/* ****************************************************************************
* putEntityAttributeValue -
* PUT /v2/entities/<id>/attrs/<attrName>/value
* Payload In:  AttributeValue
* Payload Out: None
* 01. Fill in UpdateContextRequest with data from URI and payload
* 02. Call standard op postUpdateContext
* 03. Check output from mongoBackend - any errors?
* 04. Prepare HTTP headers
* 05. Cleanup and return result
std::string putEntityAttributeValue
  ConnectionInfo*            ciP,
  int                        components,
  std::vector<std::string>&  compV,
  ParseData*                 parseDataP
  std::string  entityId       = compV[2];
  std::string  attributeName  = compV[4];
  std::string  type           = ciP->uriParam["type"];

  if (forbiddenIdChars(ciP->apiVersion, entityId.c_str(),      NULL) ||
      forbiddenIdChars(ciP->apiVersion, attributeName.c_str(), NULL))
    ciP->httpStatusCode = oe.code;
    return oe.toJson();

  // 01. Fill in UpdateContextRequest with data from URI and payload
  parseDataP->av.attribute.name = attributeName;
  parseDataP->av.attribute.type = "";  // Overwrite 'none', as no type can be given in 'value' payload
  parseDataP->av.attribute.onlyValue = true;

  std::string err = parseDataP->av.attribute.check(ciP->apiVersion, ciP->requestType);
  if (err != "OK")
    OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, err, "BadRequest");
    ciP->httpStatusCode = oe.code;
    return oe.toJson();
  parseDataP->upcr.res.fill(entityId, &parseDataP->av.attribute, ActionTypeUpdate, type);

  // 02. Call standard op postUpdateContext
  postUpdateContext(ciP, components, compV, parseDataP);

  // 03. Check output from mongoBackend
  std::string answer = "";
  if (parseDataP->upcrs.res.oe.code != SccNone)
    TIMED_RENDER(answer = parseDataP->upcrs.res.oe.toJson());
    ciP->httpStatusCode = parseDataP->upcrs.res.oe.code;
    ciP->httpStatusCode = SccNoContent;

  // 05. Cleanup and return result

  return answer;
/* ****************************************************************************
* patchSubscription -
* PATCH /v2/subscriptions/{entityId}
* Payload In:  None
* Payload Out: None
* URI parameters:
*   -
std::string patchSubscription
  ConnectionInfo*            ciP,
  int                        components,
  std::vector<std::string>&  compV,
  ParseData*                 parseDataP
  std::string                        answer;
  std::string                        subscriptionId =  compV[2];
  UpdateContextSubscriptionResponse  ucsr;

  // 'Fill In' UpdateContextSubscriptionRequest

  TIMED_MONGO(ciP->httpStatusCode = mongoUpdateContextSubscription(&parseDataP->ucsr.res,

  if (ciP->httpStatusCode != SccOk)
    OrionError oe(ciP->httpStatusCode);

    TIMED_RENDER(answer = oe.render(ciP, ""));

    return answer;
  else if (ucsr.subscribeError.errorCode.code != SccNone)
    OrionError oe(ucsr.subscribeError.errorCode.code);

    ciP->httpStatusCode = ucsr.subscribeError.errorCode.code;

    oe.reasonPhrase = ucsr.subscribeError.errorCode.reasonPhrase;

    if (ucsr.subscribeError.errorCode.code == SccContextElementNotFound)
      oe.details = "The requested subscription has not been found. Check id";

    TIMED_RENDER(answer = oe.render(ciP, ""));

    return answer;

  ciP->httpStatusCode = SccNoContent;

  return "";
/* ****************************************************************************
* postEntities - 
* POST /v2/entities
* Payload In:  Entity
* Payload Out: None
* URI parameters:
*   - 
* 01. Fill in UpdateContextRequest
* 02. Call standard op postUpdateContext
* 03. Prepare HTTP headers
* 04. Cleanup and return result
std::string postEntities
  ConnectionInfo*            ciP,
  int                        components,
  std::vector<std::string>&  compV,
  ParseData*                 parseDataP
  Entity*  eP = &parseDataP->ent.res;

  if (!legalEntityLength(eP, ciP->servicePath))
    OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, "Too long entity id/type/servicePath combination");
    ciP->httpStatusCode = SccBadRequest;
    return oe.render(ciP, "");

  // 01. Fill in UpdateContextRequest
  parseDataP->upcr.res.fill(eP, "APPEND_STRICT");

