Exemple #1
int vtd_init(void)
	const struct acpi_dmar_table *dmar;
	const struct acpi_dmar_drhd *drhd;
	unsigned int pt_levels, num_did;
	void *reg_base = NULL;
	unsigned long offset;
	unsigned long caps;
	int err;

	dmar = (struct acpi_dmar_table *)acpi_find_table("DMAR", NULL);
	if (!dmar)
//		return -ENODEV;
		{ printk("WARNING: No VT-d support found!\n"); return 0; }

	if (sizeof(struct acpi_dmar_table) +
	    sizeof(struct acpi_dmar_drhd) > dmar->header.length)
		return -EIO;

	drhd = (struct acpi_dmar_drhd *)dmar->remap_structs;
	if (drhd->header.type != ACPI_DMAR_DRHD)
		return -EIO;

	offset = (void *)dmar->remap_structs - (void *)dmar;
	do {
		if (drhd->header.length < sizeof(struct acpi_dmar_drhd) ||
		    offset + drhd->header.length > dmar->header.length)
			return -EIO;

		/* TODO: support multiple segments */
		if (drhd->segment != 0)
			return -EIO;

		printk("Found DMAR @%p\n", drhd->register_base_addr);

		reg_base = page_alloc(&remap_pool, 1);
		if (!reg_base)
			return -ENOMEM;

		if (dmar_units == 0)
			dmar_reg_base = reg_base;
		else if (reg_base != dmar_reg_base + dmar_units * PAGE_SIZE)
			return -ENOMEM;

		err = page_map_create(hv_page_table, drhd->register_base_addr,
				      PAGE_SIZE, (unsigned long)reg_base,
		if (err)
			return err;

		caps = mmio_read64(reg_base + VTD_CAP_REG);
		if (caps & VTD_CAP_SAGAW39)
			pt_levels = 3;
		else if (caps & VTD_CAP_SAGAW48)
			pt_levels = 4;
			return -EIO;

		if (dmar_pt_levels > 0 && dmar_pt_levels != pt_levels)
			return -EIO;
		dmar_pt_levels = pt_levels;

		if (caps & VTD_CAP_CM)
			return -EIO;

		/* We only support IOTLB registers withing the first page. */
		if (vtd_iotlb_reg_base(reg_base) >= reg_base + PAGE_SIZE)
			return -EIO;

		if (mmio_read32(reg_base + VTD_GSTS_REG) & VTD_GSTS_TES)
			return -EBUSY;

		num_did = 1 << (4 + (caps & VTD_CAP_NUM_DID_MASK) * 2);
		if (num_did < dmar_num_did)
			dmar_num_did = num_did;


		offset += drhd->header.length;
		drhd = (struct acpi_dmar_drhd *)
			(((void *)drhd) + drhd->header.length);
	} while (offset < dmar->header.length &&
		 drhd->header.type == ACPI_DMAR_DRHD);

	return 0;
Exemple #2
// check page_insert, page_remove, &c
	static void

	struct Page *pp0, *pp1, *pp2,*pp3,*pp4,*pp5;
	struct Page * fl;
	pte_t *ptep, *ptep1;
	pdpe_t *pdpe;
	pde_t *pde;
	void *va;
	int i;
	uintptr_t mm1, mm2;
	pp0 = pp1 = pp2 = pp3 = pp4 = pp5 =0;

	assert(pp0 = page_alloc(0));
	assert(pp1 = page_alloc(0));
	assert(pp2 = page_alloc(0));
	assert(pp3 = page_alloc(0));
	assert(pp4 = page_alloc(0));
	assert(pp5 = page_alloc(0));

	assert(pp1 && pp1 != pp0);
	assert(pp2 && pp2 != pp1 && pp2 != pp0);
	assert(pp3 && pp3 != pp2 && pp3 != pp1 && pp3 != pp0);
	assert(pp4 && pp4 != pp3 && pp4 != pp2 && pp4 != pp1 && pp4 != pp0);
	assert(pp5 && pp5 != pp4 && pp5 != pp3 && pp5 != pp2 && pp5 != pp1 && pp5 != pp0);

	// temporarily steal the rest of the free pages
	fl = page_free_list;
	page_free_list = NULL;

	// should be no free memory

	// there is no page allocated at address 0
	assert(page_lookup(boot_pml4e, (void *) 0x0, &ptep) == NULL);

	// there is no free memory, so we can't allocate a page table 
	assert(page_insert(boot_pml4e, pp1, 0x0, 0) < 0);

	// free pp0 and try again: pp0 should be used for page table
	assert(page_insert(boot_pml4e, pp1, 0x0, 0) < 0);

	//cprintf("pp1 ref count = %d\n",pp1->pp_ref);
	//cprintf("pp0 ref count = %d\n",pp0->pp_ref);
	//cprintf("pp2 ref count = %d\n",pp2->pp_ref);
	assert(page_insert(boot_pml4e, pp1, 0x0, 0) == 0);
	assert((PTE_ADDR(boot_pml4e[0]) == page2pa(pp0) || PTE_ADDR(boot_pml4e[0]) == page2pa(pp2) || PTE_ADDR(boot_pml4e[0]) == page2pa(pp3) ));
	assert(check_va2pa(boot_pml4e, 0x0) == page2pa(pp1));
	assert(pp1->pp_ref == 1);
	assert(pp0->pp_ref == 1);
	assert(pp2->pp_ref == 1);
	//should be able to map pp3 at PGSIZE because pp0 is already allocated for page table
	assert(page_insert(boot_pml4e, pp3, (void*) PGSIZE, 0) == 0);
	assert(check_va2pa(boot_pml4e, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp3));
	assert(pp3->pp_ref == 2);

	// should be no free memory

	// should be able to map pp3 at PGSIZE because it's already there
	assert(page_insert(boot_pml4e, pp3, (void*) PGSIZE, 0) == 0);
	assert(check_va2pa(boot_pml4e, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp3));
	assert(pp3->pp_ref == 2);

	// pp3 should NOT be on the free list
	// could happen in ref counts are handled sloppily in page_insert
	// check that pgdir_walk returns a pointer to the pte
	pdpe = KADDR(PTE_ADDR(boot_pml4e[PML4(PGSIZE)]));
	ptep = KADDR(PTE_ADDR(pde[PDX(PGSIZE)]));
	assert(pml4e_walk(boot_pml4e, (void*)PGSIZE, 0) == ptep+PTX(PGSIZE));

	// should be able to change permissions too.
	assert(page_insert(boot_pml4e, pp3, (void*) PGSIZE, PTE_U) == 0);
	assert(check_va2pa(boot_pml4e, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp3));
	assert(pp3->pp_ref == 2);
	assert(*pml4e_walk(boot_pml4e, (void*) PGSIZE, 0) & PTE_U);
	assert(boot_pml4e[0] & PTE_U);

	// should not be able to map at PTSIZE because need free page for page table
	assert(page_insert(boot_pml4e, pp0, (void*) PTSIZE, 0) < 0);

	// insert pp1 at PGSIZE (replacing pp3)
	assert(page_insert(boot_pml4e, pp1, (void*) PGSIZE, 0) == 0);
	assert(!(*pml4e_walk(boot_pml4e, (void*) PGSIZE, 0) & PTE_U));

	// should have pp1 at both 0 and PGSIZE
	assert(check_va2pa(boot_pml4e, 0) == page2pa(pp1));
	assert(check_va2pa(boot_pml4e, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp1));
	// ... and ref counts should reflect this
	assert(pp1->pp_ref == 2);
	assert(pp3->pp_ref == 1);

