Exemple #1
 * @brief Receive decoded audio frame.
 * @param av Handler.
 * @param frame_size The size of dest in frames/samples (one frame/sample is 16 bits or 2 bytes
 *                   and corresponds to one sample of audio.)
 * @param dest Destination of the raw audio (16 bit signed pcm with AUDIO_CHANNELS channels).
 *             Make sure it has enough space for frame_size frames/samples.
 * @return int
 * @retval >=0 Size of received data in frames/samples.
 * @retval ToxAvError On error.
inline__ int toxav_recv_audio ( ToxAv *av, int32_t call_index, int frame_size, int16_t *dest )
    if ( !dest ) return ErrorInternal;

    if (cii(call_index, av->msi_session) || !av->calls[call_index].call_active) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Action on inactive call: %d", call_index);
        return ErrorNoCall;

    CallSpecific *call = &av->calls[call_index];

    uint8_t packet [RTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE];

    int recved_size = toxav_recv_rtp_payload(av, call_index, TypeAudio, packet);

    if ( recved_size == ErrorAudioPacketLost ) {
        int dec_size = opus_decode(call->cs->audio_decoder, NULL, 0, dest, frame_size, 1);

        if ( dec_size < 0 ) {
            LOGGER_WARNING("Decoding error: %s", opus_strerror(dec_size));
            return ErrorInternal;
        } else return dec_size;

    } else if ( recved_size ) {
        int dec_size = opus_decode(call->cs->audio_decoder, packet, recved_size, dest, frame_size, 0);

        if ( dec_size < 0 ) {
            LOGGER_WARNING("Decoding error: %s", opus_strerror(dec_size));
            return ErrorInternal;
        } else return dec_size;
    } else {
        return 0; /* Nothing received */
JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JNICALL Java_aopus_OpusLibrary_decoderDecode
  (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong state, jbyteArray encodedData)
    Decoder *decoder = (Decoder *)state;
    // copy managed to unmanaged
    int encodedLength = (* env)->GetArrayLength(env, encodedData);
    unsigned char *encodedDataBytes = malloc(encodedLength);
    (* env)->GetByteArrayRegion(env, encodedData, 0, encodedLength, encodedDataBytes);

    int numSamplesDecoded;
    int bandwidth = opus_packet_get_bandwidth(encodedDataBytes);
    if (bandwidth == OPUS_INVALID_PACKET)
        numSamplesDecoded = opus_decode(decoder->dec, 0, 0, (opus_int16 *)decoder->buffer, decoder->frameSizePerChannel, 0);
        decoder->previousPacketInvalid = 1;
        numSamplesDecoded = opus_decode(decoder->dec, encodedDataBytes, encodedLength, (opus_int16 *)decoder->buffer, decoder->frameSizePerChannel, decoder->previousPacketInvalid);
        decoder->previousPacketInvalid = 0;

    if (numSamplesDecoded > 0)
        // copy unmanaged to managed
        int frameLength = numSamplesDecoded * decoder->channels * 2;
        jbyteArray frame = (* env)->NewByteArray(env, frameLength); // 2 bytes per sample
        (* env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, frame, 0, frameLength, decoder->buffer);
        return frame;

    return NULL;
Exemple #3
 * @brief Receive decoded audio frame.
 * @param av Handler.
 * @param frame_size The size of dest in frames/samples (one frame/sample is 16 bits or 2 bytes
 *                   and corresponds to one sample of audio.)
 * @param dest Destination of the raw audio (16 bit signed pcm with AUDIO_CHANNELS channels).
 *             Make sure it has enough space for frame_size frames/samples.
 * @return int
 * @retval >=0 Size of received data in frames/samples.
 * @retval ToxAvError On error.
inline__ int toxav_recv_audio ( ToxAv *av, int frame_size, int16_t *dest )
    if ( !dest ) return ErrorInternal;

    uint8_t packet [RTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE];

    int recved_size = toxav_recv_rtp_payload(av, TypeAudio, packet);

