Exemple #1
static int
serial_loop(WORKER_INFO *info, struct cfg_s *cfg)
  P7_BUILDER *bld         = NULL;
  ESL_MSA    *msa         = NULL;
  ESL_MSA    *postmsa     = NULL;
  ESL_MSA   **postmsa_ptr = (cfg->postmsafile != NULL) ? &postmsa : NULL;
  P7_HMM     *hmm         = NULL;
  char        errmsg[eslERRBUFSIZE];
  int         status;

  double      entropy;

  cfg->nali = 0;
  while ((status = esl_msa_Read(cfg->afp, &msa)) == eslOK)

      if ((status = set_msa_name(cfg, errmsg, msa)) != eslOK) p7_Fail("%s\n", errmsg); /* cfg->nnamed gets incremented in this call */

                /*         bg   new-HMM trarr gm   om  */
      if ((status = p7_Builder(info->bld, msa, info->bg, &hmm, NULL, NULL, NULL, postmsa_ptr)) != eslOK) p7_Fail("build failed: %s", bld->errbuf);

      entropy = p7_MeanMatchRelativeEntropy(hmm, info->bg);
      if ((status = output_result(cfg, errmsg, cfg->nali, msa, hmm, postmsa, entropy))         != eslOK) p7_Fail(errmsg);


  return status;
Exemple #2
/* Function:  p7_Lambda()
 * Synopsis:  Determines length-corrected local lambda parameter.
 * Incept:    SRE, Wed Aug  8 17:54:55 2007 [Janelia]
 * Purpose:   Determine the effective scale parameter $\hat{\lambda}$ to
 *            use for model <hmm>. This will be applied both to
 *            Viterbi Gumbel distributions and Forward exponential
 *            tails.
 *            The 'true' $\lambda$ is always $\log 2 = 0.693$. The effective
 *            lambda is corrected for edge effect, using the equation
 *             \[
 *                \hat{\lambda} = \lambda + \frac{1.44}{MH}
 *             \]
 *            where $M$ is the model length and $H$ is the model
 *            relative entropy. The model relative entropy is
 *            approximated by the average relative entropy of match
 *            emission distributions.  The 1.44 is an empirically
 *            determined fudge factor [J1/125]. This edge-effect
 *            correction is based largely on \citep{Altschul01},
 *            except for the fudge factor, which we don't understand
 *            and can't theoretically justify.
 * Args:      hmm        : model to calculate corrected lambda for
 *            bg         : null model (source of background frequencies)
 *            ret_lambda : RETURN: edge-corrected lambda
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success, and <*ret_lambda> is the result.
 * Throws:    (no abnormal error conditions)
p7_Lambda(P7_HMM *hmm, P7_BG *bg, double *ret_lambda)
  double H = p7_MeanMatchRelativeEntropy(hmm, bg);
  *ret_lambda = eslCONST_LOG2 + 1.44 / ((double) hmm->M * H);
  return eslOK;
Exemple #3
/* Evaluate fx = rel entropy - etarget, which we want to be = 0,
* for effective sequence number <x>.
static int
eweight_target_f(double Neff, void *params, double *ret_fx)
    struct ew_param_s *p = (struct ew_param_s *) params;

    p7_hmm_CopyParameters(p->hmm, p->h2);
    p7_hmm_Scale(p->h2, Neff / (double) p->h2->nseq);
    p7_ParameterEstimation(p->h2, p->pri);
    *ret_fx = p7_MeanMatchRelativeEntropy(p->h2, p->bg) - p->etarget;
    return eslOK;
Exemple #4
static void 
pipeline_thread(void *arg)
  int           workeridx;
  int           status;

  WORK_ITEM    *item;
  void         *newItem;

  WORKER_INFO  *info;
  ESL_THREADS  *obj;

  obj = (ESL_THREADS *) arg;
  esl_threads_Started(obj, &workeridx);

  info = (WORKER_INFO *) esl_threads_GetData(obj, workeridx);

  status = esl_workqueue_WorkerUpdate(info->queue, NULL, &newItem);
  if (status != eslOK) esl_fatal("Work queue worker failed");