	// unmapping pp1 at 0 should keep pp1 at PGSIZE
	page_remove(boot_pml4e, 0x0);
	assert(check_va2pa(boot_pml4e, 0x0) == ~0);
	assert(check_va2pa(boot_pml4e, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp1));
	assert(pp1->pp_ref == 1);
	assert(pp3->pp_ref == 1);

	// Test re-inserting pp1 at PGSIZE.
	// Thanks to Varun Agrawal for suggesting this test case.
	assert(page_insert(boot_pml4e, pp1, (void*) PGSIZE, 0) == 0);
	assert(pp1->pp_link == NULL);

	// unmapping pp1 at PGSIZE should free it
	page_remove(boot_pml4e, (void*) PGSIZE);
	assert(check_va2pa(boot_pml4e, 0x0) == ~0);
	assert(check_va2pa(boot_pml4e, PGSIZE) == ~0);
	assert(pp1->pp_ref == 0);
	assert(pp3->pp_ref == 1);

#if 0
	// should be able to page_insert to change a page
	// and see the new data immediately.
	memset(page2kva(pp1), 1, PGSIZE);
	memset(page2kva(pp2), 2, PGSIZE);
	page_insert(boot_pgdir, pp1, 0x0, 0);
	assert(pp1->pp_ref == 1);
	assert(*(int*)0 == 0x01010101);
	page_insert(boot_pgdir, pp2, 0x0, 0);
	assert(*(int*)0 == 0x02020202);
	assert(pp2->pp_ref == 1);
	assert(pp1->pp_ref == 0);
	page_remove(boot_pgdir, 0x0);
	assert(pp2->pp_ref == 0);

	// forcibly take pp3 back
	assert(PTE_ADDR(boot_pml4e[0]) == page2pa(pp3));
	boot_pml4e[0] = 0;
	assert(pp3->pp_ref == 1);
	// check pointer arithmetic in pml4e_walk
	va = (void*)(PGSIZE * 100);
	ptep = pml4e_walk(boot_pml4e, va, 1);
	pdpe = KADDR(PTE_ADDR(boot_pml4e[PML4(va)]));
	pde  = KADDR(PTE_ADDR(pdpe[PDPE(va)]));
	ptep1 = KADDR(PTE_ADDR(pde[PDX(va)]));
	assert(ptep == ptep1 + PTX(va));

	// check that new page tables get cleared
	memset(page2kva(pp4), 0xFF, PGSIZE);
	pml4e_walk(boot_pml4e, 0x0, 1);
	pdpe = KADDR(PTE_ADDR(boot_pml4e[0]));
	pde  = KADDR(PTE_ADDR(pdpe[0]));
	ptep  = KADDR(PTE_ADDR(pde[0]));
	for(i=0; i<NPTENTRIES; i++)
		assert((ptep[i] & PTE_P) == 0);
	boot_pml4e[0] = 0;

	// give free list back
	page_free_list = fl;

	// free the pages we took

	// test mmio_map_region
	mm1 = (uintptr_t) mmio_map_region(0, 4097);
	mm2 = (uintptr_t) mmio_map_region(0, 4096);
	// check that they're in the right region
	assert(mm1 >= MMIOBASE && mm1 + 8096 < MMIOLIM);
	assert(mm2 >= MMIOBASE && mm2 + 8096 < MMIOLIM);
	// check that they're page-aligned
	assert(mm1 % PGSIZE == 0 && mm2 % PGSIZE == 0);
	// check that they don't overlap
	assert(mm1 + 8096 <= mm2);
	// check page mappingsasdfasd

	assert(check_va2pa(boot_pml4e, mm1) == 0);
	assert(check_va2pa(boot_pml4e, mm1+PGSIZE) == PGSIZE);
	assert(check_va2pa(boot_pml4e, mm2) == 0);
	assert(check_va2pa(boot_pml4e, mm2+PGSIZE) == ~0);
	// check permissions
	assert(*pml4e_walk(boot_pml4e, (void*) mm1, 0) & (PTE_W|PTE_PWT|PTE_PCD));
	assert(!(*pml4e_walk(boot_pml4e, (void*) mm1, 0) & PTE_U));
	// clear the mappings
	*pml4e_walk(boot_pml4e, (void*) mm1, 0) = 0;
	*pml4e_walk(boot_pml4e, (void*) mm1 + PGSIZE, 0) = 0;
	*pml4e_walk(boot_pml4e, (void*) mm2, 0) = 0;

	cprintf("check_page() succeeded!\n");
Exemple #3
// Check the physical page allocator (page_alloc(),page_free(),
// and page_init()).
	static void
	struct Page *pp, *pp0, *pp1, *pp2;
	int nfree;
	struct Page *fl;
	char *c;
	int i;
	struct Page *p;

	// if there's a page that shouldn't be on
	// the free list, try to make sure it
	// eventually causes trouble.
	for (pp0 = page_free_list, nfree = 0; pp0; pp0 = pp0->pp_link) {
		memset(page2kva(pp0), 0x97, PGSIZE);

	for (pp0 = page_free_list, nfree = 0; pp0; pp0 = pp0->pp_link) {
		// check that we didn't corrupt the free list itself
		assert(pp0 >= pages);
		assert(pp0 < pages + npages);

		// check a few pages that shouldn't be on the free list
		assert(page2pa(pp0) != 0);
		assert(page2pa(pp0) != IOPHYSMEM);
		assert(page2pa(pp0) != EXTPHYSMEM - PGSIZE);
		assert(page2pa(pp0) != EXTPHYSMEM);

	// should be able to allocate three pages
	pp0 = pp1 = pp2 = 0;
	assert((pp0 = page_alloc(0)));
	assert((pp1 = page_alloc(0)));
	assert((pp2 = page_alloc(0)));
	assert(pp1 && pp1 != pp0);
	assert(pp2 && pp2 != pp1 && pp2 != pp0);
	assert(page2pa(pp0) < npages*PGSIZE);
	assert(page2pa(pp1) < npages*PGSIZE);
	assert(page2pa(pp2) < npages*PGSIZE);

	// temporarily steal the rest of the free pages
	fl = page_free_list;
	page_free_list = 0;

	// should be no free memory

	// free and re-allocate?
	pp0 = pp1 = pp2 = 0;
	assert((pp0 = page_alloc(0)));
	assert((pp1 = page_alloc(0)));
	assert((pp2 = page_alloc(0)));
	assert(pp1 && pp1 != pp0);
	assert(pp2 && pp2 != pp1 && pp2 != pp0);

	// test flags
	memset(page2kva(pp0), 1, PGSIZE);
	assert((pp = page_alloc(ALLOC_ZERO)));
	assert(pp && pp0 == pp);
	c = page2kva(pp);
	for (i = 0; i < PGSIZE; i++)
		assert(c[i] == 0);

	// give free list back
	page_free_list = fl;

	// free the pages we took

	cprintf("check_page_alloc() succeeded!\n");

