Exemple #1
void MxCore::rotateLocal( double angle, const osg::Vec3d& axis )
    const osg::Matrixd r = osg::Matrixd::rotate( angle * _rotateScale, axis );
    _viewDir = _viewDir * r;
    _viewUp = _viewUp * r;
Exemple #2
void MxCore::setByMatrix( const osg::Matrixd& m )
    _viewUp.set( m( 1, 0 ), m( 1, 1 ), m( 1, 2 ) );
    _viewDir.set( -m( 2, 0 ), -m( 2, 1 ), -m( 2, 2 ) );
    _position.set( m( 3, 0 ), m( 3, 1 ), m( 3, 2 ) );
void Camera::turnDown(double deltaAngle) {
	deltaAngle = degreesToRadians(deltaAngle);
	double ca = cos(deltaAngle);
	double sa = sin(deltaAngle);
	setForward(*forward * ca - *up * sa);
	setUp(*up * ca + *forward * sa);
void Camera::turnLeft(double deltaAngle) {
	deltaAngle = degreesToRadians(deltaAngle);
	double ca = cos(deltaAngle);
	double sa = sin(deltaAngle);
	Vec3 right = forward->cross(*up);
	setForward(*forward * ca - right * sa);
Exemple #5
void MxCore::rotateOrbit( double angle, const osg::Vec3d& axis )
    const osg::Matrixd r = osg::Matrixd::rotate( angle * _rotateScale, axis );

    _position = ( _position - _orbitCenter ) * r + _orbitCenter;
    _viewDir = _viewDir * r;
    _viewUp = _viewUp * r;
Exemple #6
void MxCore::lookAtOrbitCenter()
    osg::Vec3d newDir = _orbitCenter - _position;

    const osg::Matrixd r = osg::Matrixd::rotate( _viewDir, newDir );
    _viewDir = _viewDir * r;
    _viewUp = _viewUp * r;
frame3f patch_frame(Patch* patch, int elementid, const vec2f& uv) {
    auto p = patch->cubic[elementid];
    frame3f frame;
    frame.o = interpolate_bezier_bicubic(patch->pos, p, uv);
    frame.x = interpolate_bezier_bicubic_derivativex(patch->pos, p, uv);
    frame.y = interpolate_bezier_bicubic_derivativey(patch->pos, p, uv);
    frame.z = normalize(cross(frame.x,frame.y));
    frame = orthonormalize(frame);
    return frame;
frame3f lineset_cylinder_frame(LineSet* lines, int elementid) {
    auto l = lines->line[elementid];
    frame3f f;
    f.o = lines->pos[l.x];
    f.z = normalize(lines->pos[l.y]-lines->pos[l.x]);
    f.x = x3f;
    f.y = y3f;
    f = orthonormalize(f);
    return f;
Exemple #9
void MxCore::reset()
    _viewUp = _initialUp;
    _viewDir = _initialDir;

    _position = _initialPosition;
    _fovy = _initialFovy;
    setOrtho( false );
frame3f trianglemesh_frame(TriangleMesh* mesh, int elementid, const vec2f& uv) {
    auto f = mesh->triangle[elementid];
    frame3f ff;
    ff.x = normalize(mesh->pos[f.y]-mesh->pos[f.x]);
    ff.y = normalize(mesh->pos[f.z]-mesh->pos[f.x]);
    if(not mesh->norm.empty()) ff.z = normalize(interpolate_baricentric_triangle(mesh->norm, f, uv));
    else ff.z = triangle_normal(mesh->pos[f.x], mesh->pos[f.y], mesh->pos[f.z]);
    ff.o = interpolate_baricentric_triangle(mesh->pos, f, uv);
    ff = orthonormalize(ff);
    return ff;
Exemple #11
void LLCoordFrame::rotate(const LLMatrix3 &rotation_matrix)

