Exemple #1
static void tst_srw(void)
    const char *charset = 0;
    char *content_buf = 0;
    int content_len;
    int ret;
    ODR o = odr_createmem(ODR_ENCODE);
    Z_SOAP_Handler h[2] = {
        {"http://www.loc.gov/zing/srw/", 0, (Z_SOAP_fun) yaz_srw_codec},
        {0, 0, 0}
    Z_SRW_PDU *sr = yaz_srw_get(o, Z_SRW_searchRetrieve_request);
    Z_SOAP *p = (Z_SOAP *) odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*p));

#if 0
    sr->u.request->query = "jordb" "\xe6" "r";
    sr->u.request->query = "jordbaer";

    p->which = Z_SOAP_generic;
    p->u.generic = (Z_SOAP_Generic *) odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*p->u.generic));
    p->u.generic->no = 0;
    p->u.generic->ns = 0;
    p->u.generic->p = sr;
    p->ns = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";

    ret = z_soap_codec_enc(o, &p, &content_buf, &content_len, h, charset);
    YAZ_CHECK(ret == 0);  /* codec failed ? */
Exemple #2
static void yaz_xml2query_rpnstructure(const xmlNode *ptr, Z_RPNStructure **zs,
                                       ODR odr,
                                       int *error_code, const char **addinfo)
    while (ptr && ptr->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
        ptr = ptr->next;

    if (!ptr || ptr->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
        *error_code = 1;
        *addinfo = "missing rpn operator, rset, apt node";
    if (check_diagnostic(ptr, odr, error_code, addinfo))

    *zs = (Z_RPNStructure *) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof(Z_RPNStructure));
    if (!xmlStrcmp(ptr->name, BAD_CAST "operator"))
        Z_Complex *zc = (Z_Complex *) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof(Z_Complex));

        (*zs)->which = Z_RPNStructure_complex;
        (*zs)->u.complex = zc;

        yaz_xml2query_operator(ptr, &zc->roperator, odr, error_code, addinfo);

        ptr = ptr->children;
        while (ptr && ptr->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
            ptr = ptr->next;
        yaz_xml2query_rpnstructure(ptr, &zc->s1, odr, error_code, addinfo);
        if (ptr)
            ptr = ptr->next;
        while (ptr && ptr->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
            ptr = ptr->next;
        yaz_xml2query_rpnstructure(ptr, &zc->s2, odr, error_code, addinfo);
        Z_Operand *s = (Z_Operand *) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof(Z_Operand));
        (*zs)->which = Z_RPNStructure_simple;
        (*zs)->u.simple = s;
        if (!xmlStrcmp(ptr->name, BAD_CAST "apt"))
            s->which = Z_Operand_APT;
            yaz_xml2query_apt(ptr, &s->u.attributesPlusTerm,
                              odr, error_code, addinfo);
        else if (!xmlStrcmp(ptr->name, BAD_CAST "rset"))
            s->which = Z_Operand_resultSetId;
            yaz_xml2query_rset(ptr, &s->u.resultSetId,
                               odr, error_code, addinfo);
            *error_code = 1;
            *addinfo = "bad element: expected binary, apt or rset";
Exemple #3
Fichier : zget.c Projet : nla/yaz
static Z_InitRequest *zget_InitRequest(ODR o)
    Z_InitRequest *r = (Z_InitRequest *)odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*r));

    r->referenceId = 0;
    r->options = (Odr_bitmask *)odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*r->options));
    r->protocolVersion = (Odr_bitmask *)
        odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*r->protocolVersion));

    ODR_MASK_SET(r->options, Z_Options_search);
    ODR_MASK_SET(r->options, Z_Options_present);


    ODR_MASK_SET(r->protocolVersion, Z_ProtocolVersion_1);
    ODR_MASK_SET(r->protocolVersion, Z_ProtocolVersion_2);

    r->preferredMessageSize = odr_intdup(o, 1024*1024);
    r->maximumRecordSize = odr_intdup(o, 1024*1024);
    r->idAuthentication = 0;
    r->implementationId = "81";
    r->implementationName = "YAZ";
    r->implementationVersion = YAZ_VERSION
    r->userInformationField = 0;
    r->otherInfo = 0;
    return r;
Exemple #4
static Z_OriginProposal_0 *z_get_OriginProposal_0(ODR o, const char *charset)
    int form = get_form(charset);
    Z_OriginProposal_0 *p0 =
        (Z_OriginProposal_0*)odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*p0));

    memset(p0, 0, sizeof(*p0));

    if (form > 0)
    {   /* ISO 10646 (UNICODE) */
        char oidname[20];