	__cpu_supports_ept = vmx_exec_cpu2_supported(VMEXEC_CPU2_ENABLE_EPT);
	__cpu_supports_vpid = vmx_exec_cpu2_supported(VMEXEC_CPU2_ENABLE_VPID);
	if (!cpu_supports_ept()) {
		kprintf("ept_construct>EPT is not supported by this CPU\n");
		if (bp->bp_flags & BPF_NO_EPT) {
			return 0;
		return -ENXIO;

	u64 msr = get_MSR(MSR_IA32_VMX_EPT_VPID_CAP);
	if (bit_test(msr, 0)) {
		kprintf("ept_construct>Execute-only translation is supported\n");
	if (bit_test(msr, 32)) {
		kprintf("ept_construct>INVVPID is supported\n");
	if (bit_test(msr, 40)) {
		kprintf("ept_construct>ADDRESS INVVPID is supported\n");
	if (bit_test(msr, 41)) {
		kprintf("ept_construct>SINGLE INVVPID is supported\n");
	if (bit_test(msr, 42)) {
		kprintf("ept_construct>ALL INVVPID is supported\n");
	if (bit_test(msr, 43)) {
		kprintf("ept_construct>SINGLE notGLOBALS INVVPID is supported\n");

	assert(ept_root == NULL);

	ept_root = (epte_t *)page_alloc();
	if (ept_root == NULL) {
		return -ENOMEM;

	un max_pfn = bp->num_physpages;
	for (un pfn = 0; pfn < max_pfn; pfn++) {
		if ((pfn & 0xffff) == 0) {
			kprintf("ept_construct>pfn = 0x%lx\n", pfn);
		un gpaddr = pfn << VM_PAGE_SHIFT;
		ret_t ret = ept_construct_page(gpaddr);
		if (ret) {
			return ret;

	kprintf("ept_construct>calling ept_construct_page(0x%lx)\n",
	ret_t ret = ept_construct_page(get_apic_base_phys());
	if (ret) {
		return ret;

	return 0;
Exemple #5
/* Helper function for the ELF loader. Maps the specified segment
 * of the program header from the given file in to the given address
 * space with the given memory offset (in pages). On success returns 0, otherwise
 * returns a negative error code for the ELF loader to return.
 * Note that since any error returned by this function should
 * cause the ELF loader to give up, it is acceptable for the
 * address space to be modified after returning an error.
 * Note that memoff can be negative */
static int _elf32_map_segment(vmmap_t *map, vnode_t *file, int32_t memoff, const Elf32_Phdr *segment)
        uintptr_t addr;
        if (memoff < 0) {
                KASSERT(ADDR_TO_PN(segment->p_vaddr) > (uint32_t) -memoff);
                addr = (uintptr_t)segment->p_vaddr - (uintptr_t)PN_TO_ADDR(-memoff);
        } else {
                addr = (uintptr_t)segment->p_vaddr + (uintptr_t)PN_TO_ADDR(memoff);
        uint32_t off = segment->p_offset;
        uint32_t memsz = segment->p_memsz;
        uint32_t filesz = segment->p_filesz;

        dbg(DBG_ELF, "Mapping program segment: type %#x, offset %#08x,"
            " vaddr %#08x, filesz %#x, memsz %#x, flags %#x, align %#x\n",
            segment->p_type, segment->p_offset, segment->p_vaddr,
            segment->p_filesz, segment->p_memsz, segment->p_flags,

        /* check for bad data in the segment header */
        if (PAGE_SIZE != segment->p_align) {
                dbg(DBG_ELF, "ERROR: segment does not have correct alignment\n");
                return -ENOEXEC;
        } else if (filesz > memsz) {
                dbg(DBG_ELF, "ERROR: segment file size is greater than memory size\n");
                return -ENOEXEC;
        } else if (PAGE_OFFSET(addr) != PAGE_OFFSET(off)) {
                dbg(DBG_ELF, "ERROR: segment address and offset are not aligned correctly\n");
                return -ENOEXEC;

        int perms = 0;
        if (PF_R & segment->p_flags) {
                perms |= PROT_READ;
        if (PF_W & segment->p_flags) {
                perms |= PROT_WRITE;
        if (PF_X & segment->p_flags) {
                perms |= PROT_EXEC;

        if (0 < filesz) {
                /* something needs to be mapped from the file */
                /* start from the starting address and include enough pages to
                 * map all filesz bytes of the file */
                uint32_t lopage = ADDR_TO_PN(addr);
                uint32_t npages = ADDR_TO_PN(addr + filesz - 1) - lopage + 1;
                off_t fileoff = (off_t)PAGE_ALIGN_DOWN(off);

                int ret;
                if (!vmmap_is_range_empty(map, lopage, npages)) {
                        dbg(DBG_ELF, "ERROR: ELF file contains overlapping segments\n");
                        return -ENOEXEC;
                } else if (0 > (ret = vmmap_map(map, file, lopage, npages, perms,
                                                MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED, fileoff,
                                                0, NULL))) {
                        return ret;

        if (memsz > filesz) {
                /* there is left over memory in the segment which must
                 * be initialized to 0 (anonymously mapped) */
                uint32_t lopage = ADDR_TO_PN(addr + filesz);
                uint32_t npages = ADDR_TO_PN(PAGE_ALIGN_UP(addr + memsz)) - lopage;

                int ret;
                if (npages > 1 && !vmmap_is_range_empty(map, lopage + 1, npages - 1)) {
                        dbg(DBG_ELF, "ERROR: ELF file contains overlapping segments\n");
                        return -ENOEXEC;
                } else if (0 > (ret = vmmap_map(map, NULL, lopage, npages, perms,
                                                MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED, 0, 0, NULL))) {
                        return ret;
                } else if (!PAGE_ALIGNED(addr + filesz) && filesz > 0) {
                        /* In this case, we have accidentally zeroed too much of memory, as
                         * we zeroed all memory in the page containing addr + filesz.
                         * However, the remaining part of the data is not a full page, so we
                         * should not just map in another page (as there could be garbage
                         * after addr+filesz). For instance, consider the data-bss boundary
                         * (c.f. Intel x86 ELF supplement pp. 82).
                         * To fix this, we need to read in the contents of the file manually
                         * and put them at that user space addr in the anon map we just
                         * added. */
                        void *buf;
                        if (NULL == (buf = page_alloc()))
                                return -ENOMEM;
                        if (!(0 > (ret = file->vn_ops->read(file, (off_t) PAGE_ALIGN_DOWN(off + filesz),
                                                            buf, PAGE_OFFSET(addr + filesz))))) {
                                ret = vmmap_write(map, PAGE_ALIGN_DOWN(addr + filesz),
                                                  buf, PAGE_OFFSET(addr + filesz));
                        return ret;
        return 0;
// check page_insert, page_remove, &c
static void
  struct PageInfo *pp, *pp0, *pp1, *pp2;
  struct PageInfo *fl;
  pte_t *ptep, *ptep1;
  void *va;

  int i;
  extern pde_t entry_pgdir[];

  // should be able to allocate three pages
  pp0 = pp1 = pp2 = 0;
  assert((pp0 = page_alloc(0)));
  assert((pp1 = page_alloc(0)));
  assert((pp2 = page_alloc(0)));

  assert(pp1 && pp1 != pp0);
  assert(pp2 && pp2 != pp1 && pp2 != pp0);

  // temporarily steal the rest of the free pages
  fl = page_free_list;
  page_free_list = 0;

  // should be no free memory

  // there is no page allocated at address 0
  assert(page_lookup(kern_pgdir, (void*)0x0, &ptep) == NULL);

  // there is no free memory, so we can't allocate a page table
  assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp1, 0x0, PTE_W) < 0);

  // free pp0 and try again: pp0 should be used for page table
  assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp1, 0x0, PTE_W) == 0);
  assert(PTE_ADDR(kern_pgdir[0]) == page2pa(pp0));
  assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, 0x0) == page2pa(pp1));
  assert(pp1->pp_ref == 1);
  assert(pp0->pp_ref == 1);

