bool CServerApp::startServer() { // skip if already started or starting if (s_serverState == kStarting || s_serverState == kStarted) { return true; } // initialize if necessary if (s_serverState != kInitialized) { if (!initServer()) { // hard initialization failure return false; } if (s_serverState == kInitializing) { // not ready to start s_serverState = kInitializingToStart; return true; } assert(s_serverState == kInitialized); } double retryTime; CClientListener* listener = NULL; try { listener = openClientListener(args().m_config->getSynergyAddress()); s_server = openServer(*args().m_config, s_primaryClient); s_listener = listener; updateStatus(); LOG((CLOG_NOTE "started server")); s_serverState = kStarted; return true; } catch (XSocketAddressInUse& e) { LOG((CLOG_WARN "cannot listen for clients: %s", e.what())); closeClientListener(listener); updateStatus(CString("cannot listen for clients: ") + e.what()); retryTime = 10.0; } catch (XBase& e) { LOG((CLOG_CRIT "failed to start server: %s", e.what())); closeClientListener(listener); return false; } if (args().m_restartable) { // install a timer and handler to retry later assert(s_timer == NULL); LOG((CLOG_DEBUG "retry in %.0f seconds", retryTime)); s_timer = EVENTQUEUE->newOneShotTimer(retryTime, NULL); EVENTQUEUE->adoptHandler(CEvent::kTimer, s_timer, new TMethodEventJob<CServerApp>(this, &CServerApp::retryHandler)); s_serverState = kStarting; return true; } else { // don't try again return false; } }
int UDPSocket::open(const char * host, int port, bool client) { if(client) return openClient(host, port); else return openServer(host, port); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //_CrtSetBreakAlloc(3023); QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); //获取系统编码,否则移植会出现乱码 QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("System"); //设置和对本地文件系统读写时候的默认编码格式 QTextCodec::setCodecForLocale(codec); //用在字符常量或者QByteArray构造QString对象时使用的一种编码方式 QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings(codec); //设置传给tr函数时的默认字符串编码 QTextCodec::setCodecForTr(codec); //SetUnhandledExceptionFilter((LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER)ApplicationCrashHandler);//注册异常捕获函数 //datastore *_datastore = new datastore(NULL); datastore _datastore; tcpServer = new TcpServer(NULL); openServer(); if(_datastore.dataBaseConnect()) { qDebug()<<"数据库链接成功"; //_datastore.dataBaseClose(); } else { qDebug()<<"数据库链接失败"; } return a.exec(); }
void Bluetooth::init(const char *iname){ int result; this->name = iname; if (!EEPROM::instance().read(EEPROM::VAR_LAST_LINK_KEY, 0, &lastLinkKeyIndex, sizeof(lastLinkKeyIndex))){ lastLinkKeyIndex=0; } for (int a=0; a<MAX_SUPPORTED_LINK_KEYS; a++){ //Can't read in one pass because not all link keys are stored. If a non-existing key is tried to read, //read will fail and the key will be initialized to 0. if (!EEPROM::instance().read(EEPROM::VAR_LINKKEY, a*sizeof(LinkKeyInfo_t), &linkKeyInfo[a], sizeof(LinkKeyInfo_t))){ memset(&linkKeyInfo[a], 0, sizeof(LinkKeyInfo_t)); } } HCI_DRIVER_SET_COMM_INFORMATION(&HCI_DriverInformation, 1, VENDOR_BAUD_RATE, cpHCILL_RTS_CTS); HCI_DriverInformation.DriverInformation.COMMDriverInformation.InitializationDelay = 100; /* Set up the application callbacks. */ BTPS_Initialization.MessageOutputCallback = displayCallback; /* Initialize the application. */ if((result = initializeApplication()) > 0){ // if (!setClassOfDevice(0x80510)){ openServer(SPP_PORT_NUMBER_MINIMUM); // } } }
void TelnetAppender::activateOptions() { QMutexLocker locker(&mObjectGuard); closeServer(); openServer(); AppenderSkeleton::activateOptions(); }
MongoShell *App::openShell(ConnectionSettings *connection, const ScriptInfo &scriptInfo) { MongoServer *server = openServer(connection, false); MongoShell *shell = new MongoShell(server,scriptInfo); _shells.push_back(shell); _bus->publish(new OpeningShellEvent(this, shell)); shell->execute(); return shell; }