	if( !isFinite() )
		llwarns << "Non Finite in LLCoordFrame::rotate()" << llendl;
frame3f mesh_frame(Mesh* mesh, int elementid, const vec2f& uv) {
    auto f = mesh_triangle_face(mesh,elementid);
    frame3f ff;
    ff.x = normalize(mesh->pos[f.y]-mesh->pos[f.x]);
    ff.y = normalize(mesh->pos[f.z]-mesh->pos[f.x]);
    if(not mesh->norm.empty()) ff.z = normalize(interpolate_baricentric_triangle(mesh->norm,f,uv));
    else if(elementid < mesh->triangle.size()) ff.z = triangle_normal(mesh->pos[f.x], mesh->pos[f.y], mesh->pos[f.z]);
    else { auto f = mesh->quad[(elementid-mesh->triangle.size())/2]; ff.z = quad_normal(mesh->pos[f.x], mesh->pos[f.y], mesh->pos[f.z], mesh->pos[f.w]); }
    ff.o = interpolate_baricentric_triangle(mesh->pos,f,uv);
    ff = orthonormalize(ff);
    return ff;
Exemple #13
void MxCore::level()
    _viewUp = _initialUp;

    // Check for vurrent view dir coincident with initial up vector. If so,
    // we can't preserve the current view dir and need to set it to the
    // initial view dir.
    if( osg::absolute< double >( _initialUp * _viewDir ) > 0.99 )
        _viewDir = _initialDir;
        _viewDir = _viewUp ^ getCross();
/// Return the frame of a spline
/// @param spline The spline shape
/// @param elementid The index for the spline segment the frame is to be evaluated for
/// @param u The normalized value ([0,1]) used for evaluating the spline or spline segment
/// @return The spline frame
frame3f spline_frame(Spline* spline, int elementid, float u) {
    auto frame = identity_frame3f;
    auto pos = spline->pos;
    auto cubic = spline->cubic[elementid];

    // Use interpolation functions to get the center and x of the frame
    // Arbitrarily choose directions for the other two axes
    // Then orthonormalize the frame
    frame.o = interpolate_bezier_cubic(pos, cubic, u);
    frame.x = interpolate_bezier_cubic_derivative(pos, cubic, u);
    frame.y = y3f;
    frame.z = z3f;
    frame = orthonormalize(frame);

    return frame;
  inline void testOrthonormalization() {
    // r = result from HTM::YawPitchRollXYZ_2_Rt(0.1, 0.4, 0.8, 0, 0, 0, R, t);
    double ra[9] = {0.91646,0.208401,0.341571,0.0919527,0.721115,-0.686686,-0.389418,0.660729,0.641709};
    DMatrix R(3,3);
    for (unsigned int r=0; r<3; ++r)
      for (unsigned int c=0; c<3; ++c)
        R(r,c) = ra[r*3+c];
    DMatrix Rt, invR; DVector t;
    Rt = ublas::trans(R);
    invR = inv(R);
    std::cout << "R =      " << R << std::endl;
    std::cout << "det(R) = " << determinant(R) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Rt =     " << Rt << std::endl;
    std::cout << "RtR =    " << ublas::prod(Rt,R) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "inv(R) = " << invR << std::endl;
    std::cout << "inv(R)*R=" << ublas::prod(invR,R) << std::endl;

    std::cout << std::endl << "altering R a bit" << std::endl;
    R(0,0) += 0.001;
    R(1,0) += 0.004;
    R(2,0) -= 0.01;
    Rt = ublas::trans(R);
    invR = inv(R);
    std::cout << "R =      " << R << std::endl;
    std::cout << "det(R) = " << determinant(R) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Rt =     " << Rt << std::endl;
    std::cout << "RtR =    " << ublas::prod(Rt,R) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "inv(R) = " << invR << std::endl;
    std::cout << "inv(R)*R=" << ublas::prod(invR,R) << std::endl;

