void NNOBOTExtSnd::XORandOWF(uint8_t* idaptr, uint8_t* idbptr, uint64_t rowbytelen, uint8_t* tmpbuf,
		uint8_t* resbuf, uint8_t* hash_buf) {

	memset(tmpbuf, 0, rowbytelen);

	for(uint64_t j = 0; j < rowbytelen/sizeof(uint64_t); j++) {
		((uint64_t*) tmpbuf)[j] = ((uint64_t*) tmpbuf)[j] ^ ((uint64_t*) idaptr)[j] ^ ((uint64_t*) idbptr)[j];

	cout << "XOR-OWF Input:\t" << (hex);
	for(uint32_t t = 0; t < rowbytelen; t++) {
		cout << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (uint32_t) tmpbuf[t];
	cout << (dec) << endl;
#ifdef AES_OWF
		owf(&aesowfkey, rowbytelen, tmpbuf, resbuf);
	m_cCrypt->hash_buf(resbuf, OWF_BYTES, tmpbuf, rowbytelen, hash_buf);//hash_buf, rowbytelen, tmpbuf, resbuf, hash_buf);
	cout << "XOR-OWF Output:\t" << (hex);
	for(uint32_t t = 0; t < OWF_BYTES; t++) {
		cout << (uint32_t) resbuf[t];
	cout << (dec) << endl;
void ALSZOTExtSnd::XORandOWF(uint8_t* idaptr, uint8_t* idbptr, uint64_t rowbytelen, uint8_t* tmpbuf,
		uint8_t* resbuf, uint8_t* hash_buf) {

	for(uint64_t j = 0; j < rowbytelen/sizeof(uint64_t); j++) {
		((uint64_t*) tmpbuf)[j] = ((uint64_t*) tmpbuf)[j] ^ ((uint64_t*) idaptr)[j] ^ ((uint64_t*) idbptr)[j];

		cout << "\t" << (hex);
		for(uint32_t t = 0; t < rowbytelen; t++) {
			cout << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (uint32_t) tmpbuf[t];
		cout << (dec) << endl;
#ifdef AES_OWF
		owf(&aesowfkey, rowbytelen, tmpbuf, resbuf);
	/*SHA512_CTX sha;
	SHA512_Update(&sha, tmpbuf, rowbytelen);
	SHA512_Final(hash_buf, &sha);
	memcpy(resbuf, hash_buf, OWF_BYTES);*/
	sha512_hash(resbuf, OWF_BYTES, tmpbuf, rowbytelen, hash_buf);
	//m_cCrypt->hash_buf(resbuf, OWF_BYTES, tmpbuf, rowbytelen, hash_buf);//hash_buf, rowbytelen, tmpbuf, resbuf, hash_buf);
		cout << "\t" << (hex);
		for(uint32_t t = 0; t < OWF_BYTES; t++) {
			cout << (uint32_t) resbuf[t];
		cout << (dec) << endl;
nnob_snd_check_t NNOBOTExtSnd::UpdateCheckBuf(uint8_t* tocheckseed, uint8_t* tocheckrcv, uint64_t otid, uint64_t numblocks, channel* check_chan) {
	uint64_t rowbytelen = m_nBlockSizeBytes * numblocks;
	uint64_t checkbytelen = min(rowbytelen, bits_in_bytes(m_nOTs - otid));

	uint8_t* hash_buf = (uint8_t*) malloc(SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH);
	uint8_t* tmpbuf = (uint8_t*) malloc(rowbytelen);
	uint8_t *idaptr, *idbptr;
	nnob_snd_check_t check_buf;
	//check_buf.rcv_chk_buf = (uint8_t*) malloc(m_nChecks * OWF_BYTES);
	check_buf.chk_buf = (uint8_t*) malloc(m_nChecks * OWF_BYTES);

	uint8_t *chk_buf_ptr = check_buf.chk_buf;
	uint8_t *idatmpbuf = (BYTE*) malloc(sizeof(BYTE) * rowbytelen);
	uint8_t *idbtmpbuf = (BYTE*) malloc(sizeof(BYTE) * rowbytelen);
	uint8_t *seedptr, *rcvptr;

