// Sets the coordinate range of content that ends being drawn onto the target render surface.
// The target render surface is assumed to have an origin at 0, 0 and the width and height of
// of the drawRect.
void LayerRendererChromium::setDrawViewportRect(const IntRect& drawRect, bool flipY)
    if (flipY)
        m_projectionMatrix = orthoMatrix(drawRect.x(), drawRect.maxX(), drawRect.maxY(), drawRect.y());
        m_projectionMatrix = orthoMatrix(drawRect.x(), drawRect.maxX(), drawRect.y(), drawRect.maxY());
    GLC(m_context.get(), m_context->viewport(0, 0, drawRect.width(), drawRect.height()));
void OverlayRenderer::render(RenderContext& context, const float viewWidth, const float viewHeight) {
    if (m_vbo == NULL)
        m_vbo = new Vbo(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0xFFFF);
    if (m_compass == NULL)
        m_compass = new CompassRenderer();


    const Mat4f projection = orthoMatrix(0.0f, 1000.0f, -viewWidth / 2.0f, viewHeight / 2.0f, viewWidth / 2.0f, -viewHeight / 2.0f);
    const Mat4f view = viewMatrix(Vec3f::PosY, Vec3f::PosZ) * translationMatrix(500.0f * Vec3f::PosY);
    Renderer::ApplyTransformation ortho(context.transformation(), projection, view);

    const Mat4f compassTransformation = translationMatrix(Vec3f(-viewWidth / 2.0f + 50.0f, 0.0f, -viewHeight / 2.0f + 50.0f)) * scalingMatrix(2.0f);
    Renderer::ApplyModelMatrix applyCompassTranslate(context.transformation(), compassTransformation);

    m_compass->render(*m_vbo, context);
Exemple #3
        void Compass::doRender(RenderContext& renderContext) {
            const Camera& camera = renderContext.camera();
            const Camera::Viewport& viewport = camera.unzoomedViewport();
            const int viewWidth = viewport.width;
            const int viewHeight = viewport.height;
            const Mat4x4f projection = orthoMatrix(0.0f, 1000.0f, -viewWidth / 2.0f, viewHeight / 2.0f, viewWidth / 2.0f, -viewHeight / 2.0f);
            const Mat4x4f view = viewMatrix(Vec3f::PosY, Vec3f::PosZ) * translationMatrix(500.0f * Vec3f::PosY);
            const ReplaceTransformation ortho(renderContext.transformation(), projection, view);
            const Mat4x4f compassTransformation = translationMatrix(Vec3f(-viewWidth / 2.0f + 55.0f, 0.0f, -viewHeight / 2.0f + 55.0f)) * scalingMatrix<4>(2.0f);
            const MultiplyModelMatrix compass(renderContext.transformation(), compassTransformation);
            const Mat4x4f cameraTransformation = cameraRotationMatrix(camera);

            doRenderCompass(renderContext, cameraTransformation);
Exemple #4
// Updates the contents of the root layer texture that fall inside the updateRect
// and re-composits all sublayers.
void LayerRendererChromium::drawLayers(const IntRect& updateRect, const IntRect& visibleRect,
                                       const IntRect& contentRect, const IntPoint& scrollPosition)

    if (!m_rootLayer)


    GLC(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_rootLayerTextureId));

    // If the size of the visible area has changed then allocate a new texture
    // to store the contents of the root layer and adjust the projection matrix
    // and viewport.
    int visibleRectWidth = visibleRect.width();
    int visibleRectHeight = visibleRect.height();
    if (visibleRectWidth != m_rootLayerTextureWidth || visibleRectHeight != m_rootLayerTextureHeight) {
        m_rootLayerTextureWidth = visibleRect.width();
        m_rootLayerTextureHeight = visibleRect.height();

        m_projectionMatrix = orthoMatrix(0, visibleRectWidth, visibleRectHeight, 0, -1000, 1000);
        GLC(glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, m_rootLayerTextureWidth, m_rootLayerTextureHeight, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0));

    // The GL viewport covers the entire visible area, including the scrollbars.
    GLC(glViewport(0, 0, visibleRectWidth, visibleRectHeight));

    // Bind the common vertex attributes used for drawing all the layers.

    // FIXME: These calls can be made once, when the compositor context is initialized.

    if (m_scrollPosition == IntPoint(-1, -1))
        m_scrollPosition = scrollPosition;

    IntPoint scrollDelta = toPoint(scrollPosition - m_scrollPosition);
    // Scroll only when the updateRect contains pixels for the newly uncovered region to avoid flashing.
    if ((scrollDelta.x() && updateRect.width() >= abs(scrollDelta.x()) && updateRect.height() >= contentRect.height())
        || (scrollDelta.y() && updateRect.height() >= abs(scrollDelta.y()) && updateRect.width() >= contentRect.width())) {
        // Scrolling works as follows: We render a quad with the current root layer contents
        // translated by the amount the page has scrolled since the last update and then read the
        // pixels of the content area (visible area excluding the scroll bars) back into the
        // root layer texture. The newly exposed area is subesquently filled as usual with
        // the contents of the updateRect.
        TransformationMatrix scrolledLayerMatrix;
        float scaleFactor = 1.0f;
        // Because the contents of the OpenGL texture are inverted
        // vertically compared to the Skia backend, we need to move
        // the backing store in the opposite direction.
        float scaleFactor = -1.0f;
#error "Need to implement for your platform."

