Exemple #1
void CLayers::DrawLayers(HDC m_hDC,CMapPosition*mp)
	int Count=layers.GetSize();
	for(int k=0;k<Count;k++)
		CLayerPainterManager pManager(pLayer);
Exemple #2
// Clears the information list for the current thread
void exceptionsManager::clearExceptionInfo()
	ptr<exceptionsManager> pManager(getExceptionsManager());
	lockObject lock(pManager.get());
    tInfoMap::iterator findInformation = pManager->m_information.find(std::this_thread::get_id());
	if(findInformation == pManager->m_information.end())
Exemple #3
// Return the info objects for the specified thread
void exceptionsManager::getExceptionInfo(tExceptionInfoList* pList)
	ptr<exceptionsManager> pManager(getExceptionsManager());
	lockObject lock(pManager.get());

    tInfoMap::iterator findInformation = pManager->m_information.find(std::this_thread::get_id());
	if(findInformation == pManager->m_information.end())
	for(tExceptionInfoList::iterator scanInformation = findInformation->second.begin(); 
		scanInformation != findInformation->second.end(); 
Exemple #4
char *GetSequence(char *f_name)
	for (std::vector<music_file>::iterator i = ::music_data.begin(); i != ::music_data.end(); i++) {
		// If the file has already been loaded, return the existing data
		if (strcmp(f_name, i->name) == 0) return (char *)i->data;

	// File hasn't been loaded, do that now
	gm::ManagerPtr pManager(gm::getManager());
	camoto::stream::input_file_sptr psMusic(new camoto::stream::input_file());
	try {
	} catch (const camoto::stream::open_error& e) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s\n", f_name);
		return NULL;
	gm::MusicTypePtr pMusicType(pManager->getMusicTypeByCode("cmf-creativelabs"));
	if (!pMusicType->isInstance(psMusic)) {
		printf("File %s is not in CMF format!\n", f_name);
		return NULL;
	camoto::SuppData suppData;
	gm::MusicPtr pMusic(pMusicType->read(psMusic, suppData));

	camoto::stream::string_sptr pss(new camoto::stream::string());
	gm::MusicTypePtr pMusicOutType(pManager->getMusicTypeByCode("imf-idsoftware-type1"));
	pMusicOutType->write(pss, suppData, pMusic, gm::MusicType::Default);

	music_file cmf;
	strcpy(cmf.name, f_name);
	std::string imfdata = pss->str();
	int len = imfdata.length();
	cmf.data = new uint8_t[len];
	memcpy(cmf.data, imfdata.data(), len);
	printf("Loaded CMF file %s\n", cmf.name);
	return (char *)cmf.data;
Exemple #5
// Add an info object to the current thread
void exceptionsManager::addExceptionInfo(const exceptionInfo& info)
	ptr<exceptionsManager> pManager(getExceptionsManager());
	lockObject lock(pManager.get());
Exemple #6
int main(int iArgC, char *cArgV[])
#ifdef __GLIBCXX__
	// Set a better exception handler

	// Disable stdin/printf/etc. sync for a speed boost

	// Declare the supported options.
	po::options_description poOptions("Options");
		("type,t", po::value<std::string>(),
			"specify the output file format")

	po::options_description poHidden("Hidden parameters");
		("in", ".png to read")
		("out", "output palette filename")
		("help", "produce help message")

	po::options_description poVisible("");

	po::options_description poComplete("Parameters");
	po::variables_map mpArgs;

	std::string srcFile, dstFile;
	std::string strType;

	try {
		po::parsed_options pa = po::parse_command_line(iArgC, cArgV, poComplete);

		// Parse the global command line options
		for (std::vector<po::option>::iterator i = pa.options.begin(); i != pa.options.end(); i++) {
			if (i->string_key.empty()) {
				// If we've already got an archive filename, complain that a second one
				// was given (probably a typo.)
				if (!dstFile.empty()) {
					std::cerr << "Error: unexpected extra parameter (multiple output "
						"filenames given?!)" << std::endl;
					return 1;
				assert(i->value.size() > 0);  // can't have no values with no name!
				if (srcFile.empty()) srcFile = i->value[0];
				else dstFile = i->value[0];
			} else if (i->string_key.compare("help") == 0) {
				std::cout <<
					"Copyright (C) 2010 Adam Nielsen <*****@*****.**>\n"
					"This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software,\n"
					"and you are welcome to change and redistribute it under certain conditions;\n"
					"see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for details.\n"
					"Utility to manipulate image palettes used by games.\n"
					"Build date " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ << "\n"
					"Usage: " PROGNAME " <input>.png -t <output-type> <output-filename>\n"
					<< poVisible << "\n" << std::endl;
				return 0;
			} else if (
				(i->string_key.compare("t") == 0) ||
				(i->string_key.compare("type") == 0)
			) {
				if (i->value.size() == 0) {
					std::cerr << PROGNAME ": --type (-t) requires a parameter."
						<< std::endl;
					return 1;
				strType = i->value[0];

