Exemple #1
/* Function:  p7_DomainDecoding()
 * Synopsis:  Posterior decoding of domain location.
 * Incept:    MSF Tue Nov 3, 2009 [Janelia]
 * Purpose:   Identical to <p7_GDomainDecoding()>. See <p7_GDomainDecoding()>
 *            documentation for more info.
 * Args:      gm   - profile
 *            oxf  - filled Forward matrix
 *            oxb  - filled Backward matrix
 *            ddef - container for the results.
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
 *            <eslERANGE> on numeric overflow. See commentary in
 *            <p7_Decoding()>.
p7_DomainDecoding(const P7_OPROFILE *om, const P7_OMX *oxf, const P7_OMX *oxb, P7_DOMAINDEF *ddef)
  return p7_GDomainDecoding(om, oxf, oxb, ddef);
/* Function:  p7_domaindef_GlocalByPosteriorHeuristics()
 * Synopsis:  Define glocal domains in a sequence using posterior probs.
 * Incept:    EPN, Tue Oct  5 10:02:34 2010         
 *            SRE, Sat Feb 23 08:17:44 2008 [Janelia] (p7_domaindef_ByPosteriorHeuristics())
 * Purpose:   Given a sequence <sq> and model <gm> for which we have
 *            already calculated a Forward and Backward parsing
 *            matrices <gxf> and <gxb>; use posterior probability
 *            heuristics to determine an annotated domain structure;
 *            and for each domain found, score it (with null2
 *            calculations) and obtain an optimal accuracy alignment,
 *            using <fwd> and <bck> matrices as workspace for the
 *            necessary full-matrix DP calculations. Caller provides a
 *            new or reused <ddef> object to hold these results.
 *            As a special case, if the profile is in unihit mode
 *            upon entering, we don't ever modify its configuration.
 *            This is especially important if this function is 
 *            being used within a search/scan pipeline with a 
 *            specially configured p7 profile in which N->N and/or
 *            C->C transitions have been set to IMPOSSIBLE. (If
 *            we were to call ReconfigLength() on such a profile
 *            we would make those transitions possible.) 
 *            One case in which profile reconfiguration is necessary
 *            is when multiple domains are suspected. However, we
 *            guard against this if the profile enters in unihit mode
 *            by no allowing multiple domains (in fact, it should
 *            never happen because J states are unreachable in unihit
 *            profiles). If multiple domains are suspected in this case,
 *             we return eslEINCONCEIVABLE.
 *            Upon return, <ddef> contains the definitions of all the
 *            domains: their bounds, their null-corrected Forward
 *            scores, and their optimal posterior accuracy alignments.
 *            <do_null2> is TRUE if we'll eventually apply a null2
 *            penalty FALSE if not. If FALSE, we can save time by
 *            skipping Backward calls at some stages.
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.           
 *            <eslERANGE> on numeric overflow in posterior
 *            decoding. This should not be possible for multihit
 *            models.
 *            <eslEINCONCEIVABLE> if profile enters as unihit but
 *            multiple domains are suspected.
p7_domaindef_GlocalByPosteriorHeuristics(const ESL_SQ *sq, P7_PROFILE *gm, 
					 P7_GMX *gxf, P7_GMX *gxb, P7_GMX *fwd, P7_GMX *bck, 
					 P7_DOMAINDEF *ddef, int do_null2)
  int i, j;
  int triggered;
  int d;
  int i2,j2;
  int last_j2;
  int nc;
  int saveL     = gm->L;	/* Save the length config of <om>; will restore upon return */
  int save_mode = gm->mode;	/* Likewise for the mode. */
  int status;
  int save_mode_is_unihit;
  save_mode_is_unihit = (p7_IsMulti(save_mode)) ? FALSE : TRUE; /* if save_mode_is_unihit is TRUE, we never modify profile's configuration (length nor mode) */

  if ((status = p7_domaindef_GrowTo(ddef, sq->n))       != eslOK) return status;  /* ddef's btot,etot,mocc now ready for seq of length n */
  /*printf("GDD P7 mode: %d\n", gm->mode);*/
  if ((status = p7_GDomainDecoding(gm, gxf, gxb, ddef)) != eslOK) return status;  /* ddef->{btot,etot,mocc} now made.                    */

