Exemple #1
/** Function  oyConfigs_FromDomain
 *  @memberof oyConfigs_s
 *  @brief    Send a request to a configuration module
 *  The convention an empty options argument should be send an Warning message
 *  containing intructions on how to talk with the module as a fallback for
 *  programmers. Otherwise the calls are pure convention and depend on the usage
 *  and agreement of the partners.
 *  For the convention to call to colour devices
 *  @see oyX1Configs_FromPatternUsage().
 *  @param[in]     registration_domain                     the module to call to
 *  @param[in]     options                                 options to specify the calling into modules
 *                                                         messages are bound to this object
 *  @param[out]    configs                                 the returned configurations
 *  @param[in]     object                                  a optional user object
 *  @return                                                0 - good, 1 <= error, -1 >= issues,
 *                                                         look for messages
 *  @version Oyranos: 0.1.10
 *  @since   2009/01/16 (Oyranos: 0.1.10)
 *  @date    2009/01/19
               oyConfigs_FromDomain  ( const char        * registration_domain,
                                       oyOptions_s       * options,
                                       oyConfigs_s      ** configs,
                                       oyObject_s          object )
  oyConfigs_s * s = 0;
  oyConfig_s * config = 0;
  int error = !registration_domain,
      l_error = 0;
  oyCMMapi8_s_ * cmm_api8 = 0;
  int i, n;


   *  1. first we search for oyCMMapi8_s complex config support matching to our
   *     registration_domain
   *  2. if we find a module, we ask for the options
   *  3. add the options to the config (in the module)
  if(error <= 0)
    cmm_api8 = (oyCMMapi8_s_*) oyCMMsGetFilterApi_( 0, registration_domain,
                                                   oyOBJECT_CMM_API8_S );
    error = !cmm_api8;

  if(error <= 0)
    error = !cmm_api8->oyConfigs_FromPattern;

  if(error <= 0)
    error = cmm_api8->oyConfigs_FromPattern( registration_domain, options, &s );

  if(error <= 0)
    n = oyConfigs_Count( s );
    for(i = 0; i < n && error <= 0; ++i)
      config = oyConfigs_Get( s, i );

      l_error = oyOptions_SetSource( oyConfigPriv_m(config)->backend_core,
                                     oyOPTIONSOURCE_FILTER); OY_ERR
      l_error = oyOptions_SetSource( oyConfigPriv_m(config)->data,
                                     oyOPTIONSOURCE_FILTER ); OY_ERR

      oyConfig_Release( &config );

  if(error <= 0 && configs)
    *configs = s;
    s = 0;
  } else
    oyConfigs_Release( &s );

  return error;
Exemple #2
/** Function  oyConfigs_Modify
 *  @memberof oyConfigs_s
 *  @brief    Ask a module for device informations or other direct calls
 *  @param[in,out] configs             The passed configs first member is used
 *                                     to obtain a registration string and
 *                                     select a appropriate module.
 *                                     Regarding the module the
 *                                     configs need to be homogenous.
 *                                     All configs are passed at once to the
 *                                     module. Mixing configs from different
 *                                     modules is not defined.
 *  @param[in]     options             options to pass to the module; With zero
 *                                     the usage instructions are requested.
 *  @return                            0 - good, >= 1 - error, issue <= -1 
 *  @version Oyranos: 0.1.10
 *  @since   2009/08/21 (Oyranos: 0.1.10)
 *  @date    2009/08/25
                 oyConfigs_Modify    ( oyConfigs_s       * configs,
                                       oyOptions_s       * options )
  int error = !oyConfigs_Count( configs );
  oyConfig_s_ * config = 0;
  oyConfigs_s * s = configs;
  int i;
  uint32_t count = 0,
         * rank_list = 0;
  char ** texts = 0,
        * registration_domain = 0;
  oyCMMapi8_s_ * cmm_api8 = 0;

  if(error > 0)
    WARNc_S( "\n  No devices provided. Give up" );
    return 0;
  oyCheckType__m( oyOBJECT_CONFIGS_S, return 1 )


  if(error <= 0)
    /** 1.  pick the first device to select a registration */
    config = (oyConfig_s_*)oyConfigs_Get( configs, 0 );
    /** 1.2 get all device class module names from the firsts oyConfig_s
      *     registration */
    error = oyConfigDomainList  ( config->registration, &texts, &count,
                                  &rank_list, 0 );
    oyConfig_Release( (oyConfig_s**)&config );

  /** 2. call each modules oyCMMapi8_s::oyConfigs_Modify */
  for( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
    registration_domain = texts[i];

    if(error <= 0)
      cmm_api8 = (oyCMMapi8_s_*) oyCMMsGetFilterApi_( 0, registration_domain,
                                                     oyOBJECT_CMM_API8_S );
      error = !cmm_api8;

    if(error <= 0)
      error = !cmm_api8->oyConfigs_Modify;

    if(error <= 0)
      error = cmm_api8->oyConfigs_Modify( configs, options );

  oyStringListRelease_( &texts, count, oyDeAllocateFunc_ );
    oyDeAllocateFunc_( rank_list );

  return error;
Exemple #3
/** Function  oyConfigs_FromDB
 *  @memberof oyConfigs_s
 *  @brief    Get all oyConfigs_s from DB
 *  @param[in]     registration        the filter
 *  @param[out]    configs             the found configuration list
 *  @param[in]     object              a optional user object
 *  @return                            error
 *  @version Oyranos: 0.1.10
 *  @since   2009/01/23 (Oyranos: 0.1.10)
 *  @date    2010/02/25
                 oyConfigs_FromDB    ( const char        * registration,
                                       oyConfigs_s      ** configs,
                                       oyObject_s          object )
  oyConfigs_s * s = 0;
  oyConfig_s_ * config = 0;
  oyOption_s * o = 0;
  char ** texts = 0,
       ** key_set_names = 0,
       ** config_key_names = 0;
  uint32_t count = 0,
         * d_rank_list = 0;
  int error = !registration;
  int i, j, k, n = 0, k_n = 0;
  oyCMMapi8_s_ * cmm_api8 = 0;

