int CDotWars::onExecute() { currentTime = SDL_GetTicks(); if(onInit() == false) { return -1; } a.setColor(0, 0, 0xff); a.setPosition(50, 100); a.velocity.x = 0; a.velocity.y = 0; b.color = 0x00FF00FF; a.gravity = false; gravityOverlord.playerDot = &a; //da_overlord.mouseDot = &b; SDL_Event Event; while(running) { while(SDL_PollEvent(&Event)) { onEvent(&Event); } onLoop(); onRender(); } onCleanup(); return 0; }
//............................................................................ void QF::stop(void) { QF_INT_LOCK_KEY_ QF_INT_LOCK_(); setvect(uCOS, l_dosSpareISR); // restore the original DOS vector QF_INT_UNLOCK_(); onCleanup(); // cleanup callback }
void Flow::cleanUp() { _flowJointData.clear(); _jointThreads.clear(); _flowJointKeywords.clear(); _collisionSystem.resetCollisions(); _initialized = false; _isScaleSet = false; onCleanup(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Main game loop inside the onExecute() method //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int Client::onExecute() { if(onInit() == false) { return -1; } SDL_Event event; Uint32 fps = 60; Uint32 frametime = 1000 / fps; Uint32 starttime, exectime; while(running) { starttime = SDL_GetTicks(); // start by checking for OpenGL error GLenum error; while ((error = glGetError()) != GL_NO_ERROR) { printf("Error: %s\n", gluErrorString(error)); } // check for input events while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { onEvent(&event); } // act on input events onInput(); // TODO more game state updates here, // like applying velocity, gravity, etc p1->onUpdate(); if (follow) { setXView(p1->getX()); setYView(p1->getY()); } // draw the screen onRender(); // sleep time to make fps exectime = SDL_GetTicks() - starttime; if (exectime < frametime) { //SDL_Delay(SDL_GetTicks() % frametime); SDL_Delay(frametime - exectime); } } onCleanup(); return 0; }
int Core::onExecute() { if(onInit() == false) return -1; SDL_Event event; //seed random srand(time(0)); //For controlling framerate int dt_frame = 0; int dt_current = 0; int dt_previous = 0; while(running_) { //Process events while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { //Quit game event if(event.type == SDL_QUIT) { running_ = false; } //Process game events pGame_->onEvent(&event); } //Regulate framerate; dt_previous = dt_current; dt_current = pDelta_->getTicks(); dt_frame = dt_current - dt_previous; if(dt_frame < (FRAME_RATE)) { SDL_Delay(FRAME_RATE - dt_frame); } //Process game loop pGame_->onLoop(pDelta_->getTicks()); //Render game world pGame_->onRender(); //Swap buffers SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); } onCleanup(); return 0; }//End onExecute()
//............................................................................ int16_t QF::run(void) { l_running = true; onStartup(); // startup callback // raise the priority of this (main) thread to tick more timely SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST); do { Sleep(l_tickMsec); // wait for the tick interval QF_onClockTick(); // clock tick callback (must call QF_TICKX()) } while (l_running); onCleanup(); // cleanup callback QS_EXIT(); // cleanup the QSPY connection //DeleteCriticalSection(&l_win32CritSect); return static_cast<int16_t>(0); // return success }
int CApp::onExecute() { if(onInit() == false) { return -1; } SDL_Event Event; Uint32 waitTime = 1000.0f/FPS; Uint32 frameStartTime = 0; Sint32 delayTime; Uint32 idleTime = 0; // kill any cursors that may be waiting in the beginning tuioClient->lockCursorList(); map< int, GnmsCursor*>::iterator it; for (it=gnmsCursors.begin(); it!=gnmsCursors.end(); it++) { if (it->second != NULL) { it->second->killCursor(); } } tuioClient->unlockCursorList(); // polling loop... i know it's old fashioned, // but it's so easy to implement while(isRunning == true) { // get events, react accordingly while(SDL_PollEvent(&Event)) { onEvent(&Event); } delayTime = waitTime - (SDL_GetTicks() - frameStartTime); onLoop(); if(delayTime > 0) { SDL_Delay((Uint32)delayTime); } frameStartTime = SDL_GetTicks(); onRender(); } onCleanup(); return 0; }
int GApp::onExecute(void) { if (onInit() == false) { return -1; } SDL_Event event; while (isRunning) { while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { onEvent(&event); onLoop(); onRender(); } } onCleanup(); return 0; }
int BallGame::OnExecute() { if(onInit() == false) { return -1; } SDL_Event Event; while(running) { while(SDL_PollEvent(&Event)) { onEvent(&Event); } onLoop(); if (onRender() == false) { return -1; } } onCleanup(); return 0; }
int App::onExecute() { if (onInit() == false) { return -1; } SDL_Event event; timespec start, end; double elapsed; long waitusec; while (m_running) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { onEvent(&event); } onLoop(); onRender(); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end); elapsed = double(end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + (end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec)/double(1000000000); if (elapsed < double(1/m_targetFps)) { waitusec = (double(1/m_targetFps) - elapsed) * 1000000; usleep(waitusec); } } onCleanup(); return 0; }
Entity::~Entity(){ onCleanup(); }
EntityEnemy::~EntityEnemy(){ onCleanup(); }
