Cfg::CheckBox FormCheckBox::cfg() const { Cfg::CheckBox c; c.setWidth( d->m_width ); c.setIsChecked( d->m_checked ); c.setObjectId( objectId() ); c.setLink( link() ); c.setPen( Cfg::pen( objectPen() ) ); Cfg::Point p; p.setX( pos().x() ); p.setY( pos().y() ); c.setPos( p ); Cfg::Size s; s.setWidth( d->m_rect.width() ); s.setHeight( d->m_rect.height() ); c.setSize( s ); c.setText( text() ); return c; }
void FlowSensorGE::writePropertyDataToGEDraw( MineGEDraw* pGEDraw ) const { AcDbObjectId gID = getRelatedGE(); AcDbObjectId objID = objectId(); ReadWriteData(gID,_T("瓦斯管中的瓦斯流量"),objID,_T("流量")); MineGE::writePropertyDataToGEDraw(pGEDraw); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int lookup(int *typeOfObject) { int i; gettoken(yytext, sizeof yytext); if (!strnicmp(yytext,"reg",3) && strlen(yytext) == 5 && isdigit(yytext[3]) && isdigit(yytext[4]) && (i=atoi(yytext+3))>=0 && i<100) { *typeOfObject=IDENTIFIER; return i+EVAL_MAX_VARS; } for (i=0;i<EVAL_MAX_VARS;i++) if (!strnicmp(varTable[i].name, yytext,sizeof(varTable[i].name))) { *typeOfObject = IDENTIFIER; return i; } for (i=0;getFunctionFromTable(i);i++) { functionType *f=getFunctionFromTable(i); if (!strcmpi(f->name, yytext)) { *typeOfObject = objectId(f->nParams); return i; } } *typeOfObject = IDENTIFIER; setLastVar(); i = setVar(-1, 0); return i; }
void DifferPressSensorGE::writePropertyDataToGEDraw( MineGEDraw* pGEDraw ) const { AcDbObjectId gID = getRelatedGE(); AcDbObjectId objID = objectId(); ReadWriteData(gID,_T("¹Ü·ѹ²î"),objID,_T("ѹ²î")); MineGE::writePropertyDataToGEDraw(pGEDraw); }
QSharedPointer<QEnginioOperationShared> QEnginioObjectShared::save(QSharedPointer<QEnginioObjectShared> aSelf) { if (!isModified()) { return QSharedPointer<QEnginioOperationShared>(); } QJsonObject update; QJsonObject::iterator i; for (i = iJsonObject.begin(); i != iJsonObject.end(); ++i) { if (i.key() == QtCloudServicesConstants::id || i.key() == QtCloudServicesConstants::objectType) { update.insert(i.key(), i.value()); continue; } if (iPersistentJsonObject.contains(i.key()) && iPersistentJsonObject[i.key()] == i.value()) { continue; } update.insert(i.key(), i.value()); } return iEnginioCollection->update(iEnginioCollection, objectId(), update, SaveCompletedFunctor(aSelf)); }
QJSValue EnginioQmlFileOperation::object() const { QJSValue object = g_qmlEngine->newObject(); object.setProperty(QStringLiteral("id"), objectId()); object.setProperty(QStringLiteral("objectType"), objectType()); return object; }
Acad::ErrorStatus AsdkBody::dwgOutFields(AcDbDwgFiler* filer) const { assertReadEnabled(); Acad::ErrorStatus es; if ((es = AcDbEntity::dwgOutFields(filer)) != Acad::eOk) return es; switch (filer->filerType()) { case AcDb::kCopyFiler: case AcDb::kDeepCloneFiler: case AcDb::kWblockCloneFiler: filer->writeAddress( objectId() ); filer->writeAddress( this ); break; case AcDb::kFileFiler: case AcDb::kUndoFiler: case AcDb::kPageFiler: &DwgFilerCallBack( filer ) ); break; default: break; } return filer->filerStatus(); }
bool QEnginioObjectShared::isPersistent() const { if (!isValid()) { return false; } return !objectId().isEmpty(); }
void checkObjectId( std::istream& in, const State& state ) { // read id and compare with object int id = -1; readValue( in, id ); if( id != objectId( state ) ) { OPM_THROW(std::logic_error,"backup-restore object type mismatch"); } }
void Id::setSystemId(fixed id) { assert(id < 1000); if (isNull()) _id = (id * systemStart).toInt64(); else _id = (id * systemStart + objectId()).toInt64(); }
void TagGE::setRelatedGE( const AcDbObjectId& objId ) { assertWriteEnabled(); if( objId.isNull() || ( objId == m_objId ) ) return; if( objId == objectId() ) return; // 不能和图元自身关联 if( !ArxUtilHelper::IsEqualType( _T( "MineGE" ), objId ) ) return; // 必须从MineGE派生 m_objId = objId; }