bool mod_ts::getProcesses(vector<KIWI_WTS_PROCESS_INFO> * mesProcesses, wstring * server) { bool reussite = false; PWTS_PROCESS_INFO tabProcess; DWORD nbProcess = 0; HANDLE hServer = NULL; if(openServer(&hServer, server)) { if(reussite = WTSEnumerateProcesses(hServer, 0, 1, &tabProcess, &nbProcess) != 0) { for(DWORD i = 0; i < nbProcess; i++) { KIWI_WTS_PROCESS_INFO a = { tabProcess[i].SessionId, tabProcess[i].ProcessId, tabProcess[i].pProcessName }; wstring user; wstring domain; if(mod_secacl::sidToName(tabProcess[i].pUserSid, &user, &domain, server)) { a.userSid.assign(domain); a.userSid.push_back(L'\\'); a.userSid.append(user); } else if(!mod_secacl::sidToStrSid(tabProcess[i].pUserSid, &a.userSid)) { if(tabProcess[i].pUserSid) { a.userSid.assign(L"erreur SID ; "); a.userSid.append(mod_system::getWinError()); } else a.userSid.assign(L"n.a."); } mesProcesses->push_back(a); } WTSFreeMemory(tabProcess); } closeServer(hServer); } return reussite; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Aria::init(); ArVideo::init(); ArArgumentParser argParser(&argc, argv); ArServerBase server; ArServerSimpleOpener openServer(&argParser); argParser.loadDefaultArguments(); if(!Aria::parseArgs() || !argParser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed()) { Aria::logOptions(); Aria::exit(-1); } if(! { std::cout << "error opening ArNetworking server" << std::endl; Aria::exit(5); return 5; } server.runAsync(); std::cout << "ArNetworking server running on port " << server.getTcpPort() << std::endl; /* Set up ArNetworking services */ ArVideoRemoteForwarder forwarder(&server, "localhost", 7070); if(!forwarder.connected()) { std::cout << "ERror connecting to server localhost:7070" << std::endl; Aria::exit(1); } std::cout << "ArNetworking server running on port " << server.getTcpPort() << std::endl; while(true) ArUtil::sleep(10000); Aria::exit(0); return 0; }
bool mod_ts::getSessions(vector<KIWI_WTS_SESSION_INFO> * mesSessions, wstring * server) { bool reussite = false; PWTS_SESSION_INFO tabSessions; DWORD nbSessions = 0; HANDLE hServer = NULL; if(openServer(&hServer, server)) { if(reussite = WTSEnumerateSessions(hServer, 0, 1, &tabSessions, &nbSessions) != 0) { for(DWORD i = 0; i < nbSessions; i++) { KIWI_WTS_SESSION_INFO a = {tabSessions[i].SessionId, tabSessions[i].State, tabSessions[i].pWinStationName}; mesSessions->push_back(a); } WTSFreeMemory(tabSessions); } closeServer(hServer); } return reussite; }
int coInitConnect() { const char *envStr; char env[256], *portStr; float timeout; int32 handshake; int port; coSimLibData.soc = -1; #if !(defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN64)) /* we do our own handling of broken pipes */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif /* get environment: if variable not set, exit with error-code */ envStr = getenv("CO_SIMLIB_CONN"); fprintf(stdout, "SIMLIB: %s\n", envStr); if ((!envStr) || (strlen(envStr) > 255)) return -1; /* Client connection */ strcpy(env, envStr); if (*env == 'C') { size_t retval; isServer = 0; /* get adress and port */ portStr = strchr(env, '/'); if (!portStr) { fprintf(stderr, "error parsing environment variable [%s]\n", env); return -1; } *portStr = '\0'; portStr++; retval = sscanf(portStr, "%d_%f_%d", &minPort, &timeout, &coSimLibData.verbose); if (retval != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "coInitConnect: sscanf failed\n"); return -1; } if (minPort < 1024 || minPort > 32767) return -1; #ifndef WIN32 if (!inet_aton(env + 2, &ip)) return -1; #else ip.s_addr = inet_addr(env + 2); if (ip.s_addr == -1) return -1; #endif if (coSimLibData.verbose > 0) fprintf(stderr, " Starting Client to %s Port %d with %f sec timeout\n", inet_ntoa(ip), minPort, timeout); /* we try to connect now */ if ((port = openClient(ip.s_addr, minPort, timeout)) < 0) return -1; } /* Server connection */ else if (*env == 'S') { size_t retval; isServer = 1; /* get adress and port */ portStr = strchr(env, ':'); if (!portStr) { fprintf(stderr, "error parsing environment variable [%s]\n", env); return -1; } *portStr = '\0'; portStr++; retval = sscanf(portStr, "%d-%d_%f_%d", &minPort, &maxPort, &timeout, &coSimLibData.verbose); if (retval != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "coInitConnect: sscanf failed\n"); return -1; } if (minPort < 1024 || minPort > 32767 || maxPort < 1024 || maxPort > 32767) return -1; /* we open and wait for the other side to connect */ if ((port = openServer(minPort, maxPort)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "could not open server\n"); return -1; } if (acceptServer(timeout) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "could not accept server\n"); return -1; } } /* Neither Client nor Server = ERROR */ else return -1; /* Handshake: send 12345 to other side, so they might determine byte-swapping */ handshake = 12345; sendData(&handshake, sizeof(int32)); #ifdef HAVE_GLOBUS { globus_result_t result = GLOBUS_SUCCESS; xsd_any *fault; int err, fault_type; fprintf(stderr, "activate globus modules\n"); globus_module_activate(GLOBUS_COMMON_MODULE); globus_module_activate(GLOBUS_SOAP_MESSAGE_MODULE); registerSimulationType regSimulation; registerSimulationResponseType *regResponse; registerSimulationResponseType_init(®Response); globus_soap_message_attr_init(&message_attr); globus_soap_message_attr_set(message_attr, GLOBUS_SOAP_MESSAGE_AUTHZ_METHOD_KEY, NULL, NULL, (void *)GLOBUS_SOAP_MESSAGE_AUTHZ_HOST); globus_soap_message_attr_set(message_attr, GLOBUS_SOAP_MESSAGE_AUTH_PROTECTION_KEY, NULL, NULL, (void *)GLOBUS_SOAP_MESSAGE_AUTH_PROTECTION_PRIVACY); if ((result = SimulationService_client_init(&client_handle, message_attr, NULL)) == GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { char hostname[128]; struct passwd *user = getpwuid(getuid()); gethostname(hostname, 127); fprintf(stderr, "globus simulation client initialized\n"); regSimulation.user = user->pw_name; = hostname; regSimulation.port = port; = "Fenfloss"; fprintf(stderr, "globus regSimulation: [%s] [%s] [%d] [%s]\n", regSimulation.user,, regSimulation.port,; wsa_EndpointReferenceType_init(&epr); wsa_AttributedURI_init_contents(&epr->Address); xsd_anyURI_init_contents_cstr(&epr->Address.base_value, globus_common_create_string(getenv("GLOBUS_SIMULATIONSERVICE"))); fprintf(stderr, " [%s]\n", getenv("GLOBUS_SIMULATIONSERVICE")); if ((err = SimulationPortType_registerSimulation_epr(client_handle, epr, ®Simulation, ®Response, (SimulationPortType_registerSimulation_fault_t *)&fault_type, &fault)) == GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { SimulationType r = regResponse->result; simulationID =; } else { fprintf(stderr, "globus error %d: [%s] \n", err, globus_object_printable_to_string(globus_error_get(err))); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "globus error %d: [%s] \n", result, globus_object_printable_to_string(globus_error_get(result))); } registerSimulationResponseType_destroy(regResponse); } #endif return 0; }
static bool startServer() { double retryTime; CScreen* serverScreen = NULL; CPrimaryClient* primaryClient = NULL; CClientListener* listener = NULL; try { CString name = ARG->m_config->getCanonicalName(ARG->m_name); serverScreen = openServerScreen(); primaryClient = openPrimaryClient(name, serverScreen); listener = openClientListener(ARG->m_config->getSynergyAddress()); s_server = openServer(*ARG->m_config, primaryClient); s_serverScreen = serverScreen; s_primaryClient = primaryClient; s_listener = listener; updateStatus(); LOG((CLOG_NOTE "started server")); return true; } catch (XScreenUnavailable& e) { LOG((CLOG_WARN "cannot open primary screen: %s", e.what())); closeClientListener(listener); closePrimaryClient(primaryClient); closeServerScreen(serverScreen); updateStatus(CString("cannot open primary screen: ") + e.what()); retryTime = e.getRetryTime(); } catch (XSocketAddressInUse& e) { LOG((CLOG_WARN "cannot listen for clients: %s", e.what())); closeClientListener(listener); closePrimaryClient(primaryClient); closeServerScreen(serverScreen); updateStatus(CString("cannot listen for clients: ") + e.what()); retryTime = 10.0; } catch (XScreenOpenFailure& e) { LOG((CLOG_CRIT "cannot open primary screen: %s", e.what())); closeClientListener(listener); closePrimaryClient(primaryClient); closeServerScreen(serverScreen); return false; } catch (XBase& e) { LOG((CLOG_CRIT "failed to start server: %s", e.what())); closeClientListener(listener); closePrimaryClient(primaryClient); closeServerScreen(serverScreen); return false; } if (ARG->m_restartable) { // install a timer and handler to retry later LOG((CLOG_DEBUG "retry in %.0f seconds", retryTime)); CEventQueueTimer* timer = EVENTQUEUE->newOneShotTimer(retryTime, NULL); EVENTQUEUE->adoptHandler(CEvent::kTimer, timer, new CFunctionEventJob(&retryStartHandler, timer)); return true; } else { // don't try again return false; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *colon; int port; struct stat st; char buffer[BUFSIZ]; int len; // Validate the command-line parameters. if ( argc > 1 ) { // Use the supplied device name. device = argv[1]; } else { // Look