    if ( recved_size == ErrorAudioPacketLost ) {
        return opus_decode(av->cs->audio_decoder, NULL, 0, dest, frame_size, 1);
    } else if ( recved_size ) {
        return opus_decode(av->cs->audio_decoder, packet, recved_size, dest, frame_size, 0);
    } else {
        return 0; /* Nothing received */
Exemple #4
CODEC_API int PLG_DECODE_V1(opus_48000)(void* opaqueCodecContext, const void* encodedData,
                                        unsigned encodedPacketSize, void* pcmAudioBuffer,
                                        unsigned pcmBufferSize, unsigned* decodedSamples,
                                        const struct RtpHeader* rtpHeader)
    int status = RPLG_INVALID_ARGUMENT;

    struct MpCodecOpusCodecState* decoderContext = (struct MpCodecOpusCodecState*) opaqueCodecContext;
    assert(decoderContext->mCodecType == CODEC_DECODE);

    int useFec = 1; /* 1=true, 0=false */
    int numSamples = opus_decode(decoderContext->mpDecoderContext, encodedData, encodedPacketSize,
                                pcmAudioBuffer, pcmBufferSize, useFec);
    if(numSamples < 0)
        *decodedSamples = 0;
        status = OpusToPluginError(numSamples);
        mppLogError("opus_decode(decoderContext: %p, packet: %p, packetSize: %d, audioBuf: %p, bufSize: %d, useFec: %d)",
                                  decoderContext->mpDecoderContext, encodedData, encodedPacketSize, pcmAudioBuffer, pcmBufferSize, useFec);

    // Successful decode
        *decodedSamples = numSamples;
        status = RPLG_SUCCESS;

Exemple #5
    virtual bool Transcode(const void * fromPtr,
                             unsigned & fromLen,
                                 void * toPtr,
                             unsigned & toLen,
                             unsigned & flags)
      int samples = opus_decoder_get_nb_samples(m_decoder, (const unsigned char *)fromPtr, fromLen);
      if (samples < 0) {
        PTRACE(1, MY_CODEC_LOG, "Decoding error " << samples << ' ' << opus_strerror(samples));
        return false;

      if (samples*m_channels*2 > (int)toLen) {
        PTRACE(1, MY_CODEC_LOG, "Provided sample buffer too small, " << toLen << " bytes");
        return false;

      int result = opus_decode(m_decoder,
                   (const unsigned char *)fromPtr, fromLen,
                               (opus_int16 *)toPtr, samples, 0);
      if (result < 0) {
        PTRACE(1, MY_CODEC_LOG, "Decoder error " << result << ' ' << opus_strerror(result));
        return false;

      toLen = result*m_channels*2;
      return true;
AM_UINT CAudioCodecOpus::decode(AM_U8 *input,  AM_UINT inDataSize,
                                AM_U8 *output, AM_UINT *outDataSize)
  int totalFrames  = opus_packet_get_nb_frames(input, inDataSize);
  int totalSamples = (totalFrames > 0) ?
      totalFrames * opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame(input, 48000) : -1;
  AM_UINT ret = (AM_UINT)-1;
  if (AM_LIKELY((totalSamples >= 120) && (totalSamples <= 120*48))) {
    *outDataSize = 0;
    while (totalSamples > 0) {
      int decodedSample = opus_decode(mDecoder, (const unsigned char*)input,
                                      (((opus_int16*)output) + *outDataSize),
                                      120*48, 0);
      if (AM_LIKELY(decodedSample > 0)) {
        totalSamples -= decodedSample;
        *outDataSize += decodedSample * sizeof(AM_U16) * 2;
      } else {
        ret = (AM_UINT)-1;
    if (AM_LIKELY(totalSamples == 0)) {
      ret = inDataSize;

  return ret;
Exemple #7
/* src=NULL means lost packet */
static int decode(struct aucodec_st *st, struct mbuf *dst, struct mbuf *src)
	int r;

	if (!mbuf_get_left(src) && !st->got_packet)
		return 0;