/* static */ ObjectId ObjectId::newObjectId() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(newObjectIdMutex); static time_t seconds = 0; static unsigned long fraction = 0; time_t newSeconds = 0; struct timeb timeBuffer; ftime(&timeBuffer); newSeconds = timeBuffer.time; // Reset seconds and fraction if in a new seconds if (seconds < newSeconds) { seconds = newSeconds; fraction = 0; } // Prevent overflow to 0 within the second. This should only happen on // fast machines // as the creation of the fraction part is processor speed dependend if (fraction == ULONG_MAX) { ftime(&timeBuffer); newSeconds = timeBuffer.time; if (seconds < newSeconds) { seconds = newSeconds; fraction = 0; } else { while (seconds >= newSeconds) { ftime(&timeBuffer); newSeconds = timeBuffer.time; } seconds = newSeconds; fraction = 0; } } time_t sec = seconds; struct tm* timeStruct = gmtime(&sec); if (!timeStruct) { fprintf(stderr, "timeStruct is NULL, seconds were %lu\n", seconds); throw std::invalid_argument("timeStruct is NULL"); } char* objectIdString = new char[27]; sprintf(objectIdString, "%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%06lu", timeStruct->tm_year + 1900, timeStruct->tm_mon + 1, timeStruct->tm_mday, timeStruct->tm_hour, timeStruct->tm_min, timeStruct->tm_sec, fraction); ObjectId objectId(objectIdString, objectIdString + 26); delete[] objectIdString; fraction++; return objectId; }
void FormCheckBox::setPosition( const QPointF & pos, bool pushUndoCommand ) { if( pushUndoCommand ) form()->undoStack()->push( new UndoMove< FormCheckBox > ( form(), objectId(), pos - position() ) ); QRectF r = boundingRect(); r.moveTopLeft( pos ); d->setRect( r ); }
qi::AnyObject ObjectRegistrar::registeredServiceObject(const std::string &service) { unsigned int serviceId = objectId(service); if (!serviceId) return qi::AnyObject(); { boost::mutex::scoped_lock sl(_servicesMutex); BoundServiceMap::iterator it = _services.find(serviceId); if (it != _services.end()) return it->second.object; } return AnyObject(); }
void Screen::save(QTextStream &stream) { stream << "<objects>\n"; for (int i = 0; i < m_objects.size(); ++i) { stream << "<object id='" << i << "' type='" << m_objects[i]->type(); stream << "' interface='" + m_objects[i]->interface() + "' name='" + m_objects[i]->name() + "'>\n"; m_objects[i]->save(stream); stream << "</object>\n"; } stream << "</objects>\n"; stream << "<trackedpins>\n"; for (std::map<ScreenObject *, QList<int> >::iterator it = m_trackedPins.begin(); it != m_trackedPins.end(); ++it) { foreach(int pin, it->second) { stream << "<object id='" << objectId(it->first) << "' pin='" << pin << "'/>\n"; } } stream << "</trackedpins>\n"; m_conns->save(stream); }
void FormCheckBox::properties() { CheckBoxProperties dlg; dlg.setCfg( cfg() ); if( dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { Cfg::CheckBox c = dlg.cfg(); form()->undoStack()->push( new UndoChangeTextWithOpts( form(), objectId(), text(), c.text() ) ); setText( c.text() ); d->m_checked = c.isChecked(); update(); } }
Cfg::Text FormText::cfg() const { Cfg::Text c; c.setObjectId( objectId() ); Cfg::Point p; p.setX( pos().x() ); p.setY( pos().y() ); c.setPos( p ); c.setTextWidth( textWidth() ); c.setText( Cfg::text( textCursor(), toPlainText() ) ); c.setLink( link() ); return c; }
// Sets the value of the ownership ID data member. // Acad::ErrorStatus AsdkOwnerDemo::setIdData(const AcDbHardOwnershipId& ownedId) { if (ownedId.asOldId() == 0L) { return Acad::eInvalidInput; } assertWriteEnabled(); mObjId = ownedId; // Now set the backpointer. A transaction is used for // opening the object, so if the object is already // open it won't prevent this setting from taking place. // AcDbObject *pObj; AcTransaction *pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction(); pTrans->getObject(pObj, ownedId, AcDb::kForWrite); pObj->setOwnerId(objectId()); actrTransactionManager->endTransaction(); return Acad::eOk; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int lookup(int *typeOfObject) { int i; gettoken(yytext, sizeof yytext); for (i=0;i<EVAL_MAX_VARS;i++) if (!strcmpi(varTable[i].name, yytext)) { *typeOfObject = IDENTIFIER; return i; } for (i=0;i<sizeof(fnTable)/sizeof(functionType);i++) { if (!strcmpi(fnTable[i].name, yytext)) { *typeOfObject = objectId(fnTable[i].nParams); return i; } } *typeOfObject = IDENTIFIER; setLastVar(); i = setVar(-1, 0); //(*errPtr)++; return i; }
