KeyboardShortcutDialog::KeyboardShortcutDialog( FaceTrackNoIR *ftnoir, QWidget *parent ) : QWidget( parent, Qt::Dialog) { ui.setupUi( this ); QPoint offsetpos(100, 100); this->move(parent->pos() + offsetpos); mainApp = ftnoir; // Preserve a pointer to FTNoIR // Connect Qt signals to member-functions connect(ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(doOK())); connect(ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(doCancel())); for ( int i = 0; i < global_key_sequences.size(); i++) { ui.cbxCenterKey->addItem(; ui.cbxToggleKey->addItem(; } tie_setting(mainApp->s.center_key.key_index, ui.cbxCenterKey); tie_setting(mainApp->s.center_key.alt, ui.chkCenterAlt); tie_setting(mainApp->s.center_key.shift, ui.chkCenterShift); tie_setting(mainApp->s.center_key.ctrl, ui.chkCenterCtrl); tie_setting(mainApp->s.toggle_key.key_index, ui.cbxToggleKey); tie_setting(mainApp->s.toggle_key.alt, ui.chkToggleAlt); tie_setting(mainApp->s.toggle_key.shift, ui.chkToggleShift); tie_setting(mainApp->s.toggle_key.ctrl, ui.chkToggleCtrl); }
// // Initialize tracker-client-dialog // void TrackerControls::Initialize(QWidget *parent) { QPoint offsetpos(100, 100); if (parent) { this->move(parent->pos() + offsetpos); } show(); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ITrackerDialog interface void TrackerDialog::Initialize(QWidget *parent) { QPoint offsetpos(200, 200); if (parent) { this->move(parent->pos() + offsetpos); } show(); }
// // Initialize tracker-client-dialog // void FilterControls::Initialize(QWidget *parent) { loadSettings(); QPoint offsetpos(100, 100); if (parent) { this->move(parent->pos() + offsetpos); } show(); }
// // Initialize tracker-client-dialog // void TrackerControls::Initialize(QWidget *parent) { QPoint offsetpos(200, 200); if (parent) { this->move(parent->pos() + offsetpos); } // Load the settings from the current .INI-file loadSettings(); show(); }
// // Initialize tracker-client-dialog // void FilterControls::Initialize(QWidget *parent, IFilterPtr ptr) { // // The dialog can be opened, while the Tracker is running. // In that case, ptr will point to the active Filter-instance. // This can be used to update settings, while Tracking and may also be handy to display logging-data and such... // pFilter = ptr; QPoint offsetpos(100, 100); if (parent) { this->move(parent->pos() + offsetpos); } show(); }
CurveConfigurationDialog::CurveConfigurationDialog(FaceTrackNoIR *ftnoir, QWidget *parent) : QWidget( parent, Qt::Dialog ) { ui.setupUi( this ); QPoint offsetpos(120, 30); this->move(parent->pos() + offsetpos); mainApp = ftnoir; // Preserve a pointer to FTNoIR // Connect Qt signals to member-functions connect(ui.btnOK, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doOK())); connect(ui.btnCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doCancel())); // Load the settings from the current .INI-file loadSettings(); }
// // Constructor for server-settings-dialog // FTNServerControls::FTNServerControls( QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f ) : QWidget( parent , f) { ui.setupUi( this ); QPoint offsetpos(100, 100); this->move(parent->pos() + offsetpos); // Connect Qt signals to member-functions connect(ui.btnOK, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doOK())); connect(ui.btnCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doCancel())); connect(ui.spinIPFirstNibble, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged())); connect(ui.spinIPSecondNibble, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged())); connect(ui.spinIPThirdNibble, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged())); connect(ui.spinIPFourthNibble, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged())); connect(ui.spinPortNumber, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged())); // Load the settings from the current .INI-file loadSettings(); }