Exemple #1
//this function is mainly there for debugging
bool QgsRelief::exportFrequencyDistributionToCsv( const QString& file )
  int nCellsX, nCellsY;
  GDALDatasetH inputDataset = openInputFile( nCellsX, nCellsY );
  if ( inputDataset == NULL )
    return false;

  //open first raster band for reading (elevation raster is always single band)
  GDALRasterBandH elevationBand = GDALGetRasterBand( inputDataset, 1 );
  if ( elevationBand == NULL )
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    return false;

  //1. get minimum and maximum of elevation raster -> 252 elevation classes
  int minOk, maxOk;
  double minMax[2];
  minMax[0] = GDALGetRasterMinimum( elevationBand, &minOk );
  minMax[1] = GDALGetRasterMaximum( elevationBand, &maxOk );

  if ( !minOk || !maxOk )
    GDALComputeRasterMinMax( elevationBand, true, minMax );

  //2. go through raster cells and get frequency of classes

  //store elevation frequency in 256 elevation classes
  double frequency[252];
  double frequencyClassRange = ( minMax[1] - minMax[0] ) / 252.0;
  //initialize to zero
  for ( int i = 0; i < 252; ++i )
    frequency[i] = 0;

  float* scanLine = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) *  nCellsX );
  int elevationClass = -1;

  for ( int i = 0; i < nCellsY; ++i )
    GDALRasterIO( elevationBand, GF_Read, 0, i, nCellsX, 1,
                  scanLine, nCellsX, 1, GDT_Float32,
                  0, 0 );
    for ( int j = 0; j < nCellsX; ++j )
      elevationClass = frequencyClassForElevation( scanLine[j], minMax[0], frequencyClassRange );
      if ( elevationClass >= 0 )
        frequency[elevationClass] += 1.0;

  CPLFree( scanLine );

  //log10 transformation for all frequency values
  for ( int i = 0; i < 252; ++i )
    frequency[i] = log10( frequency[i] );

  //write out frequency values to csv file for debugging
  QFile outFile( file );
  if ( !outFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
    return false;

  QTextStream outstream( &outFile );
  for ( int i = 0; i < 252; ++i )
    outstream << QString::number( i ) + ',' + QString::number( frequency[i] ) << endl;
  return true;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    if (argc == 1)
    else {
        if (!ReadParameter(argc, argv)) {
            std::cerr << "Bad Parameters.\n";
            return 1;
        if (compress) {
            // Compress
            db_compress::Compressor compressor(outputFileName, schema, config);
            int iter_cnt = 0;
            while (1) {
                std::cout << "Iteration " << ++iter_cnt << " Starts\n";
                std::ifstream inFile(inputFileName);
                std::string str;
                int tuple_cnt = 0;
                while (std::getline(inFile,str)) {
                    std::stringstream sstream(str);
                    std::string item;
                    db_compress::Tuple tuple(schema.attr_type.size());

                    size_t count = 0;
                    while (std::getline(sstream, item, ',')) {
                        AppendAttr(&tuple, item, attr_type[count], count);
                        ++ count;
                    // The last item might be empty string
                    if (str[str.length() - 1] == ',') {
                        AppendAttr(&tuple, "", attr_type[count], count);
                        ++ count;
                    if (count != attr_type.size()) {
                        std::cerr << "File Format Error!\n";
                    if (!compressor.RequireFullPass() && 
                        ++ tuple_cnt >= NonFullPassStopPoint) {
                if (!compressor.RequireMoreIterations()) 
        } else {
            // Decompress
            db_compress::Decompressor decompressor(inputFileName, schema);
            std::ofstream outFile(outputFileName);
            while (decompressor.HasNext()) {
                db_compress::Tuple tuple(attr_type.size());
                for (size_t i = 0; i < attr_type.size(); ++i) {
                    std::string str = ExtractAttr(tuple, attr_type[i], i);
                    outFile << str << (i == attr_type.size() - 1 ? '\n' : ',');
    return 0;
Exemple #3
int createSimplePoem(const std::string inFileName)
  if(!checkOutputTxtFile(inFileName)) return -1;

  std::ifstream inFile(inFileName);
  std::string str;
  std::vector<std::string>* strVect_p = new std::vector<std::string>;

  while(std::getline(inFile, str)){

  std::random_shuffle(strVect_p->begin(), strVect_p->end(), myrandom);

  std::vector<std::string>* poemVect_p = new std::vector<std::string>;
  bool outOfMatches = false;
  while((int)poemVect_p->size() < 10){

    int strSize = (int)strVect_p->size();
    bool isMatch = false;
    for(int iter = 0; iter < strSize-1; iter++){
      std::string sentence1 = strVect_p->at(iter);
      std::vector<std::string>* words1_p = new std::vector<std::string>;