	/* Make sure there is enough space in the buffer */
	if (mbuf_get_space(dst) < st->fsize) {
		int err = mbuf_resize(dst, dst->pos + st->fsize);
		if (err)
			return err;

	r = opus_decode(st->dec, mbuf_buf(src), (int)mbuf_get_left(src),
			(short *)mbuf_buf(dst), st->frame_size, 0);
	if (r <= 0) {
		DEBUG_WARNING("opus_decode: r=%d (%u bytes)\n",
			      r, mbuf_get_left(src));
		return EBADMSG;

	if (src)
		src->pos = src->end;

	dst->end += 2 * r * aucodec_ch(st->ac);

	st->got_packet = true;

	return 0;
Exemple #8
    virtual bool Transcode(const void * fromPtr,
                             unsigned & fromLen,
                                 void * toPtr,
                             unsigned & toLen,
                             unsigned & flags)
      int samples;
      const unsigned char * packet;
      if (fromLen == 0) {
        packet = NULL; // As per opus_decode() API
        opus_decoder_ctl(m_decoder, OPUS_GET_LAST_PACKET_DURATION(&samples));
      else {
        packet = (const unsigned char *)fromPtr;
        samples = opus_decoder_get_nb_samples(m_decoder, packet, fromLen);
        if (samples < 0) {
          PTRACE(1, MY_CODEC_LOG, "Decoding error " << samples << ' ' << opus_strerror(samples));
          return false;

      if ((unsigned)samples*m_channels*2U > toLen) {
        PTRACE(1, MY_CODEC_LOG, "Provided sample buffer too small, " << toLen << " bytes");
        return false;

      int result = opus_decode(m_decoder, packet, fromLen, (opus_int16 *)toPtr, samples, m_useInBandFEC);
      if (result < 0) {
        PTRACE(1, MY_CODEC_LOG, "Decoder error " << result << ' ' << opus_strerror(result));
        return false;

      toLen = result*m_channels*2;
      return true;
Exemple #9
static int opus_plc( unsigned char* out_buf, unsigned int size,
		     unsigned int channels, unsigned int rate, long h_codec )
  opus_state_t* codec_inst;
  int res;

  if (!h_codec){
    ERROR("opus codec not initialized.\n");
    return 0;
  codec_inst = (opus_state_t*)h_codec;

  if (size/channels > AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE) {
    /* DBG("OPUS plc: size %d, chan %d exceeds buffer size %d.\n", size, channels, AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE); */
    return 0;

  if (0<(res = opus_decode(codec_inst->opus_dec, NULL, 0, (opus_int16*)out_buf, size/2/channels, 0))) {
    /* returns samples in encoded frame */

  /* DBG ("OPUS plc: size: %d, chan: %d, rate: %d, result %d.\n", size, channels, rate, res); */

  return res;
Exemple #10
 * Recover lost frame.
static pj_status_t opus_codec_recover(pjmedia_codec *codec,
                                      unsigned output_buf_len,
                                      struct pjmedia_frame *output) {
  struct opus_private *opus;
  int ret = 0;
  int frame_size;

  opus = (struct opus_private *)codec->codec_data;

  frame_size = output_buf_len / opus->pcm_bytes_per_sample;
  /* Decode */
  ret = opus_decode(opus->psDec, (const unsigned char *)NULL, 0, output->buf,
                    frame_size, 0);
  if (ret < 0) {
    PJ_LOG(1, (THIS_FILE, "Failed to recover opus frame %d", ret));
    return PJ_EINVAL;
  } else if (ret == 0) {
    PJ_LOG(4, (THIS_FILE, "Empty frame recovered %d", ret));
    output->type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE;
    output->buf = NULL;
    output->size = 0;
  } else {
    PJ_LOG(4, (THIS_FILE, "Frame recovered %d", ret));
    output->size = ret * opus->pcm_bytes_per_sample;
    output->type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_AUDIO;

  return PJ_SUCCESS;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_score_rahasak_utils_OpusDecoder_nativeDecodeBytes (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jbyteArray in, jshortArray out)
	jint inputArraySize = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, in);
	jint outputArraySize = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, out);

	jbyte* encodedData = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, in, 0);
	opus_int16 *data = (opus_int16*)calloc(outputArraySize,sizeof(opus_int16));
	int decodedDataArraySize = opus_decode(dec, encodedData, inputArraySize, data, FRAME_SIZE, 0);

	if (decodedDataArraySize >=0)
		if (decodedDataArraySize <= outputArraySize)
			sprintf(logMsg, "Output array of size: %d to small for storing encoded data.", outputArraySize);
			__android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "Native Code:", logMsg);

			return -1;


	return decodedDataArraySize;
static int opustolin_framein(struct ast_trans_pvt *pvt, struct ast_frame *f)
	struct opus_coder_pvt *opvt = pvt->pvt;
	int samples = 0;

