static int write_thread_list_state(struct thread_io_list *s, const char *prefix) { struct verify_state_hdr hdr; uint64_t crc; ssize_t ret; int fd; fd = open_state_file((const char *) s->name, prefix, s->index, 1); if (fd == -1) return 1; crc = fio_crc32c((void *)s, thread_io_list_sz(s)); hdr.version = cpu_to_le64((uint64_t) VSTATE_HDR_VERSION); hdr.size = cpu_to_le64((uint64_t) thread_io_list_sz(s)); hdr.crc = cpu_to_le64(crc); ret = write(fd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)); if (ret != sizeof(hdr)) goto write_fail; ret = write(fd, s, thread_io_list_sz(s)); if (ret != thread_io_list_sz(s)) { write_fail: if (ret < 0) perror("fio: write state file"); log_err("fio: failed to write state file\n"); ret = 1; } else ret = 0; close(fd); return ret; }
int verify_load_state(struct thread_data *td, const char *prefix) { struct verify_state_hdr hdr; void *s = NULL; uint64_t crc; ssize_t ret; int fd; if (!td->o.verify_state) return 0; fd = open_state_file(td->, prefix, td->thread_number - 1, 0); if (fd == -1) return 1; ret = read(fd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)); if (ret != sizeof(hdr)) { if (ret < 0) td_verror(td, errno, "read verify state hdr"); log_err("fio: failed reading verify state header\n"); goto err; } hdr.version = le64_to_cpu(hdr.version); hdr.size = le64_to_cpu(hdr.size); hdr.crc = le64_to_cpu(hdr.crc); if (hdr.version != VSTATE_HDR_VERSION && hdr.version != VSTATE_HDR_VERSION_V1) { log_err("fio: bad version in verify state header\n"); goto err; } s = malloc(hdr.size); ret = read(fd, s, hdr.size); if (ret != hdr.size) { if (ret < 0) td_verror(td, errno, "read verify state"); log_err("fio: failed reading verity state\n"); goto err; } crc = fio_crc32c(s, hdr.size); if (crc != hdr.crc) { log_err("fio: verify state is corrupt\n"); goto err; } close(fd); verify_convert_assign_state(td, s, hdr.version); return 0; err: if (s) free(s); close(fd); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /********************************************************************** vicNl.c Dag Lohmann January 1996 This program controls file I/O and variable initialization as well as being the primary driver for the model. For details about variables, input files and subroutines check: UNITS: unless otherwise marked: all water balance components are in mm all energy balance components are in mks depths, and lengths are in m modifications: 1997-98 Model was updated from simple 2 layer water balance to an extension of the full energy and water balance 3 layer model. KAC 02-27-01 added controls for lake model KAC 11-18-02 Updated storage of lake water for water balance calculations. LCB 03-12-03 Modifed to add AboveTreeLine to soil_con_struct so that the model can make use of the computed treeline. KAC 04-10-03 Modified to initialize storm parameters using the state file. KAC 04-10-03 Modified to start the model by skipping records until the state file date is found. This replaces the previous method of modifying the global file start date, which can change the interpolation of atmospheric forcing data. KAC 04-15-03 Modified to store wet and dry fractions when intializing water balance storage. This accounts for changes in model state initialization, which now stores wet and dry fractions rather than just averagedvalues. KAC 29-Oct-03 Modified the version display banner to print the version string defined in global.h. TJB 01-Nov-04 Updated arglist for make_dist_prcp(), as part of fix for QUICK_FLUX state file compatibility. TJB 02-Nov-04 Updated arglist for read_lakeparam(), as part of fix for lake fraction readjustment. TJB 2005-Apr-13 OUTPUT_FORCE option now calls close_files(). TJB 