Exemple #1
// default implementation calls its "without flags" counterpart
AudioStreamOut* AudioHardwareInterface::openOutputStreamWithFlags(uint32_t devices,
        audio_output_flags_t flags,
        int *format,
        uint32_t *channels,
        uint32_t *sampleRate,
        status_t *status)
    return openOutputStream(devices, format, channels, sampleRate, status);
// for open output stream with flag
 AudioStreamOut* AudioHardwareBase::openOutputStreamWithFlag(
                                 uint32_t devices,
                                 int *format,
                                 uint32_t *channels,
                                 uint32_t *sampleRate,
                                 status_t *status,
                                 uint32_t output_flag)
    return openOutputStream(devices, format, channels, sampleRate, status);
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])

	/* Declare Inputs*/
	double *xCurr;
	double *parameters;
	double *timepoints;
	int numTimepts;

	/* Load input values from prhs */
	xCurr = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
	parameters = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);

	/* Get the program related options
	 * from the structure.
	char *panicFileName = NULL;
	//char defaultPanicFileName[] = "panic_log.txt";

	char *periodicFileName = NULL;
	//char defaultperiodicFileName[] = "periodic_log.txt";
	long long unsigned *maxHistory = NULL;
	long long unsigned *period = NULL;
	bool assignedDefault[NUM_OF_FIELDS] =
	{ false };
	/* pointer to field names */
	const char **fnames;

	int numFields;
	mwSize NStructElems;
	mxArray *fields[MAX_FIELDS];

	const mxArray *struct_array = prhs[2];
	mxClassID classIDflags[] =

	/* check if the input in struct_array is a structure */
	if (mxIsStruct(struct_array) == false)
				"Input must be a structure.");

	/* get number of elements in structure */
	numFields = mxGetNumberOfFields(struct_array);
	mexPrintf("Number of fields provided in structure %d \n", numFields);
	if (numFields != NUM_OF_FIELDS)
				"The expected number of elements in structure does not match with the provided\n");
		mexPrintf("Expected vs Provided : %d  %d\n", NUM_OF_FIELDS, numFields);

	NStructElems = mxGetNumberOfElements(struct_array);
	mexPrintf("Number of elements in structure %d \n", NStructElems);
	/* allocate memory  for storing pointers */
	fnames = (const char**) mxCalloc(numFields, sizeof(*fnames));

	/* get field name pointers */
	for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++)
		fnames[i] = mxGetFieldNameByNumber(struct_array, i);


	/* get the panic file name*/
	mxArray *panic_file = getFieldPointer(struct_array, 0,
			fnames[PANIC_FILE_INDEX], classIDflags[0]);
	if (panic_file != NULL)

		panicFileName = mxArrayToString(panic_file);
		mexPrintf("panic file name %s \n", panicFileName);

		int buflen = strlen(DEFAULT_PANIC_FILE) + 1;
		panicFileName = (char *) mxCalloc(buflen, sizeof(char));
		strcpy(panicFileName, DEFAULT_PANIC_FILE);
		mexPrintf("default panic file name %s \n", panicFileName);
		assignedDefault[PANIC_FILE_INDEX] = true;

	/* get the periodic file name*/
	mxArray *periodic_file = getFieldPointer(struct_array, 0,
			fnames[PERIODIC_FILE_INDEX], classIDflags[1]);
	if (periodic_file != NULL)

		periodicFileName = mxArrayToString(periodic_file);
		mexPrintf("periodic file name %s \n", periodicFileName);

		int buflen = strlen(DEFAULT_PERIODIC_FILE) + 1;
		periodicFileName = (char *) mxCalloc(buflen, sizeof(char));
		strcpy(periodicFileName, DEFAULT_PERIODIC_FILE);
		mexPrintf("default periodic file name %s \n", periodicFileName);
		assignedDefault[PERIODIC_FILE_INDEX] = true;


