Exemple #1
    os_int32 taskid,
    char *executable_file,
    os_procContextData process_procContextData)
    os_int32 status = os_resultSuccess;
    os_procGlobalVar procGlobalVar;
    os_int32 index=0;

    /* delete context variable for the task */
    procGlobalVar = os_iterObject(process_procContextData->procGlobalVarList, index);
    while (procGlobalVar!= NULL){

      if (deleteTLSVar(taskid, (int *)procGlobalVar->procVarAddr) != OK) {
            OS_REPORT(OS_WARNING, "os_procDeleteTaskVar", 1,
                        "os_procDeleteTaskVar user failed with error %d (%s, %s)",
                        os_getErrno(), executable_file, process_procContextData->procName);
            status = os_resultInvalid;
            os_procSetExitStatus(process_procContextData, -1);
        procGlobalVar = os_iterObject(process_procContextData->procGlobalVarList, index);
    if (deleteTLSVar(taskid, (int *)&procContextData) != OK) {
        OS_REPORT(OS_WARNING, "os_procDeleteTaskVar", 1,
                    "os_procDeleteTaskVar failed with error %d (%s, %s)",
                    os_getErrno(), executable_file, process_procContextData->procName);
        status = os_resultInvalid;
        os_procSetExitStatus(process_procContextData, -1);
static idl_action
idl_moduleOpen (
    idl_scope scope,
    const char *name,
    void *userData)
    c_ulong streamsIndex, streamsCount;
    idl_action result;


    /* Test whether the module contains a component within the pragma streams.
     * If it does not, then the module should not be generated since it will
     * contain no items (which is itself illegal idl syntax).
     * Note that we are comparing against only the streams existing within this idl
     * file (idl_idlScopeStreamsList).  We do not use the result of idl_keyDefDefGet()
     * since this is a list of streams resulting from the preprocessed idl (which
     *  will include streams from other idl files that this may include).
    result = idl_abort;
    streamsCount = os_iterLength(idl_idlScopeStreamsList);
    if (streamsCount != 0) {
        idl_scope moduleScope;
        idl_scopeElement newElement;

        /* the idl_scope parameter to this function does not yet include the scoping
         * for this module itself, so create a duplicate and add this scoping to it,
         * before testing whether this module contains one of the streams in this file.
        moduleScope = idl_scopeDup(scope);
        newElement = idl_scopeElementNew(name, idl_tModule);
        idl_scopePush(moduleScope, newElement);

        /* Loop through the list of keys applying to this idl file and test whether
         * this particular module contains one of these keys.  If it does, generate
         * code for the module.
        for (streamsIndex = 0; (streamsIndex < streamsCount) && (result == idl_abort); streamsIndex++) {
            idl_scope streamsScope = os_iterObject(idl_idlScopeStreamsList, streamsIndex);
            if (idl_scopeSub(moduleScope, streamsScope)) {
                /* Scopes match */
                result = idl_explore;

    if (result == idl_explore) {
        idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "module %s {\n", idl_cxxId(name));
        idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "\n");
    return result;
Exemple #3
static idl_action
idl_moduleOpen (
    idl_scope scope,
    const char *name,
    void *userData)
    /* Test whether the module contains a component within the pragma keylist.
     * If it does not, then the module should not be generated since it will
     * contain no items (which is itself illegal idl syntax).
     * Note that we are comparing against only the keys existing within this idl
     * file (idl_idlScopeKeyList).  We do not use the result of idl_keyDefDefGet()
     * since this is a list of keys resulting from the preprocessed idl (which
     *  will include keys from other idl files that this may include).

    if (os_iterLength (idl_idlScopeKeyList) == 0) {
        return idl_abort;
    } else {
        c_long li = 0;
        c_bool scopesMatch = FALSE;
        idl_scope moduleScope;
        idl_scopeElement newElement;

        /* the idl_scope parameter to this function does not yet include the scoping
         * for this module itself, so create a duplicate and add this scoping to it,
         * before testing whether this module contains one of the keys in this file.
        moduleScope = idl_scopeDup(scope);
        newElement = idl_scopeElementNew (name, idl_tModule);
        idl_scopePush (moduleScope, newElement);