  /* loop until all blocks have been processed */
  item = (WORK_ITEM *) newItem;
  while (item->msa != NULL)
      status = p7_Builder(info->bld, item->msa, info->bg, &item->hmm, NULL, NULL, NULL, &item->postmsa);
      if (status != eslOK) p7_Fail("build failed: %s", info->bld->errbuf);

      item->entropy   = p7_MeanMatchRelativeEntropy(item->hmm, info->bg);
      item->processed = TRUE;

      status = esl_workqueue_WorkerUpdate(info->queue, item, &newItem);
      if (status != eslOK) esl_fatal("Work queue worker failed");

      item = (WORK_ITEM *) newItem;

  status = esl_workqueue_WorkerUpdate(info->queue, item, NULL);
  if (status != eslOK) esl_fatal("Work queue worker failed");

  esl_threads_Finished(obj, workeridx);
Exemple #5
/* mpi_master()
 * The MPI version of hmmbuild.
 * Follows standard pattern for a master/worker load-balanced MPI program (J1/78-79).
 * A master can only return if it's successful. 
 * Errors in an MPI master come in two classes: recoverable and nonrecoverable.
 * Recoverable errors include all worker-side errors, and any
 * master-side error that do not affect MPI communication. Error
 * messages from recoverable messages are delayed until we've cleanly
 * shut down the workers.
 * Unrecoverable errors are master-side errors that may affect MPI
 * communication, meaning we cannot count on being able to reach the
 * workers and shut them down. Unrecoverable errors result in immediate
 * p7_Fail()'s, which will cause MPI to shut down the worker processes
 * uncleanly.
static void
mpi_master(const ESL_GETOPTS *go, struct cfg_s *cfg)
  int         xstatus       = eslOK;	/* changes from OK on recoverable error */
  int         status;
  int         have_work     = TRUE;	/* TRUE while alignments remain  */
  int         nproc_working = 0;	        /* number of worker processes working, up to nproc-1 */
  int         wi;          	        /* rank of next worker to get an alignment to work on */
  char       *buf           = NULL;	/* input/output buffer, for packed MPI messages */
  int         bn            = 0;
  ESL_MSA    *msa           = NULL;
  P7_HMM     *hmm           = NULL;
  P7_BG      *bg            = NULL;
  ESL_MSA   **msalist       = NULL;
  ESL_MSA    *postmsa       = NULL;
  int        *msaidx        = NULL;
  char        errmsg[eslERRBUFSIZE];
  MPI_Status  mpistatus; 
  int         n;
  int         pos;

  double      entropy;
  /* Master initialization: including, figure out the alphabet type.
   * If any failure occurs, delay printing error message until we've shut down workers.
  if (xstatus == eslOK) { if ((status = init_master_cfg(go, cfg, errmsg)) != eslOK) xstatus = status; }
  if (xstatus == eslOK) { bn = 4096; if ((buf = malloc(sizeof(char) * bn)) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "allocation failed"); xstatus = eslEMEM; } }
  if (xstatus == eslOK) { if ((msalist = malloc(sizeof(ESL_MSA *) * cfg->nproc)) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "allocation failed"); xstatus = eslEMEM; } }
  if (xstatus == eslOK) { if ((msaidx  = malloc(sizeof(int)       * cfg->nproc)) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "allocation failed"); xstatus = eslEMEM; } }
  MPI_Bcast(&xstatus, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if (xstatus != eslOK) {  MPI_Finalize(); p7_Fail(errmsg); }
  ESL_DPRINTF1(("MPI master is initialized\n"));

  bg = p7_bg_Create(cfg->abc);

  for (wi = 0; wi < cfg->nproc; wi++) { msalist[wi] = NULL; msaidx[wi] = 0; } 

  /* Worker initialization:
   * Because we've already successfully initialized the master before we start
   * initializing the workers, we don't expect worker initialization to fail;
   * so we just receive a quick OK/error code reply from each worker to be sure,
   * and don't worry about an informative message. 
  MPI_Bcast(&(cfg->abc->type), 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  MPI_Reduce(&xstatus, &status, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if (status != eslOK) { MPI_Finalize(); p7_Fail("One or more MPI worker processes failed to initialize."); }
  ESL_DPRINTF1(("%d workers are initialized\n", cfg->nproc-1));

