Exemple #1
 * Fetches the user object from the database and updates the user object in 
 * the cache object, which then has to be re-inserted into the cache.
 * User object is retrieved inside a transaction to avoid replication issues.
static int _oilsAuthReloadUser(jsonObject* cacheObj) {
    int reqid, userId;
    osrfAppSession* session;
	osrfMessage* omsg;
    jsonObject *param, *userObj, *newUserObj = NULL;

    userObj = jsonObjectGetKey( cacheObj, "userobj" );
    userId = oilsFMGetObjectId( userObj );

    session = osrfAppSessionClientInit( "open-ils.cstore" );

    reqid = osrfAppSessionSendRequest(session, NULL, "open-ils.cstore.transaction.begin", 1);
	omsg = osrfAppSessionRequestRecv(session, reqid, 60);

    if(omsg) {

        param = jsonNewNumberObject(userId);
        reqid = osrfAppSessionSendRequest(session, param, "open-ils.cstore.direct.actor.user.retrieve", 1);
	    omsg = osrfAppSessionRequestRecv(session, reqid, 60);

        if(omsg) {
            newUserObj = jsonObjectClone( osrfMessageGetResult(omsg) );
            reqid = osrfAppSessionSendRequest(session, NULL, "open-ils.cstore.transaction.rollback", 1);
	        omsg = osrfAppSessionRequestRecv(session, reqid, 60);

    osrfAppSessionFree(session); // calls disconnect internally

    if(newUserObj) {

        // ws_ou and wsid are ephemeral and need to be manually propagated
        // oilsFMSetString dupe()'s internally, no need to clone the string
        oilsFMSetString(newUserObj, "wsid", oilsFMGetStringConst(userObj, "wsid"));
        oilsFMSetString(newUserObj, "ws_ou", oilsFMGetStringConst(userObj, "ws_ou"));

        jsonObjectRemoveKey(cacheObj, "userobj"); // this also frees the old user object
        jsonObjectSetKey(cacheObj, "userobj", newUserObj);
        return 1;

    osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Error retrieving user %d from database", userId);
    return 0;
Exemple #2
static oilsEvent* oilsAuthVerifyWorkstation(
		const osrfMethodContext* ctx, jsonObject* userObj, const char* ws ) {
	osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Attaching workstation to user at login: %s", ws);
	jsonObject* workstation = oilsUtilsFetchWorkstationByName(ws);
	if(!workstation || workstation->type == JSON_NULL) {
	long wsid = oilsFMGetObjectId(workstation);
	char* orgid = oilsFMGetString(workstation, "owning_lib");
	oilsFMSetString(userObj, "wsid", LONGSTR);
	oilsFMSetString(userObj, "ws_ou", orgid);
	return NULL;
Exemple #3
	Adds the authentication token to the user cache.  The timeout for the
	auth token is based on the type of login as well as (if type=='opac')
	the org location id.
	Returns the event that should be returned to the user.
	Event must be freed
static oilsEvent* oilsAuthHandleLoginOK( jsonObject* userObj, const char* uname,
		const char* type, int orgloc, const char* workstation ) {

	oilsEvent* response;

	long timeout;
	char* wsorg = jsonObjectToSimpleString(oilsFMGetObject(userObj, "ws_ou"));
	if(wsorg) { /* if there is a workstation, use it for the timeout */
		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
				"Auth session trying workstation id %d for auth timeout", atoi(wsorg));
		timeout = oilsAuthGetTimeout( userObj, type, atoi(wsorg) );
	} else {
		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
				"Auth session trying org from param [%d] for auth timeout", orgloc );
		timeout = oilsAuthGetTimeout( userObj, type, orgloc );
	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Auth session timeout for %s: %ld", uname, timeout );

	char* string = va_list_to_string(
			"%d.%ld.%s", (long) getpid(), time(NULL), uname );
	char* authToken = md5sum(string);
	char* authKey = va_list_to_string(
			"%s%s", OILS_AUTH_CACHE_PRFX, authToken );