      getWordsFromSentence(sentence1, words1_p);

      for(int iter2 = 1; iter2 < strSize; iter2++){
	std::string sentence2 = strVect_p->at(iter2);
	std::vector<std::string>* words2_p = new std::vector<std::string>;

	getWordsFromSentence(sentence2, words2_p);

	for(int wordIter1 = 0; wordIter1 < (int)words1_p->size(); wordIter1++){
	  std::string word1 = words1_p->at(wordIter1);

	  for(int wordIter2 = 0; wordIter2 < (int)words2_p->size(); wordIter2++){
	    std::string word2 = words2_p->at(wordIter2);

	    if(word1.find(word2) != std::string::npos || word2.find(word1) != std::string::npos){
	      isMatch = true;
	  if(isMatch) break;


	else if(iter == strSize - 2) outOfMatches = true;

	delete words2_p;

	if(isMatch) break;

      delete words1_p;

      if(isMatch) break;
    if(outOfMatches) break;

  std::string outFileName = inFileName;
  outFileName.replace(outFileName.find(".txt"), 4, "");
  outFileName = outFileName + "_SimplePoem.txt";

  std::ofstream outFile(outFileName);
  for(int iter = 0; iter < (int)poemVect_p->size(); iter++){
    outFile << poemVect_p->at(iter) << std::endl;

  delete poemVect_p;

  delete strVect_p;

  return 0;
int main()
	std::ofstream outFile("fstreamtest.out", std::ios::out);
	outFile <<  "output data from fstreamtest" ;
	for(unsigned char a = 0; a < 255 ; ++a){
		outFile << a;

	std::ifstream inFile;
	inFile.open("fstreamtest.out", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );
	char a;
	unsigned char b;
	for(int i = 0 ; i < 28; ++i){
		inFile >> a;
	while (!inFile.eof()){
		std::cout << "Read in character: " << (unsigned int)(unsigned char)a << " " << a << std::endl;


	outFile.open("fstreamtest2.out", std::ios::out);
	outFile.write("abcd", 4);
	outFile.write("fghi", 4);

	inFile.open("fstreamtest2.out", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);

	inFile >> a;
	if (a != 'a'){
		std::cout << "Error reading character a, was instead: " << a << std::endl;
	inFile >> a;
	if (a != 'b'){
		std::cout << "Error reading character b, was instead: " << a << std::endl;
	inFile >> a;
	if (a != 'c'){
		std::cout << "Error reading character c, was instead: " << a << std::endl;
	inFile >> a;
	if (a != 'd'){
		std::cout << "Error reading character d, was instead: " << a << std::endl;
	inFile >> a;
	if (a != 'e'){
		std::cout << "Error reading character e, was instead: " << a << std::endl;
	inFile >> a;
	if (a != 'f'){
		std::cout << "Error reading character f, was instead: " << a << std::endl;
	inFile >> a;
	if (a != 'g'){
		std::cout << "Error reading character g, was instead: " << a << std::endl;
	inFile >> a;
	if (a != 'h'){
		std::cout << "Error reading character h, was instead: " << a << std::endl;
	inFile >> a;
	if (a != 'i'){
		std::cout << "Error reading character i, was instead: " << a << std::endl;

	std::cout << "Now reading other input file to see what wonderful goodness we can discover" << std::endl;

	inFile.open("fstreamtest.input", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );
	inFile.read(&a, 1);
	b = a;
	if(correctValue(27) != b){
		std::cout << "Read in invalid value.  Read in " << (int)b << ", expected " << (int)correctValue(27) << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Character 27 read in correctly\n";

	std::cout << "The following two lines should be identical\n";
	std::cout << "Current position: 28\n";
	std::cout << "Current position: " << inFile.tellg() << std::endl;

	inFile.seekg(1, std::ios::cur);
	inFile.read(&a, 1);
	b = a;
	if(correctValue(29) != b){
		std::cout << "Read in invalid value.  Read in " << (int)b << ", expected " << (int)correctValue(29) << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Character 29 read in correctly\n";

	std::cout << "The following two lines should be identical\n";
	std::cout << "Current position: 30\n";
	std::cout << "Current position: " << inFile.tellg() << std::endl;

	return 0;
void testEcalClusterToolsFWLite() {
  std::cout <<"opening file"<<std::endl;
  TFile *file=TFile::Open("rfio:///castor/cern.ch/cms/store/user/meridian/meridian/SingleGammaPt35_DSZS_V1/SingleGammaPt35_DSZS_V1/00b02d884670d693cb397a1e0af88088/SingleGammaPt35_cfi_py_GEN_SIM_DIGI_L1_DIGI2RAW_RAW2DIGI_RECO_1.root");
  TH1F iEtaiEtaEB("iEtaiEtaEB","iEtaiEtaEB",100,0.,0.03); 
  TH1F iEtaiPhiEB("iEtaiPhiEB","iEtaiPhiEB",100,0.,0.03); 
  TH1F iPhiiPhiEB("iPhiiPhiEB","iPhiiPhiEB",100,0.,0.03); 