  // should be able to map pp2 at PGSIZE because pp0 is already allocated for page table
  assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp2, (void*)PGSIZE, PTE_W) == 0);
  assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp2));
  assert(pp2->pp_ref == 1);

  // should be no free memory

  // should be able to map pp2 at PGSIZE because it's already there
  assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp2, (void*)PGSIZE, PTE_W) == 0);
  assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp2));
  assert(pp2->pp_ref == 1);

  // pp2 should NOT be on the free list
  // could happen in ref counts are handled sloppily in page_insert

  // check that pgdir_walk returns a pointer to the pte
  ptep = (pte_t*)KADDR(PTE_ADDR(kern_pgdir[PDX(PGSIZE)]));
  assert(pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*)PGSIZE, 0) == ptep+PTX(PGSIZE));

  // should be able to change permissions too.
  assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp2, (void*)PGSIZE, PTE_W|PTE_U) == 0);
  assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp2));
  assert(pp2->pp_ref == 1);
  assert(*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*)PGSIZE, 0) & PTE_U);
  assert(kern_pgdir[0] & PTE_U);

  // should be able to remap with fewer permissions
  assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp2, (void*)PGSIZE, PTE_W) == 0);
  assert(*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*)PGSIZE, 0) & PTE_W);
  assert(!(*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*)PGSIZE, 0) & PTE_U));

  // should not be able to map at PTSIZE because need free page for page table
  assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp0, (void*)PTSIZE, PTE_W) < 0);

  // insert pp1 at PGSIZE (replacing pp2)
  assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp1, (void*)PGSIZE, PTE_W) == 0);
  assert(!(*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*)PGSIZE, 0) & PTE_U));

  // should have pp1 at both 0 and PGSIZE, pp2 nowhere, ...
  assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, 0) == page2pa(pp1));
  assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp1));
  // ... and ref counts should reflect this
  assert(pp1->pp_ref == 2);
  assert(pp2->pp_ref == 0);

  // pp2 should be returned by page_alloc
  assert((pp = page_alloc(0)) && pp == pp2);

  // unmapping pp1 at 0 should keep pp1 at PGSIZE
  page_remove(kern_pgdir, 0x0);
  assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, 0x0) == ~0);
  assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp1));
  assert(pp1->pp_ref == 1);
  assert(pp2->pp_ref == 0);

  // test re-inserting pp1 at PGSIZE
  assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp1, (void*)PGSIZE, 0) == 0);
  assert(pp1->pp_link == NULL);

  // unmapping pp1 at PGSIZE should free it
  page_remove(kern_pgdir, (void*)PGSIZE);
  assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, 0x0) == ~0);
  assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == ~0);
  assert(pp1->pp_ref == 0);
  assert(pp2->pp_ref == 0);

  // so it should be returned by page_alloc
  assert((pp = page_alloc(0)) && pp == pp1);

  // should be no free memory

  // forcibly take pp0 back
  assert(PTE_ADDR(kern_pgdir[0]) == page2pa(pp0));
  kern_pgdir[0] = 0;
  assert(pp0->pp_ref == 1);
  pp0->pp_ref = 0;

  // check pointer arithmetic in pgdir_walk
  va = (void*)(PGSIZE * NPDENTRIES + PGSIZE);
  ptep = pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, va, 1);
  ptep1 = (pte_t*)KADDR(PTE_ADDR(kern_pgdir[PDX(va)]));
  assert(ptep == ptep1 + PTX(va));
  kern_pgdir[PDX(va)] = 0;
  pp0->pp_ref = 0;

  // check that new page tables get cleared
  memset(page2kva(pp0), 0xFF, PGSIZE);
  pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, 0x0, 1);
  ptep = (pte_t*)page2kva(pp0);
  for (i = 0; i < NPTENTRIES; i++)
    assert((ptep[i] & PTE_P) == 0);
  kern_pgdir[0] = 0;
  pp0->pp_ref = 0;

  // give free list back
  page_free_list = fl;

  // free the pages we took

  cprintf("check_page() succeeded!\n");
Exemple #7
// Set up the initial program binary, stack, and processor flags
// for a user process.
// This function loads all loadable segments from the ELF binary image
// into the environment's user memory, starting at the appropriate
// virtual addresses indicated in the ELF program header.
// It also clears to zero any portions of these segments
// that are marked in the program header as being mapped
// but not actually present in the ELF file -- i.e., the program's bss section.
// Finally, this function maps one page for the program's initial stack.
// load_elf panics if it encounters problems.
//  - How might load_elf fail?  What might be wrong with the given input?
static void
load_elf(struct Env *e, uint8_t *binary, size_t size)
	struct Elf *elf = (struct Elf *) binary;
	// Load each program segment into environment 'e's virtual memory
	// at the address specified in the ELF section header.
	// Only load segments with ph->p_type == ELF_PROG_LOAD.
	// Each segment's virtual address can be found in ph->p_va
	// and its size in memory can be found in ph->p_memsz.
	// The ph->p_filesz bytes from the ELF binary, starting at
	// 'binary + ph->p_offset', should be copied to virtual address
	// ph->p_va.  Any remaining memory bytes should be cleared to zero.
	// (The ELF header should have ph->p_filesz <= ph->p_memsz.)
	// Use functions from the previous lab to allocate and map pages.
	// All page protection bits should be user read/write for now.
	// ELF segments are not necessarily page-aligned, but you can
	// assume for this function that no two segments will touch
	// the same virtual page.
	// You may find a function like segment_alloc useful.
	// Loading the segments is much simpler if you can move data
	// directly into the virtual addresses stored in the ELF binary.
	// So which page directory should be in force during
	// this function?
	// All this is very similar to what our boot loader does, except the
	// boot loader reads the code from disk and doesn't check whether
	// segments are loadable.  Take a look at boot/main.c to get ideas.
	// You must also store the program's entry point somewhere,
	// to make sure that the environment starts executing at that point.
	// See env_run() and env_iret() below.

	// LAB 3: Your code here.

    if (elf->e_magic != ELF_MAGIC)
        panic("Invalid Elf Magic");
    struct Proghdr *ph = (struct Proghdr *) ((uint8_t *) elf + elf->e_phoff);
    int ph_num = elf->e_phnum;

    // iterate over all program headers
    for (; --ph_num >= 0; ph++) 
        if (ph->p_type == ELF_PROG_LOAD)
            segment_alloc(e, ph->p_va, ph->p_memsz);
            // copy data from binary to address space
            memmove((void *)ph->p_va, binary + ph->p_offset, ph->p_filesz);

    // set entry point for new env
    e->env_tf.tf_eip = elf->e_entry;
    e->env_tf.tf_esp = USTACKTOP;
	// Now map one page for the program's initial stack
	// at virtual address USTACKTOP - PGSIZE.
	// (What should the permissions be?)
    struct Page *p;
    if ((p = page_alloc()) == NULL || page_insert(e->env_pgdir, p, USTACKTOP-PGSIZE, PTE_U|PTE_W|PTE_P))
        panic("segment_alloc: Can't allocate page");
    memset(page2kva(p), 0, PGSIZE);
Exemple #8
static vm_map_t
do_fork(vm_map_t org_map)
	vm_map_t new_map;
	struct region *tmp, *src, *dest;
	int map_type;

	if ((new_map = vm_create()) == NULL)
		return NULL;
	 * Copy all regions
	tmp = &new_map->head;
	src = &org_map->head;

