vector<meshy> ofTessellator::tessellateToMesh( const vector<ofPolyline>& polylines, int polyWindingMode, bool bIs2D ) { #else static ofMesh ofTessellator::tessellateToMesh( const vector<ofPolyline>& polylines, int polyWindingMode, bool bIs2D ) { #endif mutex.lock(); clear(); #ifdef DRAW_WITH_MESHIES resultMeshies.clear(); #else resultMesh = ofMesh(); #endif performTessellation( polylines, polyWindingMode, true /* filled */, bIs2D ); mutex.unlock(); #ifdef DRAW_WITH_MESHIES return resultMeshies; #else return resultMesh; #endif }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- ofMesh ofCylinderPrimitive::getBottomCapMesh() const { if(getMesh().getMode() != OF_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP) { ofLogWarning("ofCylinderPrimitive") << "getBottomCapMesh(): must be in triangle strip mode"; return ofMesh(); } return getMesh().getMeshForIndices( strides[2][0], strides[2][0]+strides[2][1], vertices[2][0], vertices[2][0]+vertices[2][1] ); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- ofMesh ofConePrimitive::getCapMesh() const { int startIndex = strides[1][0]; int endIndex = startIndex + strides[1][1]; int startVertIndex = vertices[1][0]; int endVertIndex = startVertIndex + vertices[1][1]; if(getMesh().getMode() != OF_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP) { ofLogWarning("ofConePrimitive") << "getCapMesh(): must be in triangle strip mode"; return ofMesh(); } return getMesh().getMeshForIndices( startIndex, endIndex, startVertIndex, endVertIndex ); }
//------------------------------------------- ofMesh ofxAssimpModelLoader::getCurrentAnimatedMesh(int num){ if((int)modelMeshes.size()<=num){ ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR,"couldn't find mesh " + ofToString(num) + " there's only " + ofToString(scene->mNumMeshes)); return ofMesh(); } if(!modelMeshes[num].validCache){ modelMeshes[num].cachedMesh.clearVertices(); modelMeshes[num].cachedMesh.clearNormals(); modelMeshes[num].cachedMesh.addVertices(aiVecVecToOfVecVec(modelMeshes[num].animatedPos)); modelMeshes[num].cachedMesh.addNormals(aiVecVecToOfVecVec(modelMeshes[num].animatedNorm)); modelMeshes[num].validCache = true; } return modelMeshes[num].cachedMesh; }
//------------------------------------------- ofMesh ofxAssimpModelLoader::getCurrentAnimatedMesh(int num){ if((int)modelMeshes.size()<=num){ ofLogError("ofxAssimpModelLoader") << "getCurrentAnimatedMesh(): mesh id: " << num << "out of range for total num meshes: " << scene->mNumMeshes; return ofMesh(); } if(!modelMeshes[num].validCache){ modelMeshes[num].cachedMesh.clearVertices(); modelMeshes[num].cachedMesh.clearNormals(); modelMeshes[num].cachedMesh.addVertices(aiVecVecToOfVecVec(modelMeshes[num].animatedPos)); modelMeshes[num].cachedMesh.addNormals(aiVecVecToOfVecVec(modelMeshes[num].animatedNorm)); modelMeshes[num].validCache = true; } return modelMeshes[num].cachedMesh; }
Radar::Radar() { debug = false; subdivisions = 10; point_count = 8; thetaRate = 1/150.0; axis_length = 220; x = 100; y = 0; w = 400; h = 400; alphaSub = 0; absolute_center = ofPoint(300,200); time = 0; minTheta = 0; maxTheta = 2; change_index = 3; thetaStep = 6.28/point_count; index_update_rate = thetaStep / thetaRate; radialSplineShader.setGeometryInputType(GL_LINES); radialSplineShader.setGeometryOutputType(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); radialSplineShader.setGeometryOutputCount(4); radialSplineShader.load("shadersGL3/lines.vert", "shadersGL3/radialFade.frag", "shadersGL3/lines.geom"); axisShader.setGeometryInputType(GL_LINES); axisShader.setGeometryOutputType(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); axisShader.setGeometryOutputCount(4); axisShader.load("shadersGL3/lines.vert", "shadersGL3/null.frag", "shadersGL3/lines.geom"); // axisShader.load("shadersGL3/null.vert", "shadersGL3/radialFade.frag"); axisMesh = ofMesh(); axisMesh.setMode(OF_PRIMITIVE_LINES); for (int i = 0; i < axis_length; i += 10) { axisMesh.addVertex(ofPoint(i,0)); } init_aframe(); cam = ofEasyCam(); cam.setTarget(ofVec3f(0,0,0)); cam.setDistance(600); if (!debug) cam.disableMouseInput(); }
//------------------------------------------- ofMesh ofxAssimpModelLoader::getCurrentAnimatedMesh(string name){ for(int i=0; i<(int)modelMeshes.size(); i++){ if(string(modelMeshes[i].mesh->{ if(!modelMeshes[i].validCache){ modelMeshes[i].cachedMesh.clearVertices(); modelMeshes[i].cachedMesh.clearNormals(); modelMeshes[i].cachedMesh.addVertices(aiVecVecToOfVecVec(modelMeshes[i].animatedPos)); modelMeshes[i].cachedMesh.addNormals(aiVecVecToOfVecVec(modelMeshes[i].animatedNorm)); modelMeshes[i].validCache = true; } return modelMeshes[i].cachedMesh; } } ofLogError("ofxAssimpModelLoader") << "getCurrentAnimatedMesh(): couldn't find mesh: \"" + name << "\""; return ofMesh(); }
void ofApp::regenHelper() { meshNode.setPosition(0, 0, 0); ofVec3f s = size; ofVec3f g = grid; switch (shapeType) { case 0: mesh = ofMesh::plane(s.x, s.y, g.x, g.y); break; case 1: mesh = ofMesh::sphere(s.x, g.x); break; case 2: mesh = ofMesh::box(s.x, s.y, s.z, g.x, g.y, g.z); break; } shadow = ofMesh(mesh); }
void Radar::compute_lines_from_bezier() { // From the bezier_segments, subdivide the bezier to create line segments // Place line segments in bezierLineMesh bezierLineMesh = ofMesh(); bezierLineMesh.setMode(OF_PRIMITIVE_LINE_STRIP); float t_step = 1/subdivisions; for (int i = 0; i < bezier_segments.size(); i++) { bezier b = bezier_segments[i]; vector<ofPoint> points = bezier_to_points(b); for (float t = 0; t <= 1; t+= t_step) { ofPoint p = rec_de_casteljau(points, t); bezierLineMesh.addVertex(p); } } // Connect end and start bezierLineMesh.addVertex(bezier_segments[0].start); }
void Tunnel::init(Audio440& aud,Kinect440& kin,ColorTheme& the){ audio = &aud; kinect = &kin; theme = &the; mesh = ofMesh(); age = 0; mesh.setMode(OF_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP); scan = Scanlines(); direction = ofVec3f(0,0,200); tunnell.allocate(ofGetWidth(),ofGetHeight()); tunnelr.allocate(ofGetWidth(),ofGetHeight()); anaglyphFbo.allocate(ofGetWidth(),ofGetHeight()); offset = 0; prevamp = 0; basic.load("shaders/default"); bulge.load("shaders/bulge"); anaglyph.load("shaders/fullscreenQuad"); circle.loadImage("images/softy.png"); generate(); light.setup(); light.setPointLight(); light.setPosition(ofGetWidth()/2,ofGetHeight()/2,-100); flash.loadImage("images/flashorb.png"); flash.resize(ofGetHeight(),ofGetHeight()); rangeX = 500; rangeY = 500; FullscreenQuad::setup(anaglyph.getAttributeLocation("a_vertex"), anaglyph.getAttributeLocation("a_texCoord")); cout << anaglyph.getAttributeLocation("a_vertex") << ", " << anaglyph.getAttributeLocation("a_texCoord") << endl; kinectHandSize = 100; }