        scrolledLayerMatrix.translate3d(0.5 * visibleRect.width() - scrollDelta.x(),
            0.5 * visibleRect.height() + scaleFactor * scrollDelta.y(), 0);
        scrolledLayerMatrix.scale3d(1, -1, 1);

        GLC(glUniform1i(m_scrollShaderSamplerLocation, 0));
        LayerChromium::drawTexturedQuad(m_projectionMatrix, scrolledLayerMatrix,
                                        visibleRect.width(), visibleRect.height(), 1,
                                        m_scrollShaderMatrixLocation, -1);

        GLC(glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, contentRect.width(), contentRect.height()));
        m_scrollPosition = scrollPosition;
    } else if (abs(scrollDelta.y()) > contentRect.height() || abs(scrollDelta.x()) > contentRect.width()) {
        // Scrolling larger than the contentRect size does not preserve any of the pixels, so there is
        // no need to copy framebuffer pixels back into the texture.
        m_scrollPosition = scrollPosition;

    // FIXME: The following check should go away when the compositor renders independently from its own thread.
    // Ignore a 1x1 update rect at (0, 0) as that's used a way to kick off a redraw for the compositor.
    if (!(!updateRect.x() && !updateRect.y() && updateRect.width() == 1 && updateRect.height() == 1)) {
        // Update the root layer texture.
        ASSERT((updateRect.x() + updateRect.width() <= m_rootLayerTextureWidth)
               && (updateRect.y() + updateRect.height() <= m_rootLayerTextureHeight));

        // Get the contents of the updated rect.
        const SkBitmap bitmap = m_rootLayerCanvas->getDevice()->accessBitmap(false);
        int rootLayerWidth = bitmap.width();
        int rootLayerHeight = bitmap.height();
        ASSERT(rootLayerWidth == updateRect.width() && rootLayerHeight == updateRect.height());
        void* pixels = bitmap.getPixels();

        // Copy the contents of the updated rect to the root layer texture.
        GLC(glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, updateRect.x(), updateRect.y(), updateRect.width(), updateRect.height(), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels));
        // Get the contents of the updated rect.
        ASSERT(static_cast<int>(CGBitmapContextGetWidth(m_rootLayerCGContext.get())) == updateRect.width() && static_cast<int>(CGBitmapContextGetHeight(m_rootLayerCGContext.get())) == updateRect.height());
        void* pixels = m_rootLayerBackingStore.data();

        // Copy the contents of the updated rect to the root layer texture.
        // The origin is at the lower left in Core Graphics' coordinate system. We need to correct for this here.
        GLC(glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
                            updateRect.x(), m_rootLayerTextureHeight - updateRect.y() - updateRect.height(),
                            updateRect.width(), updateRect.height(),
                            GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels));
#error "Need to implement for your platform."

    glClearColor(0, 0, 1, 1);

    // Render the root layer using a quad that takes up the entire visible area of the window.
    // We reuse the shader program used by ContentLayerChromium.
    const ContentLayerChromium::SharedValues* contentLayerValues = contentLayerSharedValues();
    GLC(glUniform1i(contentLayerValues->shaderSamplerLocation(), 0));
    TransformationMatrix layerMatrix;
    layerMatrix.translate3d(visibleRect.width() * 0.5f, visibleRect.height() * 0.5f, 0);
    LayerChromium::drawTexturedQuad(m_projectionMatrix, layerMatrix,
                                    visibleRect.width(), visibleRect.height(), 1,
                                    contentLayerValues->shaderMatrixLocation(), contentLayerValues->shaderAlphaLocation());

    // If culling is enabled then we will cull the backface.
    // The orthographic projection is setup such that Y starts at zero and
    // increases going down the page so we need to adjust the winding order of
    // front facing triangles.

    // The shader used to render layers returns pre-multiplied alpha colors
    // so we need to send the blending mode appropriately.

    // Translate all the composited layers by the scroll position.
    TransformationMatrix matrix;
    matrix.translate3d(-m_scrollPosition.x(), -m_scrollPosition.y(), 0);

    // Traverse the layer tree and update the layer transforms.
    float opacity = 1;
    const Vector<RefPtr<LayerChromium> >& sublayers = m_rootLayer->getSublayers();
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < sublayers.size(); i++)
        updateLayersRecursive(sublayers[i].get(), matrix, opacity);

    m_rootVisibleRect = visibleRect;

    // Enable scissoring to avoid rendering composited layers over the scrollbars.
    FloatRect scissorRect(contentRect);
    // The scissorRect should not include the scroll offset.
    scissorRect.move(-m_scrollPosition.x(), -m_scrollPosition.y());

    // Clear the stencil buffer to 0.
    // Disable writes to the stencil buffer.

    // Traverse the layer tree one more time to draw the layers.
    for (i = 0; i < sublayers.size(); i++)
        drawLayersRecursive(sublayers[i].get(), scissorRect);



    m_needsDisplay = false;