Exemple #1
void MotifSearch::full_output(ostream &fout){
	fout << "Parameter values:\n";
	fout << "\nInput sequences:\n";
	for(unsigned int x = 0; x < nameset.size(); x++)
		fout << "#" << x << '\t' << nameset[x] << endl;
	fout << '\n';
Exemple #2
/* fit potential energy parameters via simulated annealing */
int surface_fit(system_t *system) {

	//override default values if specified in input file
	double temperature    = ((system->fit_start_temp     ) ? system->fit_start_temp     : TEMPERATURE    );
	double max_energy     = ((system->fit_max_energy     ) ? system->fit_max_energy     : MAX_ENERGY     );
	double schedule       = ((system->fit_schedule       ) ? system->fit_schedule       : SCHEDULE       );

	//used only if qshift is on
	double quadrupole=0;

	int i, j,  // generic counters
	nCurves,   // number of curves to fit against
	nPoints,   // number of points in each curve
	double *r_input=0; // Master list of r-values
	curveData_t *curve=0;   // Array to hold curve point data
	param_t *param_ptr;
	param_g *params;
	double r_min, r_max, r_inc;
	double current_error, last_error, global_minimum;
	qshiftData_t * qshiftData = NULL; //used only with qshift

	// ee_local variables
	int a = 0;
	int globalFound = 0;
	double oldGlobal = 0;
	double initEps[2];
	double initSig[2];
	double globalEps[2];
	double globalSig[2];

	// Record number of curves for convenient reference
	nCurves = system->fit_input_list.data.count;

	// Read the curve data from the input files into a local array
	curve =  readFitInputFiles( system, nCurves );
	if(!curve) {
			error( "SURFACE: An error occurred while reading the surface-fit input files.\n" );
			return (-1);

	// Record number of points in each curve, for convenient reference
	nPoints = curve[0].nPoints;

	// Make a master list of R-values
	r_input = curve[0].r;
	curve[0].r = 0;

	// Free the memory used by all the remaining lists (i.e. all lists
	// other than the one whose address was just transferred).
	for( i=1; i<nCurves; i++ )

	// Allocate memory for the output and global arrays
	if ( -1 == alloc_curves ( nCurves, nPoints, curve ) ) {
		return -1;

	// Determine Independent Domain
	r_min = r_input[0];
	r_max = r_input[nPoints-1];
	r_inc = r_input[1] - r_input[0];

	// Output the geometry for visual verification
	output_pqrs ( system, nCurves, curve );	

	// Get the Initial Error

	//obtain curves
	get_curves ( system, nCurves, curve, r_min, r_max, r_inc );

	//calc current error
	current_error = error_calc ( system, nCurves, nPoints, curve, max_energy);

	//record parameters. we will determine which ones need to be adjusted later
	params = record_params ( system );

	// print some header info
	for(param_ptr = params->type_params; param_ptr; param_ptr = param_ptr->next) {
			printf( "SURFACE: Atom type: %d @ %s\n", param_ptr->ntypes, param_ptr->atomtype );
			if(param_ptr->epsilon != 0) {
				initEps[a] = param_ptr->epsilon;
				initSig[a] = param_ptr->sigma;
	if ( ! system->fit_boltzmann_weight ) 
		printf("*** any input energy values greater than %f K will not contribute to the fit ***\n", max_energy);

	//write params and current_error to stdout
	printf("*** Initial Fit: \n");
	output_params ( temperature, current_error, params );

	//set the minimum error we've found
	global_minimum = current_error;
	last_error     = current_error;
	for( j=0; j<nCurves; j++ )
			for(i = 0; i < nPoints; i++)
					curve[j].global[i] = curve[j].output[i];

	//initialize stuff for qshift
	if ( system->surf_qshift_on ) {
		qshiftData = malloc(sizeof(qshiftData_t));
		quadrupole = calcquadrupole(system);

	// Loop over temperature. When the temperature reaches MIN_TEMPERATURE
	// we quit. Assuming we find an error smaller than the initial error
	// we'll spit out a fit_geometry.pqr file, and you'll want to re-anneal.
	for(nSteps = 0; temperature > MIN_TEMPERATURE; ++nSteps) {

		// randomly perturb the parameters
		surf_perturb ( system, quadrupole, qshiftData, params );
		// apply the trial parameters
		surface_dimer_parameters ( system, params);
		get_curves ( system, nCurves, curve, r_min, r_max, r_inc );

		// calc error
		current_error = error_calc ( system, nCurves, nPoints, curve, max_energy);

		int condition =  0;
		if (system->surf_descent) condition = current_error < last_error;
		else condition = get_rand() < exp(-(current_error - last_error)/temperature);

 		//  DO MC at this 'temperature'
		if(condition) {
		//ACCEPT MOVE /////
			apply_new_parameters ( params );
			last_error = current_error;

			if(nSteps >= EQUIL) {
				nSteps = 0;

				//write params and current_error to stdout
				output_params ( temperature, current_error, params );

				// output the new global minimum
				if(current_error < global_minimum) {
					system->fit_best_square_error = global_minimum = current_error;
					new_global_min ( system, nCurves, nPoints, curve );

					// Store the LJ parameters corresponding to global min
					a = 0;
					globalFound = 1;
					oldGlobal = current_error;	// keep track for ee_local
					for(param_ptr = params->type_params; param_ptr; param_ptr = param_ptr->next) {
						if(param_ptr->epsilon != 0) {
							globalEps[a] = param_ptr->epsilon;
							globalSig[a] = param_ptr->sigma;
		else {
				revert_parameters ( system, params );

		// decrement the temperature
		temperature = temperature*schedule;	// schedule

	// Output the Fit Curves
	output_fit ( nCurves, nPoints, curve, max_energy, r_input );

	// Exhaustive Enumeration -- Chris Cioce
	if (system->ee_local) {
		int b, c, d, nE1, nE2, nS1, nS2;
		double currEps[2];
		double currSig[2];
		double newGlobal=0;
		double E1start, E1stop, E1incr, E2start, E2stop, E2incr, E1c, E2c; // E1, E2 (unused)
		double S1start, S1stop, S1incr, S2start, S2stop, S2incr, S1c, S2c; // S1, S2 (unused)

		if(globalFound == 1) {
			printf("\nEE_LOCAL ~> SA found an improved surface. Using current global minimum parameters for EE.\n");
			currEps[0] = globalEps[0];
			currEps[1] = globalEps[1];
			currSig[0] = globalSig[0];
			currSig[1] = globalSig[1];
		} else {
			printf("\nEE_LOCAL ~> SA did not find an improved surface. Using initial parameters for EE.\n");
			currEps[0] = initEps[0];
			currEps[1] = initEps[1];
			currSig[0] = initSig[0];
			currSig[1] = initSig[1];

		for(a=0; a<2; a++) {
			printf("EE_LOCAL ~> InitEps[%d]: %f\tInitSig[%d]: %f\tGlobalEps[%d]: %f\tGlobalSig[%d]: %f\n",a,initEps[a],a,initSig[a],a,globalEps[a],a,globalSig[a]);

		E1start = currEps[0] - (currEps[0]*system->range_eps);
		E1stop  = currEps[0] + (currEps[0]*system->range_eps);
		E1incr  = currEps[0] * system->step_eps;
		E2start = currEps[1] - (currEps[1]*system->range_eps);
		E2stop  = currEps[1] + (currEps[1]*system->range_eps);
		E2incr  = currEps[1] * system->step_eps;
		S1start = currSig[0] - (currSig[0]*system->range_sig);
		S1stop  = currSig[0] + (currSig[0]*system->range_sig);
		S1incr  = currSig[0] * system->step_sig;
		S2start = currSig[1] - (currSig[1]*system->range_sig);
		S2stop  = currSig[1] + (currSig[1]*system->range_sig);
		S2incr  = currSig[1] * system->step_sig;
		nE1 = ((E1stop - E1start) / E1incr) + 1;
		nE2 = ((E2stop - E2start) / E2incr) + 1;
		nS1 = ((S1stop - S1start) / S1incr) + 1;
		nS2 = ((S2stop - S2start) / S2incr) + 1;
		printf("EE_LOCAL ~> E1start = %f\tE1stop = %f\tE1incr = %f\tnE1 = %d\n",E1start,E1stop,E1incr,nE1);
		printf("EE_LOCAL ~> E2start = %f\tE2stop = %f\tE2incr = %f\tnE2 = %d\n",E2start,E2stop,E2incr,nE2);
		printf("EE_LOCAL ~> S1start = %f\tS1stop = %f\tS1incr = %f\tnS1 = %d\n",S1start,S1stop,S1incr,nS1);
		printf("EE_LOCAL ~> S2start = %f\tS2stop = %f\tS2incr = %f\tnS2 = %d\n",S2start,S2stop,S2incr,nS2);
		printf("EE_LOCAL ~> Will now perform %d total iterations in parameter subspace...\n",(nE1*nE2*nS1*nS2));