  // 02. Call standard op postUpdateContext
  postUpdateContext(ciP, components, compV, parseDataP, true);

  HttpStatusCode rcode = parseDataP->upcrs.res.contextElementResponseVector[0]->statusCode.code;

  std::string answer;

  // 03. Prepare HTTP headers
  if (rcode == SccOk || rcode == SccNone)
    std::string location = "/v2/entities/" + eP->id;

    ciP->httpStatusCode = SccCreated;
  else if (rcode == SccInvalidModification)
    OrionError oe(SccInvalidModification, "Entity already exists");
    ciP->httpStatusCode = SccInvalidModification;
    answer = oe.render(ciP, "");

  // 04. Cleanup and return result

  return answer;
/* ****************************************************************************
* badVerbGetDeletePatchOnly -
std::string badVerbGetDeletePatchOnly
  ConnectionInfo*            ciP,
  int                        components,
  std::vector<std::string>&  compV,
  ParseData*                 parseDataP
  std::string  details = std::string("bad verb for url '") + ciP->url + "', method '" + ciP->method + "'";
  OrionError   oe(SccBadVerb, ERROR_DESC_BAD_VERB);

  std::string headerValue = "GET, DELETE, PATCH";
  // OPTIONS verb is only available for V2 API
  if ((corsEnabled == true) && (ciP->apiVersion == V2))
    headerValue = headerValue + ", OPTIONS";
  ciP->httpStatusCode = SccBadVerb;

  alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, details);

  return (ciP->apiVersion == V1 || ciP->apiVersion == NO_VERSION)? "" :  oe.smartRender(ciP->apiVersion);
Exemple #5
/* ****************************************************************************
* BatchQuery::check - 
std::string BatchQuery::check(ConnectionInfo* ciP, RequestType requestType)
  std::string res;
  std::string err;

  if (((res = entities.check(ciP, requestType))          != "OK") ||
      ((res = attributeV.check(requestType, "", err, 0)) != "OK") ||
      ((res = scopeV.check(requestType, "", err, 0))     != "OK"))
    std::string error = res;

    if (err != "")
      error += ": ";
      error += err;

    OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, res);

    alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, error);
    return oe.render();

  return "OK";
int AssetTemplateItem::compare( const QModelIndex & idx, const QModelIndex & idx2, int column, bool asc ) const
	int i = 0;
	Element e(r), oe(AssetTemplateTranslator::getRecordStatic(idx2));
	if( e.isRecord() ) i++;
	if( oe.isRecord() ) i--;
	if( i==0 )
		return ItemBase::compare(idx,idx2,column,asc);
	return i;
/* ****************************************************************************
* getEntityAttribute -
* GET /v2/entities/:id:/attrs/:attrName:
* Payload In:  None
* Payload Out: Entity Attribute
* 01. Fill in QueryContextRequest
* 02. Call standard op postQueryContext
* 03. Render Entity Attribute response
* 04. Cleanup and return result
std::string getEntityAttribute
  ConnectionInfo*            ciP,
  int                        components,
  std::vector<std::string>&  compV,
  ParseData*                 parseDataP
  std::string  type   = ciP->uriParam["type"];
  std::string  answer;
  Attribute    attribute;

  if (forbiddenIdChars(ciP->apiVersion, compV[2].c_str() , NULL) || (forbiddenIdChars(ciP->apiVersion, compV[4].c_str() , NULL)))
    OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, INVAL_CHAR_URI, "BadRequest");
    ciP->httpStatusCode = oe.code;
    return oe.toJson();

  // 01. Fill in QueryContextRequest
  parseDataP->qcr.res.fill(compV[2], type, "false", EntityTypeEmptyOrNotEmpty, "");

  // 02. Call standard op postQueryContext
  postQueryContext(ciP, components, compV, parseDataP);

  // 03. Render entity attribute response
  attribute.fill(&parseDataP->qcrs.res, compV[4]);

  TIMED_RENDER(answer = attribute.render(ciP, EntityAttributeResponse));

  if (attribute.oe.reasonPhrase == "TooManyResults")
    ciP->httpStatusCode = SccConflict;
  else if (attribute.oe.reasonPhrase == "NotFound")
    ciP->httpStatusCode = SccContextElementNotFound; // Attribute to be precise!
    // the same of the wrapped operation
    ciP->httpStatusCode = parseDataP->qcrs.res.errorCode.code;