const QString Audio::file() const { return CoreSettings::getAudioDir() + ownerId() + QString("-") + objectId() + QString(".mp3"); }
Acad::ErrorStatus ArxDbgDbEntity::deepClone(AcDbObject* pOwner, AcDbObject*& pClonedObject, AcDbIdMapping& idMap, Adesk::Boolean isPrimary) const { // You should always pass back pClonedObject == NULL // if, for any reason, you do not actually clone it // during this call. The caller should pass it in // as NULL, but to be safe, we set it here as well. pClonedObject = NULL; if (ArxDbgOptions::m_instance.m_showDeepCloneDetails) { CString titleStr, tmpStr; titleStr.Format(_T("Beginning -- deepClone: %s"), ArxDbgUtils::objToClassAndHandleStr(const_cast<ArxDbgDbEntity*>(this), tmpStr)); ArxDbgUiTdmIdMap dbox(&idMap, acedGetAcadDwgView(), titleStr); dbox.DoModal(); } AcDb::DeepCloneType type = idMap.deepCloneContext(); // if we know everything will be cloned for us, just let // the base class do everything for us. if ((type == AcDb::kDcInsert) || (type == AcDb::kDcInsertCopy) || (type == AcDb::kDcExplode)) return AcDbEntity::deepClone(pOwner, pClonedObject, idMap, isPrimary); // following case happens when doing a AcDbDatabase::deepCloneObjects() // and the owner happens to be the same... then its really like a // kDcCopy, otherwise deepCloneObjects() is like a kDcBlock if (type == AcDb::kDcObjects) { if (ownerId() == pOwner->objectId()) type = AcDb::kDcCopy; else type = AcDb::kDcBlock; } // now ask derived classes what references they want cloned for them AcDbObjectIdArray refEntIds; AcDbIntArray refTypes; getCloneReferences(type, refEntIds, refTypes); ASSERT(refEntIds.length() == refTypes.length()); // if derived class doesn't have any references to take care of, then // we will just let the AcDbEntity::deepClone() take care of things. if (refEntIds.isEmpty()) return AcDbEntity::deepClone(pOwner, pClonedObject, idMap, isPrimary); // If this object is in the idMap and is already // cloned, then return. bool tmpIsPrimary = isPrimary ? true : false; // get around compiler performance warning AcDbIdPair idPair(objectId(), AcDbObjectId::kNull, false, tmpIsPrimary); if (idMap.compute(idPair) && (idPair.value() != NULL)) return Acad::eOk; // STEP 1: // Create the clone // AcDbObject *pClone = (AcDbObject*)isA()->create(); if (pClone != NULL) pClonedObject = pClone; // set the return value else return Acad::eOutOfMemory; // STEP 2: // Append the clone to its new owner. In this example, // we know that we are derived from AcDbEntity, so we // can expect our owner to be an AcDbBlockTableRecord, // unless we have set up an ownership relationship with // another of our objects. In that case, we need to // establish how we connect to that owner in our own // way. This sample shows a generic method using // setOwnerId(). // AcDbBlockTableRecord *pBTR = AcDbBlockTableRecord::cast(pOwner); if (pBTR != NULL) { AcDbEntity* ent = AcDbEntity::cast(pClone); pBTR->appendAcDbEntity(ent); } else { if (isPrimary) return Acad::eInvalidOwnerObject; // Some form of this code is only necessary if // anyone has set up an ownership for our object // other than with an AcDbBlockTableRecord. // pOwner->database()->addAcDbObject(pClone); pClone->setOwnerId(pOwner->objectId()); } // STEP 3: // Now we copy our contents to the clone. This is done // using an AcDbDeepCloneFiler. This filer