		E1c = E1start;
		E2c = E2start;
		S1c = S1start;
		S2c = S2start;

		// Set initial parameters
		for(param_ptr = params->type_params; param_ptr; param_ptr = param_ptr->next) {
			if(param_ptr->epsilon == currEps[0]) {
				param_ptr->epsilon = E1c;
			if(param_ptr->epsilon == currEps[1]) {
				param_ptr->epsilon = E2c;
			if(param_ptr->sigma == currSig[0]) {
				param_ptr->sigma = S1c;
			if(param_ptr->sigma == currSig[1]) {
				param_ptr->sigma = S2c;

		// apply initial parameters
		surface_dimer_parameters ( system, params);
		get_curves ( system, nCurves, curve, r_min, r_max, r_inc );

		//calc current error
		current_error = error_calc ( system, nCurves, nPoints, curve, max_energy);

		//record parameters. we will determine which ones need to be adjusted later
		//params = record_params ( system );

		//write params and current_error to stdout <-- just for visual verification
		printf("*** Initial Fit: \n");
		output_params ( 0.0, current_error, params );

		// Main loops
		globalFound = 0;
		int master = 1;
		for(a=0; a<=nE1; a++) {
			for(b=0; b<=nE2; b++) {
				for(c=0; c<=nS1; c++) {
					for(d=0; d<=nS2; d++) {
						//printf("MASTER: %d\ta: %d\t(%f)\tb: %d\t(%f)\tc: %d\t(%f)\td: %d\t(%f)\n", master, a, E1c, b, E2c, c, S1c, d, S2c);	// Debug output

						// apply parameters
						surface_dimer_parameters ( system, params);
						get_curves ( system, nCurves, curve, r_min, r_max, r_inc );

						// calc current error
						current_error = error_calc ( system, nCurves, nPoints, curve, max_energy);

						//output_params ( 0.0, current_error, params );	// Debug output

						// check for new global minimum
						if(current_error < global_minimum) {
							system->fit_best_square_error = global_minimum = current_error;
							new_global_min ( system, nCurves, nPoints, curve );

							// Store the LJ parameters corresponding to global min
							a = 0;
							globalFound = 1;
							newGlobal = current_error;
							for(param_ptr = params->type_params; param_ptr; param_ptr = param_ptr->next) {
								if(param_ptr->epsilon != 0) {
									globalEps[a] = param_ptr->epsilon;
									globalSig[a] = param_ptr->sigma;

						// Set updated S2 parameter
						for(param_ptr = params->type_params; param_ptr; param_ptr = param_ptr->next) {
							if(param_ptr->sigma == S2c) {
								param_ptr->sigma = (S2c+S2incr);
						S2c += S2incr;
					} // END S2 loop

					// Set updated S1 & S2 parameters
					for(param_ptr = params->type_params; param_ptr; param_ptr = param_ptr->next) {
						if(param_ptr->sigma == S1c) {
							param_ptr->sigma = (S1c+S1incr);
						if(param_ptr->sigma == S2c) {
							param_ptr->sigma = S2start;

					S1c += S1incr;
					S2c = S2start;

				} // END S1 loop

				// Set updated E2 & S1 parameters
				for(param_ptr = params->type_params; param_ptr; param_ptr = param_ptr->next) {
					if(param_ptr->epsilon == E2c) {
						param_ptr->epsilon = (E2c+E2incr);
					if(param_ptr->sigma == S1c) {
						param_ptr->sigma = S1start;

				E2c += E2incr;
				S1c = S1start;

			} // END E2 loop

			// Set updated E1 & E2 parameters
			for(param_ptr = params->type_params; param_ptr; param_ptr = param_ptr->next) {
				if(param_ptr->epsilon == E1c) {
					param_ptr->epsilon = (E1c+E1incr);
				if(param_ptr->epsilon == E2c) {
					param_ptr->epsilon = E2start;

			E1c += E1incr;
			E2c = E2start;

		} // END E1 loop

		// If a new global min is found, write to stdout
		// TODO: Adjust printf statements to prettify final output :D
		if(globalFound == 1) {
			printf("\nEE_LOCAL ~> EE found an improved surface. Parameters written to fit_geometry.pqr\n");
			//printf("EE_LOCAL ~> E1: %f\tS1: %f\tE2: %f\tS2: %f\n", globalEps[0], globalSig[0], globalEps[1], globalSig[1]);
			printf("EE_LOCAL ~> SA Global Min: %f\n", oldGlobal);
			printf("EE_LOCAL ~> EE Global Min: %f\n", newGlobal);
			printf("            ----------------------------\n");
			printf("            ----------------------------\n");
			printf("               ====> %.2f %% improvement\n\n", ((oldGlobal-newGlobal)/oldGlobal)*100);
		} else {
			printf("EE_LOCAL ~> EE was unable to find an improved surface versus SA. Oh well, at least you tried...and for that, we thank you!\n\n");

	} // END ee_local

	// Return all memory back to the system
	free_all_mem (nCurves, curve, params, qshiftData, r_input);
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    const char *map;
    int memfd;
    size_t fbm;
    const char *ptr, *end;
    size_t page = get_page_size();
    size_t mapbase, maplen;
    int err = 1;


    mapbase = memlimit() & ~(page - 1);
    if (!mapbase)
	return 2;

    memfd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDONLY);
    if (memfd < 0) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open /dev/mem: %s\n",
		argv[0], strerror(errno));
	return 2;

    map = mmap(NULL, page, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, memfd, 0);
    if (map == MAP_FAILED) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot map page 0: %s\n",
		argv[0], strerror(errno));
	return 2;

    fbm = *(uint16_t *)(map + 0x413) << 10;
    if (fbm < mapbase)
	fbm = mapbase;

    munmap((void *)map, page);

    if (fbm < 64*1024 || fbm >= 640*1024)
	return 1;

    maplen  = 0xa0000 - mapbase;
    map = mmap(NULL, maplen, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, memfd, mapbase);
    if (map == MAP_FAILED) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot map base memory: %s\n",
		argv[0], strerror(errno));
	return 2;

    ptr = map + (fbm - mapbase);
    end = map + (0xa0000 - mapbase);
    while (ptr < end) {
	if (valid_mbft((const struct mBFT *)ptr, end-ptr)) {
	    output_params((const struct mBFT *)ptr);
	    err = 0;
	ptr += 16;

    munmap((void *)map, maplen);

    return err;
Exemple #4
cacti_interface (int cache_size,
		 int line_size,
		 int associativity,
		 int rw_ports,
		 int excl_read_ports,
		 int excl_write_ports,
		 int single_ended_read_ports,
		 int banks,
		 double tech_node,
		 int output_width,
		 int specific_tag,
		 int tag_width, int access_mode, int pure_sram)
  int C, B, A, ERP, EWP, RWP, NSER;
  double tech;
  double logbanks;
  double logbanksfloor;
  int seq_access = 0;
  int fast_access = 0;
  int bits_output = output_width;
  int nr_args = 9;
  double NSubbanks = (double) banks;

  double ratioofbankstoports;

  extern int force_tag, force_tag_size;

  total_result_type endresult;
  endresult.result.subbanks = 0.0;

  result_type result;
  arearesult_type arearesult;
  area_type arearesult_subbanked;
  parameter_type parameters;

  /* input parameters:
     C B A ERP EWP */

  /*dt: make sure we're using some simple leakage reduction */
  dualVt = FALSE;

//#ifdef XCACTI
  //parameters.latchsa    = 0;
  //parameters.ignore_tag = 0;
  force_tag = 0;
  parameters.force_tag = 0;

  if (specific_tag)
      force_tag = 1;
      force_tag_size = tag_width;
      parameters.force_tag = 1;
      parameters.tag_size = tag_width;
      //parameters.ignore_tag = 1;

  switch (access_mode)
    case 0:
      seq_access = fast_access = FALSE;
    case 1:
      seq_access = TRUE;
      fast_access = FALSE;
    case 2:
      seq_access = FALSE;
      fast_access = TRUE;

