TRIGGER( use )(obj user) { int Q4Q1; obj Q491 = Q4SE(this); if(Q491 == NULL()) { return(0x00); } if(isDead(user)) { return(0x00); } if(isEditing(user) || Q4ZV(user, this)) { Q4Q1 = openContainer(user, Q491); } else { if(testSkill(user, 0x1C)) { Q4Q1 = openContainer(user, Q491); } else { ebarkTo(user, user, "You fail to peek into the animal's pack."); } } return(0x00); }
void CompanionWindow::open(MWWorld::Ptr npc) { openContainer(npc); setTitle(MWWorld::Class::get(npc).getName(npc)); drawItems(); updateEncumbranceBar(); }
static int decodeString( bsd_ctx_t *ctx, bsd_data_t *x, const uint8_t *buffer, int length, const bs_string_encoding_t *enc) { int nread = 0; uint8_t opcode = buffer[0]; CHECK_LENGTH( 1); x->kind = BSD_STRING; if( enc->small_opcode <= opcode && opcode < enc->medium_opcode) { /* Small string */ size_t len = opcode - enc->small_opcode; CHECK_LENGTH( len + 1); bsd_string( x, len, (const char *) buffer + 1); } else if( enc->medium_opcode <= opcode && opcode < enc->large_opcode) { /* Medium string */ CHECK_LENGTH( 2); size_t len = ((opcode - enc->medium_opcode) << 8) + buffer[1] + enc->small_limit + 1; CHECK_LENGTH( len + 2); bsd_string( x, len, (const char *) buffer + 2); } else if( enc->large_opcode == opcode) { /* Large string */ CHECK_LENGTH( 3); size_t len = ((buffer[1]) << 8) + buffer[2] + enc->medium_limit + 1; CHECK_LENGTH( len + 3); bsd_string( x, len, (const char *) buffer + 3); } else if( enc->chunked_opcode == opcode) { CHECK_ERROR( openContainer( ctx, BS_FCHUNKED, BS_CTXID_CHUNKED, -1, NULL)); x->kind = BSD_CHUNKED_STRING; } else { return 0; } return nread; }
InventoryWindow::InventoryWindow(WindowManager& parWindowManager,DragAndDrop* dragAndDrop) : ContainerBase(dragAndDrop) , WindowPinnableBase("openmw_inventory_window.layout", parWindowManager) , mTrading(false) { static_cast<MyGUI::Window*>(mMainWidget)->eventWindowChangeCoord += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &InventoryWindow::onWindowResize); getWidget(mAvatar, "Avatar"); getWidget(mEncumbranceBar, "EncumbranceBar"); getWidget(mEncumbranceText, "EncumbranceBarT"); getWidget(mFilterAll, "AllButton"); getWidget(mFilterWeapon, "WeaponButton"); getWidget(mFilterApparel, "ApparelButton"); getWidget(mFilterMagic, "MagicButton"); getWidget(mFilterMisc, "MiscButton"); getWidget(mLeftPane, "LeftPane"); getWidget(mRightPane, "RightPane"); mAvatar->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &InventoryWindow::onAvatarClicked); MyGUI::ScrollView* itemView; MyGUI::Widget* containerWidget; getWidget(containerWidget, "Items"); getWidget(itemView, "ItemView"); setWidgets(containerWidget, itemView); // adjust size of buttons to fit text int curX = 0; mFilterAll->setSize( mFilterAll->getTextSize().width + 24, mFilterAll->getSize().height ); curX += mFilterAll->getTextSize().width + 24 + 4; mFilterWeapon->setPosition(curX, mFilterWeapon->getPosition().top); mFilterWeapon->setSize( mFilterWeapon->getTextSize().width + 24, mFilterWeapon->getSize().height ); curX += mFilterWeapon->getTextSize().width + 24 + 4; mFilterApparel->setPosition(curX, mFilterApparel->getPosition().top); mFilterApparel->setSize( mFilterApparel->getTextSize().width + 24, mFilterApparel->getSize().height ); curX += mFilterApparel->getTextSize().width + 24 + 4; mFilterMagic->setPosition(curX, mFilterMagic->getPosition().top); mFilterMagic->setSize( mFilterMagic->getTextSize().width + 24, mFilterMagic->getSize().height ); curX += mFilterMagic->getTextSize().width + 24 + 4; mFilterMisc->setPosition(curX, mFilterMisc->getPosition().top); mFilterMisc->setSize( mFilterMisc->getTextSize().width + 24, mFilterMisc->getSize().height ); mFilterAll->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &InventoryWindow::onFilterChanged); mFilterWeapon->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &InventoryWindow::onFilterChanged); mFilterApparel->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &InventoryWindow::onFilterChanged); mFilterMagic->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &InventoryWindow::onFilterChanged); mFilterMisc->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &InventoryWindow::onFilterChanged); mFilterAll->setStateSelected(true); setCoord(0, 342, 498, 258); MWWorld::Ptr player = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayer().getPlayer(); openContainer(player); }
void AlchemyWindow::open() { openContainer(MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayer().getPlayer()); setFilter(ContainerBase::Filter_Ingredients); // pick the best available apparatus MWWorld::ContainerStore& store = MWWorld::Class::get(mPtr).getContainerStore(mPtr); MWWorld::Ptr bestAlbemic; MWWorld::Ptr bestMortarPestle; MWWorld::Ptr bestCalcinator; MWWorld::Ptr bestRetort; for (MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it(store.begin(MWWorld::ContainerStore::Type_Apparatus)); it != store.end(); ++it) { MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Apparatus>* ref = it->get<ESM::Apparatus>(); if (ref->base->mData.mType == ESM::Apparatus::Albemic && (bestAlbemic.isEmpty() || ref->base->mData.mQuality > bestAlbemic.get<ESM::Apparatus>()->base->mData.mQuality)) bestAlbemic = *it; else if (ref->base->mData.mType == ESM::Apparatus::MortarPestle && (bestMortarPestle.isEmpty() || ref->base->mData.mQuality > bestMortarPestle.get<ESM::Apparatus>()->base->mData.mQuality)) bestMortarPestle = *it; else if (ref->base->mData.mType == ESM::Apparatus::Calcinator && (bestCalcinator.isEmpty() || ref->base->mData.mQuality > bestCalcinator.get<ESM::Apparatus>()->base->mData.mQuality)) bestCalcinator = *it; else if (ref->base->mData.mType == ESM::Apparatus::Retort && (bestRetort.isEmpty() || ref->base->mData.mQuality > bestRetort.get<ESM::Apparatus>()->base->mData.mQuality)) bestRetort = *it; } if (!bestMortarPestle.isEmpty()) { mApparatus1->setUserString("ToolTipType", "ItemPtr"); mApparatus1->setUserData(bestMortarPestle); mApparatus1->setImageTexture(getIconPath(bestMortarPestle)); } if (!bestAlbemic.isEmpty()) { mApparatus2->setUserString("ToolTipType", "ItemPtr"); mApparatus2->setUserData(bestAlbemic); mApparatus2->setImageTexture(getIconPath(bestAlbemic)); } if (!bestCalcinator.isEmpty()) { mApparatus3->setUserString("ToolTipType", "ItemPtr"); mApparatus3->setUserData(bestCalcinator); mApparatus3->setImageTexture(getIconPath(bestCalcinator)); } if (!bestRetort.isEmpty()) { mApparatus4->setUserString("ToolTipType", "ItemPtr"); mApparatus4->setUserData(bestRetort); mApparatus4->setImageTexture(getIconPath(bestRetort)); } }
static bsd_status_t bsd_object( bsd_ctx_t *ctx, bsd_data_t *x, bs_classid_t classid) { const bs_class_t *klass = bs_classcoll_get( &ctx->classcoll, classid); union bsd_stackframecontent_t *f = NULL; bsd_status_t status; if( NULL == klass) { return BSD_EBADCLASSID; } x->kind = BSD_OBJECT; x->content.classdef = klass; status = openContainer( ctx, BS_FOBJECT, BS_CTXID_GLOBAL, klass->nfields, &f); f->object.classdef = klass; return status; }