        Z_Iso10646 *is = (Z_Iso10646 *) odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*is));
        p0->which = Z_OriginProposal_0_iso10646;
        p0->u.iso10646 = is;
        is->collections = 0;
        sprintf(oidname, "1.0.10646.1.0.%d", form);
        is->encodingLevel = odr_getoidbystr(o, oidname);
    {   /* private ones */
        Z_PrivateCharacterSet *pc =
            (Z_PrivateCharacterSet *)odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*pc));

        memset(pc, 0, sizeof(*pc));

        p0->which = Z_OriginProposal_0_private;
        p0->u.zprivate = pc;

        pc->which = Z_PrivateCharacterSet_externallySpecified;
        pc->u.externallySpecified = z_ext_record2(o, charset);
    return p0;
Exemple #5
Fichier : http.c Projet : nla/yaz
int yaz_decode_http_response(ODR o, Z_HTTP_Response **hr_p)
    int i, po;
    Z_HTTP_Response *hr = (Z_HTTP_Response *) odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*hr));

    *hr_p = hr;
    hr->content_buf = 0;
    hr->content_len = 0;

    po = i = 5;
    while (i < o->size-2 && !strchr(" \r\n", o->buf[i]))
    hr->version = (char *) odr_malloc(o, i - po + 1);
    if (i - po)
        memcpy(hr->version, o->buf + po, i - po);
    hr->version[i-po] = 0;
    if (o->buf[i] != ' ')
        o->error = OHTTP;
        return 0;
    hr->code = 0;
    while (i < o->size-2 && o->buf[i] >= '0' && o->buf[i] <= '9')
        hr->code = hr->code*10 + (o->buf[i] - '0');
    while (i < o->size-1 && o->buf[i] != '\n')
    return decode_headers_content(o, i, &hr->headers,
                                  &hr->content_buf, &hr->content_len);
Exemple #6
static Z_OriginProposal *z_get_OriginProposal(
    ODR o, const char **charsets, int num_charsets,
    const char **langs, int num_langs, int selected)
    int i;
    Z_OriginProposal *p = (Z_OriginProposal *) odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*p));

    memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));

    p->recordsInSelectedCharSets = (bool_t *)odr_malloc(o, sizeof(bool_t));
    *p->recordsInSelectedCharSets = (selected) ? 1 : 0;

    if (charsets && num_charsets)
        p->num_proposedCharSets = num_charsets;
        p->proposedCharSets =
            odr_malloc(o, num_charsets*sizeof(Z_OriginProposal_0*));

        for (i = 0; i < num_charsets; i++)
            p->proposedCharSets[i] =
                z_get_OriginProposal_0(o, charsets[i]);
    if (langs && num_langs)
        p->num_proposedlanguages = num_langs;
        p->proposedlanguages =
            (char **) odr_malloc(o, num_langs*sizeof(char *));

        for (i = 0; i < num_langs; i++)
            p->proposedlanguages[i] = (char *)langs[i];
    return p;
Exemple #7
Fichier : zget.c Projet : nla/yaz
Z_External *zget_init_diagnostics_octet(ODR odr, int error,
                                        const char *addinfo)
    Z_External *x, *x2;
    Z_OtherInformation *u;
    Z_OtherInformationUnit *l;
    Z_DiagnosticFormat *d;
    Z_DiagnosticFormat_s *e;
    char *octet_buf;
    int octet_len;
    ODR encode;

    u = (Z_OtherInformation *) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof *u);
    u->num_elements = 1;
    u->list = (Z_OtherInformationUnit**) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof *u->list);
    u->list[0] = (Z_OtherInformationUnit*) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof *u->list[0]);
    l = u->list[0];
    l->category = 0;
    l->which = Z_OtherInfo_externallyDefinedInfo;

    x2 = (Z_External*) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof *x);
    l->information.externallyDefinedInfo = x2;
    x2->descriptor = 0;
    x2->indirect_reference = 0;

    x2->direct_reference = odr_oiddup(odr, yaz_oid_diagset_diag_1);
    x2->which = Z_External_diag1;

    d = (Z_DiagnosticFormat*) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof *d);
    x2->u.diag1 = d;
    d->num = 1;
    d->elements = (Z_DiagnosticFormat_s**) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof *d->elements);
    d->elements[0] = (Z_DiagnosticFormat_s*) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof *d->elements[0]);
    e = d->elements[0];