  C = cache_size;
  A = associativity;
  B = line_size;
  if ((B < 1))
      printf ("Block size must >=1\n");
      return endresult;

  if ((B * 8 < bits_output))
      printf ("Block size must be at least %d\n", bits_output / 8);
      return endresult;

  tech = tech_node;
  if ((tech <= 0))
      printf ("Feature size must be > 0\n");
      return endresult;
  if ((tech > 0.8))
      printf ("Feature size must be <= 0.80 (um)\n");
      return endresult;

  if (nr_args == 6)
      RWP = 1;
      ERP = 0;
      EWP = 0;
      NSER = 0;
  else if (nr_args == 8)
      RWP = 1;
      ERP = 0;
      EWP = 0;
      NSER = 0;
      bits_output = output_width;
      seq_access = 1;
  else if (nr_args == 9)
      RWP = rw_ports;
      ERP = excl_read_ports;
      EWP = excl_write_ports;
      NSER = single_ended_read_ports;
  else if (nr_args >= 10)
      RWP = rw_ports;
      ERP = excl_read_ports;
      EWP = excl_write_ports;
      NSER = single_ended_read_ports;
      seq_access = 1;
  if ((RWP < 0) || (EWP < 0) || (ERP < 0))
      printf ("Ports must >=0\n");
      return endresult;
  if (RWP > 2)
      printf ("Maximum of 2 read/write ports\n");
      return endresult;
  if ((RWP + ERP + EWP) < 1)
      printf ("Must have at least one port\n");
      return endresult;

  if (NSubbanks < 1)
	("Number of subbanks should be greater than or equal to 1 and should be a power of 2\n");
      return endresult;

  logbanks = logtwo ((double) (NSubbanks));
  logbanksfloor = floor (logbanks);

  if (logbanks > logbanksfloor)
	("Number of subbanks should be greater than or equal to 1 and should be a power of 2\n");
      return endresult;

  if (C == B * A)
      parameters.fully_assoc = 1;
      A = C / B;
      parameters.fully_assoc = 0;

  C = cache_size / ((int) (NSubbanks));
  if ((C < 64))
      printf ("Cache size must >=64\n");
      return endresult;

  //A = C/B;
  if (A > 16)
      parameters.fully_assoc = 1;
      A = 16;

  /*if ((associativity == 0) || (A == C/B)) {
     A = C/B;
     parameters.fully_assoc = 1;
     } else {
     if (associativity == 1)
     parameters.fully_assoc = 0;
     parameters.fully_assoc = 0;
     A = associativity;
     if ((A < 1)) {
     printf("Associativity must >= 1\n");
     return endresult;
     assoc = logtwo((double)(A));
     assocfloor = floor(assoc);

     if(assoc > assocfloor){
     printf("Associativity should be a power of 2\n");
     return endresult;

     if ((A > 32)) {
     printf("Associativity must <= 32\n or try FA (fully associative)\n");
     return endresult;

     if (C/(B*A)<=1 && !parameters.fully_assoc) {
     //printf("Number of sets is too small:\n  Need to either increase cache size, or decrease associativity or block size\n  (or use fully associative cache)\n");
     //return endresult;
     A = C/B;
     parameters.fully_assoc = 1;
     } */

  printf ("\n########### Printing input for params for testing...###");
  printf ("\n C = %d, B = %d, A = %d", C, B, A);
  printf ("\n RWP = %d, ERP = %d, EWP = %d, NSER = %d", RWP, ERP, EWP, NSER);
    ("\n banks = %d, tech = %f, bits_output = %d, fast_access = %d, pure_sram = %d",
     banks, tech, bits_output, fast_access, pure_sram);
  printf ("\n force_tag = %d, force_tag_size = %d", force_tag,
  printf ("\n #################\n");

  parameters.cache_size = C;
  parameters.block_size = B;

  parameters.nr_bits_out = bits_output;
  /*dt: testing sequential access mode */
  if (seq_access)
      parameters.tag_associativity = A;
      parameters.data_associativity = 1;
      parameters.sequential_access = 1;
      parameters.tag_associativity = parameters.data_associativity = A;
      parameters.sequential_access = 0;
  if (fast_access)
      parameters.fast_access = 1;
      parameters.fast_access = 0;
  parameters.num_readwrite_ports = RWP;
  parameters.num_read_ports = ERP;
  parameters.num_write_ports = EWP;
  parameters.NSubbanks = banks;
  parameters.num_single_ended_read_ports = NSER;
  parameters.number_of_sets = C / (B * A);
  parameters.fudgefactor = .8 / tech;
  parameters.tech_size = (double) tech;
  parameters.pure_sram = pure_sram;
  //If multiple banks and multiple ports are specified, then if number of banks/total number
  //of ports > 1 then assume that the multiple ports are implemented via the multiple banks.
  //Also assume that each bank has only 1 RWP port. There are some problems with this logic that
  //will be fixed in v5.0
  ratioofbankstoports = NSubbanks / (RWP + ERP + EWP);
  if (ratioofbankstoports >= 1.0)
      //We assume that each bank has 1 RWP port.
      parameters.num_readwrite_ports = 1;
      parameters.num_read_ports = 0;
      parameters.num_write_ports = 0;
      parameters.num_single_ended_read_ports = 0;

  if (parameters.number_of_sets < 1)
      printf ("Less than one set...\n");
      return endresult;

  parameters.VddPow = 4.5 / (pow (parameters.fudgefactor, (2.0 / 3.0)));
  if (parameters.VddPow < 0.7)
    parameters.VddPow = 0.7;
  if (parameters.VddPow > 5.0)
    parameters.VddPow = 5.0;

  printf ("\n##### Printing parameters for testing...#####\n");
  output_params (&parameters);

  init_tech_params_default_process ();	//v4.1: First initialize all tech variables
  //to 0.8 micron values. init_tech_params function below then reinitializes tech variables to
  //given process values
  init_tech_params (parameters.tech_size);
  calculate_time (&result, &arearesult, &arearesult_subbanked, &parameters,

  //v4.1: No longer using calculate_area function as area has already been
  //computed for the given tech node

  /*arearesult.dataarray_area.scaled_area = calculate_area(arearesult.dataarray_area,parameters.fudgefactor)*CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
     arearesult.datapredecode_area.scaled_area = calculate_area(arearesult.datapredecode_area,parameters.fudgefactor)*CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
     arearesult.datacolmuxpredecode_area.scaled_area = calculate_area(arearesult.datacolmuxpredecode_area,parameters.fudgefactor)*CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
     arearesult.datacolmuxpostdecode_area.scaled_area = calculate_area(arearesult.datacolmuxpostdecode_area,parameters.fudgefactor)*CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
     arearesult.datawritesig_area.scaled_area = (parameters.num_readwrite_ports+parameters.num_read_ports+parameters.num_write_ports)*calculate_area(arearesult.datawritesig_area,parameters.fudgefactor)*CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;

     arearesult.tagarray_area.scaled_area = calculate_area(arearesult.tagarray_area,parameters.fudgefactor)*CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
     arearesult.tagpredecode_area.scaled_area = calculate_area(arearesult.tagpredecode_area,parameters.fudgefactor)*CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
     arearesult.tagcolmuxpredecode_area.scaled_area = calculate_area(arearesult.tagcolmuxpredecode_area,parameters.fudgefactor)*CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
     arearesult.tagcolmuxpostdecode_area.scaled_area = calculate_area(arearesult.tagcolmuxpostdecode_area,parameters.fudgefactor)*CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
     arearesult.tagoutdrvdecode_area.scaled_area = calculate_area(arearesult.tagoutdrvdecode_area,parameters.fudgefactor)*CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
     arearesult.tagoutdrvsig_area.scaled_area = (parameters.num_readwrite_ports+parameters.num_read_ports+parameters.num_write_ports)*

     arearesult.perc_data = 100*area_all_dataramcells/(arearesult.totalarea*CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE);
     arearesult.perc_tag  = 100*area_all_tagramcells/(arearesult.totalarea*CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE);
     arearesult.perc_cont = 100*(arearesult.totalarea*CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE-area_all_dataramcells-area_all_tagramcells)/(arearesult.totalarea*CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE);
     arearesult.sub_eff   = (area_all_dataramcells+area_all_tagramcells)*100/(arearesult.totalarea/100000000.0);
     arearesult.total_eff = (NSubbanks)*(area_all_dataramcells+area_all_tagramcells)*100/
     arearesult.totalarea *= CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
     arearesult.subbankarea = calculate_area(arearesult_subbanked,parameters.fudgefactor)*CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE; */

