Exemple #1
void omxSadmvnWrapper(omxFitFunction *oo, omxMatrix *cov, omxMatrix *ordCov, 
	double *corList, double *lThresh, double *uThresh, int *Infin, double *likelihood, int *inform) {
    // SADMVN calls Alan Genz's sadmvn.f--see appropriate file for licensing info.
   	// TODO: Check with Genz: should we be using sadmvn or sadmvn?
   	// Parameters are:
   	// 	N 		int			# of vars
   	//	Lower	double*		Array of lower bounds
   	//	Upper	double*		Array of upper bounds
   	//	Infin	int*		Array of flags: 0 = (-Inf, upper] 1 = [lower, Inf), 2 = [lower, upper]
   	//	Correl	double*		Array of correlation coeffs: in row-major lower triangular order
   	//	MaxPts	int			Maximum # of function values (use 1000*N or 1000*N*N)
   	//	Abseps	double		Absolute Rf_error tolerance.  Yick.
   	//	Releps	double		Relative Rf_error tolerance.  Use EPSILON.
   	//	Error	&double		On return: absolute real Rf_error, 99% confidence
   	//	Value	&double		On return: evaluated value
   	//	Inform	&int		On return: 0 = OK; 1 = Rerun, increase MaxPts; 2 = Bad input
   	// TODO: Separate block diagonal covariance matrices into pieces for integration separately
   	double Error;
	double absEps = Global->absEps;
	double relEps = Global->relEps;
	int MaxPts = Global->maxptsa + Global->maxptsb * cov->rows + Global->maxptsc * cov->rows * cov->rows;
	int numVars = ordCov->rows;
	int fortranThreadId = omx_absolute_thread_num() + 1;
    /*	numVars = 2;
   	lThresh[0] = -2;
   	uThresh[0] = -1.636364;
   	Infin[0] = 2;
   	lThresh[1] = 0;
   	uThresh[1] = 0;
   	Infin[1] = 0;
   	smallCor[0] = 1.0; smallCor[1] = 0; smallCor[2] = 1.0; */
   	F77_CALL(sadmvn)(&numVars, lThresh, uThresh, Infin, corList, &MaxPts, 
		&absEps, &relEps, &Error, likelihood, inform, &fortranThreadId);

   	if(OMX_DEBUG && !oo->matrix->currentState->currentRow) {
   		char infinCodes[3][20];
   		strcpy(infinCodes[0], "(-INF, upper]");
   		strcpy(infinCodes[1], "[lower, INF)");
   		strcpy(infinCodes[2], "[lower, upper]");
   		mxLog("Input to sadmvn is (%d rows):", numVars); //:::DEBUG:::
		omxPrint(ordCov, "Ordinal Covariance Matrix"); //:::DEBUG:::
		for(int i = 0; i < numVars; i++) {
			mxLog("Row %d: %f, %f, %d(%s)", i, lThresh[i], uThresh[i], Infin[i], infinCodes[Infin[i]]);

		mxLog("Cor: (Lower %d x %d):", cov->rows, cov->cols); //:::DEBUG:::
		for(int i = 0; i < cov->rows*(cov->rows-1)/2; i++) {
			// mxLog("Row %d of Cor: ", i);
			// for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
			mxLog(" %f", corList[i]); // (i*(i-1)/2) + j]);
			// mxLog("");

	if(OMX_DEBUG) {
		mxLog("Output of sadmvn is %f, %f, %d.", Error, *likelihood, *inform); 
Exemple #2
void omxInitRowFitFunction(omxFitFunction* oo) {

	if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Initializing Row/Reduce fit function."); }

	SEXP rObj = oo->rObj;
	SEXP nextMatrix, nextItem;
	int numDeps;

	omxRowFitFunction *newObj = new omxRowFitFunction;

	if(OMX_DEBUG) {mxLog("Accessing data source."); }
	{ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("data")));
	newObj->data = omxDataLookupFromState(nextMatrix, oo->matrix->currentState);
	if(newObj->data == NULL) {
		char *errstr = (char*) calloc(250, sizeof(char));
		sprintf(errstr, "No data provided to omxRowFitFunction.");

	{ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("rowAlgebra")));
	newObj->rowAlgebra = omxMatrixLookupFromState1(nextMatrix, oo->matrix->currentState);
	if(newObj->rowAlgebra == NULL) {
		char *errstr = (char*) calloc(250, sizeof(char));
		sprintf(errstr, "No row-wise algebra in omxRowFitFunction.");

		ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("units")));
		oo->setUnitsFromName(CHAR(STRING_ELT(nextMatrix, 0)));

	{ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("filteredDataRow")));
	newObj->filteredDataRow = omxMatrixLookupFromState1(nextMatrix, oo->matrix->currentState);
	if(newObj->filteredDataRow == NULL) {
		char *errstr = (char*) calloc(250, sizeof(char));
		sprintf(errstr, "No row results matrix in omxRowFitFunction.");
	// Create the original data row from which to filter.
	newObj->dataRow = omxInitMatrix(newObj->filteredDataRow->rows,
					newObj->filteredDataRow->cols, TRUE, oo->matrix->currentState);
	omxCopyMatrix(newObj->filteredDataRow, newObj->dataRow);

	{ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("existenceVector")));
	newObj->existenceVector = omxMatrixLookupFromState1(nextMatrix, oo->matrix->currentState);
    // Do we allow NULL existence?  (Whoa, man. That's, like, deep, or something.)
	if(newObj->existenceVector == NULL) {
		char *errstr = (char*) calloc(250, sizeof(char));
		sprintf(errstr, "No existance matrix in omxRowFitFunction.");

	{ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("rowResults")));
	newObj->rowResults = omxMatrixLookupFromState1(nextMatrix, oo->matrix->currentState);
	if(newObj->rowResults == NULL) {
		char *errstr = (char*) calloc(250, sizeof(char));
		sprintf(errstr, "No row results matrix in omxRowFitFunction.");

	{ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("reduceAlgebra")));
	newObj->reduceAlgebra = omxMatrixLookupFromState1(nextMatrix, oo->matrix->currentState);
	if(newObj->reduceAlgebra == NULL) {
		char *errstr = (char*) calloc(250, sizeof(char));
		sprintf(errstr, "No row reduction algebra in omxRowFitFunction.");
	if(OMX_DEBUG) {mxLog("Accessing variable mapping structure."); }
	{ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("dataColumns")));
	newObj->dataColumns = omxNewMatrixFromRPrimitive(nextMatrix, oo->matrix->currentState, 0, 0);
	if(OMX_DEBUG) { omxPrint(newObj->dataColumns, "Variable mapping"); }

	if(OMX_DEBUG) {mxLog("Accessing data row dependencies."); }
	{ ScopedProtect p1(nextItem, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("dataRowDeps")));
	numDeps = LENGTH(nextItem);
	newObj->numDataRowDeps = numDeps;
	newObj->dataRowDeps = (int*) R_alloc(numDeps, sizeof(int));
	for(int i = 0; i < numDeps; i++) {
		newObj->dataRowDeps[i] = INTEGER(nextItem)[i];

	/* Set up data columns */
	EigenVectorAdaptor dc(newObj->dataColumns);
	omxSetContiguousDataColumns(&(newObj->contiguous), newObj->data, dc);

	oo->computeFun = omxCallRowFitFunction;
	oo->destructFun = omxDestroyRowFitFunction;
	oo->canDuplicate = true;
	oo->openmpUser = true;

	oo->argStruct = (void*) newObj;
Exemple #3
static void omxExpectationProcessDataStructures(omxExpectation* ox, SEXP rObj)
	int index, numCols, numOrdinal=0;
	SEXP nextMatrix, itemList, threshMatrix; 
	if(rObj == NULL) return;

	if(OMX_DEBUG) {
		mxLog("Accessing variable mapping structure.");

	if (R_has_slot(rObj, Rf_install("dataColumns"))) {
		{ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("dataColumns")));
		ox->dataColumns = omxNewMatrixFromRPrimitive(nextMatrix, ox->currentState, 0, 0);

		if(OMX_DEBUG) {
			omxPrint(ox->dataColumns, "Variable mapping");
		numCols = ox->dataColumns->cols;

		if (R_has_slot(rObj, Rf_install("thresholds"))) {
			if(OMX_DEBUG) {
				mxLog("Accessing Threshold matrix.");
			ScopedProtect p1(threshMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("thresholds")));