    e->which = Z_DiagnosticFormat_s_defaultDiagRec;
    e->u.defaultDiagRec = zget_DefaultDiagFormat(odr, error, addinfo);
    e->message = 0;

    encode = odr_createmem(ODR_ENCODE);

    z_OtherInformation(encode, &u, 0, 0);

    octet_buf = odr_getbuf(encode, &octet_len, 0);

    x = (Z_External*) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof *x);
    x->descriptor = 0;
    x->indirect_reference = 0;
    x->direct_reference = odr_oiddup(odr, yaz_oid_userinfo_userinfo_1);
    x->which = Z_External_octet;
    x->u.octet_aligned = (Odr_oct *) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof(Odr_oct));
    x->u.octet_aligned->buf = (unsigned char *) odr_malloc(odr, octet_len);
    memcpy(x->u.octet_aligned->buf, octet_buf, octet_len);
    x->u.octet_aligned->len = octet_len;


    return x;
Exemple #8
Fichier : facet.c Projet : nla/yaz
Z_FacetList* facet_list_create(ODR odr, int num_facets)
    Z_FacetList *facet_list = odr_malloc(odr, sizeof(*facet_list));
    facet_list->num = num_facets;
    facet_list->elements =
        odr_malloc(odr, facet_list->num * sizeof(*facet_list->elements));
    return facet_list;
Exemple #9
Fichier : facet.c Projet : nla/yaz
Z_FacetTerm* facet_term_create(ODR odr, Z_Term *term, int freq)
    Z_FacetTerm *facet_term = odr_malloc(odr, sizeof(*facet_term));
    facet_term->count = odr_malloc(odr, sizeof(*facet_term->count));
    facet_term->term = term;
    *facet_term->count = freq;
    return facet_term;
Exemple #10
Fichier : zget.c Projet : nla/yaz
Z_DiagRecs *zget_DiagRecs(ODR o, int error, const char *addinfo)
    Z_DiagRecs *drecs = (Z_DiagRecs*) odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*drecs));
    Z_DiagRec **dr = (Z_DiagRec**) odr_malloc(o, sizeof(**dr));
    drecs->diagRecs = dr;
    dr[0] = zget_DiagRec(o, error, addinfo);
    drecs->num_diagRecs = 1;
    return drecs;
Exemple #11
Fichier : facet.c Projet : nla/yaz
Z_FacetField* facet_field_create(ODR odr, Z_AttributeList *attributes,
                                 int num_terms)
    Z_FacetField *facet_field = odr_malloc(odr, sizeof(*facet_field));
    facet_field->attributes = attributes;
    facet_field->num_terms = num_terms;
    facet_field->terms = odr_malloc(odr, num_terms * sizeof(*facet_field->terms));
    return facet_field;
Exemple #12
Odr_oct *odr_create_Odr_oct(ODR o, const unsigned char *buf, int sz)
    Odr_oct *p = (Odr_oct *) odr_malloc(o, sizeof(Odr_oct));
    p->buf = (unsigned char *) odr_malloc(o, sz);
    memcpy(p->buf, buf, sz);
    p->size = sz;
    p->len = sz;
    return p;
Exemple #13
Fichier : http.c Projet : nla/yaz
int yaz_decode_http_request(ODR o, Z_HTTP_Request **hr_p)
    int i, po;
    Z_HTTP_Request *hr = (Z_HTTP_Request *) odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*hr));

    *hr_p = hr;

    /* method .. */
    for (i = 0; o->buf[i] != ' '; i++)
        if (i >= o->size-5 || i > 30)
            o->error = OHTTP;
            return 0;
    hr->method = (char *) odr_malloc(o, i+1);
    memcpy (hr->method, o->buf, i);
    hr->method[i] = '\0';
    /* path */
    po = i+1;
    for (i = po; o->buf[i] != ' '; i++)
        if (i >= o->size-5)
            o->error = OHTTP;
            return 0;
    hr->path = (char *) odr_malloc(o, i - po + 1);
    memcpy (hr->path, o->buf+po, i - po);
    hr->path[i - po] = '\0';
    /* HTTP version */
    if (i > o->size-5 || memcmp(o->buf+i, "HTTP/", 5))
        o->error = OHTTP;
        return 0;
    i+= 5;
    po = i;
    while (i < o->size && !strchr("\r\n", o->buf[i]))
    hr->version = (char *) odr_malloc(o, i - po + 1);
    memcpy(hr->version, o->buf + po, i - po);
    hr->version[i - po] = '\0';
    /* headers */
    if (i < o->size-1 && o->buf[i] == '\r')
    if (o->buf[i] != '\n')
        o->error = OHTTP;
        return 0;
    return decode_headers_content(o, i, &hr->headers,
                                  &hr->content_buf, &hr->content_len);
Exemple #14
static Z_Complex *rpn_complex(struct yaz_pqf_parser *li, ODR o,
                              int num_attr, int max_attr, 
                              Odr_int *attr_list, char **attr_clist,
                              Odr_oid **attr_set)
    Z_Complex *zc;
    Z_Operator *zo;