	 * Copy top region
	*tmp = *src;
	tmp->next = tmp->prev = tmp;

	if (src == src->next)	/* Blank memory ? */
		return new_map;

	do {
		ASSERT(src != NULL);
		ASSERT(src->next != NULL);

		if (src == &org_map->head) {
			dest = tmp;
		} else {
			/* Create new region struct */
			dest = kmem_alloc(sizeof(*dest));
			if (dest == NULL)
				return NULL;

			*dest = *src;	/* memcpy */

			dest->prev = tmp;
			dest->next = tmp->next;
			tmp->next->prev = dest;
			tmp->next = dest;
			tmp = dest;
		if (src->flags == REG_FREE) {
			 * Skip free region
		} else {
			/* Check if the region can be shared */
			if (!(src->flags & REG_WRITE) &&
			    !(src->flags & REG_MAPPED)) {
				dest->flags |= REG_SHARED;

			if (!(dest->flags & REG_SHARED)) {
				/* Allocate new physical page. */
				dest->phys = page_alloc(src->size);
				if (dest->phys == 0)
					return NULL;

				/* Copy source page */
				       phys_to_virt(src->phys), src->size);
			/* Map the region to virtual address */
			if (dest->flags & REG_WRITE)
				map_type = PG_WRITE;
				map_type = PG_READ;

			if (mmu_map(new_map->pgd, dest->phys, dest->addr,
				    dest->size, map_type))
				return NULL;
		src = src->next;
	} while (src != &org_map->head);

	 * No error. Now, link all shared regions
	dest = &new_map->head;
	src = &org_map->head;
	do {
		if (dest->flags & REG_SHARED) {
			src->flags |= REG_SHARED;
			dest->sh_prev = src;
			dest->sh_next = src->sh_next;
			src->sh_next->sh_prev = dest;
			src->sh_next = dest;
		dest = dest->next;
		src = src->next;
	} while (src != &org_map->head);
	return new_map;
Exemple #9
// Set up the initial program binary, stack, and processor flags
// for a user process.
// This function is ONLY called during kernel initialization,
// before running the first user-mode environment.
// This function loads all loadable segments from the ELF binary image
// into the environment's user memory, starting at the appropriate
// virtual addresses indicated in the ELF program header.
// At the same time it clears to zero any portions of these segments
// that are marked in the program header as being mapped
// but not actually present in the ELF file - i.e., the program's bss section.
// All this is very similar to what our boot loader does, except the boot
// loader also needs to read the code from disk.  Take a look at
// boot/main.c to get ideas.
// Finally, this function maps one page for the program's initial stack.
// load_icode panics if it encounters problems.
//  - How might load_icode fail?  What might be wrong with the given input?
static void
load_icode(struct Env *e, uint8_t *binary, size_t size)
	// Hints: 
	//  Load each program segment into virtual memory
	//  at the address specified in the ELF section header.
	//  You should only load segments with ph->p_type == ELF_PROG_LOAD.
	//  Each segment's virtual address can be found in ph->p_va
	//  and its size in memory can be found in ph->p_memsz.
	//  The ph->p_filesz bytes from the ELF binary, starting at
	//  'binary + ph->p_offset', should be copied to virtual address
	//  ph->p_va.  Any remaining memory bytes should be cleared to zero.
	//  (The ELF header should have ph->p_filesz <= ph->p_memsz.)               /* p_filesz <= ph->memsz ,sunus*/
	//  Use functions from the previous lab to allocate and map pages.
	//  All page protection bits should be user read/write for now.
	//  ELF segments are not necessarily page-aligned, but you can
	//  assume for this function that no two segments will touch
	//  the same virtual page.
	//  You may find a function like segment_alloc useful.
	//  Loading the segments is much simpler if you can move data
	//  directly into the virtual addresses stored in the ELF binary.
	//  So which page directory should be in force during
	//  this function?
	//  You must also do something with the program's entry point,
	//  to make sure that the environment starts executing there.
	//  What?  (See env_run() and env_pop_tf() below.)

	// LAB 3: Your code here.

	// Now map one page for the program's initial stack
	// at virtual address USTACKTOP - PGSIZE.

	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	//  You must also do something with the program's entry point,    /* TO BE CODED!*/   /* DONE, LINE 328,338 and 339 */ 
	//  to make sure that the environment starts executing there.	  /* DEC 10,2010 */
	//  What?  (See env_run() and env_pop_tf() below.)		  /* sunus */

	// LAB 3: Your code here.

    	//DEC 09,2010 sunus
    struct Proghdr *ph,*eph;
	struct Elf *env_elf;
	struct Page *pstack;
	env_elf = (struct Elf *)binary;
	assert(env_elf->e_magic == ELF_MAGIC);
	ph = (struct Proghdr *)((uint8_t *)binary + env_elf->e_phoff);
	eph = ph +  env_elf->e_phnum;
	lcr3(e->env_cr3); // we will use env_cr3 for a little while :D
	for( ; ph < eph ; ph++)
              if(ph->p_type == ELF_PROG_LOAD)
                      segment_alloc(e, (void *)ph->p_va,ph->p_memsz);
                      memmove((void *)ph->p_va, (void *)(binary + ph->p_offset), ph->p_filesz);
                      memset(((void *)ph->p_va + ph->p_filesz), 0, (ph->p_memsz - ph->p_filesz)); // .bss matters
	lcr3(boot_cr3); // restore boot_cr3 
	e->env_tf.tf_eip = env_elf->e_entry;
	// Now map one page for the program's initial stack
	// at virtual address USTACKTOP - PGSIZE.
	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	//DEC 10,2010,sunus
	assert(page_alloc(&pstack) == 0);
	assert(page_insert(e->env_pgdir, pstack,(void *)(USTACKTOP - PGSIZE), PTE_U|PTE_W) == 0);
	return ;
Exemple #10
Fichier : env.c Projet : gzs715/JOS
// Set up the initial program binary, stack, and processor flags
// for a user process.
// This function is ONLY called during kernel initialization,
// before running the first user-mode environment.
// This function loads all loadable segments from the ELF binary image
// into the environment's user memory, starting at the appropriate
// virtual addresses indicated in the ELF program header.
// At the same time it clears to zero any portions of these segments
// that are marked in the program header as being mapped
// but not actually present in the ELF file - i.e., the program's bss section.
// All this is very similar to what our boot loader does, except the boot
// loader also needs to read the code from disk.  Take a look at
// boot/main.c to get ideas.
// Finally, this function maps one page for the program's initial stack.
// load_icode panics if it encounters problems.
//  - How might load_icode fail?  What might be wrong with the given input?
static void
load_icode(struct Env *e, uint8_t *binary, size_t size)
	// Hints: 
	//  Load each program segment into virtual memory
	//  at the address specified in the ELF section header.
	//  You should only load segments with ph->p_type == ELF_PROG_LOAD.
	//  Each segment's virtual address can be found in ph->p_va
	//  and its size in memory can be found in ph->p_memsz.
	//  The ph->p_filesz bytes from the ELF binary, starting at
	//  'binary + ph->p_offset', should be copied to virtual address
	//  ph->p_va.  Any remaining memory bytes should be cleared to zero.
	//  (The ELF header should have ph->p_filesz <= ph->p_memsz.)
	//  Use functions from the previous lab to allocate and map pages.
	//  All page protection bits should be user read/write for now.
	//  ELF segments are not necessarily page-aligned, but you can
	//  assume for this function that no two segments will touch
	//  the same virtual page.
	//  You may find a function like segment_alloc useful.
	//  Loading the segments is much simpler if you can move data
	//  directly into the virtual addresses stored in the ELF binary.
	//  So which page directory should be in force during
	//  this function?
	// Hint:
	//  You must also do something with the program's entry point,
	//  to make sure that the environment starts executing there.
	//  What?  (See env_run() and env_pop_tf() below.)