			if(INTEGER(threshMatrix)[0] != NA_INTEGER) {
				if(OMX_DEBUG) {
					mxLog("Accessing Threshold Mappings.");
				/* Process the data and threshold mapping structures */
				/* if (threshMatrix == NA_INTEGER), then we could ignore the slot "thresholdColumns"
				 * and fill all the thresholds with {NULL, 0, 0}.
				 * However the current path does not have a lot of overhead. */
				int* thresholdColumn, *thresholdNumber;
				{ScopedProtect pc(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("thresholdColumns")));
				thresholdColumn = INTEGER(nextMatrix);
				{ScopedProtect pi(itemList, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("thresholdLevels")));
				thresholdNumber = INTEGER(itemList);
				for(index = 0; index < numCols; index++) {
					if(thresholdColumn[index] == NA_INTEGER) {	// Continuous variable
						if(OMX_DEBUG) {
							mxLog("Column %d is continuous.", index);
						omxThresholdColumn col;
					} else {
						omxThresholdColumn col;
						col.matrix = omxMatrixLookupFromState1(threshMatrix, ox->currentState);
						col.column = thresholdColumn[index];
						col.numThresholds = thresholdNumber[index];
						if(OMX_DEBUG) {
							mxLog("Column %d is ordinal with %d thresholds in threshold column %d.", 
								index, thresholdNumber[index], thresholdColumn[index]);
				if(OMX_DEBUG) {
					mxLog("%d threshold columns processed.", numOrdinal);
				ox->numOrdinal = numOrdinal;
			} else {
				if (OMX_DEBUG) {
					mxLog("No thresholds matrix; not processing thresholds.");
				ox->numOrdinal = 0;
Exemple #4
static void
ba81compute(omxExpectation *oo, FitContext *fc, const char *what, const char *how)
	BA81Expect *state = (BA81Expect *) oo->argStruct;

	if (what) {
		if (strcmp(what, "latentDistribution")==0 && how && strcmp(how, "copy")==0) {
			omxCopyMatrix(state->_latentMeanOut, state->estLatentMean);
			omxCopyMatrix(state->_latentCovOut, state->estLatentCov);

			double sampleSizeAdj = (state->weightSum - 1.0) / state->weightSum;
			int covSize = state->_latentCovOut->rows * state->_latentCovOut->cols;
			for (int cx=0; cx < covSize; ++cx) {
				state->_latentCovOut->data[cx] *= sampleSizeAdj;

		if (strcmp(what, "scores")==0) {
			state->expectedUsed = true;
		} else if (strcmp(what, "nothing")==0) {
			state->type = EXPECTATION_OBSERVED;
		} else {
			omxRaiseErrorf("%s: don't know how to predict '%s'",
				       oo->name, what);

		if (state->verbose >= 1) {
			mxLog("%s: predict %s", oo->name, what);

	bool latentClean = state->latentParamVersion == getLatentVersion(state);
	bool itemClean = state->itemParamVersion == omxGetMatrixVersion(state->itemParam) && latentClean;

	ba81NormalQuad &quad = state->getQuad();

	if (state->verbose >= 1) {
		mxLog("%s: Qinit %d itemClean %d latentClean %d (1=clean) expectedUsed=%d",
		      oo->name, (int)quad.isAllocated(), itemClean, latentClean, state->expectedUsed);

	if (!latentClean) {
		state->latentParamVersion = getLatentVersion(state);

	if (!itemClean) {
		double *param = state->EitemParam? state->EitemParam : state->itemParam->data;
		state->grp.quad.cacheOutcomeProb(param, FALSE);

		bool estep = state->expectedUsed;
		if (estep) {
			if (oo->dynamicDataSource) {
				BA81Engine<BA81Expect*, BA81LatentSummary, BA81Estep> engine;
				engine.ba81Estep1(&state->grp, state);
			} else {
				BA81Engine<BA81Expect*, BA81LatentFixed, BA81Estep> engine;
				engine.ba81Estep1(&state->grp, state);
		} else {
			refreshPatternLikelihood(state, oo->dynamicDataSource);
		if (oo->dynamicDataSource && state->verbose >= 2) {
			mxLog("%s: empirical distribution mean and cov:", state->name);
			omxPrint(state->estLatentMean, "mean");
			omxPrint(state->estLatentCov, "cov");
		if (state->verbose >= 1) {
			const int numUnique = state->getNumUnique();
			mxLog("%s: estep<%s, %s> %d/%d rows excluded",
			      (estep && oo->dynamicDataSource? "summary":"fixed"),
			      (estep? "estep":"omitEstep"),
			      state->grp.excludedPatterns, numUnique);

	state->itemParamVersion = omxGetMatrixVersion(state->itemParam);