  /* Main loop: combining load workers, send/receive, clear workers loops;
   * also, catch error states and die later, after clean shutdown of workers.
   * When a recoverable error occurs, have_work = FALSE, xstatus !=
   * eslOK, and errmsg is set to an informative message. No more
   * errmsg's can be received after the first one. We wait for all the
   * workers to clear their work units, then send them shutdown signals,
   * then finally print our errmsg and exit.
   * Unrecoverable errors just crash us out with p7_Fail().
  wi = 1;
  while (have_work || nproc_working)
      if (have_work) 
	  if ((status = esl_msa_Read(cfg->afp, &msa)) == eslOK) 
	      ESL_DPRINTF1(("MPI master read MSA %s\n", msa->name == NULL? "" : msa->name));
	      have_work = FALSE;
	      if      (status == eslEFORMAT)  { xstatus = eslEFORMAT; snprintf(errmsg, eslERRBUFSIZE, "Alignment file parse error:\n%s\n", cfg->afp->errbuf); }
	      else if (status == eslEINVAL)   { xstatus = eslEFORMAT; snprintf(errmsg, eslERRBUFSIZE, "Alignment file parse error:\n%s\n", cfg->afp->errbuf); }
	      else if (status != eslEOF)      { xstatus = status;     snprintf(errmsg, eslERRBUFSIZE, "Alignment file read unexpectedly failed with code %d\n", status); }
	      ESL_DPRINTF1(("MPI master has run out of MSAs (having read %d)\n", cfg->nali));

      if ((have_work && nproc_working == cfg->nproc-1) || (!have_work && nproc_working > 0))
	  if (MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpistatus) != 0) { MPI_Finalize(); p7_Fail("mpi probe failed"); }
	  if (MPI_Get_count(&mpistatus, MPI_PACKED, &n)                != 0) { MPI_Finalize(); p7_Fail("mpi get count failed"); }
	  wi = mpistatus.MPI_SOURCE;
	  ESL_DPRINTF1(("MPI master sees a result of %d bytes from worker %d\n", n, wi));

	  if (n > bn) {
	    if ((buf = realloc(buf, sizeof(char) * n)) == NULL) p7_Fail("reallocation failed");
	    bn = n; 
	  if (MPI_Recv(buf, bn, MPI_PACKED, wi, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpistatus) != 0) { MPI_Finalize(); p7_Fail("mpi recv failed"); }
	  ESL_DPRINTF1(("MPI master has received the buffer\n"));

	  /* If we're in a recoverable error state, we're only clearing worker results;
           * just receive them, don't unpack them or print them.
           * But if our xstatus is OK, go ahead and process the result buffer.
	  if (xstatus == eslOK)	
	      pos = 0;
	      if (MPI_Unpack(buf, bn, &pos, &xstatus, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD)     != 0) { MPI_Finalize();  p7_Fail("mpi unpack failed");}
	      if (xstatus == eslOK) /* worker reported success. Get the HMM. */
		  ESL_DPRINTF1(("MPI master sees that the result buffer contains an HMM\n"));
		  if (p7_hmm_MPIUnpack(buf, bn, &pos, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &(cfg->abc), &hmm) != eslOK) {  MPI_Finalize(); p7_Fail("HMM unpack failed"); }
		  ESL_DPRINTF1(("MPI master has unpacked the HMM\n"));

		  if (cfg->postmsafile != NULL) {
		    if (esl_msa_MPIUnpack(cfg->abc, buf, bn, &pos, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &postmsa) != eslOK) { MPI_Finalize(); p7_Fail("postmsa unpack failed");}

		  entropy = p7_MeanMatchRelativeEntropy(hmm, bg);
		  if ((status = output_result(cfg, errmsg, msaidx[wi], msalist[wi], hmm, postmsa, entropy)) != eslOK) xstatus = status;