keeps a // list of all AcDbHardOwnershipIds and // AcDbSoftOwnershipIds we, and any classes we derive // from, have. This list is then used to know what // additional, "owned" objects need to be cloned below. // AcDbDeepCloneFiler filer; dwgOut(&filer); // STEP 4: // Rewind the filer and read the data into the clone. //, AcDb::kSeekFromStart); pClone->dwgIn(&filer); // STEP 5: // This must be called for all newly created objects // in deepClone. It is turned off by endDeepClone() // after it has translated the references to their // new values. // pClone->setAcDbObjectIdsInFlux(); // STEP 6: // Add the new information to the idMap. We can use // the idPair started above. // idPair.setValue(pClonedObject->objectId()); idPair.setIsCloned(Adesk::kTrue); idMap.assign(idPair); // STEP 7: // Using the filer list created above, find and clone // any owned objects. // AcDbObject *pSubObject; AcDbObject *pClonedSubObject; AcDbObjectId id; Acad::ErrorStatus es; while (filer.getNextOwnedObject(id)) { // Open the object and clone it. Note that we now // set "isPrimary" to kFalse here because the object // is being cloned, not as part of the primary set, // but because it is owned by something in the // primary set. es = acdbOpenAcDbObject(pSubObject, id, AcDb::kForRead); if (es != Acad::eOk) continue; // could have been NULL or erased pClonedSubObject = NULL; pSubObject->deepClone(pClonedObject, pClonedSubObject, idMap, Adesk::kFalse); // If this is a kDcInsert context, the objects // may be "cheapCloned". In this case, they are // "moved" instead of cloned. The result is that // pSubObject and pClonedSubObject will point to // the same object. So, we only want to close // pSubObject if it really is a different object // than its clone. if (pSubObject != pClonedSubObject) pSubObject->close(); // The pSubObject may either already have been // cloned, or for some reason has chosen not to be // cloned. In that case, the returned pointer will // be NULL. Otherwise, since we have no immediate // use for it now, we can close the clone. if (pClonedSubObject != NULL) pClonedSubObject->close(); } // clone the referenced entities AcDbObject* ent; int len = refEntIds.length(); for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { if (refTypes[i] == kClone) { es = acdbOpenAcDbObject(ent, refEntIds[i], AcDb::kForRead); if (es == Acad::eOk) { pClonedSubObject = NULL; es = ent->deepClone(pOwner, pClonedSubObject, idMap, Adesk::kTrue); if (es == Acad::eOk) { // see comment above about cheap clone if (ent != pClonedSubObject) ent->close(); if (pClonedSubObject != NULL) pClonedSubObject->close(); } } } // this case is needed for RefEdit so we can pass its validation // test when editing a blockReference. We don't actually clone it // but we add it to the map so it thinks it got cloned and is therefore // a valid "Closed Set" of objects. else if (refTypes[i] == kFakeClone) { AcDbIdPair idPair(refEntIds[i], refEntIds[i], false, false, true); idMap.assign(idPair); } } if (ArxDbgOptions::m_instance.m_showDeepCloneDetails) { CString titleStr, tmpStr; titleStr.Format(_T("End -- deepClone: %s"), ArxDbgUtils::objToClassAndHandleStr(const_cast<ArxDbgDbEntity*>(this), tmpStr)); ArxDbgUiTdmIdMap dbox(&idMap, acedGetAcadDwgView(), titleStr); dbox.DoModal(); } // Leave pClonedObject open for the caller return Acad::eOk; }