  arearesult.dataarray_area.scaled_area =
    arearesult.dataarray_area.height * arearesult.dataarray_area.width *
  arearesult.datapredecode_area.scaled_area =
    arearesult.datapredecode_area.height *
    arearesult.datapredecode_area.width * CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
  arearesult.datacolmuxpredecode_area.scaled_area =
    arearesult.datacolmuxpredecode_area.height *
    arearesult.datacolmuxpredecode_area.width * CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
  arearesult.datacolmuxpostdecode_area.scaled_area =
    arearesult.datacolmuxpostdecode_area.height *
    arearesult.datacolmuxpostdecode_area.width * CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
  arearesult.datawritesig_area.scaled_area =
    (parameters.num_readwrite_ports + parameters.num_read_ports +
     parameters.num_write_ports) * arearesult.datawritesig_area.height *
    arearesult.datawritesig_area.width * CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;

  arearesult.tagarray_area.scaled_area =
    arearesult.tagarray_area.height * arearesult.tagarray_area.width *
  arearesult.tagpredecode_area.scaled_area =
    arearesult.tagpredecode_area.height * arearesult.tagpredecode_area.width *
  arearesult.tagcolmuxpredecode_area.scaled_area =
    arearesult.tagcolmuxpredecode_area.height *
    arearesult.tagcolmuxpredecode_area.width * CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
  arearesult.tagcolmuxpostdecode_area.scaled_area =
    arearesult.tagcolmuxpostdecode_area.height *
    arearesult.tagcolmuxpostdecode_area.width * CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
  arearesult.tagoutdrvdecode_area.scaled_area =
    arearesult.tagoutdrvdecode_area.height *
    arearesult.tagoutdrvdecode_area.width * CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
  arearesult.tagoutdrvsig_area.scaled_area =
    (parameters.num_readwrite_ports + parameters.num_read_ports +
     parameters.num_write_ports) * arearesult.tagoutdrvsig_area.height *
    arearesult.tagoutdrvsig_area.width * CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;

  arearesult.perc_data =
    100 * area_all_dataramcells / (arearesult.totalarea *
  arearesult.perc_tag =
    100 * area_all_tagramcells / (arearesult.totalarea * CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE);
  arearesult.perc_cont =
    100 * (arearesult.totalarea * CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE -
	   area_all_dataramcells -
	   area_all_tagramcells) / (arearesult.totalarea *
  arearesult.sub_eff =
    (area_all_dataramcells +
     area_all_tagramcells) * 100 / (arearesult.totalarea / 100000000.0);
  arearesult.total_eff =
    (NSubbanks) * (area_all_dataramcells +
		   area_all_tagramcells) * 100 /
    (arearesult_subbanked.height * arearesult_subbanked.width *
  arearesult.totalarea *= CONVERT_TO_MMSQUARE;
  arearesult.subbankarea =
    arearesult_subbanked.height * arearesult_subbanked.width *

  if (result.bitline_delay_data < 0.0)
      result.bitline_delay_data = 10 ^ -12;
  if (result.bitline_delay_tag < 0.0)
      result.bitline_delay_tag = 10 ^ -13;
  endresult.result = result;
  endresult.result.subbanks = banks;
  endresult.area = arearesult;
  endresult.params = parameters;

  return endresult;
Exemple #5
BOOL LLPanel::initPanelXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, LLXMLNodePtr output_node)
	const LLPanel::Params& default_params(LLUICtrlFactory::getDefaultParams<LLPanel>());
	Params params(default_params);

		LLFastTimer timer(FTM_PANEL_SETUP);

		LLXMLNodePtr referenced_xml;
		std::string xml_filename = mXMLFilename;
		// if the panel didn't provide a filename, check the node
		if (xml_filename.empty())
			node->getAttributeString("filename", xml_filename);

		if (!xml_filename.empty())

			if (output_node)
				//if we are exporting, we want to export the current xml
				//not the referenced xml
				LLXUIParser::instance().readXUI(node, params, LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->getCurFileName());
				Params output_params(params);
				setupParamsForExport(output_params, parent);
					output_node, output_params, &default_params);
				return TRUE;
			if (!LLUICtrlFactory::getLayeredXMLNode(xml_filename, referenced_xml))
				llwarns << "Couldn't parse panel from: " << xml_filename << llendl;

				return FALSE;

			LLXUIParser::instance().readXUI(referenced_xml, params, LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->getCurFileName());

			// add children using dimensions from referenced xml for consistent layout
			LLUICtrlFactory::createChildren(this, referenced_xml, child_registry_t::instance());


		// ask LLUICtrlFactory for filename, since xml_filename might be empty
		LLXUIParser::instance().readXUI(node, params, LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->getCurFileName());

		if (output_node)
			Params output_params(params);
			setupParamsForExport(output_params, parent);
				output_node, output_params, &default_params);
		params.from_xui = true;
		applyXUILayout(params, parent);

		// add children
		LLUICtrlFactory::createChildren(this, node, child_registry_t::instance(), output_node);

		// Connect to parent after children are built, because tab containers
		// do a reshape() on their child panels, which requires that the children
		// be built/added. JC
		if (parent)
			S32 tab_group = params.tab_group.isProvided() ? params.tab_group() : parent->getLastTabGroup();
			parent->addChild(this, tab_group);

			LLFastTimer timer(FTM_PANEL_POSTBUILD);
	return TRUE;
Exemple #6
 * Save current graphics and colors to the 'savefile' as a Tcl script.
 * Input:  savefile - filename to save to.
 * Return:  0 for success,
 *          VIS5D_BAD_VALUE if unable to open file
 *          VIS5D_FAIL if error while writing file.
int tcl_save( int index, const char *savefile )
   FILE *f;
   int cyo, chowmany, cwhichones[VIS5D_MAX_CONTEXTS];
   int var, i, k;
   int numvars;
   float r, g, b, a;
   char varname[20];

   vis5d_get_num_of_ctxs_in_display( index, &chowmany, cwhichones);

   f = fopen(savefile,"w");
   if (!f) {
      return VIS5D_BAD_VALUE;

   /* Prolog */ 
   fprintf(f,"#Vis5D 4.3 Tcl save file\n\n");

   for ( cyo = 0; cyo < chowmany; cyo++){
      int vindex = cwhichones[cyo];

      vis5d_get_ctx_numvars( cwhichones[cyo], &numvars );
      /* misc colors */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Box color\n");
      vis5d_get_color( index, VIS5D_BOX, 0, &r, &g, &b, &a );
      fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_BOX 0 %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
              r,g,b,a );

      fprintf(f,"\n#Light map color\n");
      vis5d_get_color( index, VIS5D_LIGHT_MAP, 0, &r, &g, &b, &a );
      fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_LIGHT_MAP 0 %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
              r,g,b,a );

      fprintf(f,"\n#Dark map color\n");
      vis5d_get_color( index, VIS5D_DARK_MAP, 0, &r, &g, &b, &a );
      fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_DARK_MAP 0 %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
              r,g,b,a );

      fprintf(f,"\n#Background color\n");
      vis5d_get_color( index, VIS5D_BACKGROUND, 0, &r, &g, &b, &a );
              "vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_BACKGROUND 0 %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
              r,g,b,a );

      /* Text labels */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Text labels\n");
         int i = 1;
         int x, y;
         char label[1000];
         while (vis5d_get_label( index, i, &x, &y, label )==0) {
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_label $dtx %d %d \"%s\"\n", x, y, label );

      /* View matrix */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Viewing matrix\n");
         float mat[4][4];
         int i, j;
         vis5d_get_matrix( index, mat );
         fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_matrix $dtx {");
         for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
            for (j=0;j<4;j++) {
               fprintf(f," %g", mat[i][j] );
         fprintf(f," }\n");

      /* Camera */
         int perspec;
         float front, zoom;
         vis5d_get_camera( index, &perspec, &front, &zoom );
         fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_camera $dtx %d %g %g\n", perspec, front, zoom );

      /* Cloned and computed physical variables */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Cloned or computed variables\n");
      for (var=0; var<numvars; var++) {
         int type;
         vis5d_get_var_type( cwhichones[cyo], var, &type );
         if (type==VIS5D_CLONE) {
            int vartoclone;
            char origname[20], clonename[20];
            vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( cwhichones[cyo], var, origname );
            vis5d_get_var_info( cwhichones[cyo], var, (void*) &vartoclone );
            vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( cwhichones[cyo], vartoclone, clonename );
            if (cyo == 0) {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_clone_variable $ctx \"%s\" \"%s\"\n",
                      origname, clonename );
            else {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_clone_variable %d \"%s\" \"%s\"\n",
                      cwhichones[cyo], origname, clonename );
         else if (type==VIS5D_EXT_FUNC) {
            char funcname[100];
            vis5d_get_var_info( cwhichones[cyo], var, (void*) funcname );
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_compute_ext_func $dtx \"%s\"\n", funcname );
         else if (type==VIS5D_EXPRESSION) {
            char expr[100];
            vis5d_get_var_info( cwhichones[cyo], var, (void*) expr );
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_expr_var $dtx \"%s\"\n", expr );

