int AddBreakpoint(unsigned long addr, unsigned int type) { t_polymorphicbreakpoint crt_breakpoint; if(numberofpatch>=__MAX_PMBP__) { olly_add_to_list(0, __ERROR__, "[Error at %x08X] Too many breakpoint are already set.", addr); return 0; } crt_breakpoint.index=numberofpatch; crt_breakpoint.addr=addr; crt_breakpoint.type=type;; if(Readmemory(tpatch[numberofpatch].original, addr, (unsigned long)size[crt_breakpoint.type], MM_RESILENT) == 0) { olly_add_to_list(0, __ERROR__, "[Error at %x08X] Can't read the memory.", addr); return 0; } if(Writememory(polymorph[crt_breakpoint.type], addr, (unsigned long)size[crt_breakpoint.type], MM_RESILENT) == 0) { olly_add_to_list(0, __ERROR__, "[Error at %x08X] Can't write the memory / Set the breakpoint.", addr); return 0; } tpatch[numberofpatch].addr = addr; tpatch[numberofpatch].size = size[crt_breakpoint.type]; olly_add_sorted_data(&(,&crt_breakpoint); olly_add_to_list(0,0,"New breakpoint at 0x%08X", addr); numberofpatch++; return 1; }
int DisableBreakpoint(t_polymorphicbreakpoint *crt_breakpoint) { if(Writememory(tpatch[crt_breakpoint->index].original, tpatch[crt_breakpoint->index].addr, tpatch[crt_breakpoint->index].size, MM_RESILENT) == 0) { olly_add_to_list(0, __ERROR__, "[Error at %x08X] Can't write the memory / Restore the breakpoint.", crt_breakpoint->addr); return 0; } crt_breakpoint->able = 0; olly_add_to_list(0,0,"Breakpoint at %08X(%d) disabled", crt_breakpoint->addr, crt_breakpoint->index); return 1; }
void paimei_xmit_location (t_dump *pd) { t_module *tmod; char buf[128]; size_t len; if (!connection) { olly_add_to_list(0, 1, "connect to paimei receiver first."); return; } if (!pd) { olly_add_to_list(0, 1, "no current item to xmit."); return; } tmod = olly_find_module(pd->sel0); // null terminate the short name. tmod->name[SHORTLEN] = 0; olly_add_to_list(0, 0, "%08x is in %s based at %08x", pd->sel0, tmod->name, tmod->base); sprintf(buf, "%s:%08x\n", tmod->name, pd->sel0 - tmod->base); len = strlen(buf); // connection to server successful. if (send(connection, buf, len, 0) != len) { closesocket(connection); WSACleanup(); connection = NULL; } }
LRESULT CALLBACK polybp_winproc(HWND hw,UINT msg,WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp) { HMENU menu; unsigned int i; unsigned long retaddr; t_polymorphicbreakpoint *slt_breakpoint; t_thread *pthread; switch (msg) { case WM_DESTROY: case WM_MOUSEMOVE: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_HSCROLL: case WM_VSCROLL: case WM_TIMER: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_USER_SCR: case WM_USER_VABS: case WM_USER_VREL: case WM_USER_VBYTE: case WM_USER_STS: case WM_USER_CNTS: case WM_USER_CHGS: case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: return olly_table_function(&breakpoint,hw,msg,wp,lp); case WM_USER_MENU: slt_breakpoint=(t_polymorphicbreakpoint *)olly_get_sorted_by_selection(&(,; menu=olly_create_popup_menu(); if (menu != 0 && slt_breakpoint != 0) { olly_append_menu(menu,MF_STRING,1,"Follow\tEnter"); olly_append_menu(menu,MF_STRING,2,"Disable\tDel"); i = olly_table_function(&breakpoint,hw,WM_USER_MENU,0,(LPARAM)menu); if (menu != 0) DestroyMenu(menu); if(i==1) olly_set_cpu(0,slt_breakpoint->addr,0,0,CPU_ASMHIST|CPU_ASMCENTER|CPU_ASMFOCUS); if(i==2) { /* Remove a PolyMorphic Breakpoint */ if((slt_breakpoint->able == 1) && (ispaused == 1)) { switch(slt_breakpoint->type) { case 0: pthread=olly_find_thread(olly_get_cpu_thread_id()); context = pthread->context; if((context.Eip >= slt_breakpoint->addr+4) && (context.Eip < slt_breakpoint->addr + 12)) { // Ajust esp context.Esp += 4; pthread->reg.r[4] += 4; // Restore eip context.Eip = slt_breakpoint->addr; pthread->reg.ip = slt_breakpoint->addr; } // Delete DisableBreakpoint(slt_breakpoint); break; case 1: pthread=olly_find_thread(olly_get_cpu_thread_id()); context = pthread->context; if((context.Eip >= slt_breakpoint->addr+4) && (context.Eip < slt_breakpoint->addr + 17)) { // Ajust esp context.Esp += 4; pthread->reg.r[4] += 4; // Restore eip context.Eip = slt_breakpoint->addr; pthread->reg.ip = slt_breakpoint->addr; } // Delete DisableBreakpoint(slt_breakpoint); break; case 2: // Delete DisableBreakpoint(slt_breakpoint); break; case 3: pthread=olly_find_thread(olly_get_cpu_thread_id()); context = pthread->context; if((context.Eip >= slt_breakpoint->addr+4) && (context.Eip < slt_breakpoint->addr + 15)) { // Ajust esp context.Esp += 4; pthread->reg.r[4] += 4; // Restore eip pthread->reg.ip = slt_breakpoint->addr; context.Eip = slt_breakpoint->addr; } else if(context.Eip == context.Esp) { if(Readmemory(&retaddr,pthread->reg.r[4]+2,4,MM_RESILENT) == 0) { olly_add_to_list(0, __ERROR__, "[Error at %x08X] Can't read the memory.", pthread->reg.r[4]+2); break; } if(retaddr == slt_breakpoint->addr+5) { // Ajust esp context.Esp += 6; pthread->reg.r[4] += 6; // Restore eip pthread->reg.ip = slt_breakpoint->addr; context.Eip = slt_breakpoint->addr; } } // Delete DisableBreakpoint(slt_breakpoint); break; } // switch(slt_breakpoint->type) } // pause } // ifremove InvalidateRect(hw,NULL,FALSE); } return 0; case WM_USER_DBLCLK: slt_breakpoint=(t_polymorphicbreakpoint *)olly_get_sorted_by_selection( &(,; if(slt_breakpoint != 0) olly_set_cpu(0,slt_breakpoint->addr,0,0,CPU_ASMHIST|CPU_ASMCENTER|CPU_ASMFOCUS); return 0; case WM_KEYDOWN: if (wp==VK_RETURN && (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000)==0 && (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000)==0) { slt_breakpoint=(t_polymorphicbreakpoint *)Getsortedbyselection( &(,; if(slt_breakpoint!=NULL) olly_set_cpu(0,slt_breakpoint->addr,0,0,CPU_ASMHIST|CPU_ASMCENTER|CPU_ASMFOCUS); } return 0; case WM_USER_CHALL: case WM_USER_CHMEM: InvalidateRect(hw, NULL, FALSE); return 0; case WM_PAINT: olly_paint_table(hw, &breakpoint, polybp_get_text); return 0; default: break; } return DefMDIChildProc(hw,msg,wp,lp); }
void paimei_connect (void) { hostent *he; sockaddr_in sin; in_addr addr; WSADATA wsa_data; char server[256]; memset(server, 0, sizeof(server)); strcpy(server, ""); // if we are already connected then to do nothing. if (connection) return; if (Gettext("PaiMei Server:", server, 0x00, NM_NONAME, FIXEDFONT) == -1) return; // initialize winsock. if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsa_data) != 0) { olly_add_to_list(0, 1, "[!] "PLUGIN_NAME"> WSAStartup() failed."); return; } // confirm that the requested winsock version is supported. if (LOBYTE(wsa_data.wVersion) != 2 || HIBYTE(wsa_data.wVersion) != 2) { WSACleanup(); olly_add_to_list(0, 1, PLUGIN_NAME"> Winsock version 2.2 not found."); return; } // if the provided server address is a hostname, then resolve it with gethostbyname(). if (isalpha(server[0])) { if ((he = gethostbyname(server)) == NULL) { olly_add_to_list(0, 1, "[!] "PLUGIN_NAME"> Unable to resolve name: %s", server); return; } } // otherwise resolve the server address with gethostbyaddr(). else { addr.s_addr = inet_addr(server); if ((he = gethostbyaddr((char *)&addr, sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET)) == NULL) { olly_add_to_list(0, 1, "[!] "PLUGIN_NAME"> Unable to resolve address"); return; } } // create a socket. if ((connection = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { WSACleanup(); olly_add_to_list(0, 1, "[!] "PLUGIN_NAME"> Failed to create socket."); return; } // connect to the server. sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_addr = *((LPIN_ADDR)*he->h_addr_list); sin.sin_port = htons(7033); if (connect(connection, (SOCKADDR *) &sin, sizeof(sin)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { WSACleanup(); olly_add_to_list(0, 1, "[!] "PLUGIN_NAME"> Failed to connect to server."); return; } }