		  esl_msa_Destroy(postmsa); postmsa = NULL;
		  p7_hmm_Destroy(hmm);      hmm     = NULL;
	      else	/* worker reported an error. Get the errmsg. */
		  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, bn, &pos, errmsg, eslERRBUFSIZE, MPI_CHAR, MPI_COMM_WORLD) != 0) { MPI_Finalize(); p7_Fail("mpi unpack of errmsg failed"); }
		  ESL_DPRINTF1(("MPI master sees that the result buffer contains an error message\n"));
	  msalist[wi] = NULL;
	  msaidx[wi]  = 0;

      if (have_work)
	  ESL_DPRINTF1(("MPI master is sending MSA %s to worker %d\n", msa->name == NULL ? "":msa->name, wi));
	  if (esl_msa_MPISend(msa, wi, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &buf, &bn) != eslOK) p7_Fail("MPI msa send failed");
	  msalist[wi] = msa;
	  msaidx[wi]  = cfg->nali; /* 1..N for N alignments in the MSA database */
	  msa = NULL;
  /* On success or recoverable errors:
   * Shut down workers cleanly. 
  ESL_DPRINTF1(("MPI master is done. Shutting down all the workers cleanly\n"));
  for (wi = 1; wi < cfg->nproc; wi++) 
    if (esl_msa_MPISend(NULL, wi, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &buf, &bn) != eslOK) p7_Fail("MPI msa send failed");


  if (xstatus != eslOK) { MPI_Finalize(); p7_Fail(errmsg); }
  else                  return;
Exemple #6
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS     *go	   = NULL;      /* command line processing                   */
  ESL_ALPHABET    *abc     = NULL;
  char            *hmmfile = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE      *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM          *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG           *bg      = NULL;
  int              nhmm;	
  double           x;
  float            KL;
  int              status;
  char             errbuf[eslERRBUFSIZE];
  float            nseq;

  int              do_eval2score = 0;
  int              do_score2eval = 0;
  int              z_val;
  float            e_val;
  float            s_val;

  /* Process the command line options.
  go = esl_getopts_Create(options);
  if (esl_opt_ProcessCmdline(go, argc, argv) != eslOK || 
      esl_opt_VerifyConfig(go)               != eslOK)
      printf("Failed to parse command line: %s\n", go->errbuf);
      esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
      printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-h") == TRUE) 
      p7_banner(stdout, argv[0], banner);
      esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
      esl_opt_DisplayHelp(stdout, go, 0, 2, 80); /* 0=docgroup, 2 = indentation; 80=textwidth*/

  if (esl_opt_ArgNumber(go) != 1) 
      puts("Incorrect number of command line arguments.");
      esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
      printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);

  if ((hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1)) == NULL) 
      puts("Failed to read <hmmfile> argument from command line.");
      esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
      printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);

  output_header(stdout, go);

  if ( esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--eval2score") ) {
    do_eval2score = TRUE;
    e_val         =  esl_opt_GetReal(go, "-E");
  } else if ( esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--score2eval") ) {
    do_score2eval = TRUE;
    s_val         =  esl_opt_GetReal(go, "-S");
  } else if (  esl_opt_IsUsed(go, "--baseZ") || esl_opt_IsUsed(go, "--baseZ1") || esl_opt_IsUsed(go, "-Z") ) {
    puts("The flags -Z, --baseZ, and --baseZ1 are for use with --eval2score and --score2eval.");
    esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
    printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);

  if (esl_opt_IsUsed(go, "--baseZ") ) {
    z_val    = 1000000 * 2 * (long)(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--baseZ"));
  } else if (esl_opt_IsUsed(go, "--baseZ1") ) {
    z_val    = 1000000 * (long)(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--baseZ1"));
  } else {
    z_val    =  esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-Z");

  /* Initializations: open the HMM file
  status = p7_hmmfile_OpenE(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp, errbuf);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) p7_Fail("File existence/permissions problem in trying to open HMM file %s.\n%s\n", hmmfile, errbuf);
  else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   p7_Fail("File format problem in trying to open HMM file %s.\n%s\n",                hmmfile, errbuf);
  else if (status != eslOK)        p7_Fail("Unexpected error %d in opening HMM file %s.\n%s\n",               status, hmmfile, errbuf);  