TEST(SaveLoadTest, SaveLoadLatestVersion) { // Use the temp application. TaskSystem *pTempApp1 = new TaskSystem(); TaskSystem* pPreviousApp = SetWorkingBrain(pTempApp1); { Parameter para(_T("OS"), _T("Windows7")); para.SetComments(_T("global")); GetWorkingBrain()->GetVariableManager()->AddUserParameter(para); } CString conditionId = _T("DoesRegExist"); { ConditionPtr pRegCondition = Condition::Create(_T("RegisterKeyExistsCondition"), GetWorkingBrain()->GetBehaviorManager()); Parameter objectId(OBJECT_ID, conditionId); Parameter para1(_T("RootKey"), _T("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE")); Parameter para2(_T("SubKey"), _T("Software\\Microsoft")); pRegCondition->GetParameterTable().AddParameter(objectId); pRegCondition->GetParameterTable().AddParameter(para1); pRegCondition->GetParameterTable().AddParameter(para2); //GetWorkingBrain()->GetBehaviorManager()->RegisterCondition(pRegCondition); } CString actionId = _T("DemoToRunSysCmd"); { ActionPtr pNewAction = Action::Create(_T("RunSystemCommandAction"), GetWorkingBrain()->GetBehaviorManager()); Parameter objectId(OBJECT_ID, actionId); objectId.SetComments(_T("Object Id is used to reference this object everywhere.")); Parameter objectType; pNewAction->GetParameterTable().GetParameter(OBJECT_TYPE, objectType); objectType.SetComments(_T("Object type indicates which behavior body will this action invokes.")); Parameter cmd(APPLICATION_NAME, _T("regedit.exe")); cmd.SetComments(_T("Indicate which command will be run")); pNewAction->GetParameterTable().AddParameter(objectId); pNewAction->GetParameterTable().AddParameter(objectType); pNewAction->GetParameterTable().AddParameter(cmd); //GetWorkingBrain()->GetBehaviorManager()->RegisterAction(pNewAction); GetWorkingBrain()->GetBehaviorManager()->AddActionTask(pNewAction); } CString fileName(_T("C:\\braintest.xml")); // Save bool ret = GetWorkingBrain()->XmlOut(fileName); EXPECT_EQ(true, ret); // Load TaskSystem *pTempApp2 = new TaskSystem(); SetWorkingBrain(pTempApp2); ret = GetWorkingBrain()->XmlIn(fileName); EXPECT_EQ(true, ret); { ActionPtr pAction = GetWorkingBrain()->GetBehaviorManager()->GetActionById(actionId); EXPECT_EQ(true, (pAction != NULL)); } { ConditionPtr pCondition = GetWorkingBrain()->GetBehaviorManager()->GetConditionById(conditionId); EXPECT_EQ(true, (pCondition != NULL)); } // Recover SetWorkingBrain(pPreviousApp); }
Acad::ErrorStatus ArxDbgDbEntity::wblockClone(AcRxObject* pOwner, AcDbObject*& pClone, AcDbIdMapping& idMap, Adesk::Boolean isPrimary) const { if (ArxDbgOptions::m_instance.m_showWblockCloneDetails) { CString titleStr, tmpStr; titleStr.Format(_T("Beginning -- wblockClone: %s"), ArxDbgUtils::objToClassAndHandleStr(const_cast<ArxDbgDbEntity*>(this), tmpStr)); ArxDbgUiTdmIdMap dbox(&idMap, acedGetAcadDwgView(), titleStr); dbox.DoModal(); } AcDb::DeepCloneType type = idMap.deepCloneContext(); // if xrefInsert or xrefBind, we know everything will // be cloned, so just let normal routine handle this if ((type == AcDb::kDcXrefBind) || (type == AcDb::kDcXrefInsert)) { return AcDbEntity::wblockClone(pOwner, pClone, idMap, isPrimary); } // if we've already been cloned, just return AcDbIdPair idPair(objectId(), AcDbObjectId::kNull, true); if (idMap.compute(idPair) && (idPair.value() != AcDbObjectId::kNull)) { return Acad::eOk; } // If isPrimary is kTrue, then override the default cloning // within our own cloning, which would set it to kFalse, // by cloning our referenced entity first. if (isPrimary) { // now ask derived classes what references they want cloned for them AcDbObjectIdArray refEntIds; AcDbIntArray refTypes; getCloneReferences(type, refEntIds, refTypes); ASSERT(refEntIds.length() == refTypes.length()); // clone each entity we reference first and change the value // of isPrimary to fake it out. Since we clone these first, // when the normal wblockClone is called, it will see that // they are already in the set of cloned objects and will not // try to clone it again. AcDbEntity* ent; Acad::ErrorStatus es; int len = refEntIds.length(); for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { if (refTypes[i] == kClone) { es = acdbOpenAcDbEntity(ent, refEntIds[i], AcDb::kForRead); if (es == Acad::eOk) { // this method only works if they come from the same block // (which SHOULD always be the case!) if (blockId() == ent->blockId()) { // Use the