  TH1F iEtaiEtaEE("iEtaiEtaEE","iEtaiEtaEE",100,0.,0.03); 
  TH1F iEtaiPhiEE("iEtaiPhiEE","iEtaiPhiEE",100,0.,0.03); 
  TH1F iPhiiPhiEE("iPhiiPhiEE","iPhiiPhiEE",100,0.,0.03); 

  fwlite::Event ev(file);

  CaloTopology *topology=new CaloTopology();
  EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology* ebTopology=new EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology();
  EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology* eeTopology=new EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology();

  for( ev.toBegin();
       ! ev.atEnd();
       ++ev) {

    fwlite::Handle<reco::BasicClusterCollection > pEBClusters;
    const reco::BasicClusterCollection *ebClusters = pEBClusters.ptr();

    fwlite::Handle<reco::BasicClusterCollection > pEEClusters;
    const reco::BasicClusterCollection *eeClusters = pEEClusters.ptr();

    fwlite::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > pEBRecHits;
    pEBRecHits.getByLabel( ev, "reducedEcalRecHitsEB","");
    const EcalRecHitCollection *ebRecHits = pEBRecHits.ptr();

    fwlite::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > pEERecHits;
    pEERecHits.getByLabel( ev, "reducedEcalRecHitsEE","");
    const EcalRecHitCollection *eeRecHits = pEERecHits.ptr();

    std::cout << "========== BARREL ==========" << std::endl;
    for (reco::BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator it = ebClusters->begin(); it != ebClusters->end(); ++it ) {
      std::cout << "----- new cluster -----" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "----------------- size: " << (*it).size() << " energy: " << (*it).energy() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "e1x3..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e1x3( *it, ebRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e3x1..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e3x1( *it, ebRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e1x5..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e1x5( *it, ebRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      //std::cout << "e5x1..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e5x1( *it, ebRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e2x2..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e2x2( *it, ebRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e3x3..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e3x3( *it, ebRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e4x4..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e4x4( *it, ebRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e5x5..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e5x5( *it, ebRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e2x5Right................ " << EcalClusterTools::e2x5Right( *it, ebRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e2x5Left................. " << EcalClusterTools::e2x5Left( *it, ebRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e2x5Top.................. " << EcalClusterTools::e2x5Top( *it, ebRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e2x5Bottom............... " << EcalClusterTools::e2x5Bottom( *it, ebRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e2x5Max.................. " << EcalClusterTools::e2x5Max( *it, ebRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "eMax..................... " << EcalClusterTools::eMax( *it, ebRecHits ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e2nd..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e2nd( *it, ebRecHits ) << std::endl;
      std::vector<float> vEta = EcalClusterTools::energyBasketFractionEta( *it, ebRecHits );
      std::cout << "energyBasketFractionEta..";
      for (size_t i = 0; i < vEta.size(); ++i ) {
	std::cout << " " << vEta[i];
      std::cout << std::endl;
      std::vector<float> vPhi = EcalClusterTools::energyBasketFractionPhi( *it, ebRecHits );
      std::cout << "energyBasketFractionPhi..";
      for (size_t i = 0; i < vPhi.size(); ++i ) {
	std::cout << " " << vPhi[i];
      std::cout << std::endl;
      std::vector<float> vLocCov = EcalClusterTools::localCovariances( *it, ebRecHits, topology );
      std::cout << "local covariances........ " << vLocCov[0] << " " << vLocCov[1] << " " << vLocCov[2] << std::endl;
      if ((*it).energy() < 10) 

