bool package_init(pass_opt_t* opt) { if(!codegen_init(opt)) return false; // package_add_paths for command line paths has already been done. Here, we // append the paths from an optional environment variable, and then the paths // that are relative to the compiler location on disk. package_add_paths(getenv("PONYPATH")); add_exec_dir(); // Convert all the safe packages to their full paths. strlist_t* full_safe = NULL; while(safe != NULL) { const char* path; safe = strlist_pop(safe, &path); // Lookup (and hence normalise) path. path = find_path(NULL, path, NULL); if(path == NULL) { strlist_free(full_safe); return false; } full_safe = strlist_push(full_safe, path); } safe = full_safe; return true; }
bool package_init(pass_opt_t* opt) { if(!codegen_init(opt)) return false; package_add_paths(getenv("PONYPATH")); add_exec_dir(); // Convert all the safe packages to their full paths. strlist_t* full_safe = NULL; while(safe != NULL) { const char* path; safe = strlist_pop(safe, &path); // Lookup (and hence normalise) path. path = find_path(NULL, path); if(path == NULL) { strlist_free(full_safe); return false; } full_safe = strlist_push(full_safe, path); } safe = full_safe; return true; }
bool package_init(pass_opt_t* opt) { // package_add_paths for command line paths has already been done. Here, we // append the paths from an optional environment variable, and then the paths // that are relative to the compiler location on disk. package_add_paths(getenv("PONYPATH"), opt); if(!add_exec_dir(opt)) { errorf(opt->check.errors, NULL, "Error adding package paths relative to ponyc binary location"); return false; } // Finally we add OS specific paths. #ifdef PLATFORM_IS_POSIX_BASED add_path("/usr/local/lib", opt); add_path("/opt/local/lib", opt); #endif // Convert all the safe packages to their full paths. strlist_t* full_safe = NULL; strlist_t* safe = opt->safe_packages; while(safe != NULL) { const char* path; safe = strlist_pop(safe, &path); // Lookup (and hence normalise) path. path = find_path(NULL, path, NULL, NULL, opt); if(path == NULL) { strlist_free(full_safe); strlist_free(safe); opt->safe_packages = NULL; return false; } full_safe = strlist_push(full_safe, path); } opt->safe_packages = full_safe; if(opt->simple_builtin) package_add_magic_src("builtin", simple_builtin, opt); return true; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { stringtab_init(); pass_opt_t opt; pass_opt_init(&opt); opt.release = true; opt.output = "."; ast_setwidth(get_width()); bool print_program_ast = false; bool print_package_ast = false; opt_state_t s; ponyint_opt_init(args, &s, &argc, argv); bool ok = true; bool print_usage = false; int id; while((id = ponyint_opt_next(&s)) != -1) { switch(id) { case OPT_VERSION: printf("%s [%s] (llvm %s)\n", PONY_VERSION, PONY_BUILD_CONFIG, LLVM_VERSION); return 0; case OPT_DEBUG: opt.release = false; break; case OPT_BUILDFLAG: define_build_flag(s.arg_val); break; case OPT_STRIP: opt.strip_debug = true; break; case OPT_PATHS: package_add_paths(s.arg_val, &opt); break; case OPT_OUTPUT: opt.output = s.arg_val; break; case OPT_LIBRARY: opt.library = true; break; case OPT_RUNTIMEBC: opt.runtimebc = true; break; case OPT_PIC: opt.pic = true; break; case OPT_DOCS: = true; break; case OPT_SAFE: if(!package_add_safe(s.arg_val, &opt)) ok = false; break; case OPT_IEEEMATH: opt.ieee_math = true; break; case OPT_CPU: opt.cpu = s.arg_val; break; case OPT_FEATURES: opt.features = s.arg_val; break; case OPT_TRIPLE: opt.triple = s.arg_val; break; case OPT_STATS: opt.print_stats = true; break; case OPT_LINK_ARCH: opt.link_arch = s.arg_val; break; case OPT_LINKER: opt.linker = s.arg_val; break; case OPT_AST: print_program_ast = true; break; case OPT_ASTPACKAGE: print_package_ast = true; break; case OPT_TRACE: parse_trace(true); break; case OPT_WIDTH: ast_setwidth(atoi(s.arg_val)); break; case