	//uint32_t blockoffset = ceil_divide(otid, NUMOTBLOCKS * m_nBlockSizeBits);
	uint32_t blockid = 0; //TODO bring in as soon as 3-step OT is implemented

	check_buf.otid = otid;
	check_buf.numblocks = numblocks;
	check_buf.perm = (linking_t*) malloc(sizeof(linking_t*) * m_nChecks);
	check_buf.permchoicebits = (BYTE*) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * m_nChecks);

	genRandomMapping(check_buf.perm, m_nBaseOTs);

	for(uint32_t i = 0; i < m_nChecks; i++) {
		check_buf.permchoicebits[i] = m_vU.GetBit(blockid * m_nBaseOTs + check_buf.perm[i].ida) ^ m_vU.GetBit(blockid * m_nBaseOTs + check_buf.perm[i].idb);

	//right now the checkbytelen needs to be a multiple of AES_BYTES
	assert(ceil_divide(rowbytelen, OWF_BYTES) * OWF_BYTES == rowbytelen);

	for(uint64_t i = 0; i < m_nChecks; i++, chk_buf_ptr+=OWF_BYTES) {

		if(m_vU.GetBit(blockid * m_nBaseOTs + check_buf.perm[i].ida) == 0) {
			memcpy(idatmpbuf, tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen, rowbytelen);
		} else {
			seedptr = tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen;
			rcvptr = tocheckrcv + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen;
			for(int j = 0; j < rowbytelen/sizeof(uint64_t); j++) {
				((uint64_t*) idatmpbuf)[j] = ((uint64_t*) seedptr)[j] ^ ((uint64_t*) rcvptr)[j];

		if(m_vU.GetBit(blockid * m_nBaseOTs + check_buf.perm[i].idb) == 0) {
			memcpy(idbtmpbuf, tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen, rowbytelen);
		} else {
			seedptr = tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen;
			rcvptr = tocheckrcv + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen;
			for(int j = 0; j < rowbytelen/sizeof(uint64_t); j++) {
				((uint64_t*) idbtmpbuf)[j] = ((uint64_t*) seedptr)[j] ^ ((uint64_t*) rcvptr)[j];

		cout << "seedA: " <<  (hex) << ((uint64_t*) (tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen))[0] <<
				", rcvA: " << ((uint64_t*) (tocheckrcv + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen))[0] << (dec) << endl;
		cout << "seedB: " <<  (hex) << ((uint64_t*) (tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen))[0] <<
				", rcvB: " << ((uint64_t*) (tocheckrcv + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen))[0] << (dec) << endl;
		cout << "input to owf " <<  (hex) << ((uint64_t*) idatmpbuf)[0] << ", " << ((uint64_t*) idbtmpbuf)[0] << (dec) << endl;

		memset(tmpbuf, 0, rowbytelen);

		for(uint64_t j = 0; j < rowbytelen/sizeof(uint64_t); j++) {
			((uint64_t*) tmpbuf)[j] = ((uint64_t*) tmpbuf)[j] ^ ((uint64_t*) idatmpbuf)[j] ^ ((uint64_t*) idbtmpbuf)[j];

		cout << "XOR-OWF Input:\t" << (hex);
		for(uint32_t t = 0; t < checkbytelen; t++) {
			cout << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (uint32_t) tmpbuf[t];
		cout << (dec) << endl;
#ifdef AES_OWF
			owf(&aesowfkey, rowbytelen, tmpbuf, resbuf);
		//m_cCrypt->hash_buf(chk_buf_ptr, OWF_BYTES, tmpbuf, checkbytelen, hash_buf);//hash_buf, rowbytelen, tmpbuf, resbuf, hash_buf);
		sha512_hash(chk_buf_ptr, OWF_BYTES, tmpbuf, checkbytelen, hash_buf);
		cout << "XOR-OWF Output:\t" << (hex);
		for(uint32_t t = 0; t < OWF_BYTES; t++) {
			cout << (uint32_t) chk_buf_ptr[t];
		cout << (dec) << endl;
		//XORandOWF(idatmpbuf, idbtmpbuf,	checkbytelen, tmpbuf, chk_buf_ptr, hash_buf);

/*	for(uint64_t i = 0; i < m_nChecks; i++, seedcheckbufptr+=OWF_BYTES, rcvcheckbufptr+=OWF_BYTES) {
		memset(tmpbuf, 0, rowbytelen);
		cout << i << "-th check between " << check_buf.perm[i].ida << " and " << check_buf.perm[i].idb << ": " << endl;
		XORandOWF(tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen, tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen,
				rowbytelen, tmpbuf, seedcheckbufptr, hash_buf);
		XORandOWF(tocheckrcv + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen, tocheckrcv + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen,
				rowbytelen, tmpbuf, rcvcheckbufptr, hash_buf);


