Exemple #1
int console_cmd_lose(game_state *gs, int argc, char **argv) {
    if(argc == 1) {
        game_player *player = game_state_get_player(gs, 0);
        object *har_obj = game_player_get_har(player);
        har *har = object_get_userdata(har_obj);
        har->health = 0;
        return 0;
    return 1;
Exemple #2
int console_cmd_stun(game_state *gs, int argc, char **argv) {
    if(argc == 1) {
        game_player *player = game_state_get_player(gs, 1);
        object *har_obj = game_player_get_har(player);
        har *har = object_get_userdata(har_obj);
        har->endurance = 0;
        har->state = STATE_RECOIL;
        return 0;
    return 1;
Exemple #3
// return 1 on block
int ai_block_har(controller *ctrl, ctrl_event **ev) {
    ai *a = ctrl->data;
    object *o = ctrl->har;
    har *h = object_get_userdata(o);
    object *o_enemy = game_state_get_player(o->gs, h->player_id == 1 ? 0 : 1)->har;
    har *h_enemy = object_get_userdata(o_enemy);

    // XXX TODO get maximum move distance from the animation object
    if(fabsf(o_enemy->pos.x - o->pos.x) < 100) {
        if(h_enemy->executing_move && maybe(a->difficulty)) {
            if(har_is_crouching(h_enemy)) {
                a->cur_act = (o->direction == OBJECT_FACE_RIGHT ? ACT_DOWN|ACT_LEFT : ACT_DOWN|ACT_RIGHT);
                controller_cmd(ctrl, a->cur_act, ev);
            } else {
                a->cur_act = (o->direction == OBJECT_FACE_RIGHT ? ACT_LEFT : ACT_RIGHT);
                controller_cmd(ctrl, a->cur_act, ev);
            return 1;
    return 0;
Exemple #4
int projectile_create(object *obj) {
    // strore the HAR in local userdata instead
    projectile_local *local = malloc(sizeof(projectile_local));
    local->owner = obj;
    local->wall_bounce = 0;
    local->ground_freeze = 0;
    local->af_data = ((har*)object_get_userdata(obj))->af_data;

    // Set up callbacks
    object_set_userdata(obj, local);
    object_set_dynamic_tick_cb(obj, projectile_tick);
    object_set_free_cb(obj, projectile_free);
    object_set_move_cb(obj, projectile_move);
    return 0;
Exemple #5
void projectile_move(object *obj) {
    projectile_local *local = object_get_userdata(obj);

    obj->pos.x += obj->vel.x;
    obj->vel.y += obj->gravity;
    obj->pos.y += obj->vel.y;

    float dampen = 0.7f;

    // If wall bounce flag is on, bounce the projectile on wall hit
    // Otherwise kill it.
    if(local->wall_bounce) {
        if(obj->pos.x <  ARENA_LEFT_WALL) {
            obj->pos.x = ARENA_LEFT_WALL;
            obj->vel.x = -obj->vel.x * dampen;
        if(obj->pos.x > ARENA_RIGHT_WALL) {
            obj->pos.x = ARENA_RIGHT_WALL;
            obj->vel.x = -obj->vel.x * dampen;
    } else if (!local->invincible) {
        if(obj->pos.x < ARENA_LEFT_WALL) {
            obj->pos.x = ARENA_LEFT_WALL;
            obj->animation_state.finished = 1;
        if(obj->pos.x > ARENA_RIGHT_WALL) {
            obj->pos.x = ARENA_RIGHT_WALL;
            obj->animation_state.finished = 1;
    if(obj->pos.y > ARENA_FLOOR) {
        obj->pos.y = ARENA_FLOOR;
        obj->vel.y = -obj->vel.y * dampen;
        obj->vel.x = obj->vel.x * dampen;
    if(obj->pos.y >= (ARENA_FLOOR-5)
        && IS_ZERO(obj->vel.x)
        && obj->vel.y < obj->gravity * 1.1
        && obj->vel.y > obj->gravity * -1.1
        && local->ground_freeze) {

        object_disable_rewind_tag(obj, 1);
Exemple #6
void projectile_tick(object *obj) {
    projectile_local *local = object_get_userdata(obj);

    if(obj->animation_state.finished) {
        af_move *move = af_get_move(local->af_data, obj->cur_animation->id);
        if (move->successor_id) {
            object_set_animation(obj, &af_get_move(local->af_data, move->successor_id)->ani);
            object_set_repeat(obj, 0);
            object_set_vel(obj, vec2f_create(0,0));
            obj->animation_state.finished = 0;

    // Set effect flags
    if(player_frame_isset(obj, "bt")) {
        object_add_effects(obj, EFFECT_DARK_TINT);
    } else {
        object_del_effects(obj, EFFECT_DARK_TINT);
Exemple #7
int projectile_unserialize(object *obj, serial *ser, int animation_id, game_state *gs) {
    uint8_t har_id = serial_read_int8(ser);

    game_player *player;
    object *o;
    har *h;