    std::cout << "========== ENDCAPS ==========" << std::endl;
    for (reco::BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator it = eeClusters->begin(); it != eeClusters->end(); ++it ) {
      std::cout << "----- new cluster -----" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "----------------- size: " << (*it).size() << " energy: " << (*it).energy() << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e1x3..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e1x3( *it, eeRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e3x1..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e3x1( *it, eeRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e1x5..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e1x5( *it, eeRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      //std::cout << "e5x1..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e5x1( *it, eeRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e2x2..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e2x2( *it, eeRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e3x3..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e3x3( *it, eeRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e4x4..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e4x4( *it, eeRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e5x5..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e5x5( *it, eeRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e2x5Right................ " << EcalClusterTools::e2x5Right( *it, eeRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e2x5Left................. " << EcalClusterTools::e2x5Left( *it, eeRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e2x5Top.................. " << EcalClusterTools::e2x5Top( *it, eeRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e2x5Bottom............... " << EcalClusterTools::e2x5Bottom( *it, eeRecHits, topology ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "eMax..................... " << EcalClusterTools::eMax( *it, eeRecHits ) << std::endl;
      std::cout << "e2nd..................... " << EcalClusterTools::e2nd( *it, eeRecHits ) << std::endl;
      std::vector<float> vLocCov = EcalClusterTools::localCovariances( *it, eeRecHits, topology );
      std::cout << "local covariances........ " << vLocCov[0] << " " << vLocCov[1] << " " << vLocCov[2] << std::endl;
      if ((*it).energy() < 10) 



  //Writing OutFile
  TFile outFile("locCov.root","RECREATE");

  delete topology;
Exemple #6
int ExportOGG::Export(AudacityProject *project,
                       int numChannels,
                       wxString fName,
                       bool selectionOnly,
                       double t0,
                       double t1,
                       MixerSpec *mixerSpec,
                       Tags *metadata,
                       int WXUNUSED(subformat))
   double    rate    = project->GetRate();
   TrackList *tracks = project->GetTracks();
   double    quality = (gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/OggExportQuality"), 50)/(float)100.0);

   wxLogNull logNo;            // temporarily disable wxWidgets error messages
   int updateResult = eProgressSuccess;
   int       eos = 0;

   FileIO outFile(fName, FileIO::Output);

   if (!outFile.IsOpened()) {
      wxMessageBox(_("Unable to open target file for writing"));
      return false;

   // All the Ogg and Vorbis encoding data
   ogg_stream_state stream;
   ogg_page         page;
   ogg_packet       packet;

   vorbis_info      info;
   vorbis_comment   comment;
   vorbis_dsp_state dsp;
   vorbis_block     block;

   // Encoding setup
   vorbis_encode_init_vbr(&info, numChannels, int(rate + 0.5), quality);

   // Retrieve tags
   if (!FillComment(project, &comment, metadata)) {
      return false;

   // Set up analysis state and auxiliary encoding storage
   vorbis_analysis_init(&dsp, &info);
   vorbis_block_init(&dsp, &block);

   // Set up packet->stream encoder.  According to encoder example,
   // a random serial number makes it more likely that you can make
   // chained streams with concatenation.
   ogg_stream_init(&stream, rand());

   // First we need to write the required headers:
   //    1. The Ogg bitstream header, which contains codec setup params
   //    2. The Vorbis comment header
   //    3. The bitstream codebook.
   // After we create those our responsibility is complete, libvorbis will
   // take care of any other ogg bistream constraints (again, according
   // to the example encoder source)
   ogg_packet bitstream_header;
   ogg_packet comment_header;
   ogg_packet codebook_header;

   vorbis_analysis_headerout(&dsp, &comment, &bitstream_header, &comment_header,

   // Place these headers into the stream
   ogg_stream_packetin(&stream, &bitstream_header);
   ogg_stream_packetin(&stream, &comment_header);
   ogg_stream_packetin(&stream, &codebook_header);

   // Flushing these headers now guarentees that audio data will
   // start on a new page, which apparently makes streaming easier
   while (ogg_stream_flush(&stream, &page)) {
      outFile.Write(page.header, page.header_len);
      outFile.Write(page.body, page.body_len);

   int numWaveTracks;
   WaveTrack **waveTracks;
   tracks->GetWaveTracks(selectionOnly, &numWaveTracks, &waveTracks);
   Mixer *mixer = CreateMixer(numWaveTracks, waveTracks,
                            t0, t1,
                            numChannels, SAMPLES_PER_RUN, false,
                            rate, floatSample, true, mixerSpec);
   delete [] waveTracks;

   ProgressDialog *progress = new ProgressDialog(wxFileName(fName).GetName(),
      selectionOnly ?
      _("Exporting the selected audio as Ogg Vorbis") :
      _("Exporting the entire project as Ogg Vorbis"));

   while (updateResult == eProgressSuccess && !eos) {
      float **vorbis_buffer = vorbis_analysis_buffer(&dsp, SAMPLES_PER_RUN);
      sampleCount samplesThisRun = mixer->Process(SAMPLES_PER_RUN);

      if (samplesThisRun == 0) {
         // Tell the library that we wrote 0 bytes - signalling the end.
         vorbis_analysis_wrote(&dsp, 0);
      else {

         for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) {
            float *temp = (float *)mixer->GetBuffer(i);
            memcpy(vorbis_buffer[i], temp, sizeof(float)*SAMPLES_PER_RUN);