        /* Loop through the list of keys applying to this idl file and test whether
         * this particular module contains one of these keys.  If it does, generate
         * code for the module in the Dcps.idl file.
        while (li < os_iterLength (idl_idlScopeKeyList)) {
            idl_scope keyscope = os_iterObject (idl_idlScopeKeyList, li);
            scopesMatch = idl_scopeSub (moduleScope, keyscope);
            if (scopesMatch) {

        if (scopesMatch == FALSE) {
            return idl_abort;

    idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "module %s {\n", idl_cxxId(name));
    idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "\n");
    return idl_explore;
/* Generate string in the format "<old>:<new>;<old>:<new>". */
static os_char *
idl_packageRedirects (
    idl_packageRedirect redirect;
    os_uint32 count, total;
    os_size_t length;
    os_char *macro, *module, *package, *buffer;

    total = os_iterLength (idl_genJavaHelperPackageRedirects);
    length = 0;
    macro = NULL;
    for (count = 0; count < total; count++) {
        redirect = idl_packageRedirect(os_iterObject (
            idl_genJavaHelperPackageRedirects, count));
        assert (redirect != NULL);
        module = redirect->module;
        package = redirect->package;

        assert (package != NULL);
        if (module == NULL) {
            module = "";

        length += strlen (module) + strlen (package) + 3; /* ';' + ':' + '\0' */
        buffer = os_malloc (length);
        memset (buffer, '\0', length);
        if (macro != NULL) {
            (void)snprintf (buffer, length, "%s;%s:%s",macro, module, package);
            os_free (macro);
        } else {
            (void)snprintf (buffer, length, "%s:%s", module, package);
        macro = buffer;

    if (macro == NULL) {
        macro = os_strdup ("null");
    } else {
        length = strlen (macro) + 3; /* '"' + '"' */
        buffer = os_malloc (length);
        (void)snprintf (buffer, length, "\"%s\"", macro);
        os_free (macro);
        macro = buffer;

    return macro;
Exemple #5
/* Build a textual presentation of the provided scope stack taking the
 * Java keyword identifier translation into account. Further the function
 * equals "idl_scopeStack".
c_char *
idl_scopeStackJava (
    idl_scope scope,
    const char *scopeSepp,
    const char *name)
    c_long si;
    c_long sz;
    c_char *scopeStack = NULL;
    c_char *Id;
    os_char *substitute;
    os_char *module, *package;
    os_uint32 cnt, rlen;
    idl_packageRedirect redirect;

    assert (scopeSepp != NULL);
    scopeStack = os_strdup ("");

    for (si = 0, sz = idl_scopeStackSize(scope); si < sz; si++) {
        size_t slen;

        /* Translate the scope name to a C identifier */
        Id = idl_javaId(idl_scopeJavaElementName(idl_scopeIndexed(scope, si)));
        /* allocate space for the current scope stack + the separator
         *and the next scope name
        /* QAC EXPECT 5007; will not use wrapper */
        slen = strlen (scopeStack) + strlen (scopeSepp) + strlen (Id);
        scopeStack = os_realloc(scopeStack, slen + 1);
        /* Concatenate the separator */
        /* QAC EXPECT 5007; will not use wrapper */
        if (strlen(scopeStack)) {
            os_strcat(scopeStack, scopeSepp);
        /* Concatenate the scope name */
        /* QAC EXPECT 5007; will not use wrapper */
        os_strcat (scopeStack, Id);

    /* idl_genJavaHelperPackageRedirects must be sorted */
    substitute = scopeStack;
    rlen = os_iterLength (idl_genJavaHelperPackageRedirects);
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < rlen && substitute == scopeStack; cnt++) {
        redirect = idl_packageRedirect (
            os_iterObject (idl_genJavaHelperPackageRedirects, cnt));
        assert (redirect != NULL);

        package = os_str_replace (redirect->package, ".", scopeSepp, 0);
        if (package != NULL) {
            if (redirect->module != NULL) {
                module = os_str_replace (redirect->module, ".", scopeSepp, 0);
                if (module == NULL) {
                    substitute = NULL;
                } else {
                    substitute = os_str_word_replace (
                        scopeStack, scopeSepp, module, package, 1);

                    if (module != redirect->module) {
                        os_free (module);
            } else {
                substitute = os_malloc (
                    strlen (package) +
                    strlen (scopeSepp) +
                    strlen (scopeStack) +
                    1 /* '\0' */);
                if (substitute != NULL) {
                    (void)strcpy (substitute, package);
                    if (strlen (scopeStack)) {
                        (void)os_strcat (substitute, scopeSepp);
                        (void)os_strcat (substitute, scopeStack);

            if (package != redirect->package) {
                os_free (package);

    if (substitute != scopeStack) {
        os_free (scopeStack);
        scopeStack = substitute;

    if (name) {
        /* A user identifier is specified */
        /* Translate the user identifier to a Java identifier */
        Id = idl_javaId(name);
        /* allocate space for the current scope stack + the separator
         * and the user identifier
        /* QAC EXPECT 5007; will not use wrapper */
        scopeStack = os_realloc(scopeStack, strlen(scopeStack)+strlen(scopeSepp)+strlen(Id)+1);
        /* Concatenate the separator */
        /* QAC EXPECT 5007; will not use wrapper */
        if (strlen(scopeStack)) {
            os_strcat(scopeStack, scopeSepp);
        /* Concatenate the user identifier */
        /* QAC EXPECT 5007; will not use wrapper */
        os_strcat (scopeStack, Id);

