Exemple #1
 * Describe an item's random attributes for "character dumps"
void identify_random_gen(const object_type *o_ptr)
	/* Set hooks for character dump */
	object_info_out_flags = object_flags_known;

	/* Set the indent/wrap */
	text_out_indent = 3;
	text_out_wrap = 65;

	/* Dump the info */
	if (object_info_out(o_ptr, FALSE))

	/* Dump object history if necessary */
	if (history_interesting(o_ptr))
		char buf[200];

		/* Get the history and dump it */
		if (format_object_history(buf, sizeof(buf), o_ptr))


	/* Reset indent/wrap */
	text_out_indent = 0;
	text_out_wrap = 0;
Exemple #2
 * Provide information on an ego-item type
textblock *object_info_ego(struct ego_item * ego)
	object_kind *kind = NULL;
	object_type obj = { 0 };
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < z_info->k_max; i++) {
		kind = &k_info[i];
		if (!kind->name)
		if (kind->tval == ego->tval[0])

	obj.kind = kind;
	obj.tval = kind->tval;
	obj.sval = kind->sval;
	obj.name2 = ego->eidx;
	of_union(obj.flags_obj, ego->flags_obj);
	cf_union(obj.flags_curse, ego->flags_curse);
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_P_RES; i++)
		obj.percent_res[i] = ego->percent_res[i];
	for (i = 0; i < A_MAX; i++)
		obj.bonus_stat[i] = ego->bonus_stat[i];
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_P_BONUS; i++)
		obj.bonus_other[i] = ego->bonus_other[i];
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_P_SLAY; i++)
		obj.multiple_slay[i] = ego->multiple_slay[i];
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_P_BRAND; i++)
		obj.multiple_brand[i] = ego->multiple_brand[i];

	return object_info_out(&obj, OINFO_FULL | OINFO_EGO | OINFO_DUMMY);
Exemple #3
 * Provide information on an item suitable for writing to the character dump
 * - keep it brief.
void object_info_chardump(ang_file *f, const struct object *obj, int indent,
						  int wrap)
	textblock *tb = object_info_out(obj, OINFO_TERSE | OINFO_SUBJ);
	textblock_to_file(tb, f, indent, wrap);
Exemple #4
 * Provide information on an ego-item type
textblock *object_info_ego(struct ego_item *ego)
	struct object_kind *kind = NULL;
	struct object obj = OBJECT_NULL, known_obj = OBJECT_NULL;
	size_t i;

	for (i = 0; i < z_info->k_max; i++) {
		kind = &k_info[i];
		if (!kind->name)
		if (i == ego->poss_items->kidx)

	obj.kind = kind;
	obj.tval = kind->tval;
	obj.sval = kind->sval;
	obj.ego = ego;
	ego_apply_magic(&obj, 0);

	object_copy(&known_obj, &obj);
	obj.known = &known_obj;

	return object_info_out(&obj, OINFO_NONE | OINFO_EGO);
Exemple #5
 * Provide information on an item suitable for writing to the character dump - keep it brief.
void object_info_chardump(const object_type *o_ptr, char_attr_line **line, 
			  int *current_line, int indent, int wrap)
	textblock *tb = object_info_out(o_ptr, OINFO_TERSE | OINFO_SUBJ);
	textblock_dump(tb, line, current_line, indent, wrap);
 * Describe fake ego item "lore"
QString desc_ego_fake(int ego_num, QString object_string, bool display)
    /* Hack: dereference the join */
    QString xtra[10] = { "sustains", "higher resistances", "abilities", "immunities", "stat increases",
                            "slays", "*slays*", "elemental brands", "elemental resists", "native abilities"};

    ego_item_type *e_ptr = &e_info[ego_num];

    object_type dummy;
    object_type *o_ptr = &dummy;

        /* List ego flags */
    int k_idx = find_first_ego_match(ego_num);
    if (!k_idx) return ("No match");

    make_object_fake(o_ptr, k_idx, ego_num, TRUE);
    o_ptr->xtra2 = 0;

    QString output = color_string(QString("<big><b>%1 %2</b></big><br>") .arg(object_string) .arg(e_ptr->e_name), TERM_BLUE);

    if (e_ptr->e_text.length())
        output.append(QString("<br>%1<br>") .arg(e_ptr->e_text));

    output.append(object_info_out(o_ptr, FALSE, FALSE));

    if (e_ptr->xtra)
        output.append(QString("<br>It provides one or more random %1.<br>") .arg(xtra[e_ptr->xtra - 1]));

    if (e_ptr->e_flags3 & (TR3_PERMA_CURSE)) output.append("It is permanently cursed.");
    else if (e_ptr->e_flags3 & (TR3_HEAVY_CURSE)) output.append("It is heavily cursed.");
    if (e_ptr->e_flags3 & (TR3_LIGHT_CURSE)) output.append("It is cursed.");