    std::cout << std::endl << "fixing R" << std::endl;
    R = orthonormalize(R);
    Rt = ublas::trans(R);
    invR = inv(R);
    std::cout << "R =      " << R << std::endl;
    std::cout << "det(R) = " << determinant(R) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Rt =     " << Rt << std::endl;
    std::cout << "RtR =    " << ublas::prod(Rt,R) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "inv(R) = " << invR << std::endl;
    std::cout << "inv(R)*R=" << ublas::prod(invR,R) << std::endl;
frame3f shape_sample_uniform(Shape* shape, const vec2f& uv) {
    if(is<Sphere>(shape)) {
        auto sphere = cast<Sphere>(shape);
        // see: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SpherePointPicking.html
        float z = 1 - 2*uv.y;
        float rxy = sqrt(1-z*z);
        float phi = 2*pif*uv.x;
        vec3f pl = vec3f(rxy*cos(phi),rxy*sin(phi),z);
        frame3f f;
        f.o = sphere->center + pl * sphere->radius;
        f.z = normalize(pl);
        f = orthonormalize(f);
        return f;
    else if(is<Quad>(shape)) {
        auto quad = cast<Quad>(shape);
        frame3f f = identity_frame3f;
        f.o = (uv.x-0.5f)*quad->width*x3f + (uv.y-0.5f)*quad->height*y3f;
        return f;
    else { not_implemented_error(); return identity_frame3f; }
Exemple #17
tf::Matrix3x3 JPCT_Math::rotateAxis(tf::Vector3 axis, tf::Matrix3x3& original, float angle) {
    if(angle != lastRot) {
        lastRot = angle;
        lastSin = (float)sin((double)angle);
        lastCos = (float)cos((double)angle);

    float c = lastCos;
    float s = lastSin;
    float t = 1.0F - c;
    //axis = axis.normalize(axis);
    float x = axis.x();
    float y = axis.y();
    float z = axis.z();
    tf::Matrix3x3 mat;
    float sy = s * y;
    float sx = s * x;
    float sz = s * z;
    float txy = t * x * y;
    float txz = t * x * z;
    float tyz = t * y * z;
    mat[0][0] = t * x * x + c;
    mat[1][0] = txy + sz;
    mat[2][0] = txz - sy;
    mat[0][1] = txy - sz;
    mat[1][1] = t * y * y + c;
    mat[2][1] = tyz + sx;
    mat[0][2] = txz + sy;
    mat[1][2] = tyz - sx;
    mat[2][2] = t * z * z + c;
    original *= mat;
    return original; 
Exemple #18
void MxCore::setOrientationByMatrix( const osg::Matrixd& m )
    _viewUp.set( m( 1, 0 ), m( 1, 1 ), m( 1, 2 ) );
    _viewDir.set( -m( 2, 0 ), -m( 2, 1 ), -m( 2, 2 ) );
Exemple #19
//this starts with current state
bool CLyapWolfMethod::calculate()
  //get the pointer to the parent task. It's needed for output
  mpTask = dynamic_cast<CLyapTask*>(getObjectParent());

  //initialize LSODA

  C_FLOAT64 stepSize = getValue< C_FLOAT64 >("Orthonormalization Interval");
  C_FLOAT64 transientTime = mpProblem->getTransientTime() + *mpContainerStateTime;
  C_FLOAT64 endTime = *mpContainerStateTime + getValue< C_FLOAT64 >("Overall time");
  C_FLOAT64 startTime = *mpContainerStateTime;

  bool flagProceed = true;
  C_FLOAT64 handlerFactor = 100.0 / (endTime - startTime);

  //** do the transient **
  C_FLOAT64 CompareTime = transientTime - 100.0 * fabs(transientTime) * std::numeric_limits< C_FLOAT64 >::epsilon();

  if (*mpContainerStateTime < CompareTime)
          step(transientTime - *mpContainerStateTime);

          if (*mpContainerStateTime > CompareTime) break;

          /* Here we will do conditional event processing */

          /* Currently this is correct since no events are processed. */
          //CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCTrajectoryMethod + 12);

          flagProceed &= mpTask->methodCallback((*mpContainerStateTime - startTime) * handlerFactor, true);
      while (flagProceed);


  //copy state to model and do output
  mpTask->methodCallback((*mpContainerStateTime - startTime) * handlerFactor, false);


  if (mDoDivergence)
    *(mVariables.array() + mVariables.size() - 1) = 0; //divergence

  mLsodaStatus = 1; //the state has changed, we need to restart lsoda

  size_t i;