		if (srcFile.empty()) {
			std::cerr << "Error: no input .png filename given" << std::endl;
			return 1;
		if (dstFile.empty()) {
			std::cerr << "Error: no output filename given" << std::endl;
			return 1;
		if (strType.empty()) {
			std::cerr << "Error: no output format type (-t) given" << std::endl;
			return 1;
		// Get the format handler for this file format
		gg::ManagerPtr pManager(gg::getManager());

		gg::ImageTypePtr palType(pManager->getImageTypeByCode(strType));
		if (!palType) {
			std::cerr << "Unknown file type given to -t/--type: " << strType
				<< std::endl;
			return 1;

		std::cout << "Extracting palette from " << srcFile << " to "
			<< dstFile << " as type " << strType << std::endl;

		png::image<png::index_pixel> png(
			srcFile, png::require_color_space<png::index_pixel>()

		stream::file_sptr outStream(new stream::file());
		try {
		} catch (const stream::open_error& e) {
			std::cerr << PROGNAME ": Unable to create " << dstFile << ": " << e.what()
				<< std::endl;
			return 2;

		camoto::SuppData dummy;
		gg::ImagePtr palOut = palType->create(outStream, dummy);

		gg::PaletteTablePtr pal(new gg::PaletteTable());
		png::palette pngPal = png.get_palette();
		for (png::palette::iterator i = pngPal.begin(); i != pngPal.end(); i++) {
			gg::PaletteEntry p;
			p.red = i->red;
			p.green = i->green;
			p.blue = i->blue;

	} catch (const po::unknown_option& e) {
		std::cerr << PROGNAME ": " << e.what()
			<< ".  Use --help for help." << std::endl;
		return 1;
	} catch (const po::invalid_command_line_syntax& e) {
		std::cerr << PROGNAME ": " << e.what()
			<< ".  Use --help for help." << std::endl;
		return 1;

	return 0;
Exemple #7
int main(int iArgC, char *cArgV[])
	// Set a better exception handler
	std::set_terminate( __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler );

	// Disable stdin/printf/etc. sync for a speed boost

	// Declare the supported options.
	po::options_description poActions("Actions");
			"list contents of the address book")

		("update,u", po::value<std::string>(),
			"select an address book entry to change by ID")

		("add,a", po::value<std::string>(),
			"add a new address book entry and select it")

		("set,s", po::value<std::string>(),
			"field:value parameter updates entry selected by earlier -u or -a")

	po::options_description poOptions("Options");
		("type,t", po::value<std::string>(),
			"specify the MFD type (default is autodetect)")
		("user,u", po::value<std::string>(),
			"username to log in as")
		("pass,p", po::value<std::string>(),

	po::options_description poHidden("Hidden parameters");
		("host", "MFD hostname")
		("help", "produce help message")

	po::options_description poVisible("");

	po::options_description poComplete("Parameters");
	po::variables_map mpArgs;

	std::string host, user, pass, type;

	try {
		po::parsed_options pa = po::parse_command_line(iArgC, cArgV, poComplete);

		// Parse the global command line options
		for (std::vector<po::option>::iterator i = pa.options.begin(); i != pa.options.end(); i++) {
			if (i->string_key.empty()) {
				// If we've already got an archive filename, complain that a second one
				// was given (probably a typo.)
				if (!host.empty()) {
					std::cerr << "Error: unexpected extra parameter (multiple MFDs "
						"given?!)" << std::endl;
					return 1;
				assert(i->value.size() > 0);  // can't have no values with no name!
				host = i->value[0];
			} else if (i->string_key.compare("help") == 0) {
				std::cout <<
					"Copyright (C) 2010 Adam Nielsen <*****@*****.**>\n"
					"This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software,\n"
					"and you are welcome to change and redistribute it under certain conditions;\n"
					"see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for details.\n"
					"Utility to remotely configure multi-function devices (networked photocopiers.)\n"
					"Build date " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ << "\n"
					"Usage: mfdmgr <hostname> <action> [action...]\n" << poVisible << "\n"
					<< std::endl;
				return RET_OK;
			} else if (
				(i->string_key.compare("t") == 0) ||
				(i->string_key.compare("type") == 0)
			) {
				if (i->value.size() == 0) {
					std::cerr << PROGNAME ": --type (-t) requires a parameter."
						<< std::endl;
					return RET_BADARGS;
				type = i->value[0];
			} else if (
				(i->string_key.compare("u") == 0) ||
				(i->string_key.compare("user") == 0)
			) {
				if (i->value.size() == 0) {
					std::cerr << PROGNAME ": --user (-u) requires a parameter."
						<< std::endl;
					return RET_BADARGS;
				user = i->value[0];
			} else if (
				(i->string_key.compare("p") == 0) ||
				(i->string_key.compare("pass") == 0)
			) {
				if (i->value.size() == 0) {
					std::cerr << PROGNAME ": --pass (-p) requires a parameter."
						<< std::endl;
					return RET_BADARGS;
				pass = i->value[0];

		if (host.empty()) {
			std::cerr << "Error: no hostname given" << std::endl;
			return RET_BADARGS;
		std::cout << "Opening " << host << " as type "
			<< (type.empty() ? "<autodetect>" : type) << std::endl;

