Exemple #1
static void print_help(const char* progname, bl* opts) {
	printf("\nUsage:   %s [options]  [<image-file-1> <image-file-2> ...] [<xyls-file-1> <xyls-file-2> ...]\n"
           "You can specify http:// or ftp:// URLs instead of filenames.  The \"wget\" or \"curl\" program will be used to retrieve the URL.\n"
	       "\n", progname);
    printf("Options include:\n");
    opts_print_help(opts, stdout, augment_xylist_print_special_opts, NULL);
    printf("Note that most output files can be disabled by setting the filename to \"none\".\n"
           " (If you have a sick sense of humour and you really want to name your output\n"
		   "  file \"none\", you can use \"./none\" instead.)\n");
static void print_help(const char* progname, bl* opts) {
	printf("Usage:   %s [options] <augmented xylist (axy) file(s)>\n", progname);
	opts_print_help(opts, stdout, NULL, NULL);