  /* Main body: read HMMs one at a time, print one line of stats
  printf("# %-4s %-20s %-12s %8s %8s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s", "idx",  "name",                 "accession",    "nseq",     "eff_nseq", "M",      "relent", "info",   "p relE", "compKL");
  if (do_eval2score)
    printf (" %6s %6.2g", "sc for", e_val);
  if (do_score2eval)
    printf (" %6s %6.2f", "E-val for", s_val);

  printf("# %-4s %-20s %-12s %8s %8s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s", "----", "--------------------", "------------", "--------", "--------", "------", "------", "------", "------", "------");
  if (do_eval2score)
    printf (" %13s", "-------------");
  if (do_score2eval)
    printf (" %13s", "-------------");

  nhmm = 0;
  while ((status = p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)) != eslEOF) 
      if      (status == eslEOD)       esl_fatal("read failed, HMM file %s may be truncated?", hmmfile);
      else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   esl_fatal("bad file format in HMM file %s",             hmmfile);
      else if (status == eslEINCOMPAT) esl_fatal("HMM file %s contains different alphabets",   hmmfile);
      else if (status != eslOK)        esl_fatal("Unexpected error in reading HMMs from %s",   hmmfile);

      if ( esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--eval2score") || esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--score2eval") ) {
        if (esl_opt_IsUsed(go, "--baseZ") || esl_opt_IsUsed(go, "--baseZ1" ) ) {
          if ( hmm->abc->type != eslRNA   && hmm->abc->type != eslDNA) {
            puts("The flags --baseZ and --baseZ1 can't be used with non-nucleotide models.");
            esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
            printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);
        } else if ( hmm->abc->type != eslAMINO  && hmm->abc->type != eslRNA && hmm->abc->type != eslDNA) {
          puts("The flags --eval2score and --score2eval can't be used with non-sequence models.");
          esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
          printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);

      if (esl_opt_IsUsed(go, "--baseZ") ) {
        nseq = (float)z_val / (float)(hmm->max_length);
      } else if (esl_opt_IsUsed(go, "--baseZ1") ) {
        nseq = (float)z_val / (float)(hmm->max_length);
      } else {
        nseq = z_val;

      if (bg == NULL) bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);

      p7_MeanPositionRelativeEntropy(hmm, bg, &x); 
      p7_hmm_CompositionKLDist(hmm, bg, &KL, NULL);

      printf("%-6d %-20s %-12s %8d %8.2f %6d %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f",
	     hmm->acc == NULL ? "-" : hmm->acc,
	     p7_MeanMatchRelativeEntropy(hmm, bg),
	     p7_MeanMatchInfo(hmm, bg),

      if ( do_eval2score )
	  float sc;
	  sc = esl_exp_invsurv( e_val / nseq ,  hmm->evparam[p7_FTAU],  hmm->evparam[p7_FLAMBDA]);
	  printf("%13.2f", sc);
      else  if ( do_score2eval)  
	  float e;
	  e = nseq * esl_exp_surv( s_val ,  hmm->evparam[p7_FTAU],  hmm->evparam[p7_FLAMBDA]);
	  printf("%13.2g", e);

      /* p7_MeanForwardScore(hmm, bg)); */

 * int main(int argc, char **argv)
 * Main driver
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS     *go	   = NULL;      /* command line processing                   */
  ESL_ALPHABET    *abc     = NULL;
  char            *hmmfile = NULL;
  char            *outhmmfile = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE      *hfp     = NULL;
  FILE         *outhmmfp;          /* HMM output file handle                  */
  P7_HMM          *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG           *bg      = NULL;
  int              nhmm;	
  double           x;
  float            KL;
  int              status;
  char             errbuf[eslERRBUFSIZE];

  float average_internal_transitions[ p7H_NTRANSITIONS ];
  int k;

  char        errmsg[eslERRBUFSIZE];