	/* Decode */
	ast_debug(3, "[Decoder #%d (%d)] %d samples, %d bytes\n",

	if ((samples = opus_decode(opvt->opus, f->data.ptr, f->datalen, pvt->outbuf.i16, BUFFER_SAMPLES, opvt->fec)) < 0) {
		ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Error decoding the Opus frame: %s\n", opus_strerror(samples));
		return -1;

	pvt->samples += samples;
	pvt->datalen += samples * 2;

	ast_debug(3, "[Decoder #%d (%d)]   >> Got %d samples, %d bytes\n",

	return 0;
Exemple #13
void SoundOpusData::onRender()
	if(_samples && samplesDecodingProgress != _frames)
		Decoder* dec = 0;
		foreach(e, decoders)
			if(e->first == 0)
				dec = e;

			dec = decoders.push();
			int err;
			dec->decoder = opus_decoder_create(AUDIOLIB_FRAME_RATE, _channels, &err);
			dec->first = 0;
			dec->end = 0;

		if(dec->end == samplesDecodingProgress)
			uint packet = dec->end / SOUNDLIB_OPUS_PACKET_FRAMES;
			opus_decode(dec->decoder, _opusData + SOUNDLIB_OPUS_PACKET_SIZE * _channels * packet, SOUNDLIB_OPUS_PACKET_SIZE * _channels, _samples + _channels * packet * SOUNDLIB_OPUS_PACKET_FRAMES, SOUNDLIB_OPUS_PACKET_FRAMES, 0);
			dec->unusedCount = 0;
		samplesDecodingProgress = dec->end;
Exemple #14
static switch_status_t switch_opus_decode(switch_codec_t *codec,
										  switch_codec_t *other_codec,
										  void *encoded_data,
										  uint32_t encoded_data_len,
										  uint32_t encoded_rate, void *decoded_data, uint32_t *decoded_data_len, uint32_t *decoded_rate,
										  unsigned int *flag)
	struct opus_context *context = codec->private_info;
	int samples = 0;
    uint32_t frame_size;
	uint32_t frame_samples;

	if (!context) {

	frame_samples = *decoded_data_len / 2 / codec->implementation->number_of_channels;
	frame_size = frame_samples - (frame_samples % (codec->implementation->actual_samples_per_second / 400));
	samples = opus_decode(context->decoder_object, (*flag & SFF_PLC) ? NULL : encoded_data, encoded_data_len, decoded_data, frame_size, !!(*flag & SFF_PLC));

	if (samples < 0) {
		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Decoder Error: %s fs:%u plc:%d!\n", opus_strerror(samples), frame_size, !!(*flag & SFF_PLC));

	*decoded_data_len = samples * 2 * codec->implementation->number_of_channels;
Exemple #15
 * Recover lost frame.
static pj_status_t  codec_recover( pjmedia_codec *codec,
				   unsigned output_buf_len,
				   struct pjmedia_frame *output )
    struct opus_data *opus_data = (struct opus_data *)codec->codec_data;
    int decoded_samples;
    pjmedia_frame *inframe;

    pj_mutex_lock (opus_data->mutex);

    if (opus_data->dec_frame_index == -1) {
        /* Recover the first packet? Don't think so, fill it with zeroes. */
	pj_uint16_t samples_per_frame;
	samples_per_frame = (opus_data->cfg.sample_rate * 
			     opus_data->ptime) / 1000;
	output->size = samples_per_frame << 1;
	pjmedia_zero_samples((pj_int16_t*)output->buf, samples_per_frame);
        pj_mutex_unlock (opus_data->mutex);

        return PJ_SUCCESS;

    inframe = &opus_data->dec_frame[opus_data->dec_frame_index];
    decoded_samples = opus_decode(opus_data->dec,
				  inframe->type==PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_AUDIO ?
				  inframe->buf : NULL,
				  inframe->type==PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_AUDIO ?
				  inframe->size : 0,
				  output->size / (sizeof(opus_int16) *