		// Get the format handler for this file format
		boost::shared_ptr<mfd::Manager> pManager(mfd::getManager());

		mfd::DeviceTypePtr pDeviceType;
		if (type.empty()) {
			// Need to autodetect the file format.
			mfd::DeviceTypePtr pTestType;
			int i = 0;
			while ((pTestType = pManager->getDeviceType(i++))) {
				mfd::E_CERTAINTY cert = pTestType->isInstance(host);
				switch (cert) {
					case mfd::EC_DEFINITELY_NO:
						// Don't print anything (TODO: Maybe unless verbose?)
					case mfd::EC_DEFINITELY_YES:
						std::cout << "Device is definitely a " << pTestType->getFriendlyName()
							<< " [" << pTestType->getDeviceCode() << "]" << std::endl;
						pDeviceType = pTestType;
						// Don't bother checking any other formats if we got a 100% match
						goto finishTesting;
			if (!pDeviceType) {
				std::cerr << "Unable to automatically determine the file type.  Use "
					"the --type option to manually specify the file format." << std::endl;
		} else {
			mfd::DeviceTypePtr pTestType(pManager->getDeviceTypeByCode(type));
			if (!pTestType) {
				std::cerr << "Unknown device type given to -t/--type: " << type
					<< std::endl;
				return RET_BADARGS;
			pDeviceType = pTestType;

		assert(pDeviceType != NULL);

		// Connect to the device
		boost::shared_ptr<mfd::Device> pDevice(pDeviceType->open(host, user, pass));

		int iRet = RET_OK;

		// ID of previously selected address book item
		std::string idABSelected;
		std::map<std::string, std::string> fieldSet; // TODO: enum for field type

		// Run through the actions on the command line
		for (std::vector<po::option>::iterator i = pa.options.begin(); i != pa.options.end(); i++) {
			if (i->string_key.compare("list") == 0) {
				boost::shared_ptr<mfd::AddressBook> ab = pDevice->getAddressBook();
				if (!ab) {
					std::cerr << "This device type does not have an address book." << std::endl;
					iRet = RET_BADARGS;
				const mfd::AddressBook::VC_ENTRYID& entryIds = ab->getEntryIds();
				for (mfd::AddressBook::VC_ENTRYID::const_iterator i = entryIds.begin();
					i != entryIds.end(); i++
				) {
					std::cout << "id is " << *i << std::endl;
				mfd::AddressBook::VC_FIELDLIST allEntries;
				ab->getEntries(entryIds, allEntries);
				for (mfd::AddressBook::VC_FIELDLIST::iterator i = allEntries.begin();
					i != allEntries.end(); i++
				) {
					mfd::AddressBook::FieldList& fl = *i;
					for (mfd::AddressBook::FieldList::iterator j = fl.begin();
						j != fl.end(); j++
					) {
						std::cout << j->first << "=" << j->second << "; ";
					std::cout << std::endl;

			} else if (i->string_key.compare("update") == 0) {
				idABSelected = i->value[0];
				std::cout << "Selected ID " << idABSelected << " for update" << std::endl;
				fieldSet.clear(); // empty any fields previously set

			} else if (i->string_key.compare("set") == 0) {
				if (idABSelected.empty()) {
					std::cerr << "ERROR: You must use -u or -a before --set/-s" << std::endl;
					iRet = RET_BADARGS;
				idABSelected = i->value[0];
				std::string fieldName, fieldVal;
				bool bAltDest = split(i->value[0], ':', &fieldName, &fieldVal);
				if (!bAltDest) {
					std::cerr << "ERROR: --set/-s requires a parameter of the form "
						"field:value" << std::endl;
					iRet = RET_BADARGS;
				std::cout << "Set field \"" << fieldName << "\" to \"" << fieldVal
					<< "\"" << std::endl;

			// Ignore --type/-t
			} else if (i->string_key.compare("type") == 0) {
			} else if (i->string_key.compare("t") == 0) {

		} // for (all command line elements)

	} catch (po::unknown_option& e) {
		std::cerr << PROGNAME ": " << e.what()
			<< ".  Use --help for help." << std::endl;
		return RET_BADARGS;
	} catch (po::invalid_command_line_syntax& e) {
		std::cerr << PROGNAME ": " << e.what()
			<< ".  Use --help for help." << std::endl;
		return RET_BADARGS;
	} catch (mfd::ECommFailure& e) {
		std::cerr << PROGNAME ": Communication failure (" << e.what()
			<< ")" << std::endl;

	return RET_OK;