  /** 0. setup Elektra */

  if(error <= 0)
    /** 1. get all module names for the registration pattern */
    error = oyConfigDomainList( registration, &texts, &count, &d_rank_list, 0 );
      s = oyConfigs_New( 0 );

    if(error <= 0 && count && texts)
      cmm_api8 = (oyCMMapi8_s_*) oyCMMsGetFilterApi_( 0, texts[0],
                                                     oyOBJECT_CMM_API8_S );

    for(i = 0; i < count; ++i)
      /** 2. obtain the directory structure for configurations */
      key_set_names = oyKeySetGetNames_( texts[i], &n );

      if(error <= 0)
      for(j = 0; j < n; ++j)
        /** 3. obtain all keys from one configuration directory */
        config_key_names = oyKeySetGetNames_( key_set_names[j], &k_n );

        config = (oyConfig_s_*)oyConfig_New( texts[i], object );
        error = !config;

        for(k = 0; k < k_n; ++k)
          /** 4. create a oyOption_s for each Elektra DB key/value pair */
          if(error <= 0)
            o = oyOption_FromDB( config_key_names[k], object );
          error = !o;
          if(error <= 0)
            error = oyOptions_Add( config->db, o, -1, 0 );
            WARNcc1_S( (oyStruct_s*) object, "Could not generate key %s",
                       config_key_names[k] );
          oyOption_Release( &o );

        /* add information about the data's origin */
        oyConfig_AddDBData( (oyConfig_s*)config, "key_set_name", key_set_names[j],
                            OY_CREATE_NEW );

        /* add a rank map to allow for comparisions */
          config->rank_map = oyRankMapCopy( cmm_api8->rank_map,
                                            config->oy_->allocateFunc_ );

        oyConfigs_MoveIn( s, (oyConfig_s**)&config, -1 );

    oyStringListRelease_( &texts, count, oyDeAllocateFunc_ );

    *configs = s;
    oyConfigs_Release( &s );

  return error;
/** Function  oyFilterNode_Create
 *  @memberof oyFilterNode_s
 *  @brief    Initialise a new filter node object properly
 *  @param         registration        the processing filter @ref registration string
 *  @param         filter              the context filter
 *  @param         object              the optional object
 *  @version Oyranos: 0.9.6
 *  @date    2014/07/01
 *  @since   2008/07/30 (Oyranos: 0.1.8)
oyFilterNode_s *   oyFilterNode_Create(const char        * registration,
                                       oyFilterCore_s    * filter,
                                       oyObject_s          object )
  oyFilterNode_s_ * s = 0;
  int error = 0;
  oyAlloc_f allocateFunc_ = 0;

  oyFilterCore_s_ * filter_ = (oyFilterCore_s_*)filter;

    return (oyFilterNode_s*) s;

  s = (oyFilterNode_s_*) oyFilterNode_New( object );
  error = !s;

  if(error <= 0)
    allocateFunc_ = s->oy_->allocateFunc_;

    s->core = (oyFilterCore_s_*)oyFilterCore_Copy( filter, object );
      WARNc2_S("Could not copy filter: %s %s",
               filter_->registration_, filter_->category_)
      error = 1;

    if(error <= 0)
      s->api7_ = (oyCMMapi7_s_*) oyCMMsGetFilterApi_(
                                           registration, oyOBJECT_CMM_API7_S );
    if(error <= 0 && !s->api7_)
      WARNc2_S("Could not obtain filter api7 for: %s %s",
               filter_->registration_, filter_->category_)
      error = 1;

      s->plugs_n_ = s->api7_->plugs_n + s->api7_->plugs_last_add;
      s->sockets_n_ = s->api7_->sockets_n + s->api7_->sockets_last_add;

      int count = oyFilterNode_EdgeCount( (oyFilterNode_s*) s, 0, 0 );
      size_t len;
      if(count < 0) count = 0;
      len = sizeof(oyFilterSocket_s*) * (count + 1);

      s->sockets = allocateFunc_( len );
      memset( s->sockets, 0, len );

      len = sizeof(oyFilterSocket_s*) * (oyFilterNode_EdgeCount(
                                               (oyFilterNode_s*) s, 1, 0 ) + 1);
      len = len?len:sizeof(oyFilterSocket_s*);
      s->plugs = allocateFunc_( len );
      memset( s->plugs, 0, len );

      s->relatives_ = allocateFunc_( oyStrlen_(filter_->category_) + 24 );
      oySprintf_( s->relatives_, "%d: %s", oyObject_GetId(s->oy_), s->core->category_);

    oyFilterNode_Release( (oyFilterNode_s**) &s );

  return (oyFilterNode_s*) s;