  C_FLOAT64 realStepSize;

      realStepSize = step(stepSize);

      mLsodaStatus = 1; //the state has changed, we need to restart lsoda

      //process results of orthonormalisation
      for (i = 0; i < mNumExp; ++i)
          mpTask->mLocalExponents[i] = log(mNorms[i]);
          mSumExponents[i] += mpTask->mLocalExponents[i];
          mpTask->mLocalExponents[i] = mpTask->mLocalExponents[i] / realStepSize;
          mpTask->mExponents[i] = mSumExponents[i] / (*mpContainerStateTime - transientTime);

      //process result of divergence integration
      if (mDoDivergence)
          mSumDivergence += *(mVariables.array() + mVariables.size() - 1);
          mpTask->mIntervalDivergence = *(mVariables.array() + mVariables.size() - 1) / realStepSize;
          *(mVariables.array() + mVariables.size() - 1) = 0;
          mpTask->mAverageDivergence = mSumDivergence / (*mpContainerStateTime - transientTime);

      flagProceed &= mpTask->methodCallback((*mpContainerStateTime - startTime) * handlerFactor, false);
  while ((*mpContainerStateTime < endTime) && flagProceed);

  return flagProceed;
Exemple #20
void CLyapWolfMethod::start(/*const CState * initialState*/)
  /* Reset lsoda */
  mLsodaStatus = 1;
  mState = 1;
  mJType = 2;

  mReducedModel = true; /* *getValue("Integrate Reduced Model").pBOOL;*/

  /* Release previous state and make the initialState the current */

  //mY = mpState->beginIndependent();
  mpContainerStateTime = mContainerState.array() + mpContainer->getCountFixedEventTargets();

  mSystemSize = mContainerState.size() - mpContainer->getCountFixedEventTargets() - 1;

  mpYdot = mpContainer->getRate(mReducedModel).array() + mpContainer->getCountFixedEventTargets() + 1;

  mNumExp = mpProblem->getExponentNumber();
  mDoDivergence = mpProblem->divergenceRequested();

  //calculate the number of variables for lsoda integration
  if (mDoDivergence)
    mData.dim = (C_INT)(mSystemSize * (1 + mNumExp) + 1);
    mData.dim = (C_INT)(mSystemSize * (1 + mNumExp));

  //initialize the vector on which lsoda will work

  //reserve space for exponents. The vectors in the task are resized by the task because they
  //need to have a minimum size defined in the task

  memcpy(mVariables.array(), mpContainerStateTime + 1, mSystemSize * sizeof(C_FLOAT64));

  //generate base vectors. Just define some arbitrary starting vectors that are not too specific and orthonormalize
  // first fill the array with 0.1
  C_FLOAT64 *dbl, *dblEnd = mVariables.array() + mData.dim;

  for (dbl = mVariables.array() + mSystemSize; dbl != dblEnd; ++dbl)
    *dbl = 0.01;

  //now add 1.0
  if (mNumExp > 0)
    for (dbl = mVariables.array() + mSystemSize; dbl < dblEnd; dbl += (mSystemSize + 1))
      * dbl = 1.0;


  //reserve space for jacobian
  mJacobian.resize(mSystemSize, mSystemSize);

  size_t i, imax = mNumExp;

  for (i = 0; i < imax; ++i)
      mpTask->mLocalExponents[i] = 0;
      mSumExponents[i] = 0;
      mpTask->mExponents[i] = 0;

  mpTask->mIntervalDivergence = 0;
  mSumDivergence = 0;
  mpTask->mAverageDivergence = 0;

  /* Configure lsoda */
  mRtol = getValue< C_FLOAT64 >("Relative Tolerance");

  C_FLOAT64 * pTolerance = &getValue< C_FLOAT64 >("Absolute Tolerance");
  CVector< C_FLOAT64 > tmpAtol = mpContainer->initializeAtolVector(*pTolerance, mReducedModel);


  for (i = 0; i < mSystemSize; ++i)
    mAtol[i] = tmpAtol[i];

  for (i = mSystemSize; (int)i < mData.dim; ++i)
    mAtol[i] = 1e-20;

  mDWork.resize(22 + mData.dim * std::max<C_INT>(16, mData.dim + 9));
  mDWork[4] = mDWork[5] = mDWork[6] = mDWork[7] = mDWork[8] = mDWork[9] = 0.0;
  mIWork.resize(20 + mData.dim);
  mIWork[4] = mIWork[6] = mIWork[9] = 0;

  mIWork[5] = getValue< unsigned C_INT32 >("Max Internal Steps");
  mIWork[7] = 12;
  mIWork[8] = 5;