      /* Isosurfaces */
      for (var=0; var<numvars; var++) {
         float isolevel, min, max;
         int colorvarowner, colorvar;
         vis5d_get_isosurface( cwhichones[cyo], var, &isolevel );
         vis5d_get_ctx_var_range( cwhichones[cyo], var, &min, &max );
         vis5d_get_isosurface_color_var( cwhichones[cyo], var, &colorvarowner, &colorvar ); 
         vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( cwhichones[cyo], var, varname );
         if (isolevel!=min) {
            if (cyo == 0) {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_isosurface $ctx \"%s\" %g\n", varname, isolevel);
            else {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_isosurface %d \"%s\" %g\n", cwhichones[cyo],
                      varname, isolevel);
            if (colorvar>-1) {
               char colorvarname[20];
               vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( colorvarowner, colorvar, colorvarname );
               if (cyo == 0) {
                 fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_isosurface_color_var_and_owner $ctx \"%s\" %d  \"%s\"\n",
                         varname, colorvarowner, colorvarname );
               else {
                 fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_isosurface_color_var_and_owner %d \"%s\" %d  \"%s\"\n",
                         cwhichones[cyo], varname, colorvarowner, colorvarname );
            /* command to recompute the isosurface */
            if (cyo == 0) {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_isosurface $ctx VIS5D_ALL_TIMES \"%s\" 0\n",
                      varname );
            else {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_isosurface %d VIS5D_ALL_TIMES \"%s\" 0\n",
                      cwhichones[cyo], varname );
         if (vis5d_enable_graphics(cwhichones[cyo],VIS5D_ISOSURF,var,VIS5D_GET)){
            if (cyo == 0) {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_ISOSURF %d VIS5D_ON\n", var);
            else {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics %d VIS5D_ISOSURF %d VIS5D_ON\n",
                         cwhichones[cyo], var);
         /* WLH 10 Nov 98 */
         else {
            if (cyo == 0) {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_ISOSURF %d VIS5D_OFF\n", var);
            else {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics %d VIS5D_ISOSURF %d VIS5D_OFF\n",
                         cwhichones[cyo], var);


      /* Horizontal contour slices */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Horizontal contour slices\n");
      for (var=0;var<numvars;var++) {
         float interval, low, high, level;
         vis5d_get_hslice( vindex, var, &interval, &low, &high, &level );
         vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( vindex, var, varname );
         if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_hslice $ctx \"%s\" %g %g %g %g\n", varname,
                   interval, low, high, level );
         else {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_hslice %d \"%s\" %g %g %g %g\n",vindex, varname,
                   interval, low, high, level );
         if (vis5d_enable_graphics(vindex, VIS5D_HSLICE, var, VIS5D_GET)){
            if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_HSLICE %d VIS5D_ON\n", var);
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_hslice $ctx VIS5D_ALL_TIMES %d 1\n", var );
            else {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics %d VIS5D_HSLICE %d VIS5D_ON\n",
                         vindex, var);
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_hslice %d VIS5D_ALL_TIMES %d 1\n", vindex, var );
         /* WLH 10 Nov 98 */
         else {
            if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_HSLICE %d VIS5D_OFF\n", var);
            else {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics %d VIS5D_HSLICE %d VIS5D_OFF\n",
                         vindex, var);
         /* MJK 12.04.98 begin */
         if (vis5d_enable_sfc_graphics (index, VIS5D_HSLICE, var, VIS5D_GET)== VIS5D_ON){
            if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
/* MJK 3.29.99 
               fprintf (f,"vis5d_enable_sfc_graphics $ctx VIS5D_HSLICE %s VIS5D_ON\n",var);
               fprintf (f,"vis5d_enable_sfc_graphics $ctx VIS5D_HSLICE %d VIS5D_ON\n",var);
            if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
/* MJK 3.29.99                
               fprintf (f,"vis5d_enable_sfc_graphics $ctx VIS5D_HSLICE %s VIS5D_OFF\n",var);
               fprintf (f,"vis5d_enable_sfc_graphics $ctx VIS5D_HSLICE %d VIS5D_OFF\n",var);
         /* MJK 12.04.98 end */

      /* Vertical contour slices */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Vertical contour slices\n");
      for (var=0;var<numvars;var++) {
         float interval, low, high, r0, c0, r1, c1;
         vis5d_get_vslice( vindex, var, &interval, &low, &high, &r0,&c0, &r1,&c1 );
         vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( vindex, var, varname );
         if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_vslice $ctx \"%s\" %g %g %g  %g %g  %g %g\n",
                   varname, interval, low, high, r0,c0, r1,c1 );
         else {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_vslice %d \"%s\" %g %g %g  %g %g  %g %g\n", vindex,
                   varname, interval, low, high, r0,c0, r1,c1 );
         if (vis5d_enable_graphics(vindex, VIS5D_VSLICE, var, VIS5D_GET)){
            if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_VSLICE %d VIS5D_ON\n", var);
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_vslice $ctx VIS5D_ALL_TIMES %d 1\n", var );
            else {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics %d VIS5D_VSLICE %d VIS5D_ON\n",
                         vindex, var);
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_vslice %d VIS5D_ALL_TIMES %d 1\n", vindex, var );
         /* WLH 10 Nov 98 */
         else {
            if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_VSLICE %d VIS5D_OFF\n", var);
            else {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics %d VIS5D_VSLICE %d VIS5D_OFF\n",
                         vindex, var);


      /* Horizontal colored slices */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Horizontal colored slices\n");
      for (var=0;var<numvars;var++) {
         float level;
         vis5d_get_chslice( vindex, var, &level );
         vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( vindex, var, varname );
         if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_chslice $ctx \"%s\" %g\n", varname, level );
         else {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_chslice %d \"%s\" %g\n",vindex, varname, level );
         if (vis5d_enable_graphics(vindex, VIS5D_CHSLICE, var, VIS5D_GET)){
            if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_CHSLICE %d VIS5D_ON\n", var);
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_chslice $ctx VIS5D_ALL_TIMES %d 1\n", var );
            else {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics %d VIS5D_CHSLICE %d VIS5D_ON\n",
                         vindex, var);
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_chslice %d VIS5D_ALL_TIMES %d 1\n", vindex, var );
         /* WLH 10 Nov 98 */
         else {
            if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_CHSLICE %d VIS5D_OFF\n", var);
            else {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics %d VIS5D_CHSLICE %d VIS5D_OFF\n",
                         vindex, var);

      /* Vertical colored slices */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Vertical colored slices\n");
      for (var=0;var<numvars;var++) {
         float r0, c0, r1, c1;
         vis5d_get_cvslice( vindex, var, &r0, &c0, &r1, &c1 );
         vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( vindex, var, varname );
         if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_cvslice $ctx \"%s\" %g %g %g %g\n",
                   varname, r0, c0, r1, c1 );
         else {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_cvslice %d \"%s\" %g %g %g %g\n",vindex,
                   varname, r0, c0, r1, c1 );
         if (vis5d_enable_graphics(vindex, VIS5D_CVSLICE, var, VIS5D_GET)){
            if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_CVSLICE %d VIS5D_ON\n", var);
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_cvslice $ctx VIS5D_ALL_TIMES %d 1\n", var );
            else {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics %d VIS5D_CVSLICE %d VIS5D_ON\n",
                         vindex, var);
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_cvslice %d VIS5D_ALL_TIMES %d 1\n", vindex, var );
         /* WLH 10 Nov 98 */
         else {
            if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_CVSLICE %d VIS5D_OFF\n", var);
            else {
              fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics %d VIS5D_CVSLICE %d VIS5D_OFF\n",
                         vindex, var);

      /* Current Display Volume */
      fprintf(f, "\n#Current Display Volume\n");
         int current_vol_owner, current_vol;
         vis5d_get_volume(index, &current_vol_owner, &current_vol); // JCM: Anywhere vis5d_get_volume() is called, have to introduce extra code to deal with more than one volume
         if (current_vol_owner > -1){
	   vis5d_printtcl_volume(f, index, current_vol_owner, current_vol, cwhichones[0]); // JCM
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_volume_and_owner $dtx -1 -1\n");