2006-Sep-23 Implemented flexible output configuration; uses the new out_data, out_data_files, and save_data structures. TJB 2006-Oct-16 Merged infiles and outfiles structs into filep_struct; This included merging builtnames into filenames. TJB 2006-Nov-07 Removed LAKE_MODEL option. TJB 2006-Nov-07 Changed statefile to init_state in call to check_state_file(). TJB 2007-Jan-15 Added PRT_HEADER option; added call to write_header(). TJB 2007-Apr-04 Added option to continue run after a cell fails. GCT/KAC 2007-Apr-21 Added calls to free_dmy(), free_out_data_files(), free_out_data(), and free_veglib(). Added closing of all parameter files. TJB 2007-Aug-21 Return ErrorFlag from initialize_model_state. JCA 2007-Sep-14 Excluded calls to free_veglib() and closing of parameter files other than the soil param file for the case when OUTPUT_FORCE=TRUE. TJB 2007-Nov-06 Moved computation of cell_area from read_lakeparam() to read_soilparam() and read_soilparam_arc(). TJB 2008-May-05 Added prcp fraction (mu) to initial water storage computation. This solves water balance errors for the case where DIST_PRCP is TRUE. TJB 2009-Jan-16 Added soil_con.avgJulyAirTemp to argument list of initialize_atmos(). TJB 2009-Jun-09 Modified to use extension of veg_lib structure to contain bare soil information. TJB 2009-Jul-07 Added soil_con.BandElev[] to read_snowband() arg list. TJB 2009-Jul-31 Replaced references to N+1st veg tile with references to index of lake/wetland tile. TJB 2009-Sep-28 Replaced initial water/energy storage computations and calls to calc_water_balance_error/calc_energy_balance_error with an initial call to put_data. Modified the call to read_snowband(). TJB 2009-Dec-11 Removed save_data structure from argument list of initialize_model_state(). TJB 2010-Mar-31 Added cell_area to initialize_atmos(). TJB 2010-Apr-28 Removed individual soil_con variables from argument list of initialize_atmos() and replaced with *soil_con. TJB 2010-Nov-10 Added closing of state files. TJB 2011-Jan-04 Made read_soilparam_arc() a sub-function of read_soilparam(). TJB 2012-Jan-16 Removed LINK_DEBUG code BN **********************************************************************/ { extern veg_lib_struct *veg_lib; extern option_struct options; extern Error_struct Error; extern global_param_struct global_param; /** Variable Declarations **/ char NEWCELL; char LASTREC; char MODEL_DONE; char RUN_MODEL; char *init_STILL_STORM; char ErrStr[MAXSTRING]; int rec, i, j; int veg; int dist; int band; int Ndist; int Nveg_type; int cellnum; int index; int *init_DRY_TIME; int Ncells; int cell_cnt; int startrec; int ErrorFlag; float mu; double storage; double veg_fract; double band_fract; double Clake; dmy_struct *dmy; atmos_data_struct *atmos; veg_con_struct *veg_con; soil_con_struct soil_con; dist_prcp_struct prcp; /* stores information about distributed precipitation */ filenames_struct filenames; filep_struct filep; lake_con_struct lake_con; out_data_file_struct *out_data_files; out_data_struct *out_data; save_data_struct save_data; /** Read Model Options **/ initialize_global(); filenames = cmd_proc(argc, argv); #if VERBOSE display_current_settings(DISP_VERSION,(filenames_struct*)NULL,(global_param_struct*)NULL); #endif /** Read Global Control File **/ filep.globalparam = open_file(,"r"); global_param = get_global_param(&filenames, filep.globalparam); /** Set up output data structures **/ out_data = create_output_list(); out_data_files = set_output_defaults(out_data); fclose(filep.globalparam); filep.globalparam = open_file(,"r"); parse_output_info(&filenames, filep.globalparam, &out_data_files, out_data); /** Check and Open Files **/ check_files(&filep, &filenames); #if !OUTPUT_FORCE /** Read Vegetation Library File **/ veg_lib = read_veglib(filep.veglib,&Nveg_type); #endif // !OUTPUT_FORCE /** Initialize Parameters **/ if(options.DIST_PRCP) Ndist = 2; else Ndist = 1; cellnum = -1; /** Make Date Data Structure **/ dmy = make_dmy(&global_param); /** allocate memory for the atmos_data_struct **/ alloc_atmos(global_param.nrecs, &atmos); /** Initial state **/ startrec = 0; #if !OUTPUT_FORCE if ( options.INIT_STATE ) filep.init_state = check_state_file(filenames.init_state, dmy, &global_param, options.Nlayer, options.Nnode, &startrec); /** open state file if model state is to be saved **/ if ( options.SAVE_STATE && strcmp( filenames.statefile, "NONE" ) != 0 ) filep.statefile = open_state_file(&global_param, filenames, options.Nlayer, options.Nnode); else filep.statefile = NULL; #endif // !OUTPUT_FORCE /************************************ Run Model for all Active Grid Cells ************************************/ MODEL_DONE = FALSE; cell_cnt=0; while(!MODEL_DONE) { soil_con = read_soilparam(filep.soilparam, filenames.soil_dir, &cell_cnt, &RUN_MODEL, &MODEL_DONE); if(RUN_MODEL) { #if QUICK_FS /** Allocate Unfrozen Water Content Table **/ if(options.FROZEN_SOIL) { for(i=0;i<MAX_LAYERS;i++) { soil_con.ufwc_table_layer[i] = (double **)malloc((QUICK_FS_TEMPS+1)*sizeof(double *)); for(j=0;j<QUICK_FS_TEMPS+1;j++) soil_con.ufwc_table_layer[i][j] = (double *)malloc(2*sizeof(double)); } for(i=0;i<MAX_NODES;i++) { soil_con.ufwc_table_node[i] = (double **)malloc((QUICK_FS_TEMPS+1)*sizeof(double *)); for(j=0;j<QUICK_FS_TEMPS+1;j++) soil_con.ufwc_table_node[i][j] = (double *)malloc(2*sizeof(double)); } } #endif /* QUICK_FS */ NEWCELL=TRUE; cellnum++; #if !OUTPUT_FORCE /** Read Grid Cell Vegetation Parameters **/ veg_con = read_vegparam(filep.vegparam, soil_con.gridcel, Nveg_type); calc_root_fractions(veg_con, &soil_con); if ( options.LAKES ) lake_con = read_lakeparam(filep.lakeparam, soil_con, veg_con); #endif // !OUTPUT_FORCE /** Build Gridded Filenames, and Open **/ make_in_and_outfiles(&filep, &filenames, &soil_con, out_data_files); if (options.PRT_HEADER) { /** Write output file headers **/ write_header(out_data_files, out_data, dmy, global_param); } #if !OUTPUT_FORCE /** Read Elevation Band Data if Used **/ read_snowband(filep.snowband, &soil_con); /** Make Precipitation Distribution Control Structure **/ prcp = make_dist_prcp(veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num); #endif // !OUTPUT_FORCE /************************************************** Initialize Meteological Forcing Values That Have not Been Specifically Set **************************************************/ #if VERBOSE fprintf(stderr,"Initializing Forcing Data\n"); #endif /* VERBOSE */ initialize_atmos(atmos, dmy, filep.forcing, #if OUTPUT_FORCE &soil_con, out_data_files, out_data); #else /* OUTPUT_FORCE */ &soil_con); #endif /* OUTPUT_FORCE */ #if !OUTPUT_FORCE /************************************************** Initialize Energy Balance and Snow Variables **************************************************/ #if VERBOSE fprintf(stderr,"Model State Initialization\n"); #endif /* VERBOSE */ ErrorFlag = initialize_model_state(&prcp, dmy[0], &global_param, filep, soil_con.gridcel, veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num, options.Nnode, Ndist, atmos[0].air_temp[NR], &soil_con, veg_con, lake_con, &init_STILL_STORM, &init_DRY_TIME); if ( ErrorFlag == ERROR ) { if ( options.CONTINUEONERROR == TRUE ) { // Handle grid cell solution error fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Grid cell %i failed in record %i so the simulation has not finished. An incomplete output file has been generated, check your inputs before rerunning the simulation.