InventoryWindow::InventoryWindow(DragAndDrop* dragAndDrop) : ContainerBase(dragAndDrop) , WindowPinnableBase("openmw_inventory_window.layout") , mTrading(false) , mLastXSize(0) , mLastYSize(0) , mPreview(MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld ()->getPlayer ().getPlayer ()) , mPreviewDirty(true) { static_cast<MyGUI::Window*>(mMainWidget)->eventWindowChangeCoord += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &InventoryWindow::onWindowResize); getWidget(mAvatar, "Avatar"); getWidget(mAvatarImage, "AvatarImage"); getWidget(mEncumbranceBar, "EncumbranceBar"); getWidget(mFilterAll, "AllButton"); getWidget(mFilterWeapon, "WeaponButton"); getWidget(mFilterApparel, "ApparelButton"); getWidget(mFilterMagic, "MagicButton"); getWidget(mFilterMisc, "MiscButton"); getWidget(mLeftPane, "LeftPane"); getWidget(mRightPane, "RightPane"); getWidget(mArmorRating, "ArmorRating"); mAvatar->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &InventoryWindow::onAvatarClicked); MyGUI::ScrollView* itemView; MyGUI::Widget* containerWidget; getWidget(containerWidget, "Items"); getWidget(itemView, "ItemView"); setWidgets(containerWidget, itemView); mFilterAll->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &InventoryWindow::onFilterChanged); mFilterWeapon->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &InventoryWindow::onFilterChanged); mFilterApparel->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &InventoryWindow::onFilterChanged); mFilterMagic->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &InventoryWindow::onFilterChanged); mFilterMisc->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &InventoryWindow::onFilterChanged); mFilterAll->setStateSelected(true); setCoord(0, 342, 498, 258); mPreview.setup(); MWWorld::Ptr player = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayer().getPlayer(); openContainer(player); }
static int decodeCollection( bsd_ctx_t *ctx, bsd_data_t *x, const uint8_t *buffer, int length, union bsd_stackframecontent_t **f, const bs_coll_encoding_t *enc) { int nread = 0; uint8_t opcode = buffer[0]; CHECK_LENGTH( 1); if( enc->empty_opcode == opcode) { /* empty container */ x->kind = bsd_typeFromFrameKind( enc->fixed_kind); x->content.length = 0; CHECK_ERROR( openContainer( ctx, enc->fixed_kind, BS_CTXID_GLOBAL, 0, f)); } else if( enc->small_untyped_opcode <= opcode && opcode <= enc->small_untyped_opcode + enc->small_limit - 1) { /* Small untyped container */ x->kind = bsd_typeFromFrameKind( enc->fixed_kind); x->content.length = opcode - enc->small_untyped_opcode + 1; CHECK_ERROR( openContainer( ctx, enc->fixed_kind, BS_CTXID_GLOBAL, x->content.length, f)); } else if( enc->long_untyped_opcode == opcode) { /* Long untyped container */ CHECK_SUBDECODE( bsd_uis( ctx, x, buffer + 1, length + 1), BSD_INT); x->kind = bsd_typeFromFrameKind( enc->fixed_kind); x->content.length = x->content.i + enc->small_limit + 1; CHECK_ERROR( openContainer( ctx, enc->fixed_kind, BS_CTXID_GLOBAL, x->content.length, f)); } else if( enc->variable_untyped_opcode == opcode) { /* Variable untyped container */ x->kind = bsd_typeFromFrameKind( enc->variable_kind); CHECK_ERROR( openContainer( ctx, enc->variable_kind, BS_CTXID_GLOBAL, -1, f)); } else if( enc->small_typed_opcode <= opcode && opcode <= enc->small_typed_opcode + enc->small_limit - 1) { /* Small typed container */ CHECK_LENGTH( 2); x->kind = bsd_typeFromFrameKind( enc->fixed_kind); x->content.length = opcode - enc->small_typed_opcode + 1; CHECK_ERROR( openContainer( ctx, enc->fixed_kind, buffer[1], x->content.length, f)); } else if( enc->long_typed_opcode == opcode) { /* Long typed container */ CHECK_SUBDECODE( bsd_uis( ctx, x, buffer + 1, length + 1), BSD_INT); CHECK_LENGTH( nread + 1); x->kind = bsd_typeFromFrameKind( enc->fixed_kind); x->content.length = x->content.i + enc->small_limit + 1; CHECK_ERROR( openContainer( ctx, enc->fixed_kind, buffer[nread-1], x->content.length, f)); } else if( enc->variable_typed_opcode == opcode) { /* Variable untyped container */ CHECK_LENGTH( 2); x->kind = bsd_typeFromFrameKind( enc->variable_kind); CHECK_ERROR( openContainer( ctx, enc->variable_kind, buffer[1], -1, f)); } else { return 0; } return nread; }