Exemple #21
void update_ahrs(float dt, float dcm_out[3][3], float gyr_out[3])
	static uint8_t i;

	read_mpu(v_gyr, v_acc);
	for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
		gyr_out[i] = v_gyr[i];

	 * Accelerometer
	 *     Frame of reference: body
	 *     Units: G (gravitational acceleration)
	 *     Purpose: Measure the acceleration vector v_acc with components
	 *              codirectional with the i, j, and k vectors. Note that the
	 *              gravitational vector is the negative of the K vector.
	#ifdef ACC_WEIGHT
	// Take weighted average.
	for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
		v_acc[i] = ACC_SELF_WEIGHT * v_acc[i] + (1-ACC_SELF_WEIGHT) * v_acc_last[i];
		v_acc_last[i] = v_acc[i];

		// Kalman filtering?
		//v_acc_last[i] = acc.get(i);
		//kalmanUpdate(v_acc[i], accVar, v_acc_last[i], ACC_UPDATE_SIG);
		//kalmanPredict(v_acc[i], accVar, 0.0, ACC_PREDICT_SIG);
	#endif // ACC_SELF_WEIGHT
	acc_scale = v_norm(v_acc);

	 * Reduce accelerometer weight if the magnitude of the measured
	 * acceleration is significantly greater than or less than 1 g.
	 * TODO: Magnitude of acceleration should be reported over telemetry so
	 * ACC_SCALE_WEIGHT can be more accurately determined.
	acc_scale = (1.0 - MIN(1.0, ACC_SCALE_WEIGHT * ABS(acc_scale - 1.0)));
	acc_weight = ACC_WEIGHT * acc_scale;
	acc_weight = ACC_WEIGHT;

	// Ignore accelerometer if it measures anything 0.5g past gravity.
	if (acc_scale > 1.5 || acc_scale < 0.5) {
		acc_weight = 0;

	 * Express K global unit vector in body frame as k_gb for use in drift
	 * correction (we need K to be described in the body frame because gravity
	 * is measured by the accelerometer in the body frame). Technically we
	 * could just create a transpose of dcm_gyro, but since we don't (yet) have
	 * a magnetometer, we don't need the first two rows of the transpose. This
	 * saves a few clock cycles.
	for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
		k_gb[i] = dcm_gyro[i][2];

	 * Calculate gyro drift correction rotation vector w_a, which will be used
	 * later to bring KB closer to the gravity vector (i.e., the negative of
	 * the K vector). Although we do not explicitly negate the gravity vector,
	 * the cross product below produces a rotation vector that we can later add
	 * to the angular displacement vector to correct for gyro drift in the
	 * X and Y axes. Note we negate w_a because our acceleration vector is
	 * actually the negative of our gravity vector.
	v_crossp(k_gb, v_acc, w_a);
	v_scale(w_a, -1, w_a);
	#endif // ACC_WEIGHT

	 * Magnetometer
	 *     Frame of reference: body
	 *     Units: N/A
	 *     Purpose: Measure the magnetic north vector v_mag with components
	 *              codirectional with the body's i, j, and k vectors.
	#ifdef MAG_WEIGHT
	// Express J global unit vectory in body frame as j_gb.
	for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
		j_gb[i] = dcm_gyro[i][1];

	// Calculate yaw drift correction vector w_m.
	v_crossp(j_gb, v_mag, w_m);
	#endif // MAG_WEIGHT

	 * Gyroscope
	 *     Frame of reference: body
	 *     Units: rad/s
	 *     Purpose: Measure the rotation rate of the body about the body's i,
	 *              j, and k axes.
	 * ========================================================================
	 * Scale v_gyr by elapsed time (in seconds) to get angle w*dt in radians,
	 * then compute weighted average with the accelerometer and magnetometer
	 * correction vectors to obtain final w*dt.
	 * TODO: This is still not exactly correct.
	for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
		w_dt[i] = v_gyr[i] * dt;