         // tell the encoder how many samples we have
         vorbis_analysis_wrote(&dsp, samplesThisRun);

      // I don't understand what this call does, so here is the comment
      // from the example, verbatim:
      //    vorbis does some data preanalysis, then divvies up blocks
      //    for more involved (potentially parallel) processing. Get
      //    a single block for encoding now
      while (vorbis_analysis_blockout(&dsp, &block) == 1) {

         // analysis, assume we want to use bitrate management
         vorbis_analysis(&block, NULL);

         while (vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket(&dsp, &packet)) {

            // add the packet to the bitstream
            ogg_stream_packetin(&stream, &packet);

            // From vorbis-tools-1.0/oggenc/encode.c:
            //   If we've gone over a page boundary, we can do actual output,
            //   so do so (for however many pages are available).

            while (!eos) {
               int result = ogg_stream_pageout(&stream, &page);
               if (!result) {

               outFile.Write(page.header, page.header_len);
               outFile.Write(page.body, page.body_len);

               if (ogg_page_eos(&page)) {
                  eos = 1;

      updateResult = progress->Update(mixer->MixGetCurrentTime()-t0, t1-t0);

   delete progress;;

   delete mixer;




   return updateResult;
int main(int ac, char** av){
	if(ac < 2){
		std::cout << "usage: ./signalAcceptance inputFile[s]" << std::endl;
		return -1;
	TH1F* allCategory = new TH1F("allCategory","all Category",19,0.5,19.5);
	allCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3,"1 lepton");
	allCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4,"2 leptons");
	allCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6,"1 e");
	allCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7,"2 e");
	allCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(8,"1 #mu");
	allCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(9,"2 #mu");
	allCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(10,"1 e 1 #mu");
	allCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(11,"1 e, 3 jets");
	allCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(12,"1 e, 3 jets 1 b");
	allCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(13,"1 e, 3 jets 1 b, MET");
	allCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(14,"1 e, 3 jets 1 b, MET, 1 pho");
	allCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(16,"1 #mu, 3 jets");
	allCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(17,"1 #mu, 3 jets 1 b");
	allCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(18,"1 #mu, 3 jets 1 b, MET");
	allCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(19,"1 #mu, 3 jets 1 b, MET, 1 pho");

	TH1F* preselCategory = new TH1F("preselCategory","presel Category",19,0.5,19.5);
	preselCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3,"1 lepton");
	preselCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4,"2 leptons");
	preselCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6,"1 e");
	preselCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7,"2 e");
	preselCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(8,"1 #mu");
	preselCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(9,"2 #mu");
	preselCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(10,"1 e 1 #mu");
	preselCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(11,"1 e, 3 jets");
	preselCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(12,"1 e, 3 jets 1 b");
	preselCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(13,"1 e, 3 jets 1 b, MET");
	preselCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(14,"1 e, 3 jets 1 b, MET, 1 pho");
	preselCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(16,"1 #mu, 3 jets");
	preselCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(17,"1 #mu, 3 jets 1 b");
	preselCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(18,"1 #mu, 3 jets 1 b, MET");
	preselCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(19,"1 #mu, 3 jets 1 b, MET, 1 pho");

	TH1F* photonCategory = new TH1F("photonCategory","reco photon Category",19,0.5,19.5);
	photonCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3,"1 lepton");
	photonCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4,"2 leptons");
	photonCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6,"1 e");
	photonCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7,"2 e");
	photonCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(8,"1 #mu");
	photonCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(9,"2 #mu");
	photonCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(10,"1 e 1 #mu");
	photonCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(11,"1 e, 3 jets");
	photonCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(12,"1 e, 3 jets 1 b");
	photonCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(13,"1 e, 3 jets 1 b, MET");
	photonCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(14,"1 e, 3 jets 1 b, MET, 1 pho");
	photonCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(16,"1 #mu, 3 jets");
	photonCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(17,"1 #mu, 3 jets 1 b");
	photonCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(18,"1 #mu, 3 jets 1 b, MET");
	photonCategory->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(19,"1 #mu, 3 jets 1 b, MET, 1 pho");
	TH1F* VisAllCategory = new TH1F("VisAllCategory","all Category, Vis",15,0.5,15.5);
	TH1F* VisPreselCategory = new TH1F("VisPreselCategory","presel Category, Vis",15,0.5,15.5);
	TH1F* VisPhotonCategory = new TH1F("VisPhotonCategory","reco photon Category, Vis",15,0.5,15.5);
	TH1F* dROtherGen = new TH1F("dROtherGen", "dROtherGen", 800, 0.0, 4.0);
	TH1F* parentage = new TH1F("parentage","parentage",30, 0, 30);	
	TH1F* dptOverpt = new TH1F("dptOverpt","dptOverpt", 400, -2.0, 2.0);
	TH1F* dRrecoGen = new TH1F("dRrecoGen","dRrecoGen", 200, 0.0, 0.2);
	TH1F* dPhiRecoGen = new TH1F("dPhiRecoGen","dPhiRecoGen", 400, 0.0, 0.2);
	TH1F* dEtaRecoGen = new TH1F("dEtaRecoGen","dEtaRecoGen", 800, -0.2, 0.2);
	TH1F* dRGenNearJet = new TH1F("dRGenNearJet","dRGenNearJet", 200, 0.0, 1.0);
	TH1F* dPhiGenNearJet = new TH1F("dPhiGenNearJet","dPhiGenNearJet", 100, 0.0, 0.5);
	TH1F* dEtaGenNearJet = new TH1F("dEtaGenNearJet","dEtaGenNearJet", 200, -0.5, 0.5);