    /* Finally, display it */
    if (display) display_info_window(DISPLAY_INFO_OBJECT, o_ptr->k_idx, output);

Exemple #7
textblock *object_info_theme(struct theme *theme)
	object_kind *kind = NULL;
	object_type obj = {0};
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < z_info->k_max; i++) {
		kind = &k_info[i];
		if (!kind->name)
		if (kind->tval == theme->tval[0])

	obj.kind = kind;
	obj.tval = kind->tval;
	obj.sval = kind->sval;
	obj_apply_theme(&obj, 0, theme->index);

	return object_info_out(&obj, OINFO_FULL | OINFO_EGO | OINFO_DUMMY);
Exemple #8
 * Provide information on an ego-item type
textblock *object_info_ego(struct ego_item *ego)
	object_kind *kind = NULL;
	object_type obj = { 0 };
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < z_info->k_max; i++) {
		kind = &k_info[i];
		if (!kind->name)
		if (kind->tval == ego->tval[0])

	obj.kind = kind;
	obj.tval = kind->tval;
	obj.sval = kind->sval;
	obj.ego = ego;
	of_union(obj.flags, ego->flags);

	return object_info_out(&obj, OINFO_FULL | OINFO_EGO | OINFO_DUMMY);
Exemple #9
 * Provide information on an ego-item type
textblock *object_info_ego(struct ego_item *ego)
	object_kind *kind = NULL;
	object_type obj = { 0 };
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < z_info->k_max; i++) {
		kind = &k_info[i];
		if (!kind->name)
		if (kind->tval == ego->tval[0])

	obj.kind = kind;
	obj.tval = kind->tval;
	obj.sval = kind->sval;
	obj.affix[0] = ego;
	ego_apply_magic(&obj, 0, ego->eidx);

	return object_info_out(&obj, OINFO_FULL | OINFO_EGO | OINFO_DUMMY);
Exemple #10
 * Place an item description on the screen.
void object_info_screen(const object_type *o_ptr)
	bool has_description, has_info;

	/* Redirect output to the screen */
	text_out_hook = text_out_to_screen;

	/* Save the screen */

	has_description = screen_out_head(o_ptr);

	object_info_out_flags = object_flags_known;

	/* Dump the info */
	new_paragraph = TRUE;
	has_info = object_info_out(o_ptr);
	new_paragraph = FALSE;

	if (!object_known_p(o_ptr))
		p_text_out("\n\n   This item has not been identified.");
	else if ((!has_description) && (!has_info))
		p_text_out("\n\n   This item does not seem to possess any special abilities.");

	text_out_c(TERM_L_BLUE, "\n\n(press any key)\n");

	/* Wait for input */

	/* Load the screen */

Exemple #11
 * Provide spoiler information on an item.
 * Practically, this means that we should not print anything which relies upon
 * the player's current state, since that is not suitable for spoiler material.
void object_info_spoil(ang_file *f, const object_type *o_ptr, int wrap)
	textblock *tb = object_info_out(o_ptr, OINFO_FULL);
	textblock_to_file(tb, f, 0, wrap);
Exemple #12
 * Provide information on an item, including how it would affect the current
 * player's state.
 * mode OINFO_FULL should be set if actual player knowledge should be ignored
 * in favour of full knowledge.
 * returns TRUE if anything is printed.
textblock *object_info(const object_type *o_ptr, oinfo_detail_t mode)
	mode |= OINFO_SUBJ;
	return object_info_out(o_ptr, mode);
Exemple #13
 * Provide spoiler information on an item.
 * Practically, this means that we should not print anything which relies upon
 * the player's current state, since that is not suitable for spoiler material.
void object_info_spoil(ang_file *f, const struct object *obj, int wrap)
	textblock *tb = object_info_out(obj, OINFO_NONE);
	textblock_to_file(tb, f, 0, wrap);
Exemple #14
 * Provide information on an item, including how it would affect the current
 * player's state.
 * returns true if anything is printed.
textblock *object_info(const struct object *obj, oinfo_detail_t mode)
	mode |= OINFO_SUBJ;
	return object_info_out(obj, mode);