namespace GrabScene { //--------- ofMesh Handles::Rotate::fill = ofMesh(); ofMesh Handles::Rotate::line = ofMesh(); //--------- Handles::Rotate::Rotate(Axis axis) : BaseHandle(axis) { } //--------- void Handles::Rotate::init() { const float radius = GRABSCENE_HANDLES_RADIUS_1; const float width = GRABSCENE_HANDLES_RADIUS_2; const int resolution = 48.0f; float theta; //// //vertices //inner ring for (int i=0; i<resolution; i++) { theta = (float) i / (float) resolution * TWO_PI; line.addVertex(ofVec3f(radius * cos(theta), radius * sin(theta), 0.0f)); } //outer ring for (int i=0; i<resolution; i++) { theta = ((float) i + 0.5f) / (float) resolution * TWO_PI; line.addVertex(ofVec3f((radius + width) * cos(theta), (radius + width) * sin(theta), 0.0f)); } fill.addVertices(line.getVertices()); // //// //// //indices //line //inner ring for (int i=0; i<resolution; i++) { line.addIndex(i); line.addIndex((i+1) % resolution); } //inner ring for (int i=0; i<resolution; i++) { line.addIndex(i + resolution); line.addIndex(((i+1) % resolution) + resolution); } //fill for (int i=0; i<resolution+1; i++) { fill.addIndex(i % resolution); fill.addIndex((i % resolution) + resolution); } // //// //// //styles line.setMode(OF_PRIMITIVE_LINES); fill.setMode(OF_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP); // //// } //--------- void Handles::Rotate::draw() const { if (parent == 0 || !this->enabled) return; GLboolean hadLighting; glGetBooleanv(GL_LIGHTING, &hadLighting); if (hadLighting) ofDisableLighting(); parent->getNode().transformGL(); ofPushMatrix(); ofScale(scale, scale, scale); ofPushStyle(); shader("fixed").begin(); this->rotateAxis(); this->setStyleFill(); fill.draw(); this->setStyleLine(); line.draw(); shader("fixed").end(); ofSetColor(255); if (this->rollover) { ofTranslate(0, GRABSCENE_HANDLES_RADIUS_1 + GRABSCENE_HANDLES_RADIUS_2 * 2); ofSetDrawBitmapMode(OF_BITMAPMODE_MODEL_BILLBOARD); ofDrawBitmapString(this->getReading(), ofPoint()); } ofPopStyle(); ofPopMatrix(); parent->getNode().restoreTransformGL(); if (hadLighting) ofEnableLighting(); } //--------- void Handles::Rotate::drawStencil() const { if (parent == 0 || !this->enabled) return; parent->getNode().transformGL(); ofPushMatrix(); ofScale(scale, scale, scale); this->rotateAxis(); fill.draw(); ofPopMatrix(); parent->getNode().restoreTransformGL(); } //--------- void Handles::Rotate::cursorDragged(const MovingCursor & cursor) { if (this->parent == 0) return; ofNode & node(this->parent->getNode()); ofVec3f center = node.getPosition(); ofVec3f direction = this->getDirection() * node.getOrientationQuat(); //find element of vector perpendicular to direction ofVec3f perp = cursor.worldViewFrameDifference; perp -= * direction; ofVec3f v1, v2; v1 = (cursor.startWorld - center).normalized(); v2 = (cursor.startWorld + perp - center).normalized(); ofQuaternion rotation; rotation.makeRotate(v1,v2); float angle; ofVec3f direction2; rotation.getRotate(angle, direction2); if ( < 0.0f) angle *= -1.0f; node.rotate(angle, direction); } //--------- string Handles::Rotate::getReading() const { if (this->parent == 0) return ""; ofNode & node(this->parent->getNode()); return ofToString(node.getOrientationEuler().dot(this->getDirection()), 2); } }
namespace GrabScene { //--------- ofMesh Handles::Rotate::fill = ofMesh(); //--------- Handles::Rotate::Rotate(Axis axis) : BaseHandle(axis) { } //--------- void Handles::Rotate::init() { const float radius = GRABSCENE_HANDLES_RADIUS_1; const float width = GRABSCENE_HANDLES_RADIUS_2; const int resolution = 48.0f; float theta; //// //vertices //inner ring for (int i=0; i<resolution; i++) { theta = (float) i / (float) resolution * TWO_PI; fill.addVertex(ofVec3f(radius * cos(theta), radius * sin(theta), 0.0f)); } //outer ring for (int i=0; i<resolution; i++) { theta = ((float) i + 0.5f) / (float) resolution * TWO_PI; fill.addVertex(ofVec3f((radius + width) * cos(theta), (radius + width) * sin(theta), 0.0f)); } // //// //// //indices for (int i=0; i<resolution+1; i++) { fill.addIndex(i % resolution); fill.addIndex((i % resolution) + resolution); } // //// //// //styles fill.setMode(OF_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP); // //// } //--------- void Handles::Rotate::draw() const { if (parent == 0 || !this->enabled) return; GLboolean hadLighting; glGetBooleanv(GL_LIGHTING, &hadLighting); if (hadLighting) ofDisableLighting(); ofPushMatrix(); this->doTransform(); ofPushStyle(); shader("fixed").begin(); this->rotateAxis(); this->setStyleFill(); fill.draw(); shader("fixed").end(); ofSetColor(255); if (this->rollover) { ofTranslate(0, GRABSCENE_HANDLES_RADIUS_1 + GRABSCENE_HANDLES_RADIUS_2 * 2); ofSetDrawBitmapMode(OF_BITMAPMODE_MODEL_BILLBOARD); ofDrawBitmapString(this->getReading(), ofPoint()); } ofPopStyle(); ofPopMatrix(); if (hadLighting) ofEnableLighting(); } //--------- void Handles::Rotate::drawStencil() const { if (parent == 0 || !this->enabled) return; ofPushMatrix(); this->doTransform(); this->rotateAxis(); fill.draw(); ofPopMatrix(); } //--------- void Handles::Rotate::cursorDragged(const MovingCursor & cursor) { if (this->parent == 0) { ofLogError("GrabScene") << "No parent node set for handle"; return; } ofNode & node(this->parent->getNode()); ofVec3f center = node.getPosition(); ofVec3f direction = (this->getDirection() * node.getOrientationQuat()).normalized(); ofVec3f centerToMouse = cursor.startWorld - center; ofVec3f tangentDirection = centerToMouse.crossed(direction); //find ray for positive rotation angle (starts at cursor, goes at tangent) ofVec2f screenRayTangentS = cursor.startScreen; ofVec2f screenRayTangentT = camera->worldToScreen(cursor.startWorld + tangentDirection) - screenRayTangentS; screenRayTangentT.normalize(); float angle =; if (this->getDirection() != ofVec3f(1,0,0)) angle *= -1.0f; //check valid if (angle == angle && direction == direction) { node.rotate(angle, direction); this->parent->updateRotate(); } } //--------- void Handles::Rotate::doTransform() const { ofTranslate(parent->getNode().getPosition()); glMultMatrixf(ofMatrix4x4(parent->getNode().getOrientationQuat()).getPtr()); ofTranslate(parent->getOrigin()); ofScale(scale, scale, scale); } //--------- string Handles::Rotate::getReading() const { if (this->parent == 0) return ""; ofNode & node(this->parent->getNode()); return ofToString(node.getOrientationEuler().dot(this->getDirection()), 2); } }
namespace GrabScene { //--------- ofMesh Handles::Translate::fill = ofMesh(); //--------- Handles::Translate::Translate(Axis axis) : BaseHandle(axis) { } //--------- void Handles::Translate::init() { const float length = GRABSCENE_HANDLES_RADIUS_1; const float radius = GRABSCENE_HANDLES_RADIUS_2; const float width = GRABSCENE_HANDLES_RADIUS_2 * 2.0f / 3.0f; fill.addVertex(ofVec3f(-width,-width, radius * 2)); //0 fill.addVertex(ofVec3f(+width,-width, radius * 2)); //1 fill.addVertex(ofVec3f(+width,+width, radius * 2)); //2 fill.addVertex(ofVec3f(-width,+width, radius * 2)); //3 fill.addVertex(ofVec3f(-width,-width, length - radius)); //4 fill.addVertex(ofVec3f(+width,-width, length - radius)); //5 fill.addVertex(ofVec3f(+width,+width, length - radius)); //6 fill.addVertex(ofVec3f(-width,+width, length - radius)); //7 fill.addVertex(ofVec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, length)); //8 //back