	//TH1F* dRGenNextNearJet = new TH1F("dRGenNextNearJet","dRGenNextNearJet", 600, 0.0, 6.0);
	//TH1F* dPhiGenNextNearJet = new TH1F("dPhiGenNextNearJet","dPhiGenNextNearJet", 300, 0.0, 3.0);
	//TH1F* dEtaGenNextNearJet = new TH1F("dEtaGenNextNearJet","dEtaGenNextNearJet", 600, -3.0, 3.0);

	// object selector
	Selector* selectorLoose = new Selector();
	// create event selectors here
	EventPick* evtPickLoose = new EventPick("LoosePhotonID");
	// do not do jet to photon dR cleaning
	evtPickLoose->veto_pho_jet_dR = 0.0;
	EventTree* tree = new EventTree(ac-1, av+1);
	double PUweight = 1.0;
	Long64_t nEntr = tree->GetEntries();
	for(Long64_t entry=0; entry<nEntr; entry++){
		if(entry%10000 == 0) std::cout << "processing entry " << entry << " out of " << nEntr << std::endl;

		evtPickLoose->process_event(tree, selectorLoose, PUweight);
		// fill the histograms
		fillCategory(tree, allCategory, PUweight);
		if(evtPickLoose->passPreSel) fillCategory(tree, preselCategory, PUweight);
		if(evtPickLoose->passAll) fillCategory(tree, photonCategory, PUweight);

		// fill histograms for gen photon passing the acceptance cuts defined in analysis
		bool inAcc = false;
		for(int mcInd=0; mcInd<tree->nMC_; ++mcInd){
			if(tree->mcPID->at(mcInd) == 22 && 
			(tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==2 || tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==10 || tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==26) && 
			tree->mcPt->at(mcInd) > 25 && 
			fabs(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd)) < 1.4442){
				inAcc = true;
			fillCategory(tree, VisAllCategory, PUweight);
			if(evtPickLoose->passPreSel) fillCategory(tree, VisPreselCategory, PUweight);
			if(evtPickLoose->passAll) fillCategory(tree, VisPhotonCategory, PUweight);
		// have at least one good photon
		if(!evtPickLoose->passAll) continue;

		// test
		//if(overlapMadGraph(tree)) continue;