      /* Horizontal wind vector slices */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Horizontal wind vector slices\n");
      for (i=0;i<VIS5D_WIND_SLICES;i++) {
         float density, scale, level;
         vis5d_get_hwindslice( index, i, &density, &scale, &level );
         fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_hwindslice $dtx %d  %g %g %g\n", i, density,
                 scale, level );
         if (vis5d_enable_graphics(cwhichones[0], VIS5D_HWIND, i, VIS5D_GET)){
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_HWIND %d VIS5D_ON\n", i);
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_hwindslice $dtx VIS5D_ALL_TIMES %d 1\n", i);
         /* WLH 10 Nov 98 */
         else {
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_HWIND %d VIS5D_OFF\n", i);
         /* MJK 12.04.98 begin */
         if (vis5d_enable_sfc_graphics (vindex, VIS5D_HWIND, i, VIS5D_GET)== VIS5D_ON){
            fprintf (f,"vis5d_enable_sfc_graphics $ctx VIS5D_HWIND %d VIS5D_ON\n",i);
            fprintf (f,"vis5d_enable_sfc_graphics $ctx VIS5D_HWIND %d VIS5D_OFF\n",i);
         /* MJK 12.04.98 end */


      /* Vertical wind vector slices */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Vertical wind vector slices\n");
      for (i=0;i<VIS5D_WIND_SLICES;i++) {
         float density, scale, r0, c0, r1, c1;
         vis5d_get_vwindslice( index, i, &density, &scale, &r0, &c0, &r1, &c1 );
         fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_vwindslice $dtx %d  %g %g  %g %g %g %g\n", i,
                 density, scale, r0, c0, r1, c1 );
         if (vis5d_enable_graphics(cwhichones[0], VIS5D_VWIND, i, VIS5D_GET)){
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_VWIND %d VIS5D_ON\n", i);
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_vwindslice $dtx VIS5D_ALL_TIMES %d 1\n", i);         
         /* WLH 10 Nov 98 */
         else {
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_VWIND %d VIS5D_OFF\n", i);


      /* Horizontal wind stream slices */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Horizontal stream slices\n");
      for (i=0;i<VIS5D_WIND_SLICES;i++) {
         float density, level;
         vis5d_get_hstreamslice( index, i, &density, &level );
         fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_hstreamslice $dtx %d  %g %g\n", i, density,
                 level );
         if (vis5d_enable_graphics(cwhichones[0], VIS5D_HSTREAM, i, VIS5D_GET)){
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_HSTREAM %d VIS5D_ON\n", i);      
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_hstreamslice $dtx VIS5D_ALL_TIMES %d 1\n", i);         
         /* WLH 10 Nov 98 */
         else {
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_HSTREAM %d VIS5D_OFF\n", i);
         /* MJK 12.04.98 begin */
         if (vis5d_enable_sfc_graphics (vindex, VIS5D_HSTREAM, i, VIS5D_GET)== VIS5D_ON){
            fprintf (f,"vis5d_enable_sfc_graphics $ctx VIS5D_HWIND %d VIS5D_ON\n",i);
            fprintf (f,"vis5d_enable_sfc_graphics $ctx VIS5D_HSTREAM %d VIS5D_OFF\n",i);
         /* MJK 12.04.98 end */

      /* Vertical wind stream slices */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Vertical stream slices\n");
      for (i=0;i<VIS5D_WIND_SLICES;i++) {
         float density, r0, c0, r1, c1;
         vis5d_get_vstreamslice( index, i, &density, &r0, &c0, &r1, &c1 );
         fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_vstreamslice $dtx %d  %g %g %g %g %g\n", i,
                 density, r0, c0, r1, c1 );
         if (vis5d_enable_graphics(cwhichones[0], VIS5D_VSTREAM, i, VIS5D_GET)){
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_VSTREAM %d VIS5D_ON\n", i);
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_vstreamslice $dtx VIS5D_ALL_TIMES %d 1\n", i);                
         /* WLH 10 Nov 98 */
         else {
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_VSTREAM %d VIS5D_OFF\n", i);


      /* Trajectories */
         float prevstep = 0.0, prevlength = 0.0;
         int prevribbon = 0;
         int numtraj = vis5d_get_num_traj( index );
         for (i=0;i<numtraj;i++) {
            float row, col, lev, step, length;
            int timestep, group, ribbon;
            vis5d_get_traj_info( index, i, &row, &col, &lev, &timestep,
                                 &step, &length, &group, &ribbon );
            if (i==0 || step!=prevstep || length!=prevlength
                || ribbon!=prevribbon) {
               fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_traj $dtx %g %g %d\n", step, length, ribbon );
            prevstep = step;
            prevlength = length;
            prevribbon = ribbon;
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_make_traj $dtx %g %g %g %d %d\n", row, col, lev,
                    timestep, group );
         for (i=0; i<VIS5D_TRAJ_SETS; i++){
            if (vis5d_enable_graphics(cwhichones[0], VIS5D_TRAJ, i, VIS5D_GET)){
               fprintf(f,"vis5d_enable_graphics $ctx VIS5D_TRAJ %d VIS5D_ON\n", i);      

      /* Isosurface colors */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Isosurface colors\n");
      for (var=0;var<numvars;var++) {
         vis5d_get_color( index, VIS5D_ISOSURF, vindex*MAXVARS+var, &r, &g, &b, &a );
         vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( vindex, var, varname );
         if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
             "vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_ISOSURF $ctx \"%s\" %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
             varname, r,g,b,a );
         else {
             "vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_ISOSURF %d \"%s\" %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
             vindex, varname, r,g,b,a );

      /* HSlice colors */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Horizontal contour slice colors\n");
      for (var=0;var<numvars;var++) {
         vis5d_get_color( index, VIS5D_HSLICE, vindex*MAXVARS+var, &r, &g, &b, &a );
         vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( vindex, var, varname );
         if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
               "vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_HSLICE $ctx \"%s\" %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
               varname, r,g,b,a );
         else {
               "vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_HSLICE %d \"%s\" %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
               vindex, varname, r,g,b,a );

      /* VSlice colors */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Vertical contour slice colors\n");
      for (var=0;var<numvars;var++) {
         vis5d_get_color( index, VIS5D_VSLICE, vindex*MAXVARS+var, &r, &g, &b, &a );
         vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( vindex, var, varname );
         if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
              "vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_VSLICE $ctx \"%s\" %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
              varname, r,g,b,a );
         else {
              "vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_VSLICE %d \"%s\" %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
              vindex, varname, r,g,b,a );

      /* Colored HSlice colors */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Horizontal colored slice tickmark colors\n");
      for (var=0;var<numvars;var++) {
         vis5d_get_color( index, VIS5D_CHSLICE, vindex*MAXVARS+var, &r, &g, &b, &a );
         vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( vindex, var, varname );
         if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
             "vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_CHSLICE $ctx \"%s\" %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
             varname, r,g,b,a );
         else {
             "vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_CHSLICE %d \"%s\" %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
             vindex, varname, r,g,b,a );

      /* Colored VSlice colors */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Vertical colored slice tickmark colors\n");
      for (var=0;var<numvars;var++) {
         vis5d_get_color( index, VIS5D_CVSLICE, vindex*MAXVARS+var, &r, &g, &b, &a );
         vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( vindex, var, varname );
         if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
            "vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_CVSLICE $ctx \"%s\" %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
            varname, r,g,b,a );
         else {
            "vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_CVSLICE %d \"%s\" %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
            vindex, varname, r,g,b,a );

      /* HWind colors */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Horizontal wind slice colors\n");
      for (i=0;i<VIS5D_WIND_SLICES;i++) {
         vis5d_get_color( index, VIS5D_HWIND, i, &r, &g, &b, &a );
                 "vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_HWIND %d %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
                 i, r,g,b,a );

      /* VWind colors */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Vertical wind slice colors\n");
      for (i=0;i<VIS5D_WIND_SLICES;i++) {
         vis5d_get_color( index, VIS5D_VWIND, i, &r, &g, &b, &a );
                 "vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_VWIND %d %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
                 i, r,g,b,a );

      /* Horizontal Stream colors */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Horizontal stream slice colors\n");
      for (i=0;i<VIS5D_WIND_SLICES;i++) {
         vis5d_get_color( index, VIS5D_HSTREAM, i, &r, &g, &b, &a );
                 "vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_HSTREAM %d %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
                 i, r,g,b,a );

