Exemple #1
test_case(p2, or8) {
  bool a[8], b[8], c[8];
  bool output[8];

  str_to_bits8(a, "00001011");
  str_to_bits8(b, "00011000");
  str_to_bits8(c, "00011011");
  or8(output, a, b);
  assert_eq8(c, output);
Exemple #2
int sc_main(int argc, char *argv[])

	sc_signal<bool> or_1,or_2,and_3,and_4,and_5,and_6,nor_7,CO,SUM,A,B,CI;

	OR2  or1("or1");
	OR2  or8("or8");
 	OR3  or2("or2");
 	AND2 and3("and3");
 	AND2 and4("and4");
 	AND2 and5("and5");
 	AND3 and6("and6");
 	NOR2 nor7("nor7");
 	INV inv9("inv9");

 	or1.a(A); or1.b(B); or1.o(or_1);
  	or2.a(A); or2.b(B); or2.c(CI); or2.o(or_2);
  	and3.a(or_1); and3.b(CI); and3.o(and_3);
  	and4.a(A); and4.b(B); and4.o(and_4);
  	and5.a(nor_7); and5.b(or_2); and5.o(and_5);
  	and6.a(A); and6.b(B); and6.c(CI); and6.o(and_6);
  	nor7.a(and_3); nor7.b(and_4); nor7.o(nor_7);
  	or8.a(and_5); or8.b(and_6); or8.o(SUM);
  	inv9.a(nor_7); inv9.o(CO);

	//sc_initialize();   // initialize the simulation engine
	  // create the file to store simulation results
	sc_trace_file *tf = sc_create_vcd_trace_file("trace");
	  // 4: specify the signals we’d like to record in the trace file
	sc_trace(tf, A, "A"); sc_trace(tf, B, "B");
	sc_trace(tf, CI, "CI");
	sc_trace(tf, SUM, "SUM"); sc_trace(tf, CO, "CO");
	  // 5: put values on the input signals
	A=0; B=0; CI=0;                 // initialize the input values
	sc_start(10, SC_PS);
	for( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )  // generate all input combinations
	      A  = ((i & 0x1) != 0);    // value of A is the bit0 of i
	      B  = ((i & 0x2) != 0);    // value of B is the bit1 of i
	      CI = ((i & 0x4) != 0);    // value of CI is the bit2 of i
	      sc_start(10, SC_PS);           // evaluate
	sc_close_vcd_trace_file(tf);    // close file and we’re done
	return 0;
Exemple #3
void orb()
Exemple #4
void ora()
Exemple #5
//#ifndef Z80_COMMON
Z80OPCODE opx_B6(Z80 *cpu) { // or (ix+nn)
   signed char ofs = cpu->MemIf->rm(cpu->pc++);
   or8(cpu, cpu->MemIf->rm(cpu->ix + ofs));
   cpu->t += 11;
Exemple #6
Z80OPCODE opx_B5(Z80 *cpu) { // or xl
   or8(cpu, cpu->xl);
Exemple #7
//#ifdef Z80_COMMON
Z80OPCODE opx_B4(Z80 *cpu) { // or xh
   or8(cpu, cpu->xh);