    zc = (Z_Complex *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*zc));
    zo = (Z_Operator *)odr_malloc (o, sizeof(*zo));
    zc->roperator = zo;
    switch (li->query_look)
    case 'a':
        zo->which = Z_Operator_and;
        zo->u.op_and = odr_nullval();
    case 'o':
        zo->which = Z_Operator_or;
        zo->u.op_or = odr_nullval();
    case 'n':
        zo->which = Z_Operator_and_not;
        zo->u.and_not = odr_nullval();
    case 'p':
        zo->which = Z_Operator_prox;
        zo->u.prox = rpn_proximity (li, o);
        if (!zo->u.prox)
            return NULL;
        /* we're only called if one of the above types are seens so
           this shouldn't happen */
        li->error = YAZ_PQF_ERROR_INTERNAL;
        return NULL;
    lex (li);
    if (!(zc->s1 =
          rpn_structure(li, o, num_attr, max_attr, attr_list,
                        attr_clist, attr_set)))
        return NULL;
    if (!(zc->s2 =
          rpn_structure(li, o, num_attr, max_attr, attr_list,
                        attr_clist, attr_set)))
        return NULL;
    return zc;
Exemple #15
void yaz_mk_sru_surrogate(ODR o, Z_SRW_record *record, int pos,
                          int code, const char *details)
    const char *message = yaz_diag_srw_str(code);
    int len = 200;
    if (message)
        len += strlen(message);
    if (details)
        len += strlen(details);

    record->recordData_buf = (char *) odr_malloc(o, len);

    sprintf(record->recordData_buf, "<diagnostic "
            " <uri>info:srw/diagnostic/1/%d</uri>\n", code);
    if (details)
        sprintf(record->recordData_buf + strlen(record->recordData_buf),
                " <details>%s</details>\n", details);
    if (message)
        sprintf(record->recordData_buf + strlen(record->recordData_buf),
                " <message>%s</message>\n", message);
    sprintf(record->recordData_buf + strlen(record->recordData_buf),
    record->recordData_len = strlen(record->recordData_buf);
    record->recordPosition = odr_intdup(o, pos);
    record->recordSchema = "info:srw/schema/1/diagnostics-v1.1";
Exemple #16
void yaz_cookies_request(yaz_cookies_t yc, ODR odr, Z_HTTP_Request *req)
    struct cookie *c;
    size_t sz = 0;

    for (c = yc->list; c; c = c->next)
        if (c->name && c->value)
            sz += strlen(c->name) + strlen(c->value) + 3;
    if (sz)
        char *buf = odr_malloc(odr, sz + 1);

        *buf = '\0';
        for (c = yc->list; c; c = c->next)
            if (*buf)
                strcat(buf, "; ");
            strcat(buf, c->name);
            strcat(buf, "=");
            strcat(buf, c->value);
        z_HTTP_header_add(odr, &req->headers, "Cookie", buf);
Exemple #17
Fichier : http.c Projet : nla/yaz
Z_GDU *z_get_HTTP_Request_host_path(ODR odr,
                                    const char *host,
                                    const char *path)
    Z_GDU *p = z_get_HTTP_Request(odr);

    p->u.HTTP_Request->path = odr_strdup(odr, path);

    if (host)
        const char *cp0 = strstr(host, "://");
        const char *cp1 = 0;
        if (cp0)
            cp0 = cp0+3;
            cp0 = host;

        cp1 = strchr(cp0, '/');
        if (!cp1)
            cp1 = cp0+strlen(cp0);

        if (cp0 && cp1)
            char *h = (char*) odr_malloc(odr, cp1 - cp0 + 1);
            memcpy (h, cp0, cp1 - cp0);
            h[cp1-cp0] = '\0';
            z_HTTP_header_add(odr, &p->u.HTTP_Request->headers,
                              "Host", h);
    return p;
Exemple #18
bend_initresult *bend_init(bend_initrequest *q)
    bend_initresult *r = (bend_initresult *)
        odr_malloc (q->stream, sizeof(*r));
    int *counter = (int *) xmalloc (sizeof(int));