  // 04. Cleanup and return result

  return answer;
/* ****************************************************************************
* getEntityType -
* GET /v2/types/<entityType>
* Payload In:  None
* Payload Out: EntityTypeResponse
* URI parameters:
*   - options=noAttrDetail
std::string getEntityType
  ConnectionInfo*            ciP,
  int                        components,
  std::vector<std::string>&  compV,
  ParseData*                 parseDataP
  EntityTypeResponse  response;
  std::string         entityTypeName = compV[2];
  std::string         answer;
  bool                noAttrDetail   = ciP->uriParamOptions[OPT_NO_ATTR_DETAIL];

  if (entityTypeName == "")
    OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, EMPTY_ENTITY_TYPE, "BadRequest");
    ciP->httpStatusCode = oe.code;
    return oe.toJson();

  TIMED_MONGO(mongoAttributesForEntityType(entityTypeName, &response, ciP->tenant, ciP->servicePathV, ciP->uriParam, noAttrDetail, ciP->apiVersion));

  if (response.entityType.count == 0)
    OrionError oe(SccContextElementNotFound, "Entity type not found", "NotFound");
    TIMED_RENDER(answer = oe.toJson());
    ciP->httpStatusCode = oe.code;
    TIMED_RENDER(answer = response.toJson(ciP));


  return answer;
/* ****************************************************************************
* badVerbPutDeleteOnly - 
std::string badVerbPutDeleteOnly
  ConnectionInfo*            ciP,
  int                        components,
  std::vector<std::string>&  compV,
  ParseData*                 parseDataP
  std::string  details = std::string("bad verb for url '") + ciP->url + "', method '" + ciP->method + "'";
  OrionError   oe(SccBadVerb, BAD_VERB);

  ciP->httpHeaderValue.push_back("PUT, DELETE");
  ciP->httpStatusCode = SccBadVerb;

  return (ciP->apiVersion == "v1")? "" :  oe.smartRender(ciP->apiVersion);
/* ****************************************************************************
* putEntity - 
* PUT /v2/entities
* Payload In:  Entity
* Payload Out: None
* URI parameters:
*   - 
* 01. Fill in UpdateContextRequest
* 02. Call standard op putUpdateContext
* 03. Check output from mongoBackend - any errors?
* 04. Prepare HTTP headers
* 05. Cleanup and return result
std::string putEntity
  ConnectionInfo*            ciP,
  int                        components,
  std::vector<std::string>&  compV,
  ParseData*                 parseDataP
  Entity*     eP     = &parseDataP->ent.res;

  eP->id   = compV[2];
  eP->type = ciP->uriParam["type"];

  if (forbiddenIdChars(ciP->apiVersion, compV[2].c_str() , NULL))
    ciP->httpStatusCode = oe.code;
    return oe.toJson();

  // 01. Fill in UpdateContextRequest
  parseDataP->upcr.res.fill(eP, ActionTypeReplace);

  // 02. Call standard op postUpdateContext
  postUpdateContext(ciP, components, compV, parseDataP);

  // 03. Check error
  std::string answer = "";
  if (parseDataP->upcrs.res.oe.code != SccNone )
    TIMED_RENDER(answer = parseDataP->upcrs.res.oe.toJson());
    ciP->httpStatusCode = parseDataP->upcrs.res.oe.code;
    ciP->httpStatusCode = SccNoContent;

  // 04. Cleanup and return result

  return answer;
/* ****************************************************************************
* badVerbGetPostDeleteOnly - 
std::string badVerbGetPostDeleteOnly
  ConnectionInfo*            ciP,
  int                        components,
  std::vector<std::string>&  compV,
  ParseData*                 parseDataP
  std::string  details = std::string("bad verb for url '") + ciP->url + "', method '" + ciP->method + "'";
  OrionError   oe(SccBadVerb, ERROR_DESC_BAD_VERB);

  ciP->httpHeaderValue.push_back("GET, POST, DELETE");
  ciP->httpStatusCode = SccBadVerb;

  alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, details);

  return (ciP->apiVersion == V1 || ciP->apiVersion == NO_VERSION)? "" :  oe.smartRender(ciP->apiVersion);
Exemple #12
//void at(int pos) {
  ////argument check
  //if (pos > 0 && < 10) {
  //throw std::length_error("pos 超出范围");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  //printf("12:%d, yy: %d \n", arr[12], y);
  std::exception e;
  printf("%s\n", e.what());

  std::logic_error le("logic xxxx");
  printf("logic_error.what: %s\n", le.what());

  std::out_of_range oe("out_of_range");
  printf("oe: %p\n", &oe);
  int i =3;

  std::invalid_argument ia("null pointer");
  printf("invalid_argument.what: %s\n", ia.what());

  std::length_error ll("length error");
  printf("length_error.what: %s\n", ll.what());

  std::range_error re("range_error");
  printf("range_error.what: %s\n", re.what());
  //std::system_error se(EDOM, std::system_category());
  std::system_error se(ECHILD, std::system_category());
  printf("system_error.what: %s error:%d\n", 
         se.what(), se.code().value());

  try {
  }catch(std::invalid_argument &e) {
    printf("caller catch inva:%s\n", e.what());