same owner, and pass in the same isPrimary value AcDbObject* pSubClone = NULL; es = ent->wblockClone(pOwner, pSubClone, idMap, Adesk::kTrue); if (pSubClone != NULL) pSubClone->close(); if (es != Acad::eOk) { ASSERT(0); } } else { ASSERT(0); } ent->close(); } } } } // Now we can clone ourselves via calling our parent's method. Acad::ErrorStatus es = AcDbEntity::wblockClone(pOwner, pClone, idMap, isPrimary); if (ArxDbgOptions::m_instance.m_showWblockCloneDetails) { CString titleStr, tmpStr; titleStr.Format(_T("End -- wblockClone: %s"), ArxDbgUtils::objToClassAndHandleStr(const_cast<ArxDbgDbEntity*>(this), tmpStr)); ArxDbgUiTdmIdMap dbox(&idMap, acedGetAcadDwgView(), titleStr); dbox.DoModal(); } return es; }
void ScreenshotService::getScreenshot(TasCommandModel& model, TasResponse& response) { QListIterator<TasTarget*> i(model.targetList()); QString errorMsg = PARSE_ERROR; QImage screenshot; QString pictureFormat = "PNG"; while (i.hasNext()) { TasTarget* commandTarget =; QString targetId = commandTarget->id(); QString targetType = commandTarget->type(); TasCommand* command = commandTarget->findCommand("Screenshot"); // are required for command completion if (targetId.isEmpty() || targetType.isEmpty() || !command) { continue; } if (!command->parameter("format").isEmpty()) { pictureFormat = command->parameter("format"); } if (!isFormatSupported(pictureFormat)) { errorMsg = "Given format " + pictureFormat + "is not supported. Supported formats are: PNG, JPEG and BMP."; break; } bool draw = (command->parameter("draw") == "true"); QWidget* widget = 0; QQuickWindow* qtQuickWindow = 0; WId winId = 0; QRect rect(0,0,-1,-1); errorMsg = "Taking screenshot failed!"; if (targetType == TYPE_GRAPHICS_VIEW) { //TasLogger::logger()->debug("TYPE_GRAPHICS_VIEW Target id:" + targetId); QGraphicsItem* item = findGraphicsItem(targetId); if (item) { QGraphicsView* view = getViewForItem(item); if(view) { ItemLocationDetails locationDetails = TestabilityUtils::getItemLocationDetails(item); rect = QRect(locationDetails.windowPoint.x(), locationDetails.windowPoint.y(), locationDetails.width, locationDetails.height); if (draw) { widget = view->window(); } else { winId = view->window()->winId(); } } else { errorMsg = "Could not find a GraphicsView for the GraphicsItem!"; } } else { errorMsg = "Could not find the GraphicsItem!"; } } else if (targetType == TYPE_STANDARD_VIEW) { //TasLogger::logger()->debug("TYPE_STANDARD_VIEW about to find widget Target id:" + targetId); widget = findWidget(targetId); if (widget) { if ((widget->isWindow() && !draw) || widget->inherits("QDesktopWidget")) { winId = widget->winId(); widget = 0; } else if (!draw) { QPoint point = widget->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)); QPoint windowPoint = widget->window()->mapFromGlobal(point); rect = QRect(windowPoint.x(), windowPoint.y(), widget->rect().width(), widget->rect().width()); winId = widget->window()->winId(); widget = 0; } } else { TasLogger::logger()->debug("ScreenshotService::executeService application has no visible ui!"); errorMsg = "Application has no visible ui!"; } } else if (targetType == TYPE_QSCENEGRAPH) { QQuickItem* item = TestabilityUtils::findQuickItem(targetId); if (item) { QPointF offset = item->mapToScene(QPointF(0,0)); rect = QRect(-offset.x(), -offset.y(), item->width(), item->height()); qtQuickWindow = item->window(); } } else { //TasLogger::logger()->debug("TYPE_APPLICATION_VIEW about to find application window Target id:" + targetId); widget = getApplicationWidget(); if (!widget) { QWindow *window = getApplicationWindow(); //in case no window false, return the desktop qtQuickWindow = qobject_cast<QQuickWindow *>(window); if (!window) { widget = qApp->desktop(); } } } if (widget) { screenshot = widget->grab(rect).toImage(); if (!screenshot.isNull()) { screenshot.setText("tas_id", objectId(widget)); } } else if (qtQuickWindow) { screenshot = qtQuickWindow->grabWindow(); if (!screenshot.isNull()) { screenshot.setText("tas_id", objectId(qtQuickWindow)); } } else if (winId) { screenshot = QPixmap::grabWindow(winId, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()).toImage(); if (!screenshot.isNull()) { screenshot.setText("tas_id", QString::number(winId)); } } break; } if (!screenshot.isNull()) { QByteArray bytes; QBuffer buffer(&bytes);;, pictureFormat.toLatin1()); response.setData(bytes); buffer.close(); } else { response.setErrorMessage(errorMsg); } }