	/* get the max history value */
	mxArray *max_history_pointer = getFieldPointer(struct_array, 0,
			fnames[MAX_HISTORY_INDEX], classIDflags[2]);

	if (max_history_pointer != NULL)

		maxHistory = (long long unsigned*) mxGetData(max_history_pointer);
		mexPrintf("max history value %llu \n", *maxHistory);
		maxHistory = (long long unsigned *) mxCalloc(1,
				sizeof(long long unsigned));
		*maxHistory = DEFAULT_MAX_HISTORY;
		mexPrintf("default max history value %llu \n", *maxHistory);
		assignedDefault[MAX_HISTORY_INDEX] = true;

	/* get the period value */
	mxArray *period_pointer = getFieldPointer(struct_array, 0,
			fnames[PERIOD_INDEX], classIDflags[3]);

	if (period_pointer != NULL)

		period = (long long unsigned *) mxGetPr(period_pointer);
		mexPrintf("period value %llu \n", *period);
		period = (long long unsigned *) mxCalloc(1, sizeof(long long unsigned));
		*period = DEFAULT_PERIOD;
		mexPrintf("default period value %llu \n", *period);
		assignedDefault[PERIOD_INDEX] = true;

	/* free the memory */
	mxFree((void *) fnames);

	timepoints = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
	numTimepts = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);

	/* Declare IMs*/
	double cumProps[SSA_NumReactions];
	int reactionIndex;
	int iTime;
	double tCurr;
	double tNext;

	/* Declare Outputs*/
	double* timecourse;

	/* Create Outputs I */
	plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(SSA_NumStates * numTimepts, 1, mxREAL);
	timecourse = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);

#ifdef LOGGING
	/* Panic log file name */
	std::string panic_file_name(panicFileName);
	std::ofstream panic_fstream;

	/* periodic log file */
	std::string periodic_file_name(periodicFileName);
	std::ofstream periodic_fstream;
	openOutputStream(periodic_file_name, periodic_fstream);

	//std::cout<<"logging enabled...\n"<<std::endl;

	LOGLEVEL level;

#ifdef LEVEL_ALL

	/* memory allocation of variables */
	double logRandOne[MAX_HISTORY];
	double logRandTwo[MAX_HISTORY];
	double logTCurr[MAX_HISTORY];
	double logTNext[MAX_HISTORY];
	double logCurrentStates [MAX_HISTORY][SSA_NumStates];
	double logPropensities [MAX_HISTORY][SSA_NumReactions];
	double logChosenPropensity [MAX_HISTORY];
	double logChosenReactionIndex [MAX_HISTORY];

	/* set level */
	level = ALL;


	/* memory allocation of variables */
	double *logRandOne = NULL;
	double *logRandTwo = NULL;
	double logTCurr[MAX_HISTORY];
	double logTNext[MAX_HISTORY];
	double logCurrentStates [MAX_HISTORY][SSA_NumStates];
	double logPropensities [MAX_HISTORY][SSA_NumReactions];
	double *logChosenPropensity = NULL;
	double logChosenReactionIndex [MAX_HISTORY];

	/* set level */
	level = DEBUG;


	/* memory allocation of variables */
	double *logRandOne = NULL;
	double *logRandTwo = NULL;
	double *logTCurr = NULL;
	double *logTNext = NULL;
	double logCurrentStates [MAX_HISTORY][SSA_NumStates];
	double logPropensities [MAX_HISTORY][SSA_NumReactions];
	double *logChosenPropensity = NULL;
	double logChosenReactionIndex [MAX_HISTORY];
	/* set level */
	level = INFO;


	/* memory allocation of variables */
	double *logRandOne = NULL;
	double *logRandTwo = NULL;
	double *logTCurr = NULL;
	double *logTNext = NULL;
	double *logCurrentStates = NULL;
	double *logPropensities = NULL;
	double *logChosenPropensity = NULL;
	double *logChosenReactionIndex = NULL;

	/* set level */
	level = OFF;
	/* As level is off disable the logging */


	/*definition of log levels */

	int log_level_of_var[NUM_VARS];

	log_level_of_var[RAND_ONE] = 0;
	log_level_of_var[RAND_TWO] = 0;
	log_level_of_var[T_CURR] = 1;
	log_level_of_var[T_NEXT] = 1;
	log_level_of_var[STATES] = 2;
	log_level_of_var[PROPENSITIES] = 2;
	log_level_of_var[CHOSEN_PROPENSITY] = 1;
	log_level_of_var[REACTION_INDEX] = 2;

