Exemple #1
static void
test_configure_valid (void)
	static struct test_data_s tab[] = {
		{ "/NS/ACCT/JFS",

		{ "NS/ACCT/JFS//1.",


	guint idx = 0;
	for (struct test_data_s *th=tab; th->url ;th++) {
		struct oio_url_s *url;

		url = oio_url_init(th->url);
		g_assert(url != NULL);
		_test_url (idx++, url, th);
		oio_url_pclean (&url);

		url = _init_url (th);
		g_assert(url != NULL);
		_test_url (idx++, url, th);
		oio_url_pclean (&url);
static GError *
_get_peers(struct sqlx_service_s *ss, struct sqlx_name_s *n,
		gboolean nocache, gchar ***result)
	EXTRA_ASSERT(result != NULL);

	gint retries = 1;
	gchar **peers = NULL;
	GError *err = NULL;

	gint64 seq = 1;
	struct oio_url_s *u = oio_url_empty ();
	oio_url_set(u, OIOURL_NS, ss->ns_name);
	if (!sqlx_name_extract (n, u, NAME_SRVTYPE_META2, &seq)) {
		oio_url_pclean (&u);
		return BADREQ("Invalid type name: '%s'", n->type);

	if (nocache) {
		hc_decache_reference_service(ss->resolver, u, n->type);
		if (!result) {
			oio_url_pclean (&u);
			return NULL;

	peers = NULL;
	err = hc_resolve_reference_service(ss->resolver, u, n->type, &peers);

	if (NULL != err) {
		g_prefix_error(&err, "Peer resolution error: ");
		return err;

	gchar **out = filter_services_and_clean(ss, peers, seq, n->type);

	if (!out) {
		if (retries-- > 0) {
			nocache = TRUE;
			goto retry;
		err = NEWERROR(CODE_CONTAINER_NOTFOUND, "Base not managed");

	if (err) {
		if (out)
			g_strfreev (out);
		*result = NULL;
	} else {
		*result = out;

	return err;
Exemple #3
/* Plays rounds of allocations/librations on partial URL */
static void
test_dup (void)
	struct oio_url_s *u0 = oio_url_empty ();

	oio_url_set (u0, OIOURL_NS, "NS");
	_round_dup_cleanup (u0);

	oio_url_set (u0, OIOURL_ACCOUNT, "ACCT");
	_round_dup_cleanup (u0);

	oio_url_set (u0, OIOURL_USER, "JFS");
	_round_dup_cleanup (u0);

	(void) oio_url_get_id (u0);
	(void) oio_url_get_id_size (u0);
	_round_dup_cleanup (u0);

	oio_url_set (u0, OIOURL_TYPE, "mail");
	_round_dup_cleanup (u0);

	oio_url_set (u0, OIOURL_PATH, "path");
	_round_dup_cleanup (u0);

	oio_url_set (u0, OIOURL_CONTENTID, "XYZT");
	_round_dup_cleanup (u0);

	oio_url_set (u0, OIOURL_CONTENTID, "0000");
	_round_dup_cleanup (u0);

	oio_url_set (u0, OIOURL_VERSION, "0");
	_round_dup_cleanup (u0);

	oio_url_pclean (&u0);
static gboolean
meta1_dispatch_v2_SRVRELINK(struct gridd_reply_ctx_s *reply,
	struct meta1_backend_s *m1, gpointer ignored)
	GError *err = NULL;
	gchar *replaced = NULL, *kept = NULL, **newset = NULL;
	struct oio_url_s *url = NULL;
	(void) ignored;

	url = metautils_message_extract_url (reply->request);
	kept = metautils_message_extract_string_copy (reply->request, NAME_MSGKEY_OLD);
	replaced = metautils_message_extract_string_copy (reply->request, NAME_MSGKEY_NOTIN);
	gboolean dryrun = metautils_message_extract_flag (reply->request, NAME_MSGKEY_DRYRUN, FALSE);
	reply->subject("%s|%s", oio_url_get(url, OIOURL_WHOLE), oio_url_get(url, OIOURL_HEXID));

