static gboolean
init_pin_for_uninitialized_slots (GP11Module *module, const gchar *master)
	GError *error = NULL;
	GList *slots, *l;
	gboolean initialize;
	GP11TokenInfo *info;
	GP11Session *session;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GP11_IS_MODULE (module), FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (master, FALSE);

	slots = gp11_module_get_slots (module, TRUE);
	for (l = slots; l; l = g_list_next (l)) {
		info = gp11_slot_get_token_info (l->data);
		initialize = (info && !(info->flags & CKF_USER_PIN_INITIALIZED));

		if (initialize) {
			session = open_and_login_session (l->data, CKU_SO, NULL);
			if (session != NULL) {
				if (!gp11_session_init_pin (session, (const guchar*)master, strlen (master), &error)) {
					if (!g_error_matches (error, GP11_ERROR, CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED))
						g_warning ("couldn't initialize slot with master password: %s",
						           egg_error_message (error));
					g_clear_error (&error);
				g_object_unref (session);

		gp11_token_info_free (info);
	gp11_list_unref_free (slots);
	return TRUE;
static GP11Session*
lookup_login_session (GP11Module *module)
	GP11Slot *slot = NULL;
	GError *error = NULL;
	GP11Session *session;
	GP11SlotInfo *info;
	GList *slots;
	GList *l;

	g_assert (GP11_IS_MODULE (module));

	 * Find the right slot.
	 * TODO: This isn't necessarily the best way to do this.
	 * A good function could be added to gp11 library.
	 * But needs more thought on how to do this.
	slots = gp11_module_get_slots (module, TRUE);
	for (l = slots; !slot && l; l = g_list_next (l)) {
		info = gp11_slot_get_info (l->data);
		if (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("Secret Store", info->slot_description) == 0)
			slot = g_object_ref (l->data);
		gp11_slot_info_free (info);
	gp11_list_unref_free (slots);

	g_return_val_if_fail (slot, NULL);

	session = open_and_login_session (slot, CKU_USER, &error);
	if (error) {
		g_warning ("couldn't open pkcs11 session for login: %s", egg_error_message (error));
		g_clear_error (&error);

	g_object_unref (slot);

	return session;
Exemple #3
static gboolean
set_pin_for_any_slots (GList *modules, const gchar *original, const gchar *master)
	GError *error = NULL;
	GList *slots, *l;
	gboolean initialize;
	GckTokenInfo *info;
	GckSession *session;

	g_return_val_if_fail (original, FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (master, FALSE);

	slots = gck_modules_get_slots (modules, TRUE);
	for (l = slots; l; l = g_list_next (l)) {

		/* Set pin for any that are initialized, and not pap */
		info = gck_slot_get_token_info (l->data);
		initialize = (info && (info->flags & CKF_USER_PIN_INITIALIZED));

		if (initialize) {
			session = open_and_login_session (l->data, CKU_USER, NULL);
			if (session != NULL) {
				if (!gck_session_set_pin (session, (const guchar*)original, strlen (original),
				                          (const guchar*)master, strlen (master), NULL, &error)) {
					if (!g_error_matches (error, GCK_ERROR, CKR_PIN_INCORRECT) &&
					    !g_error_matches (error, GCK_ERROR, CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED))
						g_warning ("couldn't change slot master password: %s",
						           egg_error_message (error));
					g_clear_error (&error);
				g_object_unref (session);

		gck_token_info_free (info);
	gck_list_unref_free (slots);
	return TRUE;
Exemple #4
static GckSession*
lookup_login_session (GList *modules)
	GckSlot *slot = NULL;
	GError *error = NULL;
	GckSession *session;

	slot = gck_modules_token_for_uri (modules, "pkcs11:token=Secret%20Store", &error);
	if (!slot) {
		g_warning ("couldn't find secret store module: %s", egg_error_message (error));
		return NULL;

	session = open_and_login_session (slot, CKU_USER, &error);
	if (error) {
		g_warning ("couldn't open pkcs11 session for login: %s", egg_error_message (error));
		g_clear_error (&error);

	g_object_unref (slot);

	return session;