Exemple #1
// function reacting to pen motion
static OfxStatus
interactPenMotion(OfxImageEffectHandle  pluginInstance,
		  OfxInteractHandle interactInstance,	
		  OfxPropertySetHandle inArgs)
  // get my data handle
  MyInteractData *data = getInteractData(interactInstance);

  // Have we grabbed on a pen down already?
  if(data->selected) {
    // get the project size as we are normalising to this
    OfxPointD projSize, projOffset;
    ofxuGetProjectSetup(pluginInstance, projSize, projOffset);

    // get the pen position and normalise that
    OfxPointD penPos;
    gPropHost->propGetDoubleN(inArgs, kOfxInteractPropPenPosition, 2, &penPos.x);
    penPos.x = (penPos.x - projOffset.x)/projSize.x;
    penPos.y = (penPos.y - projOffset.y)/projSize.y;

    // set the value of the 'point' param
    gParamHost->paramSetValue(data->pointParam, penPos.x, penPos.y);
    return kOfxStatOK;
  return kOfxStatReplyDefault;
Exemple #2
static OfxStatus
interactPenDown(OfxImageEffectHandle  pluginInstance, 
		OfxInteractHandle interactInstance,	
		OfxPropertySetHandle inArgs)
  // get my data handle
  MyInteractData *data = getInteractData(interactInstance);

  // get the project size as we are normalising to this
  OfxPointD projSize, projOffset;
  ofxuGetProjectSetup(pluginInstance, projSize, projOffset);

  // get the point param's value
  double x, y;
  gParamHost->paramGetValue(data->pointParam, &x, &y);

  // scale it up to the project size as it is a normalised spatial parameter
  x = projOffset.x + x * projSize.x;
  y = projOffset.y + y * projSize.y;

  // get the size of a pixel on screen
  double pixelScale[2];
  ofxuGetInteractPixelScale(inArgs, pixelScale);

  // see if the pen is within 5 screen pixels of the point, in which case, select it
  double penPos[2];
  gPropHost->propGetDoubleN(inArgs, kOfxInteractPropPenPosition, 2, penPos);
  if(fabs(x - penPos[0]) < 5 * pixelScale[0] && fabs(y - penPos[1]) < 5 * pixelScale[1]) {
    data->selected = true;   
    return kOfxStatOK;
  return kOfxStatReplyDefault;
Exemple #3
// draw an interact instance
static OfxStatus 
interactDraw(OfxImageEffectHandle pluginInstance, 
	     OfxInteractHandle interactInstance,
	     OfxPropertySetHandle drawArgs)
  OfxStatus err;
  // get my private interact data
  MyInteractData *data = getInteractData(interactInstance);

  // get the project size
  OfxPointD projSize, projOffset;
  ofxuGetProjectSetup(pluginInstance, projSize, projOffset);

  // get the size of a pixel in the current projection
  double pixelScale[2];
  ofxuGetInteractPixelScale(drawArgs, pixelScale);

  // get my param's value
  double x, y;
  if((err = getCustomParam(pluginInstance, x, y)) != kOfxStatOK)
    return err;

  // scale it up to the project size as it is normalised
  x = projOffset.x + x * projSize.x;
  y = projOffset.y + y * projSize.y;

  // make the xhair a constant size on screen by scaling by the pixel scale
  float dx = kXHairSize * pixelScale[0];
  float dy = kXHairSize * pixelScale[1];

  // if the we have selected the Xhair, draw it highlit
    glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
    glColor3f(1, 0, 0);

  // Draw a cross hair, the current coordinate system aligns with the image plane.
  glTranslated(x, y, 0);


  glVertex2f(-dx, 0);
  glVertex2f(dx, 0);

  glVertex2f(0, -dy);
  glVertex2f(0, dy);



  return kOfxStatOK;