		int phoInd = evtPickLoose->Photons.at(0);
		// experiment with delta R cuts for photons
		for(int mcInd=0; mcInd<tree->nMC_; ++mcInd){
			bool etetamatch = dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd),tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd),tree->phoEta_->at(phoInd),tree->phoPhi_->at(phoInd)) < 0.2 && 
			(fabs(tree->phoEt_->at(phoInd) - tree->mcPt->at(mcInd)) / tree->mcPt->at(mcInd)) < 1.0;
			if( etetamatch && tree->mcPID->at(mcInd) == 22){
				// test
				if(!(tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==2 || tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==10 || tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==26)) continue;
				// fill histograms for mathced photon candidate
				parentage->Fill( tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd) );
				dptOverpt->Fill( (tree->phoEt_->at(phoInd) - tree->mcPt->at(mcInd)) / tree->mcPt->at(mcInd));
				dRrecoGen->Fill( dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd),tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd),tree->phoEta_->at(phoInd),tree->phoPhi_->at(phoInd)) );
				dPhiRecoGen->Fill( dPhi( tree->phoPhi_->at(phoInd) - tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd) ) );
				dEtaRecoGen->Fill( tree->phoEta_->at(phoInd) - tree->mcEta->at(mcInd) );
				int closestGenInd = secondMinDrIndex( mcInd, tree );
				if(dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->mcEta->at(closestGenInd), tree->mcPhi->at(closestGenInd)) < 0.01){
					std::cout << "closest PID " << tree->mcPID->at(closestGenInd) << "  MomPID " << tree->mcMomPID->at(closestGenInd) << std::endl;
					std::cout << "photon mother PID " << tree->mcMomPID->at(mcInd) << std::endl;
				dROtherGen->Fill( dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->mcEta->at(closestGenInd), tree->mcPhi->at(closestGenInd)) );
				int closestJetInd = minDrIndex( tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->jetEta_, tree->jetPhi_ );
				dRGenNearJet->Fill( dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->jetEta_->at(closestJetInd), tree->jetPhi_->at(closestJetInd) ) );
				dPhiGenNearJet->Fill( dPhi( tree->jetPhi_->at(closestJetInd) - tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd) ) );
				dEtaGenNearJet->Fill( tree->jetEta_->at(closestJetInd) - tree->mcEta->at(mcInd) );
				//closestJetInd = secondMinDrIndex( tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->jetEta_, tree->jetPhi_ );	
				//dRGenNextNearJet->Fill( dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->jetEta_->at(closestJetInd), tree->jetPhi_->at(closestJetInd) ) );
				//dPhiGenNextNearJet->Fill( dPhi( tree->jetPhi_->at(closestJetInd) - tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd) ) );
				//dEtaGenNextNearJet->Fill( tree->jetEta_->at(closestJetInd) - tree->mcEta->at(mcInd) );


	// write histograms
	TFile outFile("signalAcc.root","RECREATE");
	saveHist(allCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(preselCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(photonCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(VisAllCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(VisPreselCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(VisPhotonCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(dROtherGen, &outFile);
	saveHist(parentage, &outFile);
	saveHist(dptOverpt, &outFile);
	saveHist(dRrecoGen, &outFile);
	saveHist(dPhiRecoGen, &outFile);
	saveHist(dEtaRecoGen, &outFile);
	saveHist(dRGenNearJet, &outFile);
	saveHist(dPhiGenNearJet, &outFile);
	saveHist(dEtaGenNearJet, &outFile);
	//saveHist(dRGenNextNearJet, &outFile);
	//saveHist(dPhiGenNextNearJet, &outFile);
	//saveHist(dEtaGenNextNearJet, &outFile);


	delete tree;
	return 0;
CC_FILE_ERROR MascaretFilter::saveToFile(ccHObject* entity, QString filename, SaveParameters& parameters)
	if (!entity || filename.isEmpty())

	//look for valid profiles
	std::vector<ccPolyline*> profiles;
		//get all polylines
		std::vector<ccPolyline*> candidates;
		if (entity->isA(CC_TYPES::POLY_LINE))
		else if (entity->isA(CC_TYPES::HIERARCHY_OBJECT))
			for (unsigned i=0; i<entity->getChildrenNumber(); ++i)
				if (entity->getChild(i) && entity->getChild(i)->isA(CC_TYPES::POLY_LINE))
		//then keep the valid profiles only
		for (size_t i=0; i<candidates.size(); ++i)
			ccPolyline* poly = candidates[i];
			if (	!poly->hasMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyUpDir())
				||	!poly->hasMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyAbscissa())
				||	!poly->hasMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyPrefixCenter()+".x")
				||	!poly->hasMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyPrefixCenter()+".y")
				||	!poly->hasMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyPrefixCenter()+".z")
				||	!poly->hasMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyPrefixDirection()+".x")
				||	!poly->hasMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyPrefixDirection()+".y")
				||	!poly->hasMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyPrefixDirection()+".z") )
				ccLog::Warning(QString("[Mascaret] Polyline '%1' is not a valid profile (missing meta-data)").arg(poly->getName()));
	catch (const std::bad_alloc&)

	if (profiles.empty())
		return CC_FERR_NO_SAVE;

	//open ASCII file for writing
	QFile file(filename);
	if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))

	QTextStream outFile(&file);

	//ask some parameters
	SaveMascaretFileDlg smfDlg;
	if (!smfDlg.exec())

	QString biefName = smfDlg.biefNameLineEdit->text();
	QString type("T"); //B or T --> ask the user
	case 0:
		type = "B"; //bathy
	case 1:
		type = "T"; //topo

	//sanitize the 'bief' (reach) name
	biefName = MakeMascaretName(biefName);