// Getters const QString Audio::audioId() const { return objectId(); }
bool AcRectangle::updateDimensions(AcDbDimDataPtrArray* pDimData) { if (!pDimData || (pDimData->length() <= 0)) return false; int numDims = pDimData->length(); AcDbObjectId entId = objectId(); AcGeVector3d vertDir = mNormal.crossProduct(mHorizDir); AcGePoint3d pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, dimPt, textPt; pt1 = mCenter + 0.5 * mWidth * mHorizDir + 0.5 * mHeight * vertDir; pt2 = mCenter - 0.5 * mWidth * mHorizDir + 0.5 * mHeight * vertDir; pt3 = mCenter - 0.5 * mWidth * mHorizDir - 0.5 * mHeight * vertDir; pt4 = mCenter + 0.5 * mWidth * mHorizDir - 0.5 * mHeight * vertDir; AcDbObjectId ownerId; for (int i = 0; i < numDims; i++) { AcDbDimData *pData = (*pDimData)[i]; ownerId = pData->ownerId(); if (!entId.isNull() && (entId != ownerId)) continue; AppData *pDimAppData = (AppData*)pData->appData(); int dimIndex = pDimAppData ? pDimAppData->index() : 0; double dimScale = pDimAppData->dimScale(); AcDbDimension *pDim = (AcDbDimension*)pData->dimension(); if (pDim->isKindOf(AcDbAlignedDimension::desc())) { AcDbAlignedDimension *pAlnDim = AcDbAlignedDimension::cast(pDim); //pAlnDim->setDimjust(1); switch (dimIndex) { case 1: textPt = pt2 + 1.0 * vertDir; dimPt = mCenter + (0.5 * mHeight + 0.5 * dimScale) * vertDir; pAlnDim->setXLine1Point(pt1); pAlnDim->setXLine2Point(pt2); pAlnDim->setDimLinePoint(dimPt); //pAlnDim->setTextPosition(textPt); break; case 2: textPt = pt1 + 1.0 * mHorizDir; dimPt = mCenter + (0.5 * mWidth + 0.5 * dimScale) * mHorizDir; pAlnDim->setXLine1Point(pt1); pAlnDim->setXLine2Point(pt4); pAlnDim->setDimLinePoint(dimPt); //pAlnDim->setTextPosition(textPt); break; case 3: textPt = pt2 + 1.0 * vertDir; dimPt = mCenter + (0.5 * mHeight + 0.5 * dimScale) * vertDir; pAlnDim->setXLine1Point(pt1); pAlnDim->setXLine2Point(pt2); pAlnDim->setDimLinePoint(dimPt); //pAlnDim->setTextPosition(textPt); break; case 4: textPt = pt1 + 1.0 * mHorizDir; dimPt = mCenter + (0.5 * mWidth + 0.5 * dimScale) * mHorizDir; pAlnDim->setXLine1Point(pt1); pAlnDim->setXLine2Point(pt4); pAlnDim->setDimLinePoint(dimPt); //pAlnDim->setTextPosition(textPt); break; case 5: dimPt = mCenter + (0.5 * mHeight + 0.5 * dimScale) * vertDir; pAlnDim->setXLine1Point(pt1); pAlnDim->setXLine2Point(pt2); pAlnDim->setDimLinePoint(dimPt); break; case 6: dimPt = mCenter - (0.5 * mWidth + 0.5 * dimScale) * mHorizDir; pAlnDim->setXLine1Point(pt2); pAlnDim->setXLine2Point(pt3); pAlnDim->setDimLinePoint(dimPt); break; case 7: dimPt = mCenter - (0.5 * mWidth + 0.5 * dimScale) * mHorizDir; pAlnDim->setXLine1Point(pt2); pAlnDim->setXLine2Point(pt3); pAlnDim->setDimLinePoint(dimPt); break; case 8: dimPt = mCenter - (0.5 * mHeight + 0.5 * dimScale) * vertDir; pAlnDim->setXLine1Point(pt3); pAlnDim->setXLine2Point(pt4); pAlnDim->setDimLinePoint(dimPt); break; case 9: dimPt = mCenter - (0.5 * mHeight + 0.5 * dimScale) * vertDir; pAlnDim->setXLine1Point(pt3); pAlnDim->setXLine2Point(pt4); pAlnDim->setDimLinePoint(dimPt); break; case 10: dimPt = mCenter + (0.5 * mWidth + 0.5 * dimScale) * mHorizDir; pAlnDim->setXLine1Point(pt4); pAlnDim->setXLine2Point(pt1); pAlnDim->setDimLinePoint(dimPt); break; } } } return true; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CContextEnginePluginTest::CreateObjects // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TInt CContextEnginePluginTest::CreateObjectsL( CStifItemParser& aItem ) { CMdENamespaceDef& defaultNamespace = iMdEClient->GetDefaultNamespaceDefL(); CMdEObjectDef& imageDef = defaultNamespace.GetObjectDefL( MdeConstants::Image::KImageObject ); // Mandatory parameters for any object. CMdEPropertyDef& creationDef = imageDef.GetPropertyDefL( MdeConstants::Object::KCreationDateProperty ); CMdEPropertyDef& modifiedDef = imageDef.GetPropertyDefL( MdeConstants::Object::KLastModifiedDateProperty ); CMdEPropertyDef& sizeDef = imageDef.GetPropertyDefL( MdeConstants::Object::KSizeProperty ); CMdEPropertyDef& itemTypeDef = imageDef.GetPropertyDefL( MdeConstants::Object::KItemTypeProperty ); CMdEPropertyDef& descriptionPropertyDef = imageDef.GetPropertyDefL( MdeConstants::MediaObject::KDescriptionProperty ); CMdEPropertyDef& widthDef = imageDef.GetPropertyDefL( MdeConstants::MediaObject::KWidthProperty ); CMdEPropertyDef& heightDef = imageDef.GetPropertyDefL( MdeConstants::MediaObject::KHeightProperty ); CMdEPropertyDef& makeDef = imageDef.GetPropertyDefL( MdeConstants::Image::KMakeProperty ); CMdEPropertyDef& modelDef = imageDef.GetPropertyDefL( MdeConstants::Image::KModelProperty ); CMdEObject* object = NULL; TItemId objectId(0); TTime currTime; TPtrC inputFile; TInt count(0); TBuf <100> msg; iIds.Reset(); User::LeaveIfError( aItem.GetNextInt( count )); for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { User::LeaveIfError( aItem.GetNextString( inputFile )); // create object iMdEClient->RemoveObjectL(inputFile); object = iMdEClient->NewObjectLC(imageDef, inputFile); currTime.HomeTime(); object->AddTimePropertyL(creationDef, currTime); object->AddTimePropertyL(modifiedDef, currTime); object->AddUint32PropertyL( sizeDef, 0 ); object->AddTextPropertyL( itemTypeDef, MdeConstants::Image::KImageObject ); objectId = iMdEClient->AddObjectL(*object); iIds.Append(objectId); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(object); object = NULL; // open object for modification TRAPD( openError, object = iMdEClient->OpenObjectL(objectId) ); if ( !object || openError != KErrNone ) { _LIT( KOpenErr, " ModifyObjects - Open error : %d" ); msg.Format(KOpenErr, openError); iLog->Log( msg ); RDebug::Print(msg); User::LeaveIfError(openError); } CleanupStack::PushL( object ); // add properties CMdEProperty* property = NULL; // Description _LIT( KDesc, "Description" ); object->Property( descriptionPropertyDef, property ); if ( property ) { property->SetTextValueL( KDesc ); } else { object->AddTextPropertyL( descriptionPropertyDef, KDesc ); } property = NULL; // Width object->Property( widthDef, property ); if ( property ) { property->SetUint16ValueL( 100 ); } else { object->AddUint16PropertyL( widthDef, 100 ); } property = NULL; // Height object->Property( heightDef, property ); if ( property ) { property->SetUint16ValueL( 100 ); } else { object->AddUint16PropertyL( heightDef, 100 ); } property = NULL; // Maker object->Property( makeDef, property ); _LIT( KOnkia, "Maker" ); if ( property ) { property->SetTextValueL( KOnkia ); } else { object->AddTextPropertyL( makeDef, KOnkia ); } property = NULL; // Model object->Property( modelDef, property ); _LIT( KModel, "Model" ); if ( property ) { property->SetTextValueL( KModel ); } else { object->AddTextPropertyL( modelDef, KModel ); } // Commit object TRAPD( commitError, iMdEClient->CommitObjectL(*object) ); if ( commitError != KErrNone ) { _LIT( KCommErr, " CreateObjects - Commit error : %d" ); msg.Format(KCommErr, commitError); iLog->Log( msg ); RDebug::Print(msg); User::LeaveIfError(commitError); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(object); object = NULL; } _LIT( KMsg, "Exit EndCreateObjects" ); iLog->Log( KMsg ); RDebug::Print( KMsg ); return KErrNone; }