    /* Mark current indexed frame as invalid */
    inframe->type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE;
    /* Update current frame index */
    if (opus_data->dec_frame_index > 1)
        opus_data->dec_frame_index = 0;
    /* Mark current indexed frame as invalid */
    inframe = &opus_data->dec_frame[opus_data->dec_frame_index];
    inframe->type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE;

    if (decoded_samples < 0) {
        PJ_LOG(4, (THIS_FILE, "Recover failed!"));
        pj_mutex_unlock (opus_data->mutex);

    output->size = decoded_samples * sizeof(opus_int16) * 
    output->type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_AUDIO;
    output->timestamp = inframe->timestamp;

    pj_mutex_unlock (opus_data->mutex);
    return PJ_SUCCESS;
Exemple #16
static tsk_size_t tdav_codec_opus_decode(tmedia_codec_t* self, const void* in_data, tsk_size_t in_size, void** out_data, tsk_size_t* out_max_size, const tsk_object_t* proto_hdr)
    tdav_codec_opus_t* opus = (tdav_codec_opus_t*)self;
    int frame_size;
    const trtp_rtp_header_t* rtp_hdr = proto_hdr;

    if(!self || !in_data || !in_size || !out_data) {
        TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter");
        return 0;

    if(!opus->decoder.inst) {
        TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Decoder not ready");
        return 0;

    /* Packet loss? */
    if(opus->decoder.last_seq != (rtp_hdr->seq_num - 1) && opus->decoder.last_seq) {
        if(opus->decoder.last_seq == rtp_hdr->seq_num) {
            // Could happen on some stupid emulators
            //TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Packet duplicated, seq_num=%d", rtp_hdr->seq_num);
            return 0;
        TSK_DEBUG_INFO("[Opus] Packet loss, seq_num=%d", rtp_hdr->seq_num);
        opus_decode(opus->decoder.inst, tsk_null/*packet loss*/, (opus_int32)0, opus->decoder.buff, TDAV_OPUS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE_IN_SAMPLES, opus->decoder.fec_enabled);
    opus->decoder.last_seq = rtp_hdr->seq_num;

    frame_size = opus_decode(opus->decoder.inst, (const unsigned char *)in_data, (opus_int32)in_size, opus->decoder.buff, TDAV_OPUS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE_IN_SAMPLES, opus->decoder.fec_enabled ? 1 : 0);
    if(frame_size > 0) {
        tsk_size_t frame_size_inbytes = (frame_size << 1);
        if(*out_max_size < frame_size_inbytes) {
            if(!(*out_data = tsk_realloc(*out_data, frame_size_inbytes))) {
                TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to allocate new buffer");
                *out_max_size = 0;
                return 0;
            *out_max_size = frame_size_inbytes;
        memcpy(*out_data, opus->decoder.buff, frame_size_inbytes);
        return frame_size_inbytes;
    else {
        return 0;
Exemple #17
static void sdl_renderer_decode_and_play_sample(char* data, int length) {
  int decodeLen = opus_decode(decoder, data, length, pcmBuffer, FRAME_SIZE, 0);
  if (decodeLen > 0) {
    SDL_QueueAudio(dev, pcmBuffer, decodeLen * CHANNEL_COUNT * sizeof(short));
  } else {
    printf("Opus error from decode: %d\n", decodeLen);
Exemple #18
int Opus::decode(std::vector<std::vector<SFLAudioSample> > &pcm)
    if (!lastDecodedFrameSize_) return 0;
    int ret;
    if (channelsCur_ == 1) {
        ret = opus_decode(decoder_, nullptr, 0, pcm[0].data(), lastDecodedFrameSize_, 0);
    } else {
        std::array<SFLAudioSample, 2 * MAX_PACKET_SIZE> ibuf; // deinterleave on stack, 11.25KiB used.
        ret = opus_decode(decoder_, nullptr, 0, ibuf.data(), lastDecodedFrameSize_, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
            pcm[0][i] = ibuf[2 * i];
            pcm[1][i] = ibuf[2 * i + 1];
    if (ret < 0)
        std::cerr << opus_strerror(ret) << std::endl;
    return ret;
Exemple #19
// outpcmdata must be 5760*2 shorts in length
// packets must be decoded in order
// a packet loss must call this function with NULL indata and 0 inlen
// returns the number of decoded samples
int nv_opus_decode(unsigned char* indata, int inlen, short* outpcmdata) {
	int err;