OPT_IMMERR: errors_set_immediate(opt.check.errors, true); break; case OPT_VERIFY: opt.verify = true; break; case OPT_EXTFUN: opt.extfun = true; break; case OPT_FILENAMES: opt.print_filenames = true; break; case OPT_CHECKTREE: opt.check_tree = true; break; case OPT_BNF: print_grammar(false, true); return 0; case OPT_ANTLR: print_grammar(true, true); return 0; case OPT_ANTLRRAW: print_grammar(true, false); return 0; case OPT_VERBOSE: { int v = atoi(s.arg_val); if (v >= 0 && v <= 4) { opt.verbosity = (verbosity_level)v; } else { ok = false; } } break; case OPT_PASSES: if(!limit_passes(&opt, s.arg_val)) { ok = false; print_usage = true; } break; default: usage(); return -1; } } for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if(argv[i][0] == '-') { printf("Unrecognised option: %s\n", argv[i]); ok = false; print_usage = true; } } #if defined(PLATFORM_IS_WINDOWS) opt.strip_debug = true; #endif if(!ok) { errors_print(opt.check.errors); if(print_usage) usage(); return -1; } if(ponyc_init(&opt)) { if(argc == 1) { ok &= compile_package(".", &opt, print_program_ast, print_package_ast); } else { for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) ok &= compile_package(argv[i], &opt, print_program_ast, print_package_ast); } } if(!ok && errors_get_count(opt.check.errors) == 0) printf("Error: internal failure not reported\n"); ponyc_shutdown(&opt); pass_opt_done(&opt); return ok ? 0 : -1; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { stringtab_init(); pass_opt_t opt; pass_opt_init(&opt); opt.release = true; opt.output = "."; ast_setwidth(get_width()); bool print_program_ast = false; bool print_package_ast = false; opt_state_t s; opt_init(args, &s, &argc, argv); bool ok = true; bool print_usage = false; int id; while((id = opt_next(&s)) != -1) { switch(id) { case OPT_VERSION: printf("%s\n", PONY_VERSION); return 0; case OPT_DEBUG: opt.release = false; break; case OPT_BUILDFLAG: define_build_flag(s.arg_val); break; case OPT_STRIP: opt.strip_debug = true; break; case OPT_PATHS: package_add_paths(s.arg_val); break; case OPT_OUTPUT: opt.output = s.arg_val; break; case OPT_LIBRARY: opt.library = true; break; case OPT_DOCS: = true; break; case OPT_SAFE: if(!package_add_safe(s.arg_val)) ok = false; break; case OPT_IEEEMATH: opt.ieee_math = true; break; case OPT_CPU: opt.cpu = s.arg_val; break; case OPT_FEATURES: opt.features = s.arg_val; break; case OPT_TRIPLE: opt.triple = s.arg_val; break; case OPT_STATS: opt.print_stats = true; break; case OPT_AST: print_program_ast = true; break; case OPT_ASTPACKAGE: print_package_ast = true; break; case OPT_TRACE: parse_trace(true); break; case OPT_WIDTH: ast_setwidth(atoi(s.arg_val)); break; case OPT_IMMERR: error_set_immediate(true); break; case OPT_VERIFY: opt.verify = true; break; case OPT_FILENAMES: opt.print_filenames = true; break; case OPT_CHECKTREE: enable_check_tree(true); break; case OPT_BNF: print_grammar(false, true); return 0; case OPT_ANTLR: print_grammar(true, true); return 0; case OPT_ANTLRRAW: print_grammar(true, false); return 0; case OPT_PASSES: if(!limit_passes(&opt, s.arg_val)) { ok = false; print_usage = true; } break; default: usage(); return -1; } } for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if(argv[i][0] == '-') { printf("Unrecognised option: %s\n", argv[i]); ok = false; print_usage = true; } } #ifdef PLATFORM_IS_WINDOWS opt.strip_debug = true; #endif if(!ok) { print_errors(); if(print_usage) usage(); return -1; } if(package_init(&opt)) { if(argc == 1) { ok &= compile_package(".", &opt, print_program_ast, print_package_ast); } else { for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) ok &= compile_package(argv[i], &opt, print_program_ast, print_package_ast); } } if(!ok && get_error_count() == 0) printf("Error: internal failure not reported\n"); package_done(&opt); pass_opt_done(&opt); stringtab_done(); return ok ? 0 : -1; }