//**************************************************************************** /// @description /// This function stops the QF application. After calling this function, /// QF attempts to gracefully stop the application. This graceful shutdown /// might take some time to complete. The typical use of this function is /// for terminating the QF application to return back to the operating /// system or for handling fatal errors that require shutting down /// (and possibly re-setting) the system. /// /// @sa QF::onCleanup() /// void QF::stop(void) { onCleanup(); // application-specific cleanup callback // nothing else to do for the preemptive QXK kernel }
//............................................................................ void QF::stop(void) { onCleanup(); // cleanup callback }
EntityPlayer::~EntityPlayer(){ onCleanup(); }
CArea::~CArea() { onCleanup(); }
void Flow::calculateConstraints(const std::shared_ptr<AnimSkeleton>& skeleton, AnimPoseVec& relativePoses, AnimPoseVec& absolutePoses) { cleanUp(); if (!skeleton) { return; } auto flowPrefix = FLOW_JOINT_PREFIX.toUpper(); auto simPrefix = SIM_JOINT_PREFIX.toUpper(); std::vector<int> handsIndices; _groupSettings.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < skeleton->getNumJoints(); i++) { auto name = skeleton->getJointName(i); if (std::find(HAND_COLLISION_JOINTS.begin(), HAND_COLLISION_JOINTS.end(), name) != HAND_COLLISION_JOINTS.end()) { handsIndices.push_back(i); } auto parentIndex = skeleton->getParentIndex(i); if (parentIndex == -1) { continue; } auto jointChildren = skeleton->getChildrenOfJoint(i); // auto childIndex = jointChildren.size() > 0 ? jointChildren[0] : -1; auto group = QStringRef(&name, 0, 3).toString().toUpper(); auto split = name.split("_"); bool isSimJoint = (group == simPrefix); bool isFlowJoint = split.size() > 2 && split[0].toUpper() == flowPrefix; if (isFlowJoint || isSimJoint) { group = ""; if (isSimJoint) { for (int j = 1; j < name.size() - 1; j++) { bool toFloatSuccess; QStringRef(&name, (int)(name.size() - j), 1).toString().toFloat(&toFloatSuccess); if (!toFloatSuccess && (name.size() - j) > (int)simPrefix.size()) { group = QStringRef(&name, (int)simPrefix.size(), (int)(name.size() - j + 1) - (int)simPrefix.size()).toString(); break; } } if (group.isEmpty()) { group = QStringRef(&name, (int)simPrefix.size(), name.size() - (int)simPrefix.size()).toString(); } qCDebug(animation) << "Sim joint added to flow: " << name; } else { group = split[1]; } if (!group.isEmpty()) { _flowJointKeywords.push_back(group); FlowPhysicsSettings jointSettings; if (PRESET_FLOW_DATA.find(group) != PRESET_FLOW_DATA.end()) { jointSettings =; } else { jointSettings = DEFAULT_JOINT_SETTINGS; } if (_flowJointData.find(i) == _flowJointData.end()) { auto flowJoint = FlowJoint(i, parentIndex, -1, name, group, jointSettings); _flowJointData.insert(std::pair<int, FlowJoint>(i, flowJoint)); } updateGroupSettings(group, jointSettings); } } else { if (PRESET_COLLISION_DATA.find(name) != PRESET_COLLISION_DATA.end()) { _collisionSystem.addCollisionSphere(i,; } } } for (auto &jointData : _flowJointData) { int jointIndex = jointData.first; glm::vec3 jointPosition, parentPosition, jointTranslation; glm::quat jointRotation; getJointPositionInWorldFrame(absolutePoses, jointIndex, jointPosition, _entityPosition, _entityRotation); getJointTranslation(relativePoses, jointIndex, jointTranslation); getJointRotation(relativePoses, jointIndex, jointRotation); getJointPositionInWorldFrame(absolutePoses, jointData.second.getParentIndex(), parentPosition, _entityPosition, _entityRotation); jointData.second.setInitialData(jointPosition, jointTranslation, jointRotation, parentPosition); } std::vector<int> roots; for (auto &joint :_flowJointData) { if (_flowJointData.find(joint.second.getParentIndex()) == _flowJointData.end()) { joint.second.setAnchored(true); roots.push_back(joint.first); } else { _flowJointData[joint.second.getParentIndex()].setChildIndex(joint.first); } } int extraIndex = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i < roots.size(); i++) { FlowThread thread = FlowThread(roots[i], &_flowJointData); // add threads with at least 2 joints if (thread._joints.size() > 0) { if (thread._joints.size() == 1) { int jointIndex = roots[i]; auto &joint = _flowJointData[jointIndex]; auto &jointPosition = joint.getUpdatedPosition(); auto newSettings = joint.getSettings(); extraIndex = extraIndex > -1 ? extraIndex + 1 : skeleton->getNumJoints(); joint.setChildIndex(extraIndex); auto newJoint = FlowJoint(extraIndex, jointIndex, -1, joint.getName(), joint.getGroup(), newSettings); newJoint.toHelperJoint(jointPosition, HELPER_JOINT_LENGTH); glm::vec3 translation = glm::vec3(0.0f, HELPER_JOINT_LENGTH, 0.0f); newJoint.setInitialData(jointPosition + translation, 100.0f * translation , Quaternions::IDENTITY, jointPosition); _flowJointData.insert(std::pair<int, FlowJoint>(extraIndex, newJoint)); FlowThread newThread = FlowThread(jointIndex, &_flowJointData); if (newThread._joints.size() > 1) { _jointThreads.push_back(newThread); } } else { _jointThreads.push_back(thread); } } } if (_jointThreads.size() == 0) { onCleanup(); } if (handsIndices.size() > 0) { FlowCollisionSettings handSettings; handSettings._radius = HAND_COLLISION_RADIUS; for (size_t i = 0; i < handsIndices.size(); i++) { _collisionSystem.addCollisionSphere(handsIndices[i], handSettings, glm::vec3(), true, true); } } _initialized = _jointThreads.size() > 0; }