void otr_smp_secret(const char *const recipient, const char *secret) { ConnContext *context = otrlib_context_find(user_state, recipient, jid); if (context == NULL) { return; } if (context->msgstate != OTRL_MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED) { return; } // if recipient initiated SMP, send response, else initialise ProfChatWin *chatwin = wins_get_chat(recipient); if (g_hash_table_contains(smp_initiators, recipient)) { otrl_message_respond_smp(user_state, &ops, NULL, context, (const unsigned char*)secret, strlen(secret)); if (chatwin) { chatwin_otr_smp_event(chatwin, PROF_OTR_SMP_AUTH, NULL); } g_hash_table_remove(smp_initiators, context->username); } else { otrl_message_initiate_smp(user_state, &ops, NULL, context, (const unsigned char*)secret, strlen(secret)); if (chatwin) { chatwin_otr_smp_event(chatwin, PROF_OTR_SMP_AUTH_WAIT, NULL); } } }
gboolean otr_is_trusted(const char *const recipient) { ConnContext *context = otrlib_context_find(user_state, recipient, jid); if (context == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (context->msgstate != OTRL_MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED) { return TRUE; } if (context->active_fingerprint) { if (context->active_fingerprint->trust == NULL) { return FALSE; } else if (context->active_fingerprint->trust[0] == '\0') { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
static char * _otr_decrypt_message(const char * const from, const char * const message, gboolean *was_decrypted) { char *decrypted = NULL; OtrlTLV *tlvs = NULL; OtrlTLV *tlv = NULL; int result = otrlib_decrypt_message(user_state, &ops, jid, from, message, &decrypted, &tlvs); // internal libotr message if (result == 1) { tlv = otrl_tlv_find(tlvs, OTRL_TLV_DISCONNECTED); if (tlv) { ConnContext *context = otrlib_context_find(user_state, from, jid); if (context != NULL) { otrl_context_force_plaintext(context); ui_gone_insecure(from); } } return NULL; // message was decrypted, return to user } else if (decrypted != NULL) { *was_decrypted = TRUE; return decrypted; // normal non OTR message } else { *was_decrypted = FALSE; return strdup(message); } }
char* otr_get_their_fingerprint(const char *const recipient) { ConnContext *context = otrlib_context_find(user_state, recipient, jid); if (context) { Fingerprint *fingerprint = context->active_fingerprint; char readable[45]; otrl_privkey_hash_to_human(readable, fingerprint->fingerprint); return strdup(readable); } else { return NULL; } }
gboolean otr_is_secure(const char *const recipient) { ConnContext *context = otrlib_context_find(user_state, recipient, jid); if (context == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (context->msgstate != OTRL_MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } }
void otr_smp_answer(const char *const recipient, const char *answer) { ConnContext *context = otrlib_context_find(user_state, recipient, jid); if (context == NULL) { return; } if (context->msgstate != OTRL_MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED) { return; } // if recipient initiated SMP, send response, else initialise otrl_message_respond_smp(user_state, &ops, NULL, context, (const unsigned char*)answer, strlen(answer)); }
static void _otr_smp_question(const char * const recipient, const char *question, const char *answer) { ConnContext *context = otrlib_context_find(user_state, recipient, jid); if (context == NULL) { return; } if (context->msgstate != OTRL_MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED) { return; } otrl_message_initiate_smp_q(user_state, &ops, NULL, context, question, (const unsigned char*)answer, strlen(answer)); ui_otr_authetication_waiting(recipient); }