  //try {
  //catch(int i) {
    //printf("catch int :%d\n", i);
  //catch(std::out_of_range &e) {
    //printf("catch out:%s\n", e.what());
  ////catch(std::invalid_argument &e) {
    ////printf("catch inva:%s\n", e.what());
  ////catch(double i) {
    ////printf("catch int :%g\n", i);
  //catch(...) {
    //printf("catch unknown exception\n");

  return 0;
/* ****************************************************************************
* postEntities - 
* POST /v2/entities
* Payload In:  Entity
* Payload Out: None
* URI parameters:
*   options=keyValues
*   options=upsert
* 01. Fill in UpdateContextRequest
* 02. Call standard op postUpdateContext
* 03. Prepare HTTP headers
* 04. Cleanup and return result
std::string postEntities
  ConnectionInfo*            ciP,
  int                        components,
  std::vector<std::string>&  compV,
  ParseData*                 parseDataP
  Entity*   eP = &parseDataP->ent.res;
  bool  upsert = ciP->uriParamOptions[OPT_UPSERT];

  if (!legalEntityLength(eP, ciP->httpHeaders.servicePath))
    OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, "Too long entity id/type/servicePath combination", "BadRequest");

    std::string out;
    TIMED_RENDER(out = oe.toJson());
    ciP->httpStatusCode = oe.code;

    return out;

  // Set some aspects depending on upsert or not upsert
  ActionType      actionType;
  Ngsiv2Flavour   ngsiv2flavour;
  HttpStatusCode  sccCodeOnSuccess;
  if (upsert)
    actionType       = ActionTypeAppend;
    ngsiv2flavour    = NGSIV2_NO_FLAVOUR;
    sccCodeOnSuccess = SccNoContent;
    actionType       = ActionTypeAppendStrict;
    ngsiv2flavour    = NGSIV2_FLAVOUR_ONCREATE;
    sccCodeOnSuccess = SccCreated;

  // 01. Fill in UpdateContextRequest
  parseDataP->upcr.res.fill(eP, actionType);

  // 02. Call standard op postUpdateContext
  postUpdateContext(ciP, components, compV, parseDataP, ngsiv2flavour);

  // 03. Check error - 3 different ways to get an error from postUpdateContext ... :-(
  //     FIXME P4: make postUpdateContext have ONE way to return errors. See github issue #2763
  std::string  answer = "";
  if (parseDataP->upcrs.res.oe.code != SccNone)
    TIMED_RENDER(answer = parseDataP->upcrs.res.oe.toJson());
    ciP->httpStatusCode = parseDataP->upcrs.res.oe.code;
  else if (parseDataP->upcrs.res.errorCode.code != SccOk)
    ciP->httpStatusCode = parseDataP->upcrs.res.errorCode.code;
    TIMED_RENDER(answer = parseDataP->upcrs.res.errorCode.toJson());
    ciP->answer         = answer;
    // Prepare HTTP headers
    std::string location = "/v2/entities/" + eP->id;
    if (eP->type != "" )
      location += "?type=" + eP->type;
      location += "?type=none";

    ciP->httpStatusCode = sccCodeOnSuccess;

  // 04. Cleanup and return result

  return answer;
Exemple #14
/* ****************************************************************************
* textParseAttributeValue - 
static std::string textParseAttributeValue(ConnectionInfo* ciP, ContextAttribute* caP)
  double d;

  // 1. Starts and ends with citation marks?
  if (ciP->payload[0] == '"')
    char* end = &ciP->payload[strlen(ciP->payload) - 1];

    if (*end == '"')
      *end = 0;
      caP->stringValue = &ciP->payload[1];
      caP->valueType   = orion::ValueTypeString;
      OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, "Missing citation-mark at end of string");

      return oe.render(ciP, "");