\n", soil_con.gridcel, rec); break; } else { // Else exit program on cell solution error as in previous versions sprintf(ErrStr, "ERROR: Grid cell %i failed in record %i so the simulation has ended. Check your inputs before rerunning the simulation.\n", soil_con.gridcel, rec); vicerror(ErrStr); } } #if VERBOSE fprintf(stderr,"Running Model\n"); #endif /* VERBOSE */ /** Update Error Handling Structure **/ Error.filep = filep; Error.out_data_files = out_data_files; /** Initialize the storage terms in the water and energy balances **/ /** Sending a negative record number (-global_param.nrecs) to dist_prec() will accomplish this **/ ErrorFlag = dist_prec(&atmos[0], &prcp, &soil_con, veg_con, &lake_con, dmy, &global_param, &filep, out_data_files, out_data, &save_data, -global_param.nrecs, cellnum, NEWCELL, LASTREC, init_STILL_STORM, init_DRY_TIME); /****************************************** Run Model in Grid Cell for all Time Steps ******************************************/ for ( rec = startrec ; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++ ) { if ( rec == global_param.nrecs - 1 ) LASTREC = TRUE; else LASTREC = FALSE; ErrorFlag = dist_prec(&atmos[rec], &prcp, &soil_con, veg_con, &lake_con, dmy, &global_param, &filep, out_data_files, out_data, &save_data, rec, cellnum, NEWCELL, LASTREC, init_STILL_STORM, init_DRY_TIME); if ( ErrorFlag == ERROR ) { if ( options.CONTINUEONERROR == TRUE ) { // Handle grid cell solution error fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Grid cell %i failed in record %i so the simulation has not finished. An incomplete output file has been generated, check your inputs before rerunning the simulation.\n", soil_con.gridcel, rec); break; } else { // Else exit program on cell solution error as in previous versions sprintf(ErrStr, "ERROR: Grid cell %i failed in record %i so the simulation has ended. Check your inputs before rerunning the simulation.\n", soil_con.gridcel, rec); vicerror(ErrStr); } } NEWCELL=FALSE; for ( veg = 0; veg <= veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; veg++ ) init_DRY_TIME[veg] = -999; } /* End Rec Loop */ #endif /* !OUTPUT_FORCE */ close_files(&filep,out_data_files,&filenames); #if !OUTPUT_FORCE #if QUICK_FS if(options.FROZEN_SOIL) { for(i=0;i<MAX_LAYERS;i++) { for(j=0;j<6;j++) free((char *)soil_con.ufwc_table_layer[i][j]); free((char *)soil_con.ufwc_table_layer[i]); } for(i=0;i<MAX_NODES;i++) { for(j=0;j<6;j++) free((char *)soil_con.ufwc_table_node[i][j]); free((char *)soil_con.ufwc_table_node[i]); } } #endif /* QUICK_FS */ free_dist_prcp(&prcp,veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num); free_vegcon(&veg_con); free((char *)soil_con.AreaFract); free((char *)soil_con.BandElev); free((char *)soil_con.Tfactor); free((char *)soil_con.Pfactor); free((char *)soil_con.AboveTreeLine); free((char*)init_STILL_STORM); free((char*)init_DRY_TIME); #endif /* !OUTPUT_FORCE */ } /* End Run Model Condition */ } /* End Grid Loop */ /** cleanup **/ free_atmos(global_param.nrecs, &atmos); free_dmy(&dmy); free_out_data_files(&out_data_files); free_out_data(&out_data); #if !OUTPUT_FORCE free_veglib(&veg_lib); #endif /* !OUTPUT_FORCE */ fclose(filep.soilparam); #if !OUTPUT_FORCE fclose(filep.vegparam); fclose(filep.veglib); if (options.SNOW_BAND>1) fclose(filep.snowband); if (options.LAKES) fclose(filep.lakeparam); if ( options.INIT_STATE ) fclose(filep.init_state); if ( options.SAVE_STATE && strcmp( filenames.statefile, "NONE" ) != 0 ) fclose(filep.statefile); #endif /* !OUTPUT_FORCE */ return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* End Main Program */