    /* return the scope stack representation */
    return scopeStack;
Exemple #6
/** @brief callback function called on definition of a union case in the IDL input file.
 * Generate code for the following IDL construct:
 * @verbatim
        union <union-name> switch(<switch-type>) {
            case label1.1; .. case label1.n;
   =>           <union-case-1>;
            case label2.1; .. case label2.n;
   =>           ...        ...
            case labeln.1; .. case labeln.n;
   =>           <union-case-n>;
   =>           <union-case-m>;
 * @param scope Current scope (the union the union case is defined in)
 * @param name Name of the union case
 * @param typeSpec Specifies the type of the union case
static void
    idl_scope scope,
    const char *name,
    idl_typeSpec typeSpec,
    void *userData)
    char *labelImage;
    long nrElements, i;

    /* store type-name and field-name in iterator (append) */
    idl_mapAdd(map, idl_javaId(name), typeSpec);

    /* Obtain name of first label and total number of labels. */
    nrElements = os_iterLength(labelIter);
    labelImage = os_iterObject(labelIter, 0);

    /* Save the 1st case label for usage with the default constructor. */
    if (!union1stCaseValue) {
        union1stCaseValue = os_iterObject(labelIter, 0);

        "    private %s __%s;\n\n",
        "    public %s %s ()\n",
        idl_unionCaseTypeFromTypeSpec (typeSpec),
    idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "    {\n");
    if (caseIsDefault == FALSE) {
        idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "        if (_d != %s", labelImage);
        for (i = 1; i < nrElements; i++) {
            labelImage = os_iterObject(labelIter, i);
            idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), " &&\n            _d != %s", labelImage);
        idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), ") {\n");
        idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "            throw Utilities.createException(Utilities.EXCEPTION_TYPE_BAD_OPERATION, null);\n");
        idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "        }\n");
    } else {
        if(os_iterLength(labelsUsedIter)) {
            labelImage = os_iterObject(labelsUsedIter, 0);
            idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "        if (_d == %s", labelImage);
                nrElements = os_iterLength(labelsUsedIter);
            for (i = 1; i < nrElements; i++) {
            labelImage = os_iterObject(labelsUsedIter, i);
                idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), " ||\n            _d == %s", labelImage);
            idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), ") {\n");
            idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "            throw Utilities.createException(Utilities.EXCEPTION_TYPE_BAD_OPERATION, null);\n");
            idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "        }\n");
    idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "        return __%s;\n", idl_javaId(name));
    idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "    }\n\n");
        "    public void %s (%s val)\n",
    idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "    {\n");
    idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "        __%s = val;\n",
    labelImage = os_iterObject(labelIter, 0);
    if (labelImage) {
        idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "        _d = (%s)%s;\n", unionSwitchType, labelImage);
    } else {
/*      Theoretically this branch should never be reached: also the code
        underneath doesn't make any sense. That's why an assert has
        now been substituted.

        labelImage = os_iterObject(labelsUsedIter, 0);
        idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "        _d = (%s)%s;\n", unionSwitchType, labelImage);
    idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "    }\n\n");
        "    public void %s (%s d, %s val)\n",
        idl_unionCaseTypeFromTypeSpec (typeSpec));
    idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "    {\n");
    if (caseIsDefault == FALSE) {
        labelImage = os_iterTakeFirst(labelIter);
        idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "        if (d != (%s)%s", unionSwitchType, labelImage);
        labelImage = os_iterTakeFirst(labelIter);
        while (labelImage) {
            idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), " &&\n            d != (%s)%s", unionSwitchType, labelImage);
            labelImage = os_iterTakeFirst (labelIter);
        idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), ") {\n");
        idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "            throw Utilities.createException(Utilities.EXCEPTION_TYPE_BAD_OPERATION, null);\n");
        idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "        }\n");
    } else {
        if(os_iterLength(labelsUsedIter)) {
            labelImage = os_iterTakeFirst(labelsUsedIter);
            idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "        if (d == (%s)%s", unionSwitchType, labelImage);
            labelImage = os_iterTakeFirst(labelsUsedIter);
            while (labelImage) {
                idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), " ||\n            d == (%s)%s", unionSwitchType, labelImage);
                labelImage = os_iterTakeFirst(labelsUsedIter);
            idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), ") {\n");
            idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "            throw Utilities.createException(Utilities.EXCEPTION_TYPE_BAD_OPERATION, null);\n");
            idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "        }\n");
    idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "        __%s = val;\n", idl_javaId(name));
    idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "        _d = d;\n");
    idl_fileOutPrintf(idl_fileCur(), "    }\n\n");