  // 2. True or false?
  else if ((strlen(ciP->payload) == 4) && ((strcmp(ciP->payload, "true") == 0) || (strcmp(ciP->payload, "True") == 0) || (strcmp(ciP->payload, "TRUE") == 0)))
    caP->boolValue   = true;
    caP->valueType   = orion::ValueTypeBoolean;
  else if ((strlen(ciP->payload) == 5) && ((strcmp(ciP->payload, "false") == 0) || (strcmp(ciP->payload, "False") == 0) || (strcmp(ciP->payload, "FALSE") == 0)))
    caP->boolValue   = false;
    caP->valueType   = orion::ValueTypeBoolean;

  // 3. Null ?
  else if ((strlen(ciP->payload) == 4) && ((strcmp(ciP->payload, "null") == 0) || (strcmp(ciP->payload, "Null") == 0) || (strcmp(ciP->payload, "NULL") == 0)))
    caP->valueType   = orion::ValueTypeNone;

  // 4. Valid Double?
  // FIXME P4: this is much more complex than just (atof(string) != 0 || string == "0")
  //           0.000 also is a valid float and it given 0 - 0.0000000000, and 0e0 also ...
  //           And, even worse, 123K gives 123.0 back, we would need to analyze the string to try to
  //           find garbage bytes after it if we want to detect this error.
  //           However, all of this is not so extremely important and for now, (strtod(string) != 0 || string== "0") is good enough
  else if (((d = strtod(ciP->payload, NULL)) != 0) || ((ciP->payload[0] == '0') && (ciP->payload[1] == 0)))
    caP->valueType   = orion::ValueTypeNumber;
    caP->numberValue = d;

  // 5. None of the above - it's an error
    OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, "attribute value type not recognized");
    return oe.render(ciP, "");

  return "OK";
/* ****************************************************************************
* getEntity -
* GET /v2/entities/:id:[?attrs=:list:]
* Payload In:  None
* Payload Out: Entity
* Fill in QueryContextRequest
* Call standard op postQueryContext
* Render Entity response
* Cleanup and return result
std::string getEntity
  ConnectionInfo*            ciP,
  int                        components,
  std::vector<std::string>&  compV,
  ParseData*                 parseDataP
   std::string attrs  = ciP->uriParam["attrs"];
   std::string type   = ciP->uriParam["type"];

   if (forbiddenIdChars(ciP->apiVersion, compV[2].c_str() , NULL))
     OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, INVAL_CHAR_URI);
     return oe.render(ciP, "");

  // Fill in QueryContextRequest
  parseDataP->qcr.res.fill(compV[2], type, "false", EntityTypeEmptyOrNotEmpty, "");

  if (attrs != "")
    std::vector<std::string> attrsV;

    stringSplit(attrs, ',', attrsV);
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = attrsV.begin(); it != attrsV.end(); ++it)

  // Call standard op postQueryContext
  postQueryContext(ciP, components, compV, parseDataP);

  // Render entity response
  Entity       entity;

  // If request was for /entities/<<id>>/attrs, type and id should not be shown
  if (compV.size() == 4 && compV[3] == "attrs")


  std::string answer;
  TIMED_RENDER(answer = entity.render(ciP, EntityResponse));

  if (parseDataP->qcrs.res.errorCode.code == SccOk && parseDataP->qcrs.res.contextElementResponseVector.size() > 1)
      // No problem found, but we expect only one entity
      ciP->httpStatusCode = SccConflict;
      // the same of the wrapped operation
      ciP->httpStatusCode = parseDataP->qcrs.res.errorCode.code;

  // 04. Cleanup and return result

  return answer;
/* ****************************************************************************
* postBatchUpdate -
* POST /v2/op/update
* Payload In:  BatchUpdateRequest
* Payload Out: 201 or error
* URI parameters:
*   - limit=NUMBER
*   - offset=NUMBER
*   - options=keyValues
std::string postBatchUpdate
  ConnectionInfo*            ciP,
  int                        components,
  std::vector<std::string>&  compV,
  ParseData*                 parseDataP
  BatchUpdate*           buP    = &parseDataP->bu.res;
  UpdateContextRequest*  upcrP  = &parseDataP->upcr.res;
  Entities               entities;
  std::string            answer;

  upcrP->fill(&buP->entities, buP->updateActionType.get());
  buP->release();  // upcrP just 'took over' the data from buP, buP is no longer needed
  answer = postUpdateContext(ciP, components, compV, parseDataP);