	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	//cprintf("Begin to load icode\n");
	struct Proghdr *ph, *eph;
	ph = (struct Proghdr *) (binary + ((struct Elf *)binary)->e_phoff);
	eph = ph + ((struct Elf *)binary)->e_phnum;
	while (ph < eph)
		if(ph->p_type == ELF_PROG_LOAD)
			segment_alloc(e, (void*)ph->p_va,ph->p_memsz);			
			memcpy((void *)ph->p_va, binary + ph->p_offset, ph->p_filesz);
			memset((void *)(ph->p_va + ph->p_filesz), 0x0, ph->p_memsz - ph->p_filesz);
	//cprintf("segment copy success\n");

	// Now map one page for the program's initial stack
	// at virtual address USTACKTOP - PGSIZE.

	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	struct Page * user_stack; 
	if(page_alloc(&user_stack) == -E_NO_MEM)
		panic("No memory to alloc for user stack");
	page_insert(e->env_pgdir, user_stack, (void *)(USTACKTOP - PGSIZE),PTE_W|PTE_U|PTE_P);
	e->env_tf.tf_eip = ((struct Elf*)binary)->e_entry;
Exemple #11
static int
do_attribute(vm_map_t map, void *addr, int attr)
	struct region *reg;
	int new_flags = 0;
	void *old_addr, *new_addr = NULL;
	int map_type;

	addr = (void *)PAGE_TRUNC(addr);

	 * Find the target region.
	reg = region_find(&map->head, addr, 1);
	if (reg == NULL || reg->addr != addr || (reg->flags & REG_FREE)) {
		return EINVAL;	/* not allocated */
	 * The attribute of the mapped region can not be changed.
	if (reg->flags & REG_MAPPED)
		return EINVAL;

	 * Check new and old flag.
	if (reg->flags & REG_WRITE) {
		if (!(attr & VMA_WRITE))
			new_flags = REG_READ;
	} else {
		if (attr & VMA_WRITE)
			new_flags = REG_READ | REG_WRITE;
	if (new_flags == 0)
		return 0;	/* same attribute */

	map_type = (new_flags & REG_WRITE) ? PG_WRITE : PG_READ;

	 * If it is shared region, duplicate it.
	if (reg->flags & REG_SHARED) {

		old_addr = reg->phys;

		/* Allocate new physical page. */
		if ((new_addr = page_alloc(reg->size)) == 0)
			return ENOMEM;

		/* Copy source page */
		memcpy(phys_to_virt(new_addr), phys_to_virt(old_addr),

		/* Map new region */
		if (mmu_map(map->pgd, new_addr, reg->addr, reg->size,
			    map_type)) {
			page_free(new_addr, reg->size);
			return ENOMEM;
		reg->phys = new_addr;

		/* Unlink from shared list */
		reg->sh_prev->sh_next = reg->sh_next;
		reg->sh_next->sh_prev = reg->sh_prev;
		if (reg->sh_prev == reg->sh_next)
			reg->sh_prev->flags &= ~REG_SHARED;
		reg->sh_next = reg->sh_prev = reg;
	} else {
		if (mmu_map(map->pgd, reg->phys, reg->addr, reg->size,
			return ENOMEM;
	reg->flags = new_flags;
	return 0;
void build_process_address_space(struct PCB* process)
	uint64_t entry = 0;
	uint64_t e_rsp = UXSTACKTOP;
	struct page* page_temp;
	//struct vma* vma_temp;
	//int ab=0;

	//Allocate for user pml4 table and initialize it
	//Since its in user space, will already be mapped.
		page_temp = page_alloc();
		memset((void *)getVA(page_temp),0,PAGE_SIZE);
		process->cr3 = (uint64_t *)getPA(page_temp);
		process->pml4 = (uint64_t *)getVA(page_temp); 

		//Copy 1 entry from kernel_pml4 to this pml4
		*(process->pml4 + PML4OFF(KERNBASE)) = *(kernel_pml4 + PML4OFF(KERNBASE));	
	//printf("K: %x , U: %x\n", *(kernel_pml4 + PML4OFF(KERNBASE)), *(process->pml4 + PML4OFF(KERNBASE)));

	//New cr3 
	//loadcr3((void *)process->cr3);

	entry = getELF(process -> fileName, process);
   	//printf("entry = %x\n", entry);	
	(process -> reg).rip = entry;

	//AADY: 30 Apr
	if(process->processID < 0)
		process -> processID = generate_pid(); 
		e_rsp = UXSTACKTOP - (process->processID * PAGE_SIZE);
		(process -> ersp) = e_rsp;
		process -> hasRan = 0; //Already done in pcb_alloc, a safety check here.
	//TEMP: 26th APR
	//ASM to set up tss
        __asm__ __volatile__("movq %%rsp, %0; \
                movq $0x28,%%rax; \
                ltr %%ax;"
                : "=r" (tss.rsp0)
                : "rax");	
	//tss.rsp0 = process->ersp;
	//ASM to set up tss    
        __asm__ __volatile__("movq $0x28,%%rax; \
                ltr %%ax;"
                : "rax");
        //printf("tss setting: %x\n",tss.rsp0);
Exemple #13
int vm_fault(int faulttype, vaddr_t faultaddress) 
	bool lock = false;	// Indicates if lock was aquired in "this" function
	//int spl = splhigh();
	// bool lock = get_coremap_lock();
	// DEBUG(DB_VM,"F:%p\n",(void*) faultaddress);
	struct addrspace *as = curthread->t_addrspace;
	//We ALWAYS update TLB with writable bits ASAP. So this means a fault.
	if(faulttype == VM_FAULT_READONLY && as->use_permissions)
		return EFAULT;
	//Null Pointer
	if(faultaddress == 0x0)
		return EFAULT;
	//Align the fault address to a page (4k) boundary.
	faultaddress &= PAGE_FRAME;
	//Make sure address is valid
	if(faultaddress >= 0x80000000)
		return EFAULT;
	/*If we're trying to access a region after the end of the heap but 
	 * before the stack, that's invalid (unless load_elf is running) */
	if(as->loadelf_done && faultaddress < USER_STACK_LIMIT && faultaddress > as->heap_end)
		return EFAULT;
	struct page_table *pt = pgdir_walk(as,faultaddress,false);
	int pt_index = VA_TO_PT_INDEX(faultaddress);
	int pfn = PTE_TO_PFN(pt->table[pt_index]);
	int permissions = PTE_TO_PERMISSIONS(pt->table[pt_index]);
	int swapped = PTE_TO_LOCATION(pt->table[pt_index]);
	struct page *page = NULL;

	/*If the PFN is 0, we might need to dynamically allocate
	on the stack or the heap */
	if(pfn == 0)
		if(faultaddress < as->stack && faultaddress > USER_STACK_LIMIT)
			as->stack -= PAGE_SIZE;
			lock = get_coremap_lock();
			page = page_alloc(as,as->stack, PF_RW);
		else if(faultaddress < as->heap_end && faultaddress >= as->heap_start)
			lock = get_coremap_lock();
			page = page_alloc(as,faultaddress, PF_RW);
		//Static Segment(s)
		else if(faultaddress < as->heap_start && faultaddress >= as->static_start)
			panic("code not loaded: %p",(void*) faultaddress);
			// page = page_alloc(as,faultaddress,PF_)
			return EFAULT;