		#ifdef ACC_WEIGHT
		w_dt[i] += acc_weight * w_a[i];
		#endif // ACC_WEIGHT

		#ifdef MAG_WEIGHT
		w_dt[i] += MAG_WEIGHT * w_m[i];
		#endif // MAG_WEIGHT

	 * Direction Cosine Matrix
	 *     Frame of reference: global
	 *     Units: None (unit vectors)
	 *     Purpose: Calculate the components of the body's i, j, and k unit
	 *              vectors in the global frame of reference.
	 * ========================================================================
	 * Skew the rotation vector and sum appropriate components by combining the
	 * skew symmetric matrix with the identity matrix. The math can be
	 * summarized as follows:
	 * All of this is calculated in the body frame. If w is the angular
	 * velocity vector, let w_dt (w*dt) be the angular displacement vector of
	 * the DCM over a time interval dt. Let w_dt_i, w_dt_j, and w_dt_k be the
	 * components of w_dt codirectional with the i, j, and k unit vectors,
	 * respectively. Also, let dr be the linear displacement vector of the DCM
	 * and dr_i, dr_j, and dr_k once again be the i, j, and k components,
	 * respectively.
	 * In very small dt, certain vectors approach orthogonality, so we can
	 * assume that (draw this out for yourself!):
	 *     dr_x = <    0,  dw_k, -dw_j>,
	 *     dr_y = <-dw_k,     0,  dw_i>, and
	 *     dr_z = < dw_j, -dw_i,     0>,
	 * which can be expressed as the rotation matrix:
	 *          [     0  dw_k -dw_j ]
	 *     dr = [ -dw_k     0  dw_i ]
	 *          [  dw_j -dw_i     0 ].
	 * This can then be multiplied by the current DCM and added to the current
	 * DCM to update the DCM. To minimize the number of calculations performed
	 * by the processor, however, we can combine the last two steps by
	 * combining dr with the identity matrix to produce:
	 *              [     1  dw_k -dw_j ]
	 *     dr + I = [ -dw_k     1  dw_i ]
	 *              [  dw_j -dw_i     1 ],
	 * which we multiply with the current DCM to produce the updated DCM
	 * directly.
	 * It may be helpful to read the Wikipedia pages on cross products and
	 * rotation representation.
	dcm_d[0][0] =        1;
	dcm_d[0][1] =  w_dt[2];
	dcm_d[0][2] = -w_dt[1];
	dcm_d[1][0] = -w_dt[2];
	dcm_d[1][1] =        1;
	dcm_d[1][2] =  w_dt[0];
	dcm_d[2][0] =  w_dt[1];
	dcm_d[2][1] = -w_dt[0];
	dcm_d[2][2] =        1;

	// Multiply the current DCM with the change in DCM and update.
	m_product(dcm_d, dcm_gyro, dcm_gyro);

	// Remove any distortions introduced by the small-angle approximations.

	// Apply rotational offset (in case IMU is not installed orthogonally to
	// the airframe).
	dcm_offset[0][0] =              1;
	dcm_offset[0][1] =              0;
	dcm_offset[0][2] = -trim_angle[1];
	dcm_offset[1][0] =              0;
	dcm_offset[1][1] =              1;
	dcm_offset[1][2] =  trim_angle[0];
	dcm_offset[2][0] =  trim_angle[1];
	dcm_offset[2][1] = -trim_angle[0];
	dcm_offset[2][2] =              1;
	m_product(dcm_offset, dcm_gyro, dcm_out);
Exemple #22
void IMU::update() {
    // ========================================================================
    // Accelerometer
    //     Frame of reference: BODY
    //     Units: G (gravitational acceleration)
    //     Purpose: Measure the acceleration vector aVec with components
    //              codirectional with the i, j, and k vectors. Note that the
    //              gravitational vector is the negative of the K vector.
    // ========================================================================
    #ifdef ACC_WEIGHT
    if (loopCount % ACC_READ_INTERVAL == 0) {
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
            aVec[i] = acc.get(i);