	if (!url) {
		reply->send_error (0, NEWERROR(CODE_BAD_REQUEST, "Missing field (%s)", "url"));
	} else {
		err = meta1_backend_services_relink (m1, url, kept, replaced, dryrun, &newset);
		if (NULL != err) {
			reply->send_error (0, err);
		} else {
			reply->send_reply (CODE_FINAL_OK, "OK");

	oio_url_pclean (&url);
	g_free0 (kept);
	g_free0 (replaced);
	if (newset) g_strfreev (newset);
	return TRUE;
Exemple #5
static enum http_rc_e
handler_action (struct http_request_s *rq, struct http_reply_ctx_s *rp)
	// Get a request id for the current request
	const gchar *reqid = g_tree_lookup (rq->tree_headers, PROXYD_HEADER_REQID);
	if (reqid)

	// Then parse the request to find a handler
	struct oio_url_s *url = NULL;
	struct oio_requri_s ruri = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
	oio_requri_parse (rq->req_uri, &ruri);

	struct path_matching_s **matchings = _metacd_match (rq->cmd, ruri.path);

	GRID_TRACE2("URI path[%s] query[%s] fragment[%s] matches[%u]",
			ruri.path, ruri.query, ruri.fragment,

	GQuark gq_count = gq_count_unexpected;
	GQuark gq_time = gq_time_unexpected;

	enum http_rc_e rc;
	if (!*matchings) {
		rp->set_content_type ("application/json");
		rp->set_body_gstr (g_string_new("{\"status\":404,\"message\":\"No handler found\"}"));
		rp->set_status (HTTP_CODE_NOT_FOUND, "No handler found");
		rp->finalize ();
	} else {
		struct req_args_s args = {0};
		args.req_uri = &ruri;
		args.matchings = matchings;
		args.rq = rq;
		args.rp = rp;

		args.url = url = _metacd_load_url (&args);
		rp->subject(oio_url_get(url, OIOURL_HEXID));
		gq_count = (*matchings)->last->gq_count;
		gq_time = (*matchings)->last->gq_time;
		GRID_TRACE("%s %s URL %s", __FUNCTION__, ruri.path, oio_url_get(args.url, OIOURL_WHOLE));
		req_handler_f handler = (*matchings)->last->u;
		rc = (*handler) (&args);

	gint64 spent = oio_ext_monotonic_time () - rq->client->time.evt_in;

	network_server_stat_push4 (rq->client->server, TRUE,
			gq_count, 1, gq_count_all, 1,
			gq_time, spent, gq_time_all, spent);

	path_matching_cleanv (matchings);
	oio_requri_clear (&ruri);
	oio_url_pclean (&url);
	oio_ext_set_reqid (NULL);
	return rc;
static void
meta2_on_close(struct sqlx_sqlite3_s *sq3, gboolean deleted, gpointer cb_data)
	gint64 seq = 1;

	if (!deleted)

	struct oio_url_s *u = oio_url_empty ();
	oio_url_set (u, OIOURL_NS, PSRV(cb_data)->ns_name);
	if (!sqlx_name_extract ((struct sqlx_name_s*)&sq3->name, u, NAME_SRVTYPE_META2, &seq)) {
		GRID_WARN("Invalid base name [%s]", sq3->name.base);
	hc_decache_reference_service(PSRV(cb_data)->resolver, u, NAME_SRVTYPE_META2);
static void
_test_reference_cycle_round (void)
	GError *err = NULL;

	struct oio_url_s *url = oio_url_empty ();
	_random_url (url);

	struct oio_directory_s *dir = oio_directory__create_proxy (ns);
	g_assert_nonnull (dir);

	/* link with no reference */
	gchar **srvtab = NULL;
	err = oio_directory__link (dir, url, NAME_SRVTYPE_META2, FALSE, &srvtab);
	g_assert_error (err, GQ(), CODE_USER_NOTFOUND);
	g_assert_null (srvtab);
	g_clear_error (&err);