	/*We grew the stack and/or heap dynamically. Try translating again */
	pt = pgdir_walk(as,faultaddress,false);
	pt_index = VA_TO_PT_INDEX(faultaddress);
	pfn = PTE_TO_PFN(pt->table[pt_index]);
	permissions = PTE_TO_PERMISSIONS(pt->table[pt_index]);
	swapped = PTE_TO_LOCATION(pt->table[pt_index]);

	/* If we're swapped out, time to do some extra stuff. */
	while(swapped == PTE_SWAPPING)
		// Busy wait for the swap to complete, since we cannot sleep in an interrupt
		pfn = PTE_TO_PFN(pt->table[pt_index]);
		permissions = PTE_TO_PERMISSIONS(pt->table[pt_index]);
		swapped = PTE_TO_LOCATION(pt->table[pt_index]);

	// Swap completed and page is now in memory or on disk; if disk, bring it back to memory
	if(swapped == PTE_SWAP)
		//bool lock = get_coremap_lock();
		//TODO get the page back in to ram. 
		//Does this work?
		// DEBUG(DB_SWAP,"PTE (vmfault)1:%p\n",(void*) pt->table[pt_index]);
		lock = get_coremap_lock();
		page = page_alloc(as,faultaddress,permissions);
		/* Page now has a home in RAM. But set the swap bit to 1 so we can swap the page in*/
		pt->table[pt_index] |= PTE_SWAP;
		// DEBUG(DB_SWAP,"PTE (vmfault)2:%p\n",(void*) pt->table[pt_index]);


		/* Page was swapped back in. Re-translate */
		pt = pgdir_walk(as,faultaddress,false);
		pt_index = VA_TO_PT_INDEX(faultaddress);
		pfn = PTE_TO_PFN(pt->table[pt_index]);
		permissions = PTE_TO_PERMISSIONS(pt->table[pt_index]);
		swapped = PTE_TO_LOCATION(pt->table[pt_index]);

	// DEBUG(DB_VM, "PTERWX:%d\n",permissions);
	//Page is writable if permissions say so or if we're ignoring permissions.
	bool writable = (permissions & PF_W) || !(as->use_permissions);

	//This time, it shouldn't be 0.
	//Static Segment(s)
	// if(faultaddress < as->heap_start && faultaddress >= as->static_start)
	// {
	// 	panic("code not loaded: %p",(void*) faultaddress);
	// 	//TODO
	// 	// page = page_alloc(as,faultaddress,PF_)
	// }
	KASSERT(pfn > 0);
	KASSERT(pfn <= PAGE_SIZE * (int) page_count);

	uint32_t ehi,elo;

	/* Disable interrupts on this CPU while frobbing the TLB. */

	lock = get_coremap_spinlock();
	int spl = splhigh();

	// What does it mean for the page to be NULL in this case?
	if(page != NULL)
		// DEBUG(DB_SWAP, "Page : %p\n", &page);
		KASSERT(page->state != SWAPPINGOUT);
		page->state = DIRTY;

	for (int i=0; i<NUM_TLB; i++) {
		tlb_read(&ehi, &elo, i);

		if (elo & TLBLO_VALID) {
			// kprintf("Index %d in use\n",i);

		ehi = faultaddress;
		elo = pfn | TLBLO_VALID;

			elo |= TLBLO_DIRTY;

		// kprintf("Writing TLB Index %d\n",i); 
		// DEBUG(DB_VM, "dumbvm: 0x%x -> 0x%x\n", faultaddress, pfn);
		tlb_write(ehi, elo, i);

		return 0;

	/*If we get here, TLB was full. Kill an entry, round robin style*/
	ehi = faultaddress;
	elo = pfn | TLBLO_VALID;
		elo |= TLBLO_DIRTY;
	if(tlb_offering == NUM_TLB)
		//At the end of the TLB. Start back at 0 again.
		tlb_offering = 0;

	return 0;
Exemple #14
// Set up the initial program binary, stack, and processor flags
// for a user process.
// This function is ONLY called during kernel initialization,
// before running the first user-mode environment.
// This function loads all loadable segments from the ELF binary image
// into the environment's user memory, starting at the appropriate
// virtual addresses indicated in the ELF program header.
// At the same time it clears to zero any portions of these segments
// that are marked in the program header as being mapped
// but not actually present in the ELF file - i.e., the program's bss section.
// All this is very similar to what our boot loader does, except the boot
// loader also needs to read the code from disk.  Take a look at
// boot/main.c to get ideas.
// Finally, this function maps one page for the program's initial stack.
// load_icode panics if it encounters problems.
//  - How might load_icode fail?  What might be wrong with the given input?
static void
load_icode(struct Env *e, uint8_t *binary, size_t size)
	// Hints: 
	//  Load each program segment into virtual memory
	//  at the address specified in the ELF section header.
	//  You should only load segments with ph->p_type == ELF_PROG_LOAD.
	//  Each segment's virtual address can be found in ph->p_va
	//  and its size in memory can be found in ph->p_memsz.
	//  The ph->p_filesz bytes from the ELF binary, starting at
	//  'binary + ph->p_offset', should be copied to virtual address
	//  ph->p_va.  Any remaining memory bytes should be cleared to zero.
	//  (The ELF header should have ph->p_filesz <= ph->p_memsz.)
	//  Use functions from the previous lab to allocate and map pages.
	//  All page protection bits should be user read/write for now.
	//  ELF segments are not necessarily page-aligned, but you can
	//  assume for this function that no two segments will touch
	//  the same virtual page.
	//  You may find a function like segment_alloc useful.
	//  Loading the segments is much simpler if you can move data
	//  directly into the virtual addresses stored in the ELF binary.
	//  So which page directory should be in force during
	//  this function?
	// Hint:
	//  You must also do something with the program's entry point,
	//  to make sure that the environment starts executing there.
	//  What?  (See env_run() and env_pop_tf() below.)

	// LAB 3: Your code here.
        struct Elf *env_elf;
        struct Proghdr *ph;
        struct Page *pg;
        int i;
        unsigned int old_cr3;
        env_elf = (struct Elf *)binary;
        old_cr3 = rcr3();
        if( env_elf->e_magic != ELF_MAGIC)
        ph = (struct Proghdr*)((unsigned int)env_elf + env_elf->e_phoff);
        for(i=0; i < env_elf->e_phnum;i++){
                if(ph->p_type == ELF_PROG_LOAD){
                        segment_alloc(e,(void *)ph->p_va, ph->p_memsz);
                        memset((void *)ph->p_va, 0, ph->p_memsz);
                        memmove((void *)ph->p_va, (void *)((unsigned int)env_elf + ph->p_offset), ph->p_filesz);

        e->env_tf.tf_eip = env_elf->e_entry;

	// Now map one page for the program's initial stack
	// at virtual address USTACKTOP - PGSIZE.