    *counter = 0;
    r->errcode = 0;
    r->errstring = 0;
    r->handle = counter;         /* user handle, in this case a simple int */
    q->bend_sort = ztest_sort;              /* register sort handler */
    q->bend_search = ztest_search;          /* register search handler */
    q->bend_present = ztest_present;        /* register present handle */
    q->bend_esrequest = ztest_esrequest;
    q->bend_delete = ztest_delete;
    q->bend_fetch = ztest_fetch;
    q->bend_scan = ztest_scan;
    q->bend_explain = ztest_explain;
    if (read_conf_file()) {
    	yaz_log(LOG_LOG,"Can't handle configuration file");
    	r->errcode = 2;
     return r;
Exemple #19
int yaz_sru_get_encode(Z_HTTP_Request *hreq, Z_SRW_PDU *srw_pdu,
                       ODR encode, const char *charset)
    char *name[MAX_SRU_PARAMETERS], *value[MAX_SRU_PARAMETERS]; /* definite upper limit for SRU params */
    char *uri_args;
    char *path;
    char *cp;

    z_HTTP_header_add_basic_auth(encode, &hreq->headers,
                                 srw_pdu->username, srw_pdu->password);
    if (yaz_get_sru_parms(srw_pdu, encode, name, value, MAX_SRU_PARAMETERS))
        return -1;
    yaz_array_to_uri(&uri_args, encode, name, value);

    hreq->method = "GET";

    cp = strchr(hreq->path, '#');
    if (cp)
        *cp = '\0';

    path = (char *)
        odr_malloc(encode, strlen(hreq->path) + strlen(uri_args) + 4);

    sprintf(path, "%s%c%s", hreq->path, strchr(hreq->path, '?') ? '&' : '?', 
    hreq->path = path;

    z_HTTP_header_add_content_type(encode, &hreq->headers,
                                   "text/xml", charset);
    return 0;
Exemple #20
Odr_oct *odr_create_Odr_oct(ODR o, const char *buf, int sz)
    Odr_oct *p = (Odr_oct *) odr_malloc(o, sizeof(Odr_oct));
    p->buf = odr_strdupn(o, buf, sz);
    p->len = sz;
    return p;
Exemple #21
Fichier : facet.c Projet : nla/yaz
Z_Term *term_create(ODR odr, const char *cstr)
    Z_Term *term = odr_malloc(odr, sizeof(*term));
    term->which = Z_Term_characterString;
    term->u.characterString = odr_strdup(odr, cstr);
    return term;
Exemple #22
Fichier : zget.c Projet : nla/yaz
Z_NamePlusRecord *zget_surrogateDiagRec(ODR o, const char *dbname,
                                        int error, const char *addinfo)
    Z_NamePlusRecord *rec = (Z_NamePlusRecord *) odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*rec));
    Z_DiagRec *drec = (Z_DiagRec *)odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*drec));

    if (dbname)
        rec->databaseName = odr_strdup(o, dbname);
        rec->databaseName = 0;
    rec->which = Z_NamePlusRecord_surrogateDiagnostic;
    rec->u.surrogateDiagnostic = drec;
    drec->which = Z_DiagRec_defaultFormat;
    drec->u.defaultFormat = zget_DefaultDiagFormat(o, error, addinfo);
    return rec;
Exemple #23
Fichier : zget.c Projet : nla/yaz
Z_DiagRec *zget_DiagRec(ODR o, int error, const char *addinfo)
    Z_DiagRec *dr = (Z_DiagRec*) odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*dr));
    dr->which = Z_DiagRec_defaultFormat;
    dr->u.defaultFormat = zget_DefaultDiagFormat(o, error, addinfo);
    return dr;
Exemple #24
Fichier : http.c Projet : nla/yaz
Z_GDU *z_get_HTTP_Request(ODR o)
    Z_GDU *p = (Z_GDU *) odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*p));
    Z_HTTP_Request *hreq;