  /* Process the command line options.
  go = esl_getopts_Create(options);
  if (esl_opt_ProcessCmdline(go, argc, argv) != eslOK || 
      esl_opt_VerifyConfig(go)               != eslOK)
      printf("Failed to parse command line: %s\n", go->errbuf);
      esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
      printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-h") == TRUE) 
      profillic_p7_banner(stdout, argv[0], banner);
      esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
      esl_opt_DisplayHelp(stdout, go, 0, 2, 80); /* 0=docgroup, 2 = indentation; 80=textwidth*/
  if (esl_opt_ArgNumber(go) != 2) 
      puts("Incorrect number of command line arguments.");
      esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
      printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);

  if ((hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1)) == NULL) 
      puts("Failed to read <input hmmfile> argument from command line.");
      esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
      printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);

  if ((outhmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 2)) == NULL) 
      puts("Failed to read <output hmmfile> argument from command line.");
      esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
      printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);

  profillic_p7_banner(stdout, argv[0], banner);
  /* Initializations: open the input HMM file for reading
  status = p7_hmmfile_OpenE(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp, errbuf);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) p7_Fail("File existence/permissions problem in trying to open HMM file %s.\n%s\n", hmmfile, errbuf);
  else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   p7_Fail("File format problem in trying to open HMM file %s.\n%s\n",                hmmfile, errbuf);
  else if (status != eslOK)        p7_Fail("Unexpected error %d in opening HMM file %s.\n%s\n",               status, hmmfile, errbuf);  

  /* Initializations: open the output HMM file for writing
  if ((outhmmfp = fopen(outhmmfile, "w")) == NULL) ESL_FAIL(status, errmsg, "Failed to open HMM file %s for writing", outhmmfile);

  /* Main body: read HMMs one at a time, print one line of stats
  printf("# %-4s %-20s %-12s %8s %8s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s\n", "idx",  "name",                 "accession",    "nseq",     "eff_nseq", "M",      "relent", "info",   "p relE", "compKL");
  printf("# %-4s %-20s %-12s %8s %8s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s\n", "----", "--------------------", "------------", "--------", "--------", "------", "------", "------", "------", "------");

  nhmm = 0;
  while ((status = p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)) != eslEOF) 
      if      (status == eslEOD)       esl_fatal("read failed, HMM file %s may be truncated?", hmmfile);
      else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   esl_fatal("bad file format in HMM file %s",             hmmfile);
      else if (status == eslEINCOMPAT) esl_fatal("HMM file %s contains different alphabets",   hmmfile);
      else if (status != eslOK)        esl_fatal("Unexpected error in reading HMMs from %s",   hmmfile);

      if (bg == NULL) bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);

      esl_vec_FSet(average_internal_transitions, p7H_NTRANSITIONS, 0.);
      for( k = 1; k < hmm->M; k++ ) {
        esl_vec_FAdd(average_internal_transitions, hmm->t[k], p7H_NTRANSITIONS);
      // Match transitions
      esl_vec_FNorm(average_internal_transitions, 3);
      // Insert transitions
      esl_vec_FNorm(average_internal_transitions + 3, 2);
      // Delete transitions
      esl_vec_FNorm(average_internal_transitions + 5, 2);
      // Ok now set them.
      for( k = 1; k < hmm->M; k++ ) {
        esl_vec_FCopy( average_internal_transitions, p7H_NTRANSITIONS, hmm->t[k] );

      if ((status = p7_hmm_Validate(hmm, errmsg, 0.0001))       != eslOK) return status;
      if ((status = p7_hmmfile_WriteASCII(outhmmfp, -1, hmm)) != eslOK) ESL_FAIL(status, errmsg, "HMM save failed");
      p7_MeanPositionRelativeEntropy(hmm, bg, &x); 
      p7_hmm_CompositionKLDist(hmm, bg, &KL, NULL);

      printf("%-6d %-20s %-12s %8d %8.2f %6d %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n",
	     hmm->acc == NULL ? "-" : hmm->acc,
	     p7_MeanMatchRelativeEntropy(hmm, bg),
	     p7_MeanMatchInfo(hmm, bg),

	     /*	     p7_MeanForwardScore(hmm, bg)); */


  if (outhmmfp != NULL) fclose(outhmmfp);
main(int argc, char **argv)
  int status;
  ESL_GETOPTS     *go	   = NULL;      /* command line processing                   */
  ESL_ALPHABET    *abc     = NULL;
  char            *hmmfile = NULL;
  char            *outhmmfile = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE      *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM          *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG           *bg      = NULL;
  int              nhmm;	
  double           x;
  float            KL;

  char        errmsg[eslERRBUFSIZE];

  /* Process the command line options.
  go = esl_getopts_Create(options);
  if (esl_opt_ProcessCmdline(go, argc, argv) != eslOK || 
      esl_opt_VerifyConfig(go)               != eslOK)
      printf("Failed to parse command line: %s\n", go->errbuf);
      esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
      printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-h") == TRUE) 
      profillic_p7_banner(stdout, argv[0], banner);
      esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
      puts("\nwhere options are:");
      esl_opt_DisplayHelp(stdout, go, 0, 2, 80); /* 0=docgroup, 2 = indentation; 80=textwidth*/
  if (esl_opt_ArgNumber(go) != 2) 
      puts("Incorrect number of command line arguments.");
      esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
      printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);

  if ((hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1)) == NULL) 
      puts("Failed to read <input hmmfile> argument from command line.");
      esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
      printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);

  if ((outhmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 2)) == NULL) 
      puts("Failed to read <output hmmfile> argument from command line.");
      esl_usage(stdout, argv[0], usage);
      printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);

  profillic_p7_banner(stdout, argv[0], banner);
  /* Initializations: open the input HMM file for reading
  status = p7_hmmfile_Open(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s for reading.\n",                   hmmfile);
  else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   p7_Fail("File %s does not appear to be in a recognized HMM format.\n", hmmfile);
  else if (status != eslOK)        p7_Fail("Unexpected error %d in opening HMM file %s.\n",       status, hmmfile);  

  /* Main body: read HMMs one at a time, print one line of stats
  printf("# %-4s %-20s %-12s %8s %8s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s\n", "idx",  "name",                 "accession",    "nseq",     "eff_nseq", "M",      "relent", "info",   "p relE", "compKL");
  printf("# %-4s %-20s %-12s %8s %8s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s\n", "----", "--------------------", "------------", "--------", "--------", "------", "------", "------", "------", "------");

  nhmm = 0;
  if ((status = p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)) != eslEOF) 
      if      (status == eslEOD)       esl_fatal("read failed, HMM file %s may be truncated?", hmmfile);
      else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   esl_fatal("bad file format in HMM file %s",             hmmfile);
      else if (status == eslEINCOMPAT) esl_fatal("HMM file %s contains different alphabets",   hmmfile);
      else if (status != eslOK)        esl_fatal("Unexpected error in reading HMMs from %s",   hmmfile);

      if (bg == NULL) bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);

      if( abc->type == eslDNA ) {
        galosh::ProfileTreeRoot<seqan::Dna, floatrealspace> profile;
        if( (status = convert_to_galosh_profile( hmm, profile )) != eslOK ) esl_fatal("Unexpected error in converting HMM from file %s to a dna galosh profile",   hmmfile);
        std::ofstream fs ( outhmmfile );
        if( !fs.is_open() ) {
          esl_fatal("Unexpected error in opening the file %s for writing", outhmmfile);
        } else {
          fs << profile;
      } else if( abc->type == eslAMINO ) {
        galosh::ProfileTreeRoot<seqan::AminoAcid20, floatrealspace> profile;
        if( (status = convert_to_galosh_profile( hmm, profile )) != eslOK ) esl_fatal("Unexpected error in converting HMM from file %s to an amino galosh profile",   hmmfile);
        std::ofstream fs ( outhmmfile );
        if( !fs.is_open() ) {
          esl_fatal("Unexpected error in opening the file %s for writing", outhmmfile);
        } else {
          fs << profile;
      } else {
        ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEUNIMPLEMENTED, "Sorry, at present the profillic-hmmtoprofile software can only handle amino and dna.");
      p7_MeanPositionRelativeEntropy(hmm, bg, &x); 
      p7_hmm_CompositionKLDist(hmm, bg, &KL, NULL);

      printf("%-6d %-20s %-12s %8d %8.2f %6d %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n",
	     hmm->acc == NULL ? "-" : hmm->acc,
	     p7_MeanMatchRelativeEntropy(hmm, bg),
	     p7_MeanMatchInfo(hmm, bg),

	     /*	     p7_MeanForwardScore(hmm, bg)); */