	/* initialize the logging flag for variables */
	bool logging_flag_of_var[NUM_VARS];


	/* Write initial conditions to output */
	iTime = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < SSA_NumStates; i++)
		timecourse[iTime * SSA_NumStates + i] = xCurr[i];
	tNext = timepoints[iTime];

	/* Start iteration*/
	tCurr = timepoints[0];
	tNext = timepoints[iTime];
	long long unsigned globalCounter = 0;
	long long unsigned historyCounts = 0;

	while (tCurr < timepoints[numTimepts - 1])
		// Debugging info - massive performance decrease
		double rand1 = std::max(1.0, (double) rand()) / (double) RAND_MAX;
		double rand2 = std::max(1.0, (double) rand()) / (double) RAND_MAX;

		/* Calculate cumulative propensities in one step*/
		int retVal = calculateCumProps(cumProps, xCurr, parameters);
		//retVal = -1;
		if (retVal == -1)
#ifdef LOGGING
			if(level < OFF)

				openOutputStream(panic_file_name, panic_fstream);
				writeLastNSteps(FILE_OUTPUT,panic_fstream, historyCounts, *maxHistory,level, logging_flag_of_var, logRandOne,
						logRandTwo, logTCurr,logTNext,
						logChosenPropensity, logChosenReactionIndex);

					"Propensity can not be negative");

		/* Sample reaction time*/
		double temp = cumProps[SSA_NumReactions - 1] * log(1 / rand1);
		if (temp <= 0)
#ifdef LOGGING

			if(level < OFF)

				openOutputStream(panic_file_name, panic_fstream);
				writeLastNSteps(FILE_OUTPUT,panic_fstream, historyCounts, *maxHistory,level, logging_flag_of_var, logRandOne,
						logRandTwo, logTCurr,logTNext,
						logChosenPropensity, logChosenReactionIndex);

					"Value of tCurr can not be negative");
		tCurr = tCurr + 1 / temp;

		/* If time > time out, write next datapoint to output*/
		while (tCurr >= tNext && iTime < numTimepts)

			// this will save the repeated calculation
			int cIndex = iTime * SSA_NumStates;
			for (int i = 0; i < SSA_NumStates; i++)

				timecourse[cIndex + i] = xCurr[i];
				//   mexPrintf(" %d",xCurr[i]);
			tNext = timepoints[iTime];

		/* Sample reaction index*/
		double chosenProp = rand2 * cumProps[SSA_NumReactions - 1];
		reactionIndex = 1;
		for (int i = 1; cumProps[i - 1] <= chosenProp; i++)
			reactionIndex = i + 1;

		//std::cout<<"updating logs...\n"<<std::endl;
		globalCounter = globalCounter + 1;
#ifdef  LOGGING
		/* this call store the parameters of simulation which can used to print
		 * at later stage in case of any error
		historyCounts = historyCounts + 1;
		if (historyCounts > *maxHistory)
			historyCounts = 0;
		if(level < OFF)
			//std::cout<<"updating logs...\n"<<std::endl;
			update_logRotation(historyCounts,level, logging_flag_of_var, logRandOne,
					logRandTwo, logTCurr,logTNext,
					logChosenPropensity, logChosenReactionIndex,
					rand1, rand2, tCurr,
					tNext, xCurr,
					chosenProp ,reactionIndex);

		//std::cout<<"global count: "<<globalCounter<<"\n";

		if (globalCounter % *period == 0)

			//mexPrintf("printing logs..");
			writeOneStep(FILE_OUTPUT,periodic_fstream,globalCounter, level, logging_flag_of_var, rand1,
					rand2, tCurr,tNext,
					chosenProp, reactionIndex);

#ifdef LOGGING

	/*free the allocated memory */
	if (assignedDefault[PANIC_FILE_INDEX] == true)
		mxFree((void*) panicFileName);
	if (assignedDefault[PERIODIC_FILE_INDEX] == true)
		mxFree((void*) periodicFileName);
	if (assignedDefault[MAX_HISTORY_INDEX] == true)
		mxFree((void*) maxHistory);
	if (assignedDefault[PERIOD_INDEX] == true)
		mxFree((void *) period);