	const char* ws = (workstation) ? workstation : "";
		"successful login: username=%s, authtoken=%s, workstation=%s", uname, authToken, ws );

	oilsFMSetString( userObj, "passwd", "" );
	jsonObject* cacheObj = jsonParseFmt( "{\"authtime\": %ld}", timeout );
	jsonObjectSetKey( cacheObj, "userobj", jsonObjectClone(userObj));

	if( !strcmp( type, OILS_AUTH_PERSIST )) {
		// Add entries for endtime and reset_interval, so that we can gracefully
		// extend the session a bit if the user is active toward the end of the 
		// timeout originally specified.
		time_t endtime = time( NULL ) + timeout;
		jsonObjectSetKey( cacheObj, "endtime", jsonNewNumberObject( (double) endtime ) );

		// Reset interval is hard-coded for now, but if we ever want to make it
		// configurable, this is the place to do it:
		jsonObjectSetKey( cacheObj, "reset_interval",
			jsonNewNumberObject( (double) DEFAULT_RESET_INTERVAL ));

	osrfCachePutObject( authKey, cacheObj, (time_t) timeout );
	osrfLogInternal(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "oilsAuthHandleLoginOK(): Placed user object into cache");
	jsonObject* payload = jsonParseFmt(
		"{ \"authtoken\": \"%s\", \"authtime\": %ld }", authToken, timeout );

	response = oilsNewEvent2( OSRF_LOG_MARK, OILS_EVENT_SUCCESS, payload );
	free(string); free(authToken); free(authKey);

	return response;
Exemple #4
	@brief Implement the "complete" method.
	@param ctx The method context.
	@return -1 upon error; zero if successful, and if a STATUS message has been sent to the
	client to indicate completion; a positive integer if successful but no such STATUS
	message has been sent.

	Method parameters:
	- a hash with some combination of the following elements:
		- "username"
		- "barcode"
		- "password" (hashed with the cached seed; not plaintext)
		- "type"
		- "org"
		- "workstation"

	The password is required.  Either a username or a barcode must also be present.

	Return to client: Intermediate authentication seed.

	Validate the password, using the username if available, or the barcode if not.  The
	user must be active, and not barred from logging on.  The barcode, if used for
	authentication, must be active as well.  The workstation, if specified, must be valid.

	Upon deciding whether to allow the logon, return a corresponding event to the client.
int oilsAuthComplete( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {

	const jsonObject* args  = jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, 0);

	const char* uname       = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "username"));
	const char* password    = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "password"));
	const char* type        = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "type"));
	int orgloc        = (int) jsonObjectGetNumber(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "org"));
	const char* workstation = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "workstation"));
	const char* barcode     = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "barcode"));

	const char* ws = (workstation) ? workstation : "";

	if( !type )
		 type = OILS_AUTH_STAFF;

	if( !( (uname || barcode) && password) ) {
		return osrfAppRequestRespondException( ctx->session, ctx->request,
			"username/barcode and password required for method: %s", ctx->method->name );

	oilsEvent* response = NULL;
	jsonObject* userObj = NULL;
	int card_active     = 1;      // boolean; assume active until proven otherwise

	// Fetch a row from the actor.usr table, by username if available,
	// or by barcode if not.
	if(uname) {
		userObj = oilsUtilsFetchUserByUsername( uname );
		if( userObj && JSON_NULL == userObj->type ) {
			jsonObjectFree( userObj );
			userObj = NULL;         // username not found
	else if(barcode) {
		// Read from actor.card by barcode

		osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Fetching user by barcode %s", barcode );

		jsonObject* params = jsonParseFmt("{\"barcode\":\"%s\"}", barcode);
		jsonObject* card = oilsUtilsQuickReq(
			"open-ils.cstore", "open-ils.cstore.direct.actor.card.search", params );
		jsonObjectFree( params );

		if( card && card->type != JSON_NULL ) {
			// Determine whether the card is active
			char* card_active_str = oilsFMGetString( card, "active" );
			card_active = oilsUtilsIsDBTrue( card_active_str );
			free( card_active_str );