    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        player = game_state_get_player(gs, i);
        o = game_player_get_har(player);
        h = object_get_userdata(o);
        if (h->af_data->id == har_id) {
            af_move *move = af_get_move(h->af_data, animation_id);
            object_set_animation(obj, &move->ani);
            object_set_userdata(obj, h);
            object_set_stl(obj, object_get_stl(o));
            return 0;
    DEBUG("COULD NOT FIND HAR ID %d", har_id);
    // could not find the right HAR...
    return 1;
Exemple #8
int projectile_serialize(object *obj, serial *ser) {
    projectile_local *local = object_get_userdata(obj);
    serial_write_int8(ser, SPECID_PROJECTILE);
    serial_write_int8(ser, local->af_data->id);
    return 0;
Exemple #9
void projectile_free(object *obj) {
Exemple #10
void projectile_stop_on_ground(object *obj, int stop) {
    projectile_local *local = object_get_userdata(obj);
    local->ground_freeze = stop;
Exemple #11
void projectile_set_invincible(object *obj) {
    projectile_local *local = object_get_userdata(obj);
    local->invincible = 1;
Exemple #12
void projectile_set_wall_bounce(object *obj, int bounce) {
    projectile_local *local = object_get_userdata(obj);
    local->wall_bounce = bounce;
Exemple #13
object *projectile_get_owner(object *obj) {
    return ((projectile_local*)object_get_userdata(obj))->owner;
Exemple #14
af *projectile_get_af_data(object *obj) {
    return ((projectile_local*)object_get_userdata(obj))->af_data;
Exemple #15
int ai_controller_poll(controller *ctrl, ctrl_event **ev) {
    ai *a = ctrl->data;
    object *o = ctrl->har;
    if (!o) {
        return 1;
    har *h = object_get_userdata(o);
    object *o_enemy = game_state_get_player(o->gs, h->player_id == 1 ? 0 : 1)->har;

    // Do not run AI while the game is paused
    if(game_state_is_paused(o->gs)) { return 0; }

    // Do not run AI while match is starting or ending
    // XXX this prevents the AI from doing scrap/destruction moves
    // XXX this could be fixed by providing a "scene changed" event
    if(is_arena(game_state_get_scene(o->gs)->id) &&
       arena_get_state(game_state_get_scene(o->gs)) != ARENA_STATE_FIGHTING) {

        // null out selected move to fix the "AI not moving problem"
        a->selected_move = NULL;
        return 0;

    // Grab all projectiles on screen
    game_state_get_projectiles(o->gs, &a->active_projectiles);

    // Try to block har
    if(ai_block_har(ctrl, ev)) {
        return 0;

    // Try to block projectiles
    if(ai_block_projectile(ctrl, ev)) {
        return 0;

    if(a->selected_move) {
        // finish doing the selected move first
        if(a->input_lag_timer > 0) {
        } else {
            if(a->move_str_pos <= 0) {
                a->move_str_pos = 0;
            a->input_lag_timer = a->input_lag;
        int ch = str_at(&a->selected_move->move_string, a->move_str_pos);
        controller_cmd(ctrl, char_to_act(ch, o->direction), ev);

    } else if(rand_int(100) < a->difficulty) {
        af_move *selected_move = NULL;
        int top_value = 0;

        // Attack
        for(int i = 0; i < 70; i++) {
            af_move *move = NULL;
            if((move = af_get_move(h->af_data, i))) {
                move_stat *ms = &a->move_stats[i];
                if(is_valid_move(move, h)) {
                    int value = ms->value + rand_int(10);
                    if (ms->min_hit_dist != -1){
                        if (ms->last_dist < ms->max_hit_dist+5 && ms->last_dist > ms->min_hit_dist+5){
                            value += 2;
                        } else if (ms->last_dist > ms->max_hit_dist+10){
                            value -= 3;

                    value -= ms->attempts/2;
                    value -= ms->consecutive*2;

                    if (is_special_move(move) && !maybe(a->difficulty)) {
                        DEBUG("skipping special move %s because of difficulty", str_c(&move->move_string));

                    if (selected_move == NULL){
                        selected_move = move;
                        top_value = value;
                    } else if (value > top_value) {
                        selected_move = move;
                        top_value = value;
        for(int i = 0; i < 70; i++) {
            a->move_stats[i].consecutive /= 2;
        if(selected_move) {

            // do the move
            a->selected_move = selected_move;
            a->move_str_pos = str_size(&selected_move->move_string)-1;
            a->move_stats[a->selected_move->id].last_dist = fabsf(o->pos.x - o_enemy->pos.x);
            a->blocked = 0;
            DEBUG("AI selected move %s", str_c(&selected_move->move_string));
    } else {
        // Change action after 30 ticks
        if(a->act_timer <= 0 && rand_int(100) > 88){
            int p = rand_int(100);
            if(p > 40){
                // walk forward
                a->cur_act = (o->direction == OBJECT_FACE_RIGHT ? ACT_RIGHT : ACT_LEFT);
            } else if(p > 20){
                // walk backward
                a->cur_act = (o->direction == OBJECT_FACE_RIGHT ? ACT_LEFT : ACT_RIGHT);
            } else if(p > 10){
                // do nothing
                a->cur_act = ACT_STOP;
            } else {
                // crouch and block
                a->cur_act = (o->direction == OBJECT_FACE_RIGHT ? ACT_DOWN|ACT_LEFT : ACT_DOWN|ACT_RIGHT);

            a->act_timer = 30;
            controller_cmd(ctrl, a->cur_act, ev);
        } else {

        // Jump once in a while
        if(rand_int(100) == 88){
            if(o->vel.x < 0) {
                controller_cmd(ctrl, ACT_UP|ACT_LEFT, ev);
            } else if(o->vel.x > 0) {
                controller_cmd(ctrl, ACT_UP|ACT_RIGHT, ev);
            } else {
                controller_cmd(ctrl, ACT_UP, ev);
    return 0;