  /*printf("In p7_domaindef_GlocalByPosteriorHeuristics(): mode: %d rt1: %g rt2: %g rt3: %g nsamples: %d reseed: %d\n", save_mode, ddef->rt1, ddef->rt2, ddef->rt3, ddef->nsamples, ddef->do_reseeding);*/

  esl_vec_FSet(ddef->n2sc, sq->n+1, 0.0);          /* ddef->n2sc null2 scores are initialized                        */
  ddef->nexpected = ddef->btot[sq->n];             /* posterior expectation for # of domains (same as etot[sq->n])   */

  if(! save_mode_is_unihit) p7_ReconfigUnihit(gm, saveL); /* process each domain in unihit mode, regardless of gm->mode     */
  i     = -1;
  triggered = FALSE;
  for (j = 1; j <= sq->n; j++)
      /*printf("GDD j: %5d  m: %.5f  b: %8.3f  e: %8.3f    bhere: %8.3f  ehere: %8.3f\n", 
	ddef->btot[j] - ddef->btot[j-1], 
	ddef->etot[j] - ddef->etot[j-1]); 
      if (! triggered) 
	{			/* xref J2/101 for what the logic below is: */
	  if       (ddef->mocc[j] - (ddef->btot[j] - ddef->btot[j-1]) <  ddef->rt2) i = j;
	  else if  (i == -1)                                                        i = j;
	  if       (ddef->mocc[j]                                     >= ddef->rt1) triggered = TRUE;  
      else if (ddef->mocc[j] - (ddef->etot[j] - ddef->etot[j-1])  <  ddef->rt2) 
	  /* We have a region i..j to evaluate. */
	  p7_gmx_GrowTo(fwd, gm->M, j-i+1);
	  p7_gmx_GrowTo(bck, gm->M, j-i+1);
	  if (is_multidomain_region(ddef, i, j))
	      if(save_mode_is_unihit) return eslEINCONCEIVABLE;

	      /* This region appears to contain more than one domain, so we have to 
               * resolve it by cluster analysis of posterior trace samples, to define
               * one or more domain envelopes.

	      /* Resolve the region into domains by stochastic trace
	       * clustering; assign position-specific null2 model by
	       * stochastic trace clustering; there is redundancy
	       * here; we will consolidate later if null2 strategy
	       * works
	      p7_ReconfigMultihit(gm, saveL);
	      p7_GForward(sq->dsq+i-1, j-i+1, gm, fwd, NULL);
	      glocal_region_trace_ensemble(ddef, gm, sq->dsq, i, j, fwd, bck, do_null2, &nc);
	      p7_ReconfigUnihit(gm, saveL);
	      /* ddef->n2sc is now set on i..j by the traceback-dependent method */

	      last_j2 = 0;
	      for (d = 0; d < nc; d++) {
		p7_spensemble_GetClusterCoords(ddef->sp, d, &i2, &j2, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		if (i2 <= last_j2) ddef->noverlaps++;

		/* Note that k..m coords on model are available, but
                 * we're currently ignoring them.  This leads to a
                 * rare clustering bug that we eventually need to fix
                 * properly [xref J3/32]: two different regions in one
                 * profile HMM might have hit same seq domain, and
                 * when we now go to calculate an OA trace, nothing
                 * constrains us to find the two different alignments
                 * to the HMM; in fact, because OA is optimal, we'll
                 * find one and the *same* alignment, leading to an
                 * apparent duplicate alignment in the output.
                 * Registered as #h74, Dec 2009, after EBI finds and
                 * reports it.  #h74 is worked around in p7_tophits.c
                 * by hiding all but one envelope with an identical
                 * alignment, in the rare event that this
                 * happens. [xref J5/130].
		if (glocal_rescore_isolated_domain(ddef, gm, sq, fwd, bck, i2, j2, TRUE, do_null2, FALSE) == eslOK) 
		  last_j2 = j2;
	      /* The region looks simple, single domain; convert the region to an envelope. */
	      glocal_rescore_isolated_domain(ddef, gm, sq, fwd, bck, i, j, FALSE, do_null2, FALSE);
	  i     = -1;
	  triggered = FALSE;

  /* If profile was unihit upon entrance, we didn't modify its configuration (length nor mode),
   * else restore it to its original multihit mode, and to its original length model */
  if (! save_mode_is_unihit) { 
    p7_ReconfigMultihit(gm, saveL); 

  return eslOK;