			// Look up the user who owns the card
			char* userid = oilsFMGetString( card, "usr" );
			jsonObjectFree( card );
			params = jsonParseFmt( "[%s]", userid );
			free( userid );
			userObj = oilsUtilsQuickReq(
					"open-ils.cstore", "open-ils.cstore.direct.actor.user.retrieve", params );
			jsonObjectFree( params );
			if( userObj && JSON_NULL == userObj->type ) {
				// user not found (shouldn't happen, due to foreign key)
				jsonObjectFree( userObj );
				userObj = NULL;

	if(!userObj) {
		response = oilsNewEvent( OSRF_LOG_MARK, OILS_EVENT_AUTH_FAILED );
		osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "failed login: username=%s, barcode=%s, workstation=%s",
				uname, (barcode ? barcode : "(none)"), ws );
		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, oilsEventToJSON(response) );
		return 0;           // No such user

	// Such a user exists.  Now see if he or she has the right credentials.
	int passOK = -1;
		passOK = oilsAuthVerifyPassword( ctx, userObj, uname, password );
	else if (barcode)
		passOK = oilsAuthVerifyPassword( ctx, userObj, barcode, password );

	if( passOK < 0 ) {
		return passOK;

	// See if the account is active
	char* active = oilsFMGetString(userObj, "active");
	if( !oilsUtilsIsDBTrue(active) ) {
		if( passOK )
			response = oilsNewEvent( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "PATRON_INACTIVE" );
			response = oilsNewEvent( OSRF_LOG_MARK, OILS_EVENT_AUTH_FAILED );

		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, oilsEventToJSON(response) );
		return 0;

	osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Fetching card by barcode %s", barcode );

	if( !card_active ) {
		osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "barcode %s is not active, returning event", barcode );
		response = oilsNewEvent( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "PATRON_CARD_INACTIVE" );
		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, oilsEventToJSON( response ) );
		oilsEventFree( response );
		jsonObjectFree( userObj );
		return 0;

	// See if the user is even allowed to log in
	if( oilsAuthCheckLoginPerm( ctx, userObj, type ) == -1 ) {
		return 0;

	// If a workstation is defined, add the workstation info
	if( workstation != NULL ) {
		osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Workstation is %s", workstation);
		response = oilsAuthVerifyWorkstation( ctx, userObj, workstation );
		if(response) {
			osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, oilsEventToJSON(response) );
			return 0;

	} else {
		// Otherwise, use the home org as the workstation org on the user
		char* orgid = oilsFMGetString(userObj, "home_ou");
		oilsFMSetString(userObj, "ws_ou", orgid);

	char* freeable_uname = NULL;
	if(!uname) {
		uname = freeable_uname = oilsFMGetString( userObj, "usrname" );

	if( passOK ) {
		response = oilsAuthHandleLoginOK( userObj, uname, type, orgloc, workstation );

	} else {
		response = oilsNewEvent( OSRF_LOG_MARK, OILS_EVENT_AUTH_FAILED );
		osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "failed login: username=%s, barcode=%s, workstation=%s",
				uname, (barcode ? barcode : "(none)"), ws );

	osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, oilsEventToJSON(response) );


	return 0;
    @brief Implement the session create method
    @param ctx The method context.
    @return -1 upon error; zero if successful, and if a STATUS message has 
    been sent to the client to indicate completion; a positive integer if 
    successful but no such STATUS message has been sent.