fill.addIndex(0); fill.addIndex(2); fill.addIndex(1); fill.addIndex(0); fill.addIndex(3); fill.addIndex(2); //left fill.addIndex(0); fill.addIndex(4); fill.addIndex(7); fill.addIndex(0); fill.addIndex(7); fill.addIndex(3); //top fill.addIndex(7); fill.addIndex(2); fill.addIndex(3); fill.addIndex(7); fill.addIndex(6); fill.addIndex(2); //right fill.addIndex(1); fill.addIndex(6); fill.addIndex(5); fill.addIndex(1); fill.addIndex(2); fill.addIndex(6); //bottom fill.addIndex(0); fill.addIndex(1); fill.addIndex(4); fill.addIndex(4); fill.addIndex(1); fill.addIndex(5); //tip fill.addIndex(8); fill.addIndex(6); fill.addIndex(7); fill.addIndex(4); fill.addIndex(8); fill.addIndex(7); fill.addIndex(4); fill.addIndex(5); fill.addIndex(8); fill.addIndex(8); fill.addIndex(5); fill.addIndex(6); fill.setMode(OF_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES); } //--------- void Handles::Translate::draw() const { if (parent == 0 || !this->enabled) return; GLboolean hadLighting; glGetBooleanv(GL_LIGHTING, &hadLighting); if (hadLighting) ofDisableLighting(); ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(parent->getNode().getPosition()); ofTranslate(parent->getNode().getOrientationQuat() * parent->getOrigin()); ofScale(scale, scale, scale); ofPushStyle(); if (this->axis == NO_AXIS) { this->setStyleFill(); ofBox(GRABSCENE_HANDLES_RADIUS_2 * 2); } else { this->rotateAxis(); this->setStyleFill(); fill.draw(); } ofPopStyle(); if (this->rollover) { ofTranslate(0, 0, GRABSCENE_HANDLES_RADIUS_1 + GRABSCENE_HANDLES_RADIUS_2 * 2); ofSetDrawBitmapMode(OF_BITMAPMODE_MODEL_BILLBOARD); ofDrawBitmapString(this->getReading(), ofPoint()); } ofPopMatrix(); if (hadLighting) ofEnableLighting(); } //--------- void Handles::Translate::drawStencil() const { if (parent == 0 || !this->enabled) return; ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(parent->getNode().getPosition()); ofTranslate(parent->getNode().getOrientationQuat() * parent->getOrigin()); ofScale(scale, scale, scale); if (this->axis == NO_AXIS) { ofBox(GRABSCENE_HANDLES_RADIUS_2 * 2); } else { this->rotateAxis(); fill.draw(); } ofPopMatrix(); } //--------- void Handles::Translate::cursorDragged(const MovingCursor & cursor) { if (this->parent == 0) { ofLogError("GrabScene") << "No parent node set for handle"; return; } if (this->camera == 0) { ofLogError("GrabScene") << "No camera set for handle"; return; } ofVec3f direction = this->getDirection(); ofVec3f movement; if (this->axis == NO_AXIS) { movement = cursor.worldViewFrameDifference / 2; } else { // s = start // t = ray vector // view = in camera view const ofVec3f s = this->parent->getNode().getPosition(); const ofVec3f t = direction; ofVec3f sView = this->camera->worldToScreen(s); ofVec3f tView = this->camera->worldToScreen(s + t) - sView; ofVec3f dXY = cursor.getScreenFrameDifference(); sView.z = 0.0f; tView.z = 0.0f; movement = t * / (tView.length() * tView.length()); } //check valid if (movement.lengthSquared() == movement.lengthSquared()) { this->parent->getNode().move(movement); this->parent->updateTranslate(); } } //--------- string Handles::Translate::getReading() const { if (this->parent == 0) return ""; ofNode & node(this->parent->getNode()); if (this->axis == NO_AXIS) { string reading; ofVec3f position = node.getPosition(); reading += ofToString(position.x, 2) + ", "; reading += ofToString(position.y, 2) + ", "; reading += ofToString(position.z, 2); return reading; } else { return ofToString(node.getPosition().dot(this->getDirection()), 2); } } }