Exemple #1
void Packet::writePacketTypeAndVersion(PacketType::Value type) {
    // Pack the packet type
    auto offset = packArithmeticallyCodedValue(type, _packet.get());

    // Pack the packet version
    auto version = versionForPacketType(type);
    memcpy(_packet.get() + offset, &version, sizeof(version));
Exemple #2
int packArithmeticallyCodedValue(int value, char* destination) {
    if (value < 255) {
        // less than 255, just pack our value
        destination[0] = (uchar) value;
        return 1;
    } else {
        // pack 255 and then recursively pack on
        ((unsigned char*)destination)[0] = 255;
        return 1 + packArithmeticallyCodedValue(value - 255, destination + 1);
Exemple #3
int populatePacketHeader(char* packet, PacketType type, const QUuid& connectionUUID) {
    int numTypeBytes = packArithmeticallyCodedValue(type, packet);
    packet[numTypeBytes] = versionForPacketType(type);
    QUuid packUUID = connectionUUID.isNull() ? NodeList::getInstance()->getOwnerUUID() : connectionUUID;
    QByteArray rfcUUID = packUUID.toRfc4122();
    memcpy(packet + numTypeBytes + sizeof(PacketVersion), rfcUUID.constData(), NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID);
    // return the number of bytes written for pointer pushing
    return numTypeBytes + sizeof(PacketVersion) + NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID;
Exemple #4
int populatePacketHeader(char* packet, PacketType type, const QUuid& connectionUUID) {
    int numTypeBytes = packArithmeticallyCodedValue(type, packet);
    packet[numTypeBytes] = versionForPacketType(type);
    char* position = packet + numTypeBytes + sizeof(PacketVersion);
    QUuid packUUID = connectionUUID.isNull() ? NodeList::getInstance()->getSessionUUID() : connectionUUID;
    QByteArray rfcUUID = packUUID.toRfc4122();
    memcpy(position, rfcUUID.constData(), NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID);
    position += NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID;
    // pack 16 bytes of zeros where the md5 hash will be placed one data is packed
    memset(position, 0, NUM_BYTES_MD5_HASH);
    position += NUM_BYTES_MD5_HASH;
    // return the number of bytes written for pointer pushing
    return position - packet;