	// Decoding to 16-bit PCM with FEC off
	// Maximum length assuming 48KHz sample rate
	err = opus_decode(decoder, indata, inlen,
		outpcmdata, 512, 0);

	return err;
    (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong decoder, jbyteArray input,
        jint inputOffset, jint inputLength, jbyteArray output,
        jint outputOffset, jint outputFrameSize, jint decodeFEC)
    int ret;

    if (output)
        jbyte *input_;

        if (input && inputLength)
            input_ = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, input, 0);
            ret = input_ ? OPUS_OK : OPUS_ALLOC_FAIL;
            input_ = 0;
            ret = OPUS_OK;
        if (OPUS_OK == ret)
            jbyte *output_ = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, output, 0);

            if (output_)
                    = opus_decode(
                            (OpusDecoder *) (intptr_t) decoder,
                            (unsigned char *)
                                (input_ ? (input_ + inputOffset) : NULL),
                            (opus_int16 *) (output_ + outputOffset),
                (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, output, output_, 0);
                ret = OPUS_ALLOC_FAIL;
            if (input_)
                        input, input_, JNI_ABORT);
        ret = OPUS_BAD_ARG;
    return ret;
Exemple #21
int decode(Encoder* encoder, int length) {
    int encoded_frames = opus_decode(
    to_little_endian(encoder->in_decoded, MAX_OUTPUT_BYTES, encoder->out_little_endian);
    return encoded_frames;
Exemple #22
static void audio_renderer_decode_and_play_sample(char* data, int length) {
  int decodeLen = opus_decode(decoder, data, length, pcmBuffer, FRAME_SIZE, 0);
  if (decodeLen > 0) {
    int rc = snd_pcm_writei(handle, pcmBuffer, decodeLen);
    if (rc == -EPIPE)
      snd_pcm_recover(handle, rc, 1);

    if (rc<0)
      printf("Alsa error from writei: %d\n", rc);
    else if (decodeLen != rc)
      printf("Alsa shortm write, write %d frames\n", rc);
  } else {
    printf("Opus error from decode: %d\n", decodeLen);
static int DecodeNative(OpusDecoder* inst, int16_t* encoded,
                        int16_t encoded_bytes, int16_t* decoded,
                        int16_t* audio_type) {
  unsigned char* coded = (unsigned char*) encoded;
  opus_int16* audio = (opus_int16*) decoded;

  int res = opus_decode(inst, coded, encoded_bytes, audio,
                        kWebRtcOpusMaxFrameSize, 0);
  /* TODO(tlegrand): set to DTX for zero-length packets? */
  *audio_type = 0;

  if (res > 0) {
    return res;
  return -1;
int16_t WebRtcOpus_DecodeNative(OpusDecInst *inst,
                                int16_t     *encoded,
                                int16_t      len,
                                int16_t     *decoded,
                                int16_t     *audioType)
  unsigned char *coded = (unsigned char *)encoded;
  opus_int16 *audio = (opus_int16 *)decoded;

  int res = opus_decode(inst->decoder, coded, len, audio,
                        WEBRTC_OPUS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE, 0);
  /* TODO: set to DTX for zero-length packets? */
  *audioType = 0;

  if(res > 0) {
    return res;
  return -1;
 * Class:     de_stuttgart_hdm_opuswalkietalkie_OpusDecoder
 * Method:    nativeDecodeBytes
 * Signature: ([B;[S)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_de_stuttgart_hdm_opuswalkietalkie_OpusDecoder_nativeDecodeBytes (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jbyteArray in, jshortArray out)
	__android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "Native Code:", "Opus decoding");

	sprintf(logMsg, "FrameSize: %d - SamplingRate: %d - Channels: %d", FRAME_SIZE, SAMPLING_RATE, CHANNELS);
	__android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "Native Code:", logMsg);

	jint inputArraySize = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, in);
	jint outputArraySize = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, out);

	sprintf(logMsg, "Length of Input Array: %d", inputArraySize);
	__android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "Native Code:", logMsg);
	sprintf(logMsg, "Length of Output Array: %d", outputArraySize);
		__android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "Native Code:", logMsg);

	jbyte* encodedData = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, in, 0);
	opus_int16 *data = (opus_int16*)calloc(outputArraySize,sizeof(opus_int16));
	int decodedDataArraySize = opus_decode(dec, encodedData, inputArraySize, data, FRAME_SIZE, 0);