char* otr_decrypt_message(const char *const from, const char *const message, gboolean *decrypted) { char *newmessage = NULL; OtrlTLV *tlvs = NULL; int result = otrlib_decrypt_message(user_state, &ops, jid, from, message, &newmessage, &tlvs); // internal libotr message if (result == 1) { ConnContext *context = otrlib_context_find(user_state, from, jid); // common tlv handling OtrlTLV *tlv = otrl_tlv_find(tlvs, OTRL_TLV_DISCONNECTED); if (tlv) { if (context) { otrl_context_force_plaintext(context); ProfChatWin *chatwin = wins_get_chat(from); if (chatwin) { chatwin_otr_unsecured(chatwin); } } } // library version specific tlv handling otrlib_handle_tlvs(user_state, &ops, context, tlvs, smp_initiators); _otr_tlv_free(tlvs); return NULL; // message was processed, return to user } else if (newmessage) { _otr_tlv_free(tlvs); if (g_str_has_prefix(message, "?OTR:")) { *decrypted = TRUE; } return newmessage; // normal non OTR message } else { _otr_tlv_free(tlvs); *decrypted = FALSE; return strdup(message); } }
void otr_smp_question(const char *const recipient, const char *question, const char *answer) { ConnContext *context = otrlib_context_find(user_state, recipient, jid); if (context == NULL) { return; } if (context->msgstate != OTRL_MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED) { return; } otrl_message_initiate_smp_q(user_state, &ops, NULL, context, question, (const unsigned char*)answer, strlen(answer)); ProfChatWin *chatwin = wins_get_chat(recipient); if (chatwin) { chatwin_otr_smp_event(chatwin, PROF_OTR_SMP_AUTH_WAIT, NULL); } }
static void _otr_untrust(const char * const recipient) { ConnContext *context = otrlib_context_find(user_state, recipient, jid); if (context == NULL) { return; } if (context->msgstate != OTRL_MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED) { return; } if (context->active_fingerprint) { context->active_fingerprint->trust = NULL; cb_write_fingerprints(NULL); } return; }
static gboolean _otr_is_trusted(const char * const recipient) { ConnContext *context = otrlib_context_find(user_state, recipient, jid); if (context == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (context->msgstate != OTRL_MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED) { return TRUE; } if (context->active_fingerprint && g_strcmp0(context->active_fingerprint->trust, "trusted") == 0) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
char * otr_decrypt_message(const char * const from, const char * const message, gboolean *was_decrypted) { char *decrypted = NULL; OtrlTLV *tlvs = NULL; int result = otrlib_decrypt_message(user_state, &ops, jid, from, message, &decrypted, &tlvs); // internal libotr message if (result == 1) { ConnContext *context = otrlib_context_find(user_state, from, jid); // common tlv handling OtrlTLV *tlv = otrl_tlv_find(tlvs, OTRL_TLV_DISCONNECTED); if (tlv) { if (context) { otrl_context_force_plaintext(context); ui_gone_insecure(from); } } // library version specific tlv handling otrlib_handle_tlvs(user_state, &ops, context, tlvs, smp_initiators); return NULL; // message was decrypted, return to user } else if (decrypted) { *was_decrypted = TRUE; return decrypted; // normal non OTR message } else { *was_decrypted = FALSE; return strdup(message); } }
void otr_trust(const char *const recipient) { ConnContext *context = otrlib_context_find(user_state, recipient, jid); if (context == NULL) { return; } if (context->msgstate != OTRL_MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED) { return; } if (context->active_fingerprint) { if (context->active_fingerprint->trust) { free(context->active_fingerprint->trust); } context->active_fingerprint->trust = strdup("trusted"); cb_write_fingerprints(NULL); } return; }
static void _otr_smp_secret(const char * const recipient, const char *secret) { ConnContext *context = otrlib_context_find(user_state, recipient, jid); if (context == NULL) { return; } if (context->msgstate != OTRL_MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED) { return; } // if recipient initiated SMP, send response, else initialise if (g_hash_table_contains(smp_initiators, recipient)) { otrl_message_respond_smp(user_state, &ops, NULL, context, (const unsigned char*)secret, strlen(secret)); ui_otr_authenticating(recipient); g_hash_table_remove(smp_initiators, context->username); } else { otrl_message_initiate_smp(user_state, &ops, NULL, context, (const unsigned char*)secret, strlen(secret)); ui_otr_authetication_waiting(recipient); } }