      /* Vertical Stream colors */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Vertical stream slice colors\n");
      for (i=0;i<VIS5D_WIND_SLICES;i++) {
         vis5d_get_color( index, VIS5D_VSTREAM, i, &r, &g, &b, &a );
                 "vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_VSTREAM %d %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
                 i, r,g,b,a );

      /* Trajectory colors */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Trajectory colors\n");
      for (i=0;i<VIS5D_TRAJ_SETS;i++) {
         int colorvarowner, colorvar;
         vis5d_get_color( index, VIS5D_TRAJ, i, &r, &g, &b, &a );
         fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color $dtx VIS5D_TRAJ %d %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n",
                 i, r,g,b,a );
         vis5d_get_trajectory_color_var( index, i, &colorvarowner, &colorvar ); 
         if (colorvar>=0) {
            char varname[20];
            vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( colorvarowner, colorvar, varname );
            fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_trajectory_color_var_and_owner $dtx %d %d \"%s\"\n",
                    i, colorvarowner, varname );

/* TO HERE */

      /* Isosurface color tables */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Isosurface color tables\n");
      for (var=0;var<numvars;var++) {
         unsigned int *ctable;
         char varname[20];
         float params[NUMCOLORTABLEPARAMS];

         vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( index, var, varname );

         k = get_colorbar_params( index, VIS5D_ISOSURF, vindex, var, params );

         if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_params $dtx VIS5D_ISOSURF $ctx");
         else {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_params $dtx VIS5D_ISOSURF %d", vindex);
         output_params(f,varname,params); // JCM

         if (k) {
            /* the color table can't be described by the parameters alone */
            /* save each individual table entry */
            vis5d_get_color_table_address( index, VIS5D_ISOSURF, vindex, var, &ctable ); 
            for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
               if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
                 fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_entry $dtx VIS5D_ISOSURF $ctx");
               else {
                 fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_entry $dtx VIS5D_ISOSURF %d", vindex);
               fprintf(f," \"%s\" %d %d %d %d %d\n", varname, i, 
                       UNPACK_RED(ctable[i]), UNPACK_GREEN(ctable[i]),
                       UNPACK_BLUE(ctable[i]), UNPACK_ALPHA(ctable[i]) );

      /* Horizontal color slice color tables */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Horizontal color slice color tables\n");
      for (var=0;var<numvars;var++) {
         unsigned int *ctable;
         char varname[20];
         float params[NUMCOLORTABLEPARAMS];

         vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( index, var, varname );

         k = get_colorbar_params( index, VIS5D_CHSLICE, vindex, var, params );

         if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_params $dtx VIS5D_CHSLICE $ctx");
         else {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_params $dtx VIS5D_CHSLICE %d ", vindex);

         output_params(f,varname,params); // JCM

         if (k) {
            /* the color table can't be described by the parameters alone */
            /* save each individual table entry */
            vis5d_get_color_table_address( index, VIS5D_CHSLICE, vindex, var, &ctable ); 
            for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
               if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
                 fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_entry $dtx VIS5D_CHSLICE $ctx");
               else {
                 fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_entry $dtx VIS5D_CHSLICE %d", vindex);
               fprintf(f," \"%s\" %d %d %d %d %d\n", varname, i, 
                       UNPACK_RED(ctable[i]), UNPACK_GREEN(ctable[i]),
                       UNPACK_BLUE(ctable[i]), UNPACK_ALPHA(ctable[i]) );

      /* Vertical color slice color tables */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Vertical color slice color tables\n");
      for (var=0;var<numvars;var++) {
         unsigned int *ctable;
         char varname[20];
         float params[NUMCOLORTABLEPARAMS];

         vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( index, var, varname );

         k = get_colorbar_params( index, VIS5D_CVSLICE, vindex, var, params );

         if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_params $dtx VIS5D_CVSLICE $ctx");
         else {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_params $dtx VIS5D_CVSLICE %d", vindex);

         output_params(f,varname,params); // JCM

         if (k) {
            /* the color table can't be described by the parameters alone */
            /* save each individual table entry */
            vis5d_get_color_table_address( index, VIS5D_CVSLICE, vindex, var, &ctable ); 
            for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
               if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
                 fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_entry $dtx VIS5D_CVSLICE $ctx");
               else {
                 fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_entry $dtx VIS5D_CVSLICE %d", vindex);
               fprintf(f," \"%s\" %d %d %d %d %d\n", varname, i, 
                       UNPACK_RED(ctable[i]), UNPACK_GREEN(ctable[i]),
                       UNPACK_BLUE(ctable[i]), UNPACK_ALPHA(ctable[i]) );

      /* Volume color tables */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Volume color tables\n");
      for (var=0;var<numvars;var++) {
         unsigned int *ctable;
         char varname[20];
         float params[NUMCOLORTABLEPARAMS];

         vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( index, var, varname );

         k = get_colorbar_params( index, VIS5D_VOLUME, vindex, var, params );

         if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_params $dtx VIS5D_VOLUME $ctx");
         else {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_params $dtx VIS5D_VOLUME %d", vindex);
	 //	 fprintf(stderr,"%g\n",params[ALPHAVAL]); // DEBUG
         output_params(f,varname,params); // JCM

         if (k) {
            /* the color table can't be described by the parameters alone */
            /* save each individual table entry */
            vis5d_get_color_table_address( index, VIS5D_VOLUME, vindex, var, &ctable ); 
            for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
               if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
                 fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_entry $dtx VIS5D_VOLUME $ctx");
               else {
                 fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_entry $dtx VIS5D_VOLUME %d", vindex);
               fprintf(f," \"%s\" %d %d %d %d %d\n", varname, i, 
                       UNPACK_RED(ctable[i]), UNPACK_GREEN(ctable[i]),
                       UNPACK_BLUE(ctable[i]), UNPACK_ALPHA(ctable[i]) );

      /* Trajectory color tables */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Trajectory color tables\n");
      for (var=0;var<numvars;var++) {
         unsigned int *ctable;
         float params[NUMCOLORTABLEPARAMS];

         vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( index, var, varname );
         k = get_colorbar_params( index, VIS5D_TRAJ, vindex, var, params );

         if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_params $dtx VIS5D_TRAJ $ctx");
         else {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_params $dtx VIS5D_TRAJ %d", vindex);

         output_params(f,varname,params); // JCM

         if (k) {
            /* the color table can't be described by the parameters alone */
            /* save each individual table entry */
            vis5d_get_color_table_address( index, VIS5D_TRAJ, vindex, var, &ctable ); 
            for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
               if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
                 fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_entry $dtx VIS5D_TRAJ $ctx");
               else {
                 fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_entry $dtx VIS5D_TRAJ %d", vindex);
               fprintf(f," \"%s\" %d %d %d %d %d\n", varname, i, 
                       UNPACK_RED(ctable[i]), UNPACK_GREEN(ctable[i]),
                       UNPACK_BLUE(ctable[i]), UNPACK_ALPHA(ctable[i]) );

      /* MJK 12.04.98 begin */
 /*     if (vis5d_enable_sfc_map (index, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON){
         fprintf (f,"vis5d_enable_sfc_map $dtx VIS5D_ON\n");
         fprintf (f,"vis5d_enable_sfc_map $dtx VIS5D_OFF\n");
   */   /* MJK 12.04.98 end */

      /* Topography color tables */
      fprintf(f,"\n#Topography color tables\n");
      for (var=-1;var<numvars;var++) {
         unsigned int *ctable;
         float params[NUMCOLORTABLEPARAMS];

         if (var>=0) {
            vis5d_get_ctx_var_name( index, var, varname );
            k = get_colorbar_params( index, VIS5D_TOPO, vindex, var, params );
         else {
            int j;
            for (j=0; j<NUMCOLORTABLEPARAMS; j++) params[j] = 0;
            strcpy( varname, "-1" );
            k = 1;
         if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_params $dtx VIS5D_TOPO $ctx");
         else {
           fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_params $dtx VIS5D_TOPO %d", vindex);

         output_params(f,varname,params); // JCM

         if (k) {
            /* the color table can't be described by the parameters alone */
            /* save each individual table entry */
            vis5d_get_color_table_address( index, VIS5D_TOPO, vindex, var, &ctable ); 
            for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
               if (vindex == cwhichones[0]) {
                 fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_entry $dtx VIS5D_TOPO $ctx");
               else {
                 fprintf(f,"vis5d_set_color_table_entry $dtx VIS5D_TOPO %d", vindex);
               fprintf(f," \"%s\" %d %d %d %d %d\n", varname, i, 
                       UNPACK_RED(ctable[i]), UNPACK_GREEN(ctable[i]),
                       UNPACK_BLUE(ctable[i]), UNPACK_ALPHA(ctable[i]) );
      int colorvar, colorvarowner;
      vis5d_get_topo_color_var( index, &colorvarowner, &colorvar ); 
      fprintf(f, "\n");
      fprintf(f, "vis5d_set_topo_color_var_and_owner $dtx %d %d\n", colorvarowner, colorvar );

