Exemple #1
// perform basic initialization of GPIO chip
int relayDriverInit (int addr)
	int status; 

	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_INFO, "> Initializing Relay Expansion chip\n");

	// set all GPIOs to output
	status 	= mcp_setAllDirection(addr, 0);
	if (status == EXIT_FAILURE) {
		onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "relay-exp:init:: Setting output direction failed\n");
		return status;

	// disable all pullup resistors
	status 	= mcp_setAllPullup(addr, 0);
	if (status == EXIT_FAILURE) {
		onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "relay-exp:init:: Disabling pullup resistors failed\n");
		return status;

	// set all GPIOs to 0
	status 	= mcp_setAllGpio(addr, 0);
	if (status == EXIT_FAILURE) {
		onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "relay-exp:init:: Reseting GPIOs failed\n");
		return status;

	return status;
Exemple #2
int validateArguments(int channel, int state)
	int status = EXIT_SUCCESS;

	if (channel < -1 || channel >= RELAY_EXP_NUM_CHANNELS) {
		onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "ERROR: invalid CHANNEL selection\n");
		onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "Accepted values are:\n");
		onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\t0-1\n");
		onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\tall\n");
		onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\n");

		status = EXIT_FAILURE;

	if (state != 0 && state != 1) {
		onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "ERROR: invalid STATE selection\n");
		onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "Accepted values are:\n");
		onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\t0 or 1\n");
		onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\n");

		status = EXIT_FAILURE;

	return status;
Exemple #3
// set GPIO value - change the relay state
int relaySetChannel (int addr, int channel, int state)
	int status;

	// set the relay channel to the specified state
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_INFO, "> Setting RELAY%d to %s\n", channel, ( state == 1 ? "ON" : "OFF") );
	status = mcp_setGpio(addr, channel, state);

	return status;
Exemple #4
// read GPIO calue, ie read the relay state
int relayReadState (int addr, int channel, int* state)
	int status;

	// read the relay state
	status 	= mcp_getGpio(addr, channel, state);
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_INFO, "> Reading RELAY%d state: %s\n", channel, ( *state == 1 ? "ON" : "OFF") );

	return status;
Exemple #5
// set value to both GPIO0 and GPIO1 (both relay states)
int relaySetAllChannels (int addr, int state)
	int status, val;

	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_INFO, "> Setting both RELAYS to %s\n", ( state == 1 ? "ON" : "OFF") );

	// translate state to register value
	if (state == 0) {
		val = 0x0;
	else {
		val = 0x3;	// enable GPIO0 and GPIO1

	// set the all relay channels to the specified state
	status = mcp_setAllGpio(addr, val);

	return status;
Exemple #6
void usage(const char* progName) 
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "Usage: relay-exp -i\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\tJust initialize the Relay chip\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\n\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "Usage: relay-exp [-qvi] [-s <bbb>] CHANNEL STATE\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "CHANNEL is the specified Relay channel on the Expansion\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\tcan be: 0-1  to control a single channel\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\tcan be: 'all' to control all channels simultaneously\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "STATE is the desired operational state of the relay\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\tcan be: 0  relay switch is OFF\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\tcan be: 1  relay switch is ON\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\tProgram the CHANNEL to the specified relay state\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, " -q 		quiet: no output\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, " -v 		verbose: lots of output\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, " -h 		help: show this prompt\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, " -i 		initialize the relay chip\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, " -s <bbb>	dip-switch configuration in binary, not required if 000\n");
	onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "\n");
Exemple #7
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	const char *progname;
	char 	*switchAddr;
	int 	status;
	int 	verbose;
	int 	init;
	int 	ch;

	int 	channel;
	int 	relayState;

	int 	devAddr;
	int 	bInitialized;

	// set defaults
	init 		= 0;

	switchAddr 	= malloc(RELAY_EXP_ADDR_SWITCH_NUM * sizeof *switchAddr);

	// save the program name
	progname 	= argv[0];	

	//// parse the option arguments
	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "vqhis:")) != -1) {
		switch (ch) {
		case 'v':
			// verbose output
		case 'q':
			// quiet output
		case 'i':
			// perform init sequence
			init 	= 1;
		case 's':
			// capture binary 
			strcpy (switchAddr, optarg);
			return 0;

	// set the verbosity

	// advance past the option arguments
	argc 	-= optind;
	argv	+= optind;

	// process the switch address
	status = processSwitchAddr(switchAddr, &devAddr);
	if (status == EXIT_FAILURE) {
		onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "ERROR: invalid switch address argument!\n");
		return 0;
	if (strcmp(switchAddr, RELAY_EXP_ADDR_SWITCH_DEFAULT_VAL) != 0) {
		onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_INFO, "> Switch configuration: %s\n", switchAddr);

	// check if just initialization
	if ( argc == 0 && init == 1 ) {
		status = relayDriverInit(devAddr);
		if (status == EXIT_FAILURE) {
			onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "main-relay-exp:: relay init failed!\n");
		return 0;

	// ensure correct number of arguments
	if ( argc != 2) {
		onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "ERROR: invalid amount of arguments!\n");
		return 0;

	//// parse the arguments
	// first arg - channel
	channel 	= readChannelArgument(argv[0]);

	// second arg - relay state (on or off)
	if 	(	strcmp(argv[1], "off") == 0 ||
			strcmp(argv[1], "Off") == 0 ||
			strcmp(argv[1], "OFF") == 0
		relayState 	= 0;
	else if (	strcmp(argv[1], "on") == 0 ||
				strcmp(argv[1], "On") == 0 ||
				strcmp(argv[1], "ON") == 0
		relayState 	= 1;
	else {
		relayState 	= (int)strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10);

	// validate the arguments
	status 	= validateArguments(channel, relayState);
	if (status == EXIT_FAILURE) {
		return 0;

	// check if initialized
	status = relayCheckInit(devAddr, &bInitialized);

	// exit the app if i2c reads fail
	if (status == EXIT_FAILURE) {
		onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "> ERROR: Relay Expansion not found!\n");
		return 0;

	// perform initialization
	if (init == 1 || bInitialized == 0) {
		status 	= relayDriverInit(devAddr);
		if (status == EXIT_FAILURE) {
			onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "main-relay-exp:: relay init failed!\n");

	// set the relay state
	if (channel < 0) {
		// program both relays at once
		status 	= relaySetAllChannels(devAddr, relayState);
		if (status == EXIT_FAILURE) {
			onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "main-relay-exp:: all relay setup failed!\n");
	else {
		// program just one relay
		status 	= relaySetChannel(devAddr, channel, relayState);
		if (status == EXIT_FAILURE) {
			onionPrint(ONION_SEVERITY_FATAL, "main-relay-exp:: relay %d setup failed!\n", channel);

	return 0;