	// LAB 3: Your code here.
        if(page_alloc(&pg) != 0){
                cprintf("load_icode page_alloc fail!!\n");

        page_insert(e->env_pgdir, pg, (void *)(USTACKTOP - PGSIZE), PTE_U | PTE_W);

Exemple #15
static inline grow_page *grow_page_new() {
	grow_page *res = malloc(sizeof(grow_page));
	res->page = page_alloc(0);
	res->next = 0;
	return res;
Exemple #16
// check page_insert, page_remove, &c
static void
	struct PageInfo *pp, *pp0, *pp1, *pp2;
	struct PageInfo *fl;
	pte_t *ptep, *ptep1;
	void *va;
	uintptr_t mm1, mm2;
	int i;
	extern pde_t entry_pgdir[];

	// should be able to allocate three pages
	pp0 = pp1 = pp2 = 0;
	assert((pp0 = page_alloc(0)));
	assert((pp1 = page_alloc(0)));
	assert((pp2 = page_alloc(0)));

	assert(pp1 && pp1 != pp0);
	assert(pp2 && pp2 != pp1 && pp2 != pp0);

	// temporarily steal the rest of the free pages
	fl = page_free_list;
	page_free_list = 0;

	// should be no free memory

	// there is no page allocated at address 0
	assert(page_lookup(kern_pgdir, (void *) 0x0, &ptep) == NULL);

	// there is no free memory, so we can't allocate a page table
	assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp1, 0x0, PTE_W) < 0);

	// free pp0 and try again: pp0 should be used for page table
	assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp1, 0x0, PTE_W) == 0);
	assert(PTE_ADDR(kern_pgdir[0]) == page2pa(pp0));
	assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, 0x0) == page2pa(pp1));
	assert(pp1->pp_ref == 1);
	assert(pp0->pp_ref == 1);

	// should be able to map pp2 at PGSIZE because pp0 is already allocated for page table
	assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp2, (void*) PGSIZE, PTE_W) == 0);
	assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp2));
	assert(pp2->pp_ref == 1);

	// should be no free memory

	// should be able to map pp2 at PGSIZE because it's already there
	assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp2, (void*) PGSIZE, PTE_W) == 0);
	assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp2));
	assert(pp2->pp_ref == 1);

	// pp2 should NOT be on the free list
	// could happen in ref counts are handled sloppily in page_insert
	//cprintf("p2: %p, free_list %p, p2 ref: %d", pp2, page_free_list, (int)pp2->pp_ref);

	// check that pgdir_walk returns a pointer to the pte
	// 从这里也可以推测出pgdir_walk的功能(因为page table entry的歧义: 
	// 是pointer to page table, 还是pointer of entry in page table)
	// 给定虚拟地址va, kern_pgdir[PDX(va)]是va二级页表, page table的物理地址。
	// 再KADDR一下,就成了page table的虚拟地址,即ptep
	// ptep + PTX(va)即va在page table中的表项的位置,的虚拟地址
	// 这就是pgdir_walk需要返回的。
	ptep = (pte_t *) KADDR(PTE_ADDR(kern_pgdir[PDX(PGSIZE)]));
	assert(pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*)PGSIZE, 0) == ptep+PTX(PGSIZE));

	// should be able to change permissions too.
	assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp2, (void*) PGSIZE, PTE_W|PTE_U) == 0);
	assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp2));
	assert(pp2->pp_ref == 1);
	assert(*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*) PGSIZE, 0) & PTE_U);
	assert(kern_pgdir[0] & PTE_U);

	// should be able to remap with fewer permissions
	assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp2, (void*) PGSIZE, PTE_W) == 0);
	assert(*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*) PGSIZE, 0) & PTE_W);
	assert(!(*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*) PGSIZE, 0) & PTE_U));

	// should not be able to map at PTSIZE because need free page for page table
	assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp0, (void*) PTSIZE, PTE_W) < 0);

	// insert pp1 at PGSIZE (replacing pp2)
	assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp1, (void*) PGSIZE, PTE_W) == 0);
	assert(!(*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*) PGSIZE, 0) & PTE_U));

	// should have pp1 at both 0 and PGSIZE, pp2 nowhere, ...
	assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, 0) == page2pa(pp1));
	assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp1));
	// ... and ref counts should reflect this
	assert(pp1->pp_ref == 2);
	assert(pp2->pp_ref == 0);

	// pp2 should be returned by page_alloc
	assert((pp = page_alloc(0)) && pp == pp2);

	// unmapping pp1 at 0 should keep pp1 at PGSIZE
	page_remove(kern_pgdir, 0x0);
	assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, 0x0) == ~0);
	assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp1));
	assert(pp1->pp_ref == 1);
	assert(pp2->pp_ref == 0);

	// unmapping pp1 at PGSIZE should free it
	page_remove(kern_pgdir, (void*) PGSIZE);
	assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, 0x0) == ~0);
	assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == ~0);
	assert(pp1->pp_ref == 0);
	assert(pp2->pp_ref == 0);

	// so it should be returned by page_alloc
	assert((pp = page_alloc(0)) && pp == pp1);

	// should be no free memory

	// forcibly take pp0 back
	assert(PTE_ADDR(kern_pgdir[0]) == page2pa(pp0));
	kern_pgdir[0] = 0;
	assert(pp0->pp_ref == 1);
	pp0->pp_ref = 0;

	// check pointer arithmetic in pgdir_walk
	va = (void*)(PGSIZE * NPDENTRIES + PGSIZE);
	ptep = pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, va, 1);
	ptep1 = (pte_t *) KADDR(PTE_ADDR(kern_pgdir[PDX(va)]));
	assert(ptep == ptep1 + PTX(va));
	kern_pgdir[PDX(va)] = 0;
	pp0->pp_ref = 0;

	// check that new page tables get cleared
	memset(page2kva(pp0), 0xFF, PGSIZE);
	pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, 0x0, 1);
	ptep = (pte_t *) page2kva(pp0);
	for(i=0; i<NPTENTRIES; i++)
		assert((ptep[i] & PTE_P) == 0);
	kern_pgdir[0] = 0;
	pp0->pp_ref = 0;

	// give free list back
	page_free_list = fl;

	// free the pages we took

	// test mmio_map_region
	mm1 = (uintptr_t) mmio_map_region(0, 4097);
	mm2 = (uintptr_t) mmio_map_region(0, 4096);
	// check that they're in the right region
	assert(mm1 >= MMIOBASE && mm1 + 8096 < MMIOLIM);
	assert(mm2 >= MMIOBASE && mm2 + 8096 < MMIOLIM);
	// check that they're page-aligned
	assert(mm1 % PGSIZE == 0 && mm2 % PGSIZE == 0);
	// check that they don't overlap
	assert(mm1 + 8096 <= mm2);
	// check page mappings
	assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, mm1) == 0);
	assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, mm1+PGSIZE) == PGSIZE);
	assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, mm2) == 0);
	assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, mm2+PGSIZE) == ~0);
	// check permissions
	assert(*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*) mm1, 0) & (PTE_W|PTE_PWT|PTE_PCD));
	assert(!(*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*) mm1, 0) & PTE_U));
	// clear the mappings
	*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*) mm1, 0) = 0;
	*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*) mm1 + PGSIZE, 0) = 0;
	*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*) mm2, 0) = 0;

	cprintf("check_page() succeeded!\n");
// Check the physical page allocator (page_alloc(), page_free(),
// and page_init()).
static void
  struct PageInfo *pp, *pp0, *pp1, *pp2;
  int nfree;
  struct PageInfo *fl;
  char *c;
  int i;

  if (!pages)
    panic("'pages' is a null pointer!");

  // check number of free pages
  for (pp = page_free_list, nfree = 0; pp; pp = pp->pp_link)

  // should be able to allocate three pages
  pp0 = pp1 = pp2 = 0;
  assert((pp0 = page_alloc(0)));
  assert((pp1 = page_alloc(0)));
  assