Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int err = 0;
  int i, j;
  double *vecA, *matB, *vecC;
  double s_time,e_time;
  // Get cmndln args exit if error occurs
  if((err = getArgs(argc, argv)))
    errExit("Exiting app");

 //Args.m = 3;
 // Args.n = 3;
 // Args.verbose = 1;

  // Allocate memory for the matrix and vectors
  if(! (vecA = (double*) malloc(Args.m * sizeof(double))))
    errExit("Error: Failed to allocate memory for vecA\n");
  if(! (matB = (double*) malloc(Args.m * Args.n * sizeof(double))))
    errExit("Error: Failed to allocate memory for matB\n");
  if(! (vecC = (double*) malloc(Args.n * sizeof(double))))
    errExit("Error: Failed to allocate memory for vecC\n");
  // Seed the random number generator (This provides a repeatable random series)

  // Init matB as an array with random values between 1 and 10
  for(i=0; i < Args.m; i++)
    for(j=0; j < Args.n; j++)
       matB[i * Args.n + j] = RNDRANGE(10.0);

  // Init vecC as our vector which multiples matB*2
  for(i=0; i < Args.n; i++)
    vecC[i] = RNDRANGE(10.0);

  // Perform the matrix-vector multiply
  matvectMultiply(vecA, matB, vecC);

  // If verbose then display the matrices
    outputMat("Matrix B:", matB);
    outputVec("Vector C:", vecC);
    outputVec("Resultant Vector A:", vecA);
  printf("%d %f\n",omp_get_max_threads(),e_time-s_time);

  // Free memory 
  if(vecA) free(vecA);
  if(matB) free(matB);
  if(vecC) free(vecC);
  return err;
void testApp::calibrate(){
	ofxCv::Calibration cam1CalibBase, cam2CalibBase, cam1CalibRefined, cam2CalibRefined;
	ofxRGBDepthCalibration calibrator;
//	calibrator.refineDepthCalibration(cam1CalibBase, cam1CalibRefined, &front);
//	calibrator.refineDepthCalibration(cam2CalibBase, cam2CalibRefined, &back);
	vector<cv::Point2f> imagePoints1,imagePoints2;
	for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
	cout << "START CAM CALIB IS " << cam1Calib[0] << endl;
//	vector<cv::Point2f> ; = ofxCv::toCv(cam2Calib);
	vector<cv::Point3f> objectPoints1;
	vector<cv::Point3f> objectPoints2;
	cout << "object points " << endl;
	for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
		objectPoints1.push_back( ofxCv::toCv( front.getWorldCoordinateAt(imagePoints1[i].x, imagePoints1[i].y) ));
		objectPoints2.push_back( ofxCv::toCv(  back.getWorldCoordinateAt(imagePoints2[i].x, imagePoints2[i].y) ));
		cout << "	" << objectPoints1[i] << " vs " << objectPoints2[i] << endl;
	cv::Mat camMatrix1,camMatrix2;
	cv::Mat distCoeff1,distCoeff2;
	cam1CalibRefined.getDistortedIntrinsics().getCameraMatrix().copyTo( camMatrix1 );
	cam2CalibRefined.getDistortedIntrinsics().getCameraMatrix().copyTo( camMatrix2 );
	//cv::Mat affine3d;
	//cv::Mat inliers;
	cv::Mat outputMat(3,4,CV_64F);
	vector<uchar> inliers;
	cv::estimateAffine3D(objectPoints1, objectPoints2, outputMat, inliers);
	double* af = outputMat.ptr<double>(0);
	calibrationMatrix =  ofMatrix4x4(af[0], af[4], af[8], 0.0f,
									 af[1], af[5], af[9], 0.0f,
									 af[2], af[6], af[10], 0.0f,
									 af[3], af[7], af[11], 1.0f);
//	calibrationMatrix =  ofMatrix4x4(af[0], af[1], af[2], 0.0f,
//									 af[4], af[5], af[6], 0.0f,
//									 af[8], af[9], af[10], 0.0f,
//									 af[3], af[7], af[11], 1.0f);
//	calibrationMatrix =  ofMatrix4x4(1, 0, 0, 0.0f,
//									 0, 1, 0, 0.0f,
//									 0, 0, 1, 0.0f,
//									 af[3], af[7], af[11], 1.0f);
	cout << "affine: " << endl << outputMat << endl;
//	cout << "matrix: " << endl << inliers << endl;

//	cam1CalibRefined.save("depthCalib1Refined.yml");
//	cam2CalibRefined.save("depthCalib2Refined.yml");
//	renderer1.setDepthOnly("depthCalib1Refined.yml");
//	renderer2.setDepthOnly("depthCalib2Refined.yml");

//	cv::Mat E,F;
//	cv::stereoCalibrate(objectPoints, imagePoints1, imagePoints2,
//						camMatrix1, distCoeff1,
//						camMatrix2, distCoeff2,
//						cv::Size(640,480), rvec, tvec, E, F);
//	cv::solvePnPRansac(objectPoints, imagePoints2, camMatrix2, distCoeff2, rvec, tvec);
//	ofxCv::saveMat(rvec, "rotation.yml");
//	ofxCv::saveMat(tvec, "translation.yml");
//	cv::Mat m3x3;
//	cv::Rodrigues(rvec, m3x3);
//	calibrationMatrix.set(1, 0, 0, tvec.at<double>(1,0),
//						  0, 1, m3x3.at<double>(2,1), tvec.at<double>(2,0),
//						  0, 0, m3x3.at<double>(2,2), tvec.at<double>(3,0),
//						  0, 0, 0, 1);
////	calibrationMatrix.set(m3x3.at<double>(0,0), m3x3.at<double>(1,0), m3x3.at<double>(2,0), tvec.at<double>(1,0),
////						  m3x3.at<double>(0,1), m3x3.at<double>(1,1), m3x3.at<double>(2,1), tvec.at<double>(2,0),
////						  m3x3.at<double>(0,2), m3x3.at<double>(1,2), m3x3.at<double>(2,2), tvec.at<double>(3,0),
////						  0, 0, 0, 1);
//	calibrationMatrix.getTransposedOf(calibrationMatrix);
//    calibrationMatrix = ofxCv::makeMatrix(rvec, tvec);
	cout << "calibrated!" << endl;
	cout << "rotation: " << endl << rvec << endl;
	cout << "translation: " << endl << tvec << endl;
	cout << "START CAM CALIB IS " << cam1Calib[0] << endl;
//	saveCalibrationPoints();