void AlchemyWindow::open() { openContainer (MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayer().getPlayer()); // this sets mPtr setFilter (ContainerBase::Filter_Ingredients); mAlchemy.setAlchemist (mPtr); int index = 0; for (MWMechanics::Alchemy::TToolsIterator iter (mAlchemy.beginTools()); iter!=mAlchemy.endTools() && index<static_cast<int> (mApparatus.size()); ++iter, ++index) { if (!iter->isEmpty()) { (index)->setUserString ("ToolTipType", "ItemPtr"); (index)->setUserData (*iter); (index)->setImageTexture (getIconPath (*iter)); } } update(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { namespace po = boost::program_options; std::string privateKeyFile; std::string publicKeyFile; po::options_description general("General options"); general.add_options() ("help", "produce help message") ("generate-rsa,g", "generate RSA keys and save to public.key and private.key") ("publickey", po::value<std::string>(&publicKeyFile) ->default_value("public.key"), "path to publickey (default \"public.key\"") ("privatekey", po::value<std::string>(&privateKeyFile) ->default_value("private.key"), "path to private key (default \"private.key\""); po::options_description openContainer("Open existing container"); openContainer.add_options() ("open,o", po::value<std::string>(), "open existing container") ("unpack,u", po::value<std::string>(), "unpack selected files to directory") ("unpackAll,U", po::value<std::string>(), "unpack all files to directory") ("add,a", "add selected files"); po::options_description createContainer("Create new container"); createContainer.add_options() ("create,c", po::value<std::string>(), "create new container"); po::options_description hidden("Hidden options"); hidden.add_options() ("input-file", po::value<std::vector<std::string>>(), "input container file"); po::options_description cmdlineOptions; cmdlineOptions .add(general) .add(openContainer) .add(createContainer) .add(hidden); po::positional_options_description p; p.add("input-file", -1); po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv). options(cmdlineOptions).positional(p).run(), vm); po::notify(vm); if (vm.count("help")) { std::cout << "Usage: CryptoContainer [options] <input or output files>" << std::endl; std::cout << general << "\n"; std::cout << openContainer << "\n"; std::cout << createContainer << "\n"; return 1; } if (vm.count("generate-rsa")) { std::cout << "Generating RSA keys" << std::endl; auto RSAKeys = cc::generateRSAKeys(); // Save public key std::cout << "Public key... "; cc::saveKeyToFile<CryptoPP::RSA::PublicKey>("public.key", RSAKeys.second); std::cout << "OK" << std::endl; // Save private key std::cout << "Private key... "; cc::saveKeyToFile<CryptoPP::RSA::PrivateKey>("private.key", RSAKeys.first); std::cout << "OK" << std::endl; return 1; } if (vm.count("create")) { std::cout << "Create container" << std::endl; if (!vm.count("input-file")) { std::cout << "Error: Need select input files" << std::endl; return -1; } if (!boost::filesystem::exists(publicKeyFile)) { std::cout << "Error: Public key doesn't exists" << std::endl; return -1; } if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(vm["create"].as<std::string>())) { std::cout << "Error: Path direct to directory" << std::endl; return -1; } auto publicKey = cc::loadKeyFromFile<CryptoPP::RSA::PublicKey>(publicKeyFile); auto container = cc::Container::openNewContainer(vm["create"].as<std::string>(), publicKey); if (!container) { std::cout << "invalid key or can't open file" << std::endl; return -1; } const auto pathsToPack = vm["input-file"].as<std::vector<std::string>>(); for (auto &input : pathsToPack) { container->addFileOrFolder(input); } std::cout << "Wait a while..." << std::endl; container->save(); std::cout << "Created " << vm["create"].as<std::string>() << " container" << std::endl; return 0; } if (vm.count("open")) { std::cout << "Open existed container" << std::endl; if (!boost::filesystem::exists(publicKeyFile)) { std::cout << "Error: Public key doesn't exists" << std::endl; return -1; } if (!boost::filesystem::exists(privateKeyFile)) { std::cout << "Error: Private key doesn't exists" << std::endl; return -1; } auto privateKey = cc::loadKeyFromFile<CryptoPP::RSA::PrivateKey>(privateKeyFile); auto publicKey = cc::loadKeyFromFile<CryptoPP::RSA::PublicKey>(publicKeyFile); auto container = cc::Container::openExistedContainer( vm["open"].as<std::string>(), publicKey, privateKey); if (!container) { std::cout << "Can't open container" << std::endl; return -1; } std::cout << "Wait a while..." << std::endl; if (vm.count("unpackAll")) { const std::string path = vm["unpackAll"].as<std::string>(); container->unpackAll(path); std::cout << "Unpacked all data to: " << path << std::endl; return 0; } else if (vm.count("unpack")) { const std::string targetPath = vm["unpack"].as<std::string>(); const auto pathsToUnpack = vm["input-file"].as<std::vector<std::string>>(); for (auto& path : pathsToUnpack) { std::cout << "Unpack: " << path << std::endl; container->unpack(path, targetPath); } std::cout << "Unpacked all data to: " << targetPath << std::endl; return 0; } else if (vm.count("add")) { const auto pathsToPack = vm["input-file"].as<std::vector<std::string>>(); for (auto &input : pathsToPack) { container->addFileOrFolder(input); } container->save(); std::cout << "Added" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Invalid command!" << std::endl; } } return 0; }
/* * If containerFile is NULL, then we don't use that as a source for paths and we set the parent ID to 0. */ int TskL01Extract::extractFiles(TskFile * containerFile /*= NULL*/) { static const std::string MSG_PREFIX = "TskL01Extract::extractFiles : "; try { m_containerFile = containerFile; if (m_archivePath.empty()) { throw TskException(MSG_PREFIX + "No path to archive provided."); } std::string L01Path = TskUtilities::toUTF8(m_archivePath); if (m_containerFile != NULL) { L01Path = m_containerFile->getPath(); } //m_db.addImageInfo((int)m_img_info->itype, m_img_info->sector_size); m_db.addImageName(L01Path.c_str()); if (openContainer() != 0) { return -1; } if (m_imgInfo == NULL) { throw TskException(MSG_PREFIX +"Images not open yet"); } // Create a map of directory names to file ids to use to // associate files/directories with the correct parent. std::map<std::string, uint64_t> directoryMap; std::vector<ArchivedFile>::iterator it = m_archivedFiles.begin(); for (; it != m_archivedFiles.end(); ++it) { Poco::Path path(it->path); Poco::Path parent = it->path.parent(); std::string name; if (path.isDirectory()) { name = path[path.depth() - 1]; } else { name = path[path.depth()]; } // Determine the parent id of the file. uint64_t parentId = 0; if (path.depth() == 0 || path.isDirectory() && path.depth() == 1) { // This file or directory lives at the root so our parent id // is the containing file id (if a containing file was provided). if (m_containerFile != NULL) { parentId = m_containerFile->getId(); } } else { // We are not at the root so we need to lookup the id of our // parent directory. std::map<std::string, uint64_t>::const_iterator pos; pos = directoryMap.find(parent.toString()); if (pos == directoryMap.end()) { //error! std::stringstream msg; msg << "extractFiles: parent ID not mapped for " << it->path.toString(); LOGERROR(msg.str()); } else { parentId = pos->second; } } // Store some extra details about the derived (i.e, extracted) file. std::stringstream details; ///@todo anything here? std::string fullpath = ""; if (m_containerFile != NULL) { fullpath.append(m_containerFile->getFullPath()); } fullpath.append("\\"); fullpath.append(path.toString()); uint64_t fileId; if (m_db.addDerivedFileInfo(name, parentId, path.isDirectory(), it->size, details.str(), static_cast<int>(it->ctime), static_cast<int>(it->crtime), static_cast<int>(it->atime), static_cast<int>(it->mtime), fileId, fullpath) == -1) { std::wstringstream msg; msg << L"addDerivedFileInfo failed for name=" << name.c_str(); LOGERROR(msg.str()); } if (path.isDirectory()) { directoryMap[path.toString()] = fileId; } else { // For file nodes, recreate file locally // Will save zero-length files if (saveFile(fileId, *it) == 0) { // Schedule m_db.updateFileStatus(fileId, TskImgDB::IMGDB_FILES_STATUS_READY_FOR_ANALYSIS); TskServices::Instance().getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler::FileAnalysis, fileId, fileId); } } } } catch (TskException &ex) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << MSG_PREFIX << "TskException: " << ex.message(); LOGERROR(msg.str()); return -1; } catch (std::exception &ex) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << MSG_PREFIX << "std::exception: " << ex.what(); LOGERROR(msg.str()); return -1; } catch (...) { LOGERROR(MSG_PREFIX + "unrecognized exception"); return -1; } return 0; //success }
bool Actions::UseItem(Player* player, const Position &pos,const unsigned char stack, const unsigned short itemid, const unsigned char index) { if(canUse(player,pos)== TOO_FAR){ player->sendCancel("Too far away."); return false; } Item *item = dynamic_cast<Item*>(game->getThing(pos,stack,player)); if(!item){ #ifdef __DEBUG__ std::cout << "no item" << std::endl; #endif player->sendCancel("You can not use this object."); return false; } if(item->getID() != itemid){ #ifdef __DEBUG__ std::cout << "no id" << std::endl; #endif player->sendCancel("You can not use this object."); return false; } #ifdef TLM_HOUSE_SYSTEM if (Item::items[itemid].isDoor) { Tile* tile = game->getTile(pos); House* house = tile? tile->getHouse() : NULL; if (house && player->access < g_config.ACCESS_HOUSE && house->getPlayerRights(pos, player->getName()) <= HOUSE_GUEST) { player->sendCancel("You are not allowed to open this door."); return false; } } #endif //TLM_HOUSE_SYSTEM //look for the item in action maps Action *action = getAction(item); //if found execute it if(action){ Position itempos = game->getThingMapPos(player, pos); game->autoCloseTrade(item); PositionEx posEx(pos,stack); if(action->executeUse(player,item,posEx,posEx)){ return true; } } //if it is a container try to open it if(dynamic_cast<Container*>(item)){ if(openContainer(player,dynamic_cast<Container*>(item),index)) return true; } //we dont know what to do with this item player->sendCancel("You can not use this object."); return false; }