	sprintf(logMsg, "Length of Decoded Data: %d", decodedDataArraySize);
	__android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "Native Code:", logMsg);

	if (decodedDataArraySize >=0)
		if (decodedDataArraySize <= outputArraySize)
			sprintf(logMsg, "Output array of size: %d to small for storing encoded data.", outputArraySize);
			__android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "Native Code:", logMsg);

			return -1;


	return decodedDataArraySize;
Exemple #26
int tc_opus_decode(OpusDecoder *decoder, unsigned char *cbits, int nbBytes, unsigned char *pcm_bytes, int channels, int max_frame_size)
      int err=0, i;
      opus_int16 out[max_frame_size*channels];

      int frame_size = opus_decode(decoder, cbits, nbBytes, out, max_frame_size, 0);
      if (frame_size<0)
         pa_log_error("decoder failed: %s", opus_strerror(err));
         return EXIT_FAILURE;

      /* Convert to little-endian ordering. */

      return frame_size;
Exemple #27
static int opus_2_pcm16( unsigned char* out_buf, unsigned char* in_buf, unsigned int size,
			 unsigned int channels, unsigned int rate, long h_codec )
  opus_state_t* codec_inst;
  int res;

  if (!h_codec){
    ERROR("opus codec not initialized.\n");
    return 0;
  codec_inst = (opus_state_t*)h_codec;

  if (0<(res = opus_decode(codec_inst->opus_dec, in_buf, size, (opus_int16*)out_buf, AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE/2, 0))) {
    /* returns samples in encoded frame */

  /* DBG ("OPUS decode: size: %d, chan: %d, rate: %d, result %d.\n", size, channels, rate, res); */

  return res;

Exemple #28
QByteArray OpusDecode::decode(const QByteArray &data)
    if (!initialized)
        return QByteArray();

    int i;
    int frame_size;
    /* Decode the data. In this example, frame_size will be constant because
         the encoder is using a constant frame size. However, that may not
         be the case for all encoders, so the decoder must always check
         the frame size returned. */
    opus_int16 *out = new opus_int16[FRAME_SIZE*channels];

    frame_size = opus_decode(decoder, (unsigned char*)data.data(), data.size(), out, MAX_FRAME_SIZE, 0);
    if (frame_size<0)
        qDebug() << "decoder failed:" << opus_strerror(frame_size);
        delete[] out;
        return QByteArray();

    int size = sizeof(qint16)*channels*frame_size;
    unsigned char *pcm_bytes = new unsigned char[size];

    /* Convert to little-endian ordering. */
    /* Write the decoded audio to file. */
    QByteArray output((char*)pcm_bytes, size);

    delete[] pcm_bytes;
    delete[] out;

    return output;
Exemple #29
static void decode_audio(ToxAv *av, CallSpecific *call, DECODE_PACKET *p)
    int32_t call_index = call - av->calls;

    // ToxAvCSettings csettings;
    // toxav_get_peer_csettings(av, call_index, 0, &csettings);

    int frame_size = 10000; /* FIXME: not static?  */
    int16_t dest[frame_size];

    int dec_size = opus_decode(call->cs->audio_decoder, p->data, p->size, dest, frame_size, (p->size == 0));

    if (dec_size < 0) {
        LOGGER_WARNING("Decoding error: %s", opus_strerror(dec_size));

    if ( av->audio_callback )
        av->audio_callback(av, call_index, dest, dec_size, av->audio_callback_userdata);
        LOGGER_WARNING("Audio packet dropped due to missing callback!");
Exemple #30
static switch_status_t switch_opus_decode(switch_codec_t *codec,
										  switch_codec_t *other_codec,
										  void *encoded_data,
										  uint32_t encoded_data_len,
										  uint32_t encoded_rate, void *decoded_data, uint32_t *decoded_data_len, uint32_t *decoded_rate,
										  unsigned int *flag)
	struct opus_context *context = codec->private_info;
	int samples = 0;

	if (!context) {
	samples = opus_decode(context->decoder_object, (*flag & SFF_PLC) ? NULL : encoded_data, encoded_data_len, decoded_data, *decoded_data_len, 0);

	if (samples < 0) {

	*decoded_data_len = samples * 2;