  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < parseDataP->upcrs.res.contextElementResponseVector.size(); ++ix)
    ContextElementResponse* cerP = parseDataP->upcrs.res.contextElementResponseVector[ix];

    if (cerP->statusCode.code != SccOk)

  // If an error is flagged by ciP->httpStatusCode, store it in parseDataP->upcrs.res.errorCode
  // for later processing (not sure this ever happen ...)
  if (ciP->httpStatusCode != SccOk)
    parseDataP->upcrs.res.errorCode.code     = ciP->httpStatusCode;
    parseDataP->upcrs.res.errorCode.details  = answer;

  // If postUpdateContext gives back a parseDataP->upcrs with !200 OK in 'errorCode', transform to HTTP Status error
  if (parseDataP->upcrs.res.errorCode.code != SccOk)
    OrionError   oe(parseDataP->upcrs.res.errorCode);

    ciP->httpStatusCode = parseDataP->upcrs.res.errorCode.code;

    // If 404 and details empty, assuming 'Entity not found'
    if ((parseDataP->upcrs.res.errorCode.code == SccContextElementNotFound) && (oe.details == ""))
      oe.details = "Entity not found";

    answer = oe.render(ciP, "");
    // NOTE
    //   For simplicity, 204 is always returned, even if entities are created
    ciP->httpStatusCode = SccNoContent;
    answer = "";

  // 04. Cleanup and return result

  return answer;
/* ****************************************************************************
* getEntities - 
* GET /v2/entities
* Payload In:  None
* Payload Out: Entities
* URI parameters:
*   - limit=NUMBER
*   - offset=NUMBER
*   - count=true/false
*   - id
*   - idPattern
*   - q
*   - geometry
*   - coords
* 01. Fill in QueryContextRequest
* 02. Call standard op postQueryContext
* 03. Render Entities response
* 04. Cleanup and return result
std::string getEntities
  ConnectionInfo*            ciP,
  int                        components,
  std::vector<std::string>&  compV,
  ParseData*                 parseDataP
  Entities     entities;
  std::string  answer;
  std::string  pattern    = ".*"; // all entities, default value
  std::string  id         = ciP->uriParam["id"];
  std::string  idPattern  = ciP->uriParam["idPattern"];
  std::string  q          = ciP->uriParam["q"];
  std::string  geometry   = ciP->uriParam["geometry"];
  std::string  coords     = ciP->uriParam["coords"];
  std::string  out;

  if ((idPattern != "") && (id != ""))
    OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, "Incompatible parameters: id, IdPattern");

    TIMED_RENDER(answer = oe.render(ciP, ""));
    return answer;
  else if (id != "")
    // FIXME: a more efficient query could be possible ...
    std::vector<std::string> idsV;

    stringSplit(id, ',', idsV);

    for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix != idsV.size(); ++ix)
      if (ix != 0)
        pattern += "|";

      pattern += idsV[ix];
  else if (idPattern != "")
    pattern = idPattern;

  // Making sure geometry and coords are not used individually
  if ((coords != "") && (geometry == ""))
    OrionError   oe(SccBadRequest, "URI param /coords/ used without /geometry/");

    TIMED_RENDER(out = oe.render(ciP, ""));
    return out;
  else if ((geometry != "") && (coords == ""))
    OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, "URI param /geometry/ used without /coords/");

    TIMED_RENDER(out = oe.render(ciP, ""));

    return out;

  // Making sure geometry is valid (if present)
  orion::Geometry           geo;
  std::vector<std::string>  coordsV;

  if (geometry != "")
    std::string  errorString;

    if (geo.parse(geometry.c_str(), &errorString) != 0)
      OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, std::string("error parsing geometry: ") + errorString);

      TIMED_RENDER(out = oe.render(ciP, ""));

      return out;

    if ((geo.areaType != "polygon") && (geo.areaType != "circle"))
      OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, "URI param /geometry/ must be either /polygon/ or /circle/");

      TIMED_RENDER(out = oe.render(ciP, ""));

      return out;

    // As 'geometry' is present, so is 'coords' - checking coords
    int noOfCoords = stringSplit(coords, ';', coordsV);

    if (noOfCoords == 0)
      OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, "URI param /coords/ has no coordinates");

      TIMED_RENDER(out = oe.render(ciP, ""));

      return out;

    if ((geo.areaType == "circle") && (noOfCoords != 1))
      OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, "Too many coordinates for circle");

      TIMED_RENDER(out = oe.render(ciP, ""));

      return out;

    if ((geo.areaType == "polygon") && (noOfCoords < 3))
      OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, "Too few coordinates for polygon");