	/* create */
	err = oio_directory__create (dir, url);
	g_assert_no_error (err);

	/* link with a reference */
	err = oio_directory__link (dir, url, NAME_SRVTYPE_META2, FALSE, &srvtab);
	g_assert_no_error (err);
	g_assert_nonnull (srvtab);
	g_strfreev (srvtab);

	/* list */
	gchar **dirtab = NULL;
	err = oio_directory__list (dir, url, NAME_SRVTYPE_META2, &dirtab, &srvtab);
	g_assert_no_error (err);
	g_assert_nonnull (dirtab);
	g_assert_nonnull (srvtab);
	g_strfreev (dirtab);
	g_strfreev (srvtab);

	oio_url_pclean (&url);
	oio_directory__destroy (dir);
Exemple #8
static struct oio_error_s *
_roundtrip_common (struct oio_sds_s *client, struct oio_url_s *url,
		const char *path)
	struct file_info_s fi, fi0;
	struct oio_error_s *err = NULL;
	int has = 0;

	err = (struct oio_error_s*) _checksum_file (path, &fi0);
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Checksum error (original): ");

	gchar tmppath[256] = "";
	g_snprintf (tmppath, sizeof(tmppath), "/tmp/test-roundtrip-%d-%lu-", getpid(), time(0));
	_append_random_chars (tmppath, random_chars, 16);
	gchar content_id[65] = "";
	_append_random_chars (content_id, hex_chars, 64);

	GRID_INFO ("Roundtrip on local(%s) distant(%s) content_id(%s)", tmppath,
			oio_url_get (url, OIOURL_WHOLE), content_id);

	/* Check the content is not preset yet */
	err = oio_sds_has (client, url, &has);
	if (!err && has) err = (struct oio_error_s*) NEWERROR(0,"content already present");
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Check error");
	GRID_INFO("Content absent as expected");

	/* Then upload it */
	struct oio_sds_ul_src_s ul_src = {
		.type = OIO_UL_SRC_FILE,
		.data = { .file = { .path = path, .offset = 0, .size = 0, }, },
	struct oio_sds_ul_dst_s ul_dst = {
		.url = url, .autocreate = 1, .out_size = 0, .content_id = content_id,
	err = oio_sds_upload (client, &ul_src, &ul_dst);
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Upload error");
	GRID_INFO("Content uploaded");

	/* Check it is now present */
	has = 0;
	err = oio_sds_has (client, url, &has);
	if (!err && !has) err = (struct oio_error_s*) NEWERROR(0, "content not found");
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Check error");
	GRID_INFO("Content present as expected");

	/* Get it to validate the content is accessible */
	err = oio_sds_download_to_file (client, url, tmppath);
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Download error");
	GRID_INFO("Content downloaded to a file");

	/* Validate the original and the copy match */
	err = (struct oio_error_s*) _checksum_file (tmppath, &fi);
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Checksum error (copy): ");
	if (fi.fs != fi0.fs)
		MAYBERETURN(NEWERROR(0, "Copy sizes mismatch"), "Validation error");
	if (0 != memcmp(fi.h, fi0.h, fi.hs))
		MAYBERETURN(NEWERROR(0, "Copy hash mismatch"), "Validation error");
	GRID_INFO("The original file and its copy match");

	/* Get it an other way in a buffer. */
	guint8 buf[1024];
	struct oio_sds_dl_dst_s dl_dst = {
		.type = OIO_DL_DST_BUFFER,
		.data = {.buffer = {.ptr = buf, .length=1024}}
	struct oio_sds_dl_src_s dl_src = {
		.url = url,
		.ranges = NULL,
	err = oio_sds_download (client, &dl_src, &dl_dst);
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Download error");
	GRID_INFO("Content downloaded to a buffer");

	/* link the container */
	struct oio_url_s *url1 = oio_url_dup (url);
	oio_url_set (url1, OIOURL_PATH, tmppath);
	err = oio_sds_link (client, url1, content_id);
	oio_url_pclean (&url1);
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Link error: ");