	//sort the sections by their abscissa
	if (profiles.size() > 1)
		for (size_t i=0; i<profiles.size()-1; ++i)
			size_t smallestIndex = i;
			double smallestAbscissa = profiles[i]->getMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyAbscissa()).toDouble();
			for (size_t j=i+1; j<profiles.size(); ++j)
				double a = profiles[j]->getMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyAbscissa()).toDouble();
				if (a < smallestAbscissa)
					smallestAbscissa = a;
					smallestIndex = j;

			if (i != smallestIndex)


	//for each profile
	for (size_t i=0; i<profiles.size(); ++i)
		ccPolyline* poly = profiles[i];
		unsigned vertCount = poly ? poly->size() : 0;
		if (vertCount < 2)
			//invalid size
			ccLog::Warning(QString("[Mascaret] Polyline '%1' does not have enough vertices").arg(poly->getName()));
		//decode meta-data
		bool ok = true;
		int upDir = 2;
		double absc = 0.0;
		CCVector3d Cd(0,0,0);
		CCVector3d Ud(0,0,0);
		while (true) //fake loop for easy break
			upDir = poly->getMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyUpDir()).toInt(&ok);
			if (!ok) break;
			absc  = poly->getMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyAbscissa()).toDouble(&ok);
			if (!ok) break;
			Cd.x  = poly->getMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyPrefixCenter()+".x").toDouble(&ok);
			if (!ok) break;
			Cd.y  = poly->getMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyPrefixCenter()+".y").toDouble(&ok);
			if (!ok) break;
			Cd.z  = poly->getMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyPrefixCenter()+".z").toDouble(&ok);
			if (!ok) break;
			Ud.x  = poly->getMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyPrefixDirection()+".x").toDouble(&ok);
			if (!ok) break;
			Ud.y  = poly->getMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyPrefixDirection()+".y").toDouble(&ok);
			if (!ok) break;
			Ud.z  = poly->getMetaData(ccPolyline::MetaKeyPrefixDirection()+".z").toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok)
			ccLog::Warning(QString("[Mascaret] At least one of the meta-data entry of polyline '%1' is invalid?!").arg(poly->getName()));

		QString profileName = poly->getName();
		profileName = MakeMascaretName(profileName);

		CCVector3 C = CCVector3::fromArray(Cd.u);
		CCVector3 U = CCVector3::fromArray(Ud.u);

		//write header
		outFile << "PROFIL " << biefName << " " << profileName << " " << absc;
		int xDir = upDir == 2 ? 0 : upDir+1;
		int yDir =  xDir == 2 ? 0 :  xDir+1;
		//for "geo"-mascaret, we add some more information:
		// - first point
			const CCVector3* firstP = poly->getPoint(0);
			CCVector3d firstPg = poly->toGlobal3d(*firstP);
			outFile << " ";
			outFile << firstPg.u[xDir] << " " << firstPg.u[yDir];
		// - last point
			const CCVector3* lastP = poly->getPoint(vertCount-1);
			CCVector3d lastPg = poly->toGlobal3d(*lastP);
			outFile << " ";
			outFile << lastPg.u[xDir] << " " << lastPg.u[yDir];
		// - profile/path intersection point
			outFile << " AXE ";
			CCVector3d Cdg = poly->toGlobal3d(Cd);
			outFile << Cdg.u[xDir] << " " << Cdg.u[yDir];
		outFile << endl;

		//check the abscissa values order (must be increasing!)
		bool inverted = false;
			const CCVector3* P0 = poly->getPoint(0);
			//convert to 'local' coordinate system
			CCVector2 Q0;
			ToLocalAbscissa(*P0, C, U, upDir, Q0);

			const CCVector3* P1 = poly->getPoint(vertCount-1);
			//convert to 'local' coordinate system
			CCVector2 Q1;
			ToLocalAbscissa(*P1, C, U, upDir, Q1);

			inverted = (Q1.x < Q0.x);

		for (unsigned j=0; j<vertCount; ++j)
			const CCVector3* P = poly->getPoint(inverted ? vertCount-1-j : j);

			//convert to 'local' coordinate system
			CCVector2 Q;
			ToLocalAbscissa(*P, C, U, upDir, Q);

			outFile << Q.x << " " << Q.y << " " << type;
				//for "geo"-mascaret, we add some more information:
				// - real coordinates of the point
				outFile << " ";
				CCVector3d Pg = poly->toGlobal3d(*P);
				outFile << Pg.u[xDir] << " " << Pg.u[yDir];
			outFile << endl;

		result = CC_FERR_NO_ERROR;


	return result;
Exemple #9
void Write_Settings(void)
    std::ofstream outFile("Options.txt");
    outFile << "Resolution: \n";
    outFile << Resolutions[Sel_Resolution] << std::endl;