      TIMED_RENDER(out = oe.render(ciP, ""));

      return out;

  // 01. Fill in QueryContextRequest - type "" is valid for all types
  parseDataP->qcr.res.fill(pattern, ciP->uriParam["type"], "true", EntityTypeEmptyOrNotEmpty, "");

  // If URI param 'q' is given, its value must be put in a scope
  if (q != "")
    Scope* scopeP = new Scope(SCOPE_TYPE_SIMPLE_QUERY, q);


  // If URI params 'geometry' and 'coords' are given, another scope is to be created for this
  if ((coords != "") && (geometry != ""))
    Scope*       scopeP = new Scope(SCOPE_TYPE_LOCATION, "");
    std::string  errorString;

    if (scopeP->fill(&geo, coordsV, &errorString) != 0)
      OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, errorString);

      TIMED_RENDER(out = oe.render(ciP, ""));

      return out;


  // 02. Call standard op postQueryContext
  answer = postQueryContext(ciP, components, compV, parseDataP);

  if (ciP->httpStatusCode != SccOk)
    // Something went wrong in the query, an invalid pattern for example


    return answer;

  // 03. Render Entities response
  if (parseDataP->qcrs.res.contextElementResponseVector.size() == 0)
    ciP->httpStatusCode = SccOk;
    answer = "[]";

    TIMED_RENDER(answer = entities.render(ciP, EntitiesResponse));

  // 04. Cleanup and return result

  return answer;
void OverlayUserGroup::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event) {

#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
	bool embed = g.ocIntercept != NULL;
	QMenu qm(embed ? NULL : event->widget());
	if (embed) {
		QGraphicsScene *scene = g.ocIntercept->qgv.scene();
	QMenu qm(g.ocIntercept ? g.mw : event->widget());

	QMenu *qmShow = qm.addMenu(OverlayClient::tr("Filter"));

	QAction *qaShowTalking = qmShow->addAction(OverlayClient::tr("Only talking"));
	if (os->osShow == OverlaySettings::Talking)

	QAction *qaShowActive = qmShow->addAction(OverlayClient::tr("Talking and recently active"));
	if (os->osShow == OverlaySettings::Active)

	QAction *qaShowHome = qmShow->addAction(OverlayClient::tr("All in current channel"));
	if (os->osShow == OverlaySettings::HomeChannel)

	QAction *qaShowLinked = qmShow->addAction(OverlayClient::tr("All in linked channels"));
	if (os->osShow == OverlaySettings::LinkedChannels)


	QAction *qaShowSelf = qmShow->addAction(OverlayClient::tr("Always show yourself"));
	qaShowSelf->setEnabled(os->osShow == OverlaySettings::Talking || os->osShow == OverlaySettings::Active);
	if (os->bAlwaysSelf)


	QAction *qaConfigureRecentlyActiveTime = qmShow->addAction(OverlayClient::tr("Configure recently active time (%1 seconds)...").arg(os->uiActiveTime));
	qaConfigureRecentlyActiveTime->setEnabled(os->osShow == OverlaySettings::Active);

	QMenu *qmColumns = qm.addMenu(OverlayClient::tr("Columns"));
	QAction *qaColumns[6];
	for (unsigned int i=1;i<=5;++i) {
		qaColumns[i] = qmColumns->addAction(QString::number(i));
		qaColumns[i]->setChecked(i == os->uiColumns);

	QMenu *qmSort = qm.addMenu(OverlayClient::tr("Sort"));

	QAction *qaSortAlphabetically = qmSort->addAction(OverlayClient::tr("Alphabetically"));
	if (os->osSort == OverlaySettings::Alphabetical)

	QAction *qaSortLastStateChange = qmSort->addAction(OverlayClient::tr("Last state change"));
	if (os->osSort == OverlaySettings::LastStateChange)

	QAction *qaEdit = qm.addAction(OverlayClient::tr("Edit..."));
	QAction *qaZoom = qm.addAction(OverlayClient::tr("Reset Zoom"));