	/* List the container, the content must appear */
	struct oio_sds_list_param_s list_in = {
		.url = url,
		.prefix = NULL, .marker = NULL, .end = NULL, .delimiter = 0,
		.flag_allversions = 0, .flag_nodeleted = 0,
	struct oio_sds_list_listener_s list_out = {
		.ctx = NULL,
		.on_item = _on_item, .on_prefix = NULL, .on_bound = NULL,
	err = oio_sds_list (client, &list_in, &list_out);
	MAYBERETURN(err, "List error");

	/* Remove the content from the content */
	err = oio_sds_delete (client, url);
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Delete error");
	GRID_INFO("Content removed");

	/* Check the content is not preset anymore */
	has = 0;
	err = oio_sds_has (client, url, &has);
	if (!err && has) err = (struct oio_error_s*) NEWERROR(0, "content still present");
	MAYBERETURN(err, "Check error");
	GRID_INFO("Content absent as expected");

	g_remove (tmppath);
	oio_error_pfree (&err);
	return NULL;

static struct oio_error_s *
_roundtrip_autocontainer (struct oio_sds_s *client, struct oio_url_s *url,
		const char *path)
	struct file_info_s fi;
	GError *err = _checksum_file (path, &fi);

	/* compute the autocontainer with the SHA1, consider only the first 17 bits */
	struct oio_str_autocontainer_config_s cfg = {
		.src_offset = 0, .src_size = 0,
		.dst_bits = 17,
	char tmp[65];
	const char *auto_container = oio_str_autocontainer_hash (fi.h, fi.hs, tmp, &cfg);

	/* build a new URL with the computed container name */
	struct oio_url_s *url_auto = oio_url_dup (url);
	oio_url_set (url_auto, OIOURL_USER, auto_container);
	err = (GError*) _roundtrip_common (client, url_auto, path);
	oio_url_pclean (&url_auto);

	return (struct oio_error_s*) err;

main(int argc, char **argv)
	oio_sds_default_autocreate = 1;
	for (int i=0; i<4 ;i++)
		oio_log_more ();

	prng = g_rand_new ();

	if (argc != 2) {
		g_printerr ("Usage: %s PATH\n", argv[0]);
		return 1;

	const char *path = argv[1];

	struct oio_url_s *url = oio_url_empty ();
	oio_url_set (url, OIOURL_NS, g_getenv("OIO_NS"));
	oio_url_set (url, OIOURL_ACCOUNT, g_getenv("OIO_ACCOUNT"));
	oio_url_set (url, OIOURL_USER, g_getenv("OIO_USER"));
	oio_url_set (url, OIOURL_PATH, g_getenv("OIO_PATH"));

	if (!oio_url_has_fq_path(url)) {
		g_printerr ("Partial URL [%s]: requires a NS (%s), an ACCOUNT (%s),"
				" an USER (%s) and a PATH (%s)\n",
				oio_url_get (url, OIOURL_WHOLE),
				oio_url_has (url, OIOURL_NS)?"ok":"missing",
				oio_url_has (url, OIOURL_ACCOUNT)?"ok":"missing",
				oio_url_has (url, OIOURL_USER)?"ok":"missing",
				oio_url_has (url, OIOURL_PATH)?"ok":"missing");
		return 3;
	GRID_INFO("URL valid [%s]", oio_url_get (url, OIOURL_WHOLE));

	struct oio_sds_s *client = NULL;
	struct oio_error_s *err = NULL;

	/* Initiate a client */
	err = oio_sds_init (&client, oio_url_get(url, OIOURL_NS));
	if (err) {
		g_printerr ("Client init error: (%d) %s\n", oio_error_code(err),
		return 4;
	GRID_INFO("Client ready to [%s]", oio_url_get (url, OIOURL_NS));

	err = _roundtrip_common (client, url, path);
	if (!err)
		err = _roundtrip_autocontainer (client, url, path);

	int rc = err != NULL;
	oio_error_pfree (&err);
	oio_sds_pfree (&client);
	oio_url_pclean (&url);
	return rc;