        // Take weighted average.
        #ifdef ACC_SELF_WEIGHT
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
            aVec[i] = ACC_SELF_WEIGHT * aVec[i] + (1-ACC_SELF_WEIGHT) * aVecLast[i];
            aVecLast[i] = aVec[i];

            // Kalman filtering?
            //aVecLast[i] = acc.get(i);
            //kalmanUpdate(aVec[i], accVar, aVecLast[i], ACC_UPDATE_SIG);
            //kalmanPredict(aVec[i], accVar, 0.0, ACC_PREDICT_SIG);
        #endif // ACC_SELF_WEIGHT
        accScale = vNorm(aVec);

        // Reduce accelerometer weight if the magnitude of the measured
        // acceleration is significantly greater than or less than 1 g.
        // TODO: Magnitude of acceleration should be reported over telemetry so
        // the "cutoff" value (the constant before the ABS() below) for
        // disregaring acceleration input can be more accurately determined.
        #ifdef ACC_SCALE_WEIGHT
        // For some reason, 1 gravity has magnitude of 1.05.
        accScale = (1.0 - MIN(1.0, ACC_SCALE_WEIGHT * ABS(accScale - 1.0)));
        accWeight = ACC_WEIGHT * accScale;
        accWeight = ACC_WEIGHT;

        // Ignore accelerometer if it measures anything 0.5g past gravity.
        if (accScale > 1.5 || accScale < 0.5) {
            accWeight = 0;
        #endif // ACC_SCALE_WEIGHT

        // Uncomment the loop below to get accelerometer readings in order to
        // obtain trimAngle.
        //if (loopCount % COMM_LOOP_INTERVAL == 0) {
        //    sp("A(");
        //    sp(aVec[0]*1000); sp(", ");
        //    sp(aVec[1]*1000); sp(", ");
        //    sp(aVec[2]*1000);
        //    sp(")  ");

        // Express K global unit vector in BODY frame as kgb for use in drift
        // correction (we need K to be described in the BODY frame because
        // gravity is measured by the accelerometer in the BODY frame).
        // Technically we could just create a transpose of gyroDCM, but since
        // we don't (yet) have a magnetometer, we don't need the first two rows
        // of the transpose. This saves a few clock cycles.
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
            kgb[i] = gyroDCM[i][2];

        // Calculate gyro drift correction rotation vector wA, which will be
        // used later to bring KB closer to the gravity vector (i.e., the
        // negative of the K vector). Although we do not explicitly negate the
        // gravity vector, the cross product below produces a rotation vector
        // that we can later add to the angular displacement vector to correct
        // for gyro drift in the X and Y axes.
        vCrossP(kgb, aVec, wA);

        // Divide by ACC_READ_INTERVAL since the acceleration vector is not
        // updated every loop.
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
            wA[i] /= ACC_READ_INTERVAL;
    #endif // ACC_WEIGHT

    // ========================================================================
    // Magnetometer
    //     Frame of reference: BODY
    //     Units: N/A
    //     Purpose: Measure the magnetic north vector mVec with components
    //              codirectional with the body's i, j, and k vectors.
    // ========================================================================
    #ifdef MAG_WEIGHT
    mag.poll();   // ?
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        mVec[i] = mag.get(i);
    //if (loopCount % COMM_LOOP_INTERVAL == 0) {
    //    sp("M(");
    //    sp(mVec[0]); sp(", ");
    //    sp(mVec[1]); sp(", ");
    //    sp(mVec[2]);
    //    spln(")");

    // Express J global unit vectory in BODY frame as jgb.
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        jgb[i] = gyroDCM[i][1];

    // Calculate yaw drift correction vector wM.
    vCrossP(jgb, mVec, wM);
    #endif // MAG_WEIGHT

    // ========================================================================
    // Gyroscope
    //     Frame of reference: BODY
    //     Units: rad/s
    //     Purpose: Measure the rotation rate of the body about the body's i,
    //              j, and k axes.
    // ========================================================================
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        gVec[i] = gyro.get(i);
    //if (loopCount % COMM_LOOP_INTERVAL == 0) {
    //    sp("G(");
    //    sp(gVec[0]); sp(", ");
    //    sp(gVec[1]); sp(", ");
    //    sp(gVec[2]);
    //    spln(")");