for QTOPIA_PHONE_DEVICE and use that if set. device = getenv( "QTOPIA_PHONE_DEVICE" ); } if ( argc > 2 ) { // Use the supplied port number. port = atoi( argv[2] ); } else { // Use the default phonesim port. port = 12345; } if ( !device || port <= 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s device[:baudrate] [port]\n", argv[0] ); return 1; } // Split the device specification into name and baud rate. colon = strchr( device, ':' ); if ( colon ) { baudRate = atoi( colon + 1 ); char *dev = strdup( device ); dev[colon - device] = '\0'; device = dev; } else { baudRate = 115200; } // Check to see if the device seems to exist. We only open // it when the connection arrives from the host. if ( stat( device, &st ) < 0 ) { perror( "stat" ); return 1; } // Bind to the server port to wait for incoming connections. listenFd = openServer( port ); if ( listenFd < 0 ) { return 1; } // Enter the select loop and process events as they arrive. for (;;) { fd_set readSet; int maxFd = listenFd; FD_ZERO(&readSet); FD_SET(listenFd, &readSet); if ( connectionFd != -1 ) { FD_SET(connectionFd, &readSet); if ( connectionFd > maxFd ) maxFd = connectionFd; } if ( deviceFd != -1 ) { FD_SET(deviceFd, &readSet); if ( deviceFd > maxFd ) maxFd = deviceFd; } int result = ::select( maxFd + 1, &readSet, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, (struct timeval *)0 ); if ( result < 0 ) { // Signal interrupts are ok, but everything else should report. if ( errno != EINTR ) perror( "select" ); } else { if ( FD_ISSET(listenFd, &readSet) ) { // Accept a new incoming connection. if ( connectionFd != -1 ) { // There is an existing connection - kill it because // the host on the other end has probably crashed. ::close( connectionFd ); } connectionFd = ::accept( listenFd, (struct sockaddr *)0, 0 ); if ( connectionFd < 0 ) perror( "accept" ); deviceFd = openDevice(); if ( deviceFd < 0 ) { // Abort the connection if device cannot be opened. ::close( connectionFd ); connectionFd = -1; } } if ( connectionFd != -1 && FD_ISSET(connectionFd, &readSet) ) { // Read data from the connection and write to the device. len = ::read( connectionFd, buffer, sizeof(buffer) ); if ( len == 0 ) { // The connection has closed. ::close( connectionFd ); ::close( deviceFd ); connectionFd = -1; deviceFd = -1; } else if ( len > 0 ) { writeAll( deviceFd, buffer, len ); } } if ( deviceFd != -1 && FD_ISSET(deviceFd, &readSet) ) { // Read data from the device and write to the connection. len = ::read( deviceFd, buffer, sizeof(buffer) ); if ( len == 0 ) { // The device has closed. ::close( connectionFd ); ::close( deviceFd ); connectionFd = -1; deviceFd = -1; } else if ( len > 0 ) { writeAll( connectionFd, buffer, len ); } } } } return 0; }
int coInitConnect() { const char *envStr; char env[256],*portStr; int minPort,maxPort; struct in_addr ip; float timeout; coSimLibData.soc = -1; /* we do our own handling of broken pipes */ signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN); /* get environment: if variable not set, exit with error-code */ envStr=getenv("CO_SIMLIB_CONN"); if ((!envStr)||(strlen(envStr)>255)) return -1; /* Client connection */ strcpy(env,envStr); if (*env=='C') { /* get adress and port */ portStr = strchr(env,'/'); *portStr = '\0'; portStr++; sscanf(portStr,"%d,%f,%d",&minPort,&timeout,&coSimLibData.verbose); if ( minPort<1024 || minPort>32767 ) return -1; if (!inet_aton(env+2,&ip)) return -1; if (coSimLibData.verbose>0) fprintf(stderr," Starting Client to %s Port %d with %f sec timeout\n", inet_ntoa(ip),minPort,timeout); /* we try to connect now */ if (openClient(ip.s_addr,minPort,timeout)) return -1; } /* Server connection */ else if (*env=='S') { /* get adress and port */ portStr = strchr(env,'/'); *portStr = '\0'; portStr++; sscanf(portStr,"%d-%d,%f,%d",&minPort,&maxPort,&timeout,&coSimLibData.verbose); if ( minPort<1024 || minPort>32767 || maxPort<1024 || maxPort>32767 ) return -1; if (!inet_aton(env+2,&ip)) return -1; if (coSimLibData.verbose>0) fprintf(stderr," Starting Server to %s Port %d-%d with %f sec timeout\n", inet_ntoa(ip),minPort,maxPort,timeout); /* we open and wait for the other side to connect */ if ( openServer(minPort,maxPort) || acceptServer(timeout) ) return -1; } /* Neither Client nor Server = ERROR */ else return -1; return 0; }
void GsServer::run(){ openServer(); }