typeid(*pMsg).name() << std::endl; } //clean up properly! delete pMsg; } vstr::out() << "Left server loop" << std::endl; //cleanup pFilter->Delete(); pReader->Delete(); }