    // Scale gVec by elapsed time (in seconds) to get angle w*dt in
    // radians, then compute weighted average with the accelerometer and
    // magnetometer correction vectors to obtain final w*dt.
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        float numerator   = gVec[i] * MASTER_DT/1000000;
        float denominator = 1.0;

        #ifdef ACC_WEIGHT
        if (loopCount % ACC_READ_INTERVAL == 0) {
            numerator   += accWeight * wA[i];
            denominator += accWeight;
        #endif // ACC_WEIGHT

        #ifdef MAG_WEIGHT
        numerator   += MAG_WEIGHT * wM[i];
        denominator += MAG_WEIGHT;
        #endif // MAG_WEIGHT

        wdt[i] = numerator / denominator;

    // ========================================================================
    // Direction Cosine Matrix
    //     Frame of reference: GLOBAL
    //     Units: None (unit vectors)
    //     Purpose: Calculate the components of the body's i, j, and k unit
    //              vectors in the global frame of reference.
    // ========================================================================
    // Skew the rotation vector and sum appropriate components by combining the
    // skew symmetric matrix with the identity matrix. The math can be
    // summarized as follows:
    // All of this is calculated in the BODY frame. If w is the angular
    // velocity vector, let wdt (w*dt) be the angular displacement vector of
    // the DCM over a time interval dt. Let wdt_i, wdt_j, and wdt_k be the
    // components of wdt codirectional with the i, j, and k unit vectors,
    // respectively. Also, let dr be the linear displacement vector of the DCM
    // and dr_i, dr_j, and dr_k once again be the i, j, and k components,
    // respectively.
    // In very small dt, certain vectors approach orthogonality, so we can
    // assume that (draw this out for yourself!):
    //     dr_x = <    0,  dw_k, -dw_j>,
    //     dr_y = <-dw_k,     0,  dw_i>, and
    //     dr_z = < dw_j, -dw_i,     0>,
    // which can be expressed as the rotation matrix:
    //          [     0  dw_k -dw_j ]
    //     dr = [ -dw_k     0  dw_i ]
    //          [  dw_j -dw_i     0 ].
    // This can then be multiplied by the current DCM and added to the current
    // DCM to update the DCM. To minimize the number of calculations performed
    // by the processor, however, we can combine the last two steps by
    // combining dr with the identity matrix to produce:
    //              [     1  dw_k -dw_j ]
    //     dr + I = [ -dw_k     1  dw_i ]
    //              [  dw_j -dw_i     1 ],
    // which we multiply with the current DCM to produce the updated DCM
    // directly.
    // It may be helpful to read the Wikipedia pages on cross products and
    // rotation representation.
    // ========================================================================
    dDCM[0][0] =       1;
    dDCM[0][1] =  wdt[2];
    dDCM[0][2] = -wdt[1];
    dDCM[1][0] = -wdt[2];
    dDCM[1][1] =       1;
    dDCM[1][2] =  wdt[0];
    dDCM[2][0] =  wdt[1];
    dDCM[2][1] = -wdt[0];
    dDCM[2][2] =       1;

    // Multiply the current DCM with the change in DCM and update.
    mProduct(dDCM, gyroDCM, gyroDCM);

    #ifdef ACC_WEIGHT
    trimDCM[0][0] =             1;
    trimDCM[0][1] =             0;
    trimDCM[0][2] = -trimAngle[1];
    trimDCM[1][0] =             0;
    trimDCM[1][1] =             1;
    trimDCM[1][2] =  trimAngle[0];
    trimDCM[2][0] =  trimAngle[1];
    trimDCM[2][1] = -trimAngle[0];
    trimDCM[2][2] =             1;

    // Rotate gyroDCM with trimDCM.
    mProduct(trimDCM, gyroDCM, bodyDCM);
    //orthonormalize(bodyDCM);   // TODO: This shouldn't be necessary.
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
            bodyDCM[i][j] = gyroDCM[i][j];
    #endif // ACC_WEIGHT