    Method parameters:
    - a hash with some combination of the following elements:
        - "user_id"     -- actor.usr (au) ID for the user to cache.
        - "org_unit"    -- actor.org_unit (aou) ID representing the physical 
                           location / context used for timeout, etc. settings.
        - "login_type"  -- login type (opac, staff, temp, persist)
        - "workstation" -- workstation name

int oilsAuthInternalCreateSession(osrfMethodContext* ctx) {

    const jsonObject* args  = jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, 0);

    const char* user_id     = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "user_id"));
    const char* login_type  = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "login_type"));
    const char* workstation = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "workstation"));
    int org_unit            = jsonObjectGetNumber(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "org_unit"));

    if ( !(user_id && login_type) ) {
        return osrfAppRequestRespondException( ctx->session, ctx->request,
            "Missing parameters for method: %s", ctx->method->name );

    oilsEvent* response = NULL;

    // fetch the user object
    jsonObject* idParam = jsonNewNumberStringObject(user_id);
    jsonObject* userObj = oilsUtilsCStoreReqCtx(
        ctx, "open-ils.cstore.direct.actor.user.retrieve", idParam);

    if (!userObj) {
        return osrfAppRequestRespondException(ctx->session, 
            ctx->request, "No user found with ID %s", user_id);

    // If a workstation is defined, add the workstation info
    if (workstation) {
        response = oilsAuthVerifyWorkstation(ctx, userObj, workstation);

        if (response) { // invalid workstation.
            osrfAppRespondComplete(ctx, oilsEventToJSON(response));
            return 0;

        } else { // workstation OK.  

            // The worksation org unit supersedes any org unit value 
            // provided via the API.  oilsAuthVerifyWorkstation() sets the 
            // ws_ou value to the WS owning lib.  A value is guaranteed.
            org_unit = atoi(oilsFMGetStringConst(userObj, "ws_ou"));

    } else { // no workstation

        // For backwards compatibility, when no workstation is provided, use 
        // the users's home org as its workstation org unit, regardless of 
        // any API-level org unit value provided.
        const char* orgid = oilsFMGetStringConst(userObj, "home_ou");
        oilsFMSetString(userObj, "ws_ou", orgid);

        // The context org unit defaults to the user's home library when
        // no workstation is used and no API-level value is provided.
        if (org_unit < 1) org_unit = atoi(orgid);

    // determine the auth/cache timeout
    long timeout = oilsAuthGetTimeout(userObj, login_type, org_unit);

    char* string = va_list_to_string("%d.%ld.%ld", 
        (long) getpid(), time(NULL), oilsFMGetObjectId(userObj));
    char* authToken = md5sum(string);
    char* authKey = va_list_to_string(
        "%s%s", OILS_AUTH_CACHE_PRFX, authToken);

    oilsFMSetString(userObj, "passwd", "");
    jsonObject* cacheObj = jsonParseFmt("{\"authtime\": %ld}", timeout);
    jsonObjectSetKey(cacheObj, "userobj", jsonObjectClone(userObj));

    if( !strcmp(login_type, OILS_AUTH_PERSIST)) {
        // Add entries for endtime and reset_interval, so that we can gracefully
        // extend the session a bit if the user is active toward the end of the 
        // timeout originally specified.
        time_t endtime = time( NULL ) + timeout;
        jsonObjectSetKey(cacheObj, "endtime", 
            jsonNewNumberObject( (double) endtime ));

        // Reset interval is hard-coded for now, but if we ever want to make it
        // configurable, this is the place to do it:
        jsonObjectSetKey(cacheObj, "reset_interval",
            jsonNewNumberObject( (double) DEFAULT_RESET_INTERVAL));

    osrfCachePutObject(authKey, cacheObj, (time_t) timeout);
    jsonObject* payload = jsonParseFmt(
        "{\"authtoken\": \"%s\", \"authtime\": %ld}", authToken, timeout);

    response = oilsNewEvent2(OSRF_LOG_MARK, OILS_EVENT_SUCCESS, payload);
    free(string); free(authToken); free(authKey);

    osrfAppRespondComplete(ctx, oilsEventToJSON(response));

    return 0;