   /* MJK 12.04.98 begin */
   /* TODO */
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_BOX, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_BOX VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_CLOCK, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_CLOCK VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_MAP, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_MAP VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_TOPO, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_TOPO VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_LEGENDS, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_LEGENDS VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_PERSPECTIVE, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_PERSPECTIVE VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_CONTOUR_NUMBERS, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_CONTOUR_NUMBERS VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_GRID_COORDS, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_GRID_COORDS VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_PRETTY, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_PRETTY VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_INFO, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_INFO VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_PROBE, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_PROBE VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_SOUND, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_SOUND VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_CURSOR, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_CURSOR VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_ANIMRECORD, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_ANIMRECORD VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_TEXTURE, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_TEXTURE VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_DEPTHCUE, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_DEPTHCUE VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_JULIAN, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_JULIAN VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_BARBS, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_BARBS VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_SND_THTA, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_SND_THTA VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_SND_THTE, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_SND_THTE VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_SND_W, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_SND_W VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_SND_TICKS, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_SND_TICKS VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_SND_MIXRAT, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_SND_MIXRAT VIS5D_ON\n");
   if (vis5d_graphics_mode (index, VIS5D_SND_TEMP, VIS5D_GET) == VIS5D_ON)
      fprintf (f, "vis5d_graphics_mode $ctx VIS5D_SND_TEMP VIS5D_ON\n");

   fprintf(f, "\nvis5d_draw_frame %d\n", index );

   return 0;
output_right(enum tof type, struct process *proc, struct library_symbol *libsym,
             struct timedelta *spent)
    assert(! options.summary);

    struct prototype *func = lookup_symbol_prototype(proc, libsym);
    if (func == NULL)

    if (current_proc != NULL
            && (current_proc != proc
                || current_depth != proc->callstack_depth)) {
        fprintf(options.output, " <unfinished ...>\n");
        current_proc = NULL;
    if (current_proc != proc) {
        begin_of_line(proc, type == LT_TOF_FUNCTIONR, 1);
        current_column +=
            fprintf(options.output, "<... %s resumed> ",
                    options.demangle ? my_demangle(libsym->name)
                    : libsym->name);
        current_column +=
            fprintf(options.output, "<... %s resumed> ", libsym->name);

    struct callstack_element *stel
            = &proc->callstack[proc->callstack_depth - 1];

    struct fetch_context *context = stel->fetch_context;

    /* Fetch & enter into dictionary the retval first, so that
     * other values can use it in expressions.  */
    struct value retval;
    bool own_retval = false;
    if (context != NULL) {
        value_init(&retval, proc, NULL, func->return_info, 0);
        own_retval = true;
        if (fetch_retval(context, type, proc, func->return_info,
                         &retval) < 0)
            value_set_type(&retval, NULL, 0);
        else if (stel->arguments != NULL
                 && val_dict_push_named(stel->arguments, &retval,
                                        "retval", 0) == 0)
            own_retval = false;

    if (stel->arguments != NULL)
        output_params(stel->arguments, stel->out.params_left,

    current_column += fprintf(options.output, ") ");
    tabto(options.align - 1);
    fprintf(options.output, "= ");

    if (context != NULL && retval.type != NULL) {
        struct format_argument_data data = { &retval, stel->arguments };
        format_argument_cb(options.output, &data);

    if (own_retval)

    if (opt_T) {
        assert(spent != NULL);
        fprintf(options.output, " <%lu.%06d>",
                (unsigned long) spent->tm.tv_sec,
                (int) spent->tm.tv_usec);

    fprintf(options.output, "\n");

#if defined(HAVE_LIBUNWIND)
    if (options.bt_depth > 0
            && proc->unwind_priv != NULL
            && proc->unwind_as != NULL) {
        unw_cursor_t cursor;
        arch_addr_t ip, function_offset;
        struct library *lib = NULL;
        int unwind_depth = options.bt_depth;
        char fn_name[100];
        const char *lib_name;
        size_t distance;

        /* Verify that we can safely cast arch_addr_t* to
         * unw_word_t*.  */
        (void)sizeof(char[1 - 2*(sizeof(unw_word_t)
                                 != sizeof(arch_addr_t))]);
        unw_init_remote(&cursor, proc->unwind_as, proc->unwind_priv);
        while (unwind_depth) {

            int rc = unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_REG_IP,
                                 (unw_word_t *) &ip);
            if (rc < 0) {
                fprintf(options.output, " > Error: %s\n",
                goto cont;

            /* We are looking for the library with the base address
             * closest to the current ip.  */
            lib_name = "unmapped_area";
            distance = (size_t) -1;
            lib = proc->libraries;
            while (lib != NULL) {
                /* N.B.: Assumes sizeof(size_t) ==
                 * sizeof(arch_addr_t).
                 * Keyword: double cast.  */
                if ((ip >= lib->base) &&
                        ((size_t)(ip - lib->base)
                         < distance)) {
                    distance = ip - lib->base;
                    lib_name = lib->pathname;
                lib = lib->next;

            rc = unw_get_proc_name(&cursor, fn_name,
                                   (unw_word_t *) &function_offset);
            if (rc == 0 || rc == -UNW_ENOMEM)
                fprintf(options.output, " > %s(%s+%p) [%p]\n",
                        lib_name, fn_name, function_offset, ip);
                fprintf(options.output, " > %s(??\?) [%p]\n",
                        lib_name, ip);

            if (unw_step(&cursor) <= 0)
        fprintf(options.output, "\n");
#endif /* defined(HAVE_LIBUNWIND) */

#if defined(HAVE_LIBDW)
    if (options.bt_depth > 0 && proc->leader->dwfl != NULL) {
        int frames = options.bt_depth;
        if (dwfl_getthread_frames(proc->leader->dwfl, proc->pid,
                                  frame_callback, &frames) < 0) {
            // Only print an error if we couldn't show anything.
            // Otherwise just show there might be more...
            if (frames == options.bt_depth)
                        "dwfl_getthread_frames tid %d: %s\n",
                        proc->pid, dwfl_errmsg(-1));
                fprintf(options.output, " > [...]\n");
        fprintf(options.output, "\n");
#endif /* defined(HAVE_LIBDW) */

    current_proc = NULL;
    current_column = 0;
output_left(enum tof type, struct process *proc,
            struct library_symbol *libsym)
    assert(! options.summary);

    if (current_proc) {
        fprintf(options.output, " <unfinished ...>\n");
        current_column = 0;
    current_proc = proc;
    current_depth = proc->callstack_depth;
    begin_of_line(proc, type == LT_TOF_FUNCTION, 1);
    if (!options.hide_caller && libsym->lib != NULL
            && libsym->plt_type != LS_TOPLT_NONE)
        /* We don't terribly mind failing this.  */
                       fprintf(options.output, "%s->",

    const char *name = libsym->name;
    if (options.demangle)
        name = my_demangle(libsym->name);
    if (account_output(&current_column,
                       fprintf(options.output, "%s", name)) < 0)

    if (libsym->lib != NULL
            && libsym->lib->type != LT_LIBTYPE_MAIN
            && libsym->plt_type == LS_TOPLT_NONE
            && account_output(&current_column,
                              fprintf(options.output, "@%s",
                                      libsym->lib->soname)) < 0)
        /* We do mind failing this though.  */

    account_output(&current_column, fprintf(options.output, "("));

    struct prototype *func = lookup_symbol_prototype(proc, libsym);
    if (func == NULL) {
        account_output(&current_column, fprintf(options.output, "???"));

    struct fetch_context *context = fetch_arg_init(type, proc,
    if (context == NULL)
        goto fail;

    struct value_dict *arguments = malloc(sizeof(*arguments));
    if (arguments == NULL) {
        goto fail;

    ssize_t params_left = -1;
    int need_delim = 0;
    if (fetch_params(type, proc, context, arguments, func, &params_left) < 0
            || output_params(arguments, 0, params_left, &need_delim) < 0) {
        arguments = NULL;
        context = NULL;

    struct callstack_element *stel
            = &proc->callstack[proc->callstack_depth - 1];
    stel->fetch_context = context;
    stel->arguments = arguments;
    stel->out.params_left = params_left;
    stel->out.need_delim = need_delim;