	QAction *act = qm.exec(event->screenPos());

	if (! act)

	if (act == qaEdit) {
		if (g.ocIntercept) {
			QMetaObject::invokeMethod(g.ocIntercept, "openEditor", Qt::QueuedConnection);
		} else {
			OverlayEditor oe(qApp->activeModalWidget(), NULL, os);
			connect(&oe, SIGNAL(applySettings()), this, SLOT(updateLayout()));
	} else if (act == qaZoom) {
		os->fZoom = 1.0f;
	} else if (act == qaShowTalking) {
		os->osShow = OverlaySettings::Talking;
	} else if (act == qaShowActive) {
		os->osShow = OverlaySettings::Active;
	} else if (act == qaShowHome) {
		os->osShow = OverlaySettings::HomeChannel;
	} else if (act == qaShowLinked) {
		os->osShow = OverlaySettings::LinkedChannels;
	} else if (act == qaShowSelf) {
		os->bAlwaysSelf = ! os->bAlwaysSelf;
	} else if (act == qaConfigureRecentlyActiveTime) {
		// FIXME: This might not be the best place to configure this setting, but currently
		// there's not really a suitable place to put this. In the future an additional tab
		// might be added for some advanced overlay options, which could then include this
		// setting.
		bool ok;
		int newValue = QInputDialog::getInt(
		                   OverlayClient::tr("Configure recently active time"),
		                   OverlayClient::tr("Amount of seconds users remain active after talking:"),
		                   os->uiActiveTime, 1, 2147483647, 1, &ok);
		if (ok) {
			os->uiActiveTime = newValue;
	} else if (act == qaSortAlphabetically) {
		os->osSort = OverlaySettings::Alphabetical;
	} else if (act == qaSortLastStateChange) {
		os->osSort = OverlaySettings::LastStateChange;
	} else {
		for (int i=1;i<=5;++i) {
			if (act == qaColumns[i]) {
				os->uiColumns = i;
/* ****************************************************************************
* jsonRequestTreat - 
std::string jsonRequestTreat
  ConnectionInfo*            ciP,
  ParseData*                 parseDataP,
  RequestType                requestType,
  JsonDelayedRelease*        releaseP,
  std::vector<std::string>&  compV
  std::string      answer;
  struct timespec  start;
  struct timespec  end;

  if (timingStatistics)
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start);

  switch (requestType)
  case EntitiesRequest:  // POST /v2/entities
    releaseP->entity = &parseDataP->ent.res;
    answer = parseEntity(ciP, &parseDataP->ent.res, false);
    if (answer != "OK")
      return answer;

    if ((answer = parseDataP->ent.res.check(ciP, EntitiesRequest)) != "OK")
      OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, answer);
      return oe.setStatusCodeAndSmartRender(ciP);

  case EntityRequest:  // POST|PUT /v2/entities/<eid>
    releaseP->entity = &parseDataP->ent.res;
    answer = parseEntity(ciP, &parseDataP->ent.res, true);
    if (answer != "OK")
      return answer;

    if ((answer = parseDataP->ent.res.check(ciP, EntityRequest)) != "OK")
      OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, answer);
      return oe.setStatusCodeAndSmartRender(ciP);

  case EntityAttributeRequest:
    releaseP->attribute = &parseDataP->attr.attribute;
    releaseP->attribute->name = compV[4];
    answer = parseContextAttribute(ciP, &parseDataP->attr.attribute);
    if (answer != "OK")
      return answer;

    if ((answer = parseDataP->attr.attribute.check(ciP, EntityAttributeRequest, "", "", 0)) != "OK")
      OrionError oe(SccBadRequest, answer);
      return oe.setStatusCodeAndSmartRender(ciP);

  case EntityAttributeValueRequest:
    releaseP->attribute = &parseDataP->av.attribute;
    answer = parseAttributeValue(ciP, &parseDataP->av.attribute);
    if (answer != "OK")
      return answer;

  case SubscriptionsRequest:
    answer = parseSubscription(ciP, &parseDataP->subsV2);
    if (answer != "OK")
      return answer;

  case IndividualSubscriptionRequest:
    answer = parseSubscription(ciP, &parseDataP->subsV2, true);  // NOTE: partial == true
    if (answer != "OK")
      return answer;

  case BatchQueryRequest:
    answer = parseBatchQuery(ciP, &parseDataP->bq.res);
    if (answer != "OK")
      return answer;

  case BatchUpdateRequest:
    answer = parseBatchUpdate(ciP, &parseDataP->bu.res);
    if (answer != "OK")
      return answer;


    OrionError error(SccNotImplemented, "Request Treat function not implemented");
    answer = error.render();
    ciP->httpStatusCode = SccNotImplemented;
  if (timingStatistics)
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end);
    clock_difftime(&end, &start, &threadLastTimeStat.jsonV2ParseTime);

  return answer;