ponyc_opt_process_t ponyc_opt_process(opt_state_t* s, pass_opt_t* opt, /*OUT*/ bool* print_program_ast, /*OUT*/ bool* print_package_ast) { ponyc_opt_process_t exit_code = CONTINUE; int id; *print_program_ast = false; *print_package_ast = false; exit_code = special_opt_processing(opt); if(exit_code != CONTINUE) return exit_code; bool wants_help = false; while((id = ponyint_opt_next(s)) != -1) { switch(id) { case OPT_VERSION: printf("%s\n", PONY_VERSION_STR); printf("Defaults: pic=%s ssl=%s\n", opt->pic ? "true" : "false", PONY_DEFAULT_SSL); return EXIT_0; case OPT_HELP: wants_help = true; break; case OPT_DEBUG: opt->release = false; break; case OPT_BUILDFLAG: if(is_openssl_flag(s->arg_val)) { if(validate_openssl_flag(s->arg_val)) { // User wants to add an openssl_flag, // remove any existing openssl_flags. remove_build_flags(valid_openssl_flags); } else { printf("Error: %s is invalid openssl flag, expecting one of:\n", s->arg_val); for(const char** next=valid_openssl_flags; *next != NULL; next++) printf(" %s\n", *next); return EXIT_255; } } define_build_flag(s->arg_val); break; case OPT_STRIP: opt->strip_debug = true; break; case OPT_PATHS: package_add_paths(s->arg_val, opt); break; case OPT_OUTPUT: opt->output = s->arg_val; break; case OPT_BIN_NAME: opt->bin_name = s->arg_val; break; case OPT_LIBRARY: opt->library = true; break; case OPT_RUNTIMEBC: opt->runtimebc = true; break; case OPT_STATIC: opt->staticbin = true; break; case OPT_PIC: opt->pic = true; break; case OPT_NOPIC: opt->pic = false; break; case OPT_DOCS: { opt->docs = true; opt->docs_private = true; } break; case OPT_DOCS_PUBLIC: { opt->docs = true; opt->docs_private = false; } break; case OPT_SAFE: if(!package_add_safe(s->arg_val, opt)) { printf("Error adding safe packages: %s\n", s->arg_val); exit_code = EXIT_255; } break; case OPT_CPU: opt->cpu = s->arg_val; break; case OPT_FEATURES: opt->features = s->arg_val; break; case OPT_TRIPLE: opt->triple = s->arg_val; break; case OPT_STATS: opt->print_stats = true; break; case OPT_LINK_ARCH: opt->link_arch = s->arg_val; break; case OPT_LINKER: opt->linker = s->arg_val; break; case OPT_PLUGIN: if(!plugin_load(opt, s->arg_val)) { printf("Error loading plugins: %s\n", s->arg_val); exit_code = EXIT_255; } break; case OPT_AST: *print_program_ast = true; break; case OPT_ASTPACKAGE: *print_package_ast = true; break; case OPT_TRACE: opt->parse_trace = true; break; case OPT_WIDTH: opt->ast_print_width = atoi(s->arg_val); break; case OPT_IMMERR: errors_set_immediate(opt->check.errors, true); break; case OPT_VERIFY: opt->verify = true; break; case OPT_EXTFUN: opt->extfun = true; break; case OPT_SIMPLEBUILTIN: opt->simple_builtin = true; break; case OPT_FILENAMES: opt->print_filenames = true; break; case OPT_CHECKTREE: opt->check_tree = true; break; case OPT_LINT_LLVM: opt->lint_llvm = true; break; case OPT_BNF: print_grammar(false, true); return EXIT_0; case OPT_ANTLR: print_grammar(true, true); return EXIT_0; case OPT_ANTLRRAW: print_grammar(true, false); return EXIT_0; case OPT_VERBOSE: { int v = atoi(s->arg_val); if(v >= 0 && v <= 4) { opt->verbosity = (verbosity_level)v; } else { printf("Verbosity must be 0..4, %d is invalid\n", v); exit_code = EXIT_255; } } break; case OPT_PASSES: if(!limit_passes(opt, s->arg_val)) { printf("Invalid pass=%s it should be one of:\n", s->arg_val); print_passes(); exit_code = EXIT_255; } break; default: printf("BUG: unprocessed option id %d\n", id); return EXIT_255; } } if(!plugin_parse_options(opt, s->argc, s->argv)) exit_code = EXIT_255; if(wants_help) { usage(); plugin_print_help(opt); if(exit_code != EXIT_255) exit_code = EXIT_0; return exit_code; } for(int i = 1; i < (*s->argc); i++) { if(s->argv[i][0] == '-') { printf("Unrecognised option: %s\n", s->argv[i]); exit_code = EXIT_255; } } return exit_code; }