	//Send the permutation and the XORed bits over to the receiver
	check_chan->send_id_len((uint8_t*) check_buf.perm, sizeof(linking_t) * m_nChecks, otid, numblocks);
	check_chan->send(check_buf.permchoicebits, m_nChecks);

	return check_buf;
void NNOBOTExtRec::ComputeOWF(std::queue<nnob_rcv_check_t>* check_buf_q, channel* check_chan) {//linking_t* permbits, int nchecks, int otid, int processedOTs, BYTE* outhashes) {

	//Obtain T0 and T1 from the SeedPointers
	uint32_t receiver_hashes = 1;

	uint64_t tmpid, tmpnblocks;
	linking_t* perm;
	uint8_t* rcv_buf_perm = check_chan->blocking_receive_id_len((uint8_t**) &perm, &tmpid, &tmpnblocks);
	uint8_t* rcv_buf_permchoices = check_chan->blocking_receive();
	uint8_t* sender_permchoicebitptr = rcv_buf_permchoices;

	nnob_rcv_check_t check_buf = check_buf_q->front();


	assert(tmpid == check_buf.otid);
	assert(tmpnblocks == check_buf.numblocks);

	//the bufsize has to be padded to a multiple of the PRF-size since we will omit boundary checks there
	uint32_t i, j;
	uint64_t bufrowbytelen = m_nBlockSizeBytes * check_buf.numblocks;//seedptr->expstrbitlen>>3;//(CEIL_DIVIDE(processedOTs, wd_size_bits) * wd_size_bits) >>3;
	uint64_t checkbytelen = std::min(bufrowbytelen, bits_in_bytes(m_nOTs - check_buf.otid));
	//contains the T-matrix
	uint8_t* T0 = check_buf.T0;
	//contains the T-matrix XOR the receive bits
	//uint8_t* T1 = check_buf.T1;

	uint32_t outhashbytelen = m_nChecks * OWF_BYTES * receiver_hashes;
	uint8_t* outhashes = (uint8_t*) malloc(outhashbytelen);

#ifdef AES_OWF
	AES_KEY_CTX aesowfkey;
	uint8_t* hash_buf = (uint8_t*) malloc(SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH);
	uint8_t* tmpbuf = (uint8_t*) malloc(bufrowbytelen);
	uint8_t **ka = (uint8_t**) malloc(2 * sizeof(uint8_t*));
	uint8_t **kb = (uint8_t**) malloc(2 * sizeof(uint8_t*));
	uint8_t  *kaptr, *kbptr;
	uint8_t* outptr = outhashes;

	uint8_t* receiver_choicebits = m_vChoices->GetArr() + ceil_divide(check_buf.otid, 8);
	CBitVector tmp;
	tmp.AttachBuf(tmpbuf, bufrowbytelen*8);

	//Compute all hashes for the permutations given Ta, Tb and the choice bits
	for(i = 0; i < m_nChecks; i++, sender_permchoicebitptr++) {
		ka[0] = T0 + perm[i].ida * bufrowbytelen;
		kb[0] = T0 + perm[i].idb * bufrowbytelen;

		std::cout << (std::dec) << i << "-th check: between " << perm[i].ida << ", and " << perm[i].idb << std::endl;
		for(j = 0; j < receiver_hashes; j++, outptr+=OWF_BYTES) {
			kaptr = ka[0];
			kbptr = kb[0];

			assert((*sender_permchoicebitptr) == 0 || (*sender_permchoicebitptr == 1));

			tmp.SetXOR(kaptr, kbptr, 0, bufrowbytelen);
			if(*sender_permchoicebitptr == 1) {
				tmp.XORBytesReverse(receiver_choicebits, 0, checkbytelen);

			std::cout << "XOR-OWF Input:\t" << (std::hex);
			for(uint32_t t = 0; t < checkbytelen; t++) {
				std::cout << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (uint32_t) tmpbuf[t];
			std::cout << (std::dec) << std::endl;
	#ifdef AES_OWF
			owf(&aesowfkey, rowbytelen, tmpbuf, outhashes);
			//m_cCrypt->hash_buf(outptr, OWF_BYTES, tmpbuf, checkbytelen, hash_buf);
			sha512_hash(outptr, OWF_BYTES, tmpbuf, checkbytelen, hash_buf);
			std::cout << "XOR-OWF Output:\t" << (std::hex);
			for(uint32_t t = 0; t < OWF_BYTES; t++) {
				std::cout << (uint32_t) outptr[t];
			std::cout << (std::dec) << std::endl;
	check_chan->send_id_len(outhashes, outhashbytelen, check_buf.otid, check_buf.numblocks);

#ifndef AES_OWF