    p->which = Z_GDU_HTTP_Request;
    p->u.HTTP_Request = (Z_HTTP_Request *) odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*hreq));
    hreq = p->u.HTTP_Request;
    hreq->headers = 0;
    hreq->content_len = 0;
    hreq->content_buf = 0;
    hreq->version = "1.1";
    hreq->method = "POST";
    hreq->path = "/";
    z_HTTP_header_add(o, &hreq->headers, "User-Agent", "YAZ/" YAZ_VERSION);
    return p;
Exemple #25
Fichier : facet.c Projet : nla/yaz
Z_FacetTerm *facet_term_create_cstr(ODR odr, const char *cstr, Odr_int freq)
    Z_FacetTerm *facet_term = odr_malloc(odr, sizeof(*facet_term));
    Z_Term *term = z_Term_create(odr, Z_Term_general, cstr, strlen(cstr));
    facet_term->term = term;
    facet_term->count = odr_intdup(odr, freq);
    return facet_term;
Exemple #26
Fichier : http.c Projet : nla/yaz
 * HTTP Basic authentication is described at:
 * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1945#section-11.1
void z_HTTP_header_add_basic_auth(ODR o, Z_HTTP_Header **hp,
                                  const char *username, const char *password)
    char *tmp, *buf;
    int len;

    if (username == 0)
    if (password == 0)
        password = "";

    len = strlen(username) + strlen(password);
    tmp = (char *) odr_malloc(o, len+2);
    sprintf(tmp, "%s:%s", username, password);
    buf = (char *) odr_malloc(o, (len+1) * 8/6 + 12);
    strcpy(buf, "Basic ");
    yaz_base64encode(tmp, &buf[strlen(buf)]);
    z_HTTP_header_add(o, hp, "Authorization", buf);
Exemple #27
static Z_CharSetandLanguageNegotiation *z_get_CharSetandLanguageNegotiation(
    ODR o)
    Z_CharSetandLanguageNegotiation *p =
        (Z_CharSetandLanguageNegotiation *) odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*p));

    memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));

    return p;
Exemple #28
Z_SRW_extra_record *yaz_srw_get_extra_record(ODR o)
    Z_SRW_extra_record *res = (Z_SRW_extra_record *)
        odr_malloc(o, sizeof(*res));

    res->extraRecordData_buf = 0;
    res->extraRecordData_len = 0;
    res->recordIdentifier = 0;
    return res;
Exemple #29
Fichier : http.c Projet : nla/yaz
void z_HTTP_header_add(ODR o, Z_HTTP_Header **hp, const char *n,
                       const char *v)
    while (*hp)
        hp = &(*hp)->next;
    *hp = (Z_HTTP_Header *) odr_malloc(o, sizeof(**hp));
    (*hp)->name = odr_strdup(o, n);
    (*hp)->value = odr_strdup(o, v);
    (*hp)->next = 0;
Exemple #30
static int p_query_parse_attr(struct yaz_pqf_parser *li, ODR o,
                              int num_attr, Odr_int *attr_list,
                              char **attr_clist, Odr_oid **attr_set)
    const char *cp;

    if (!(cp = strchr (li->lex_buf, '=')) ||
        (size_t) (cp-li->lex_buf) > li->lex_len)
        attr_set[num_attr] = query_oid_getvalbyname (li, o);
        if (attr_set[num_attr] == 0)
            li->error = YAZ_PQF_ERROR_ATTSET;
            return 0;
        if (!lex (li))
            li->error = YAZ_PQF_ERROR_MISSING;
            return 0;
        if (!(cp = strchr (li->lex_buf, '=')))
            li->error = YAZ_PQF_ERROR_BADATTR;
            return 0;
        if (num_attr > 0)
            attr_set[num_attr] = attr_set[num_attr-1];
            attr_set[num_attr] = 0;
    if (*li->lex_buf < '0' || *li->lex_buf > '9')
        li->error = YAZ_PQF_ERROR_BAD_INTEGER;
        return 0;
    attr_list[2*num_attr] = atoi(li->lex_buf);
    if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9')
        attr_list[2*num_attr+1] = atoi (cp);
        attr_clist[num_attr] = 0;
        int len = li->lex_len - (cp - li->lex_buf);
        attr_list[2*num_attr+1] = 0;
        attr_clist[num_attr] = (char *) odr_malloc (o, len+1);
        len = escape_string(attr_clist[num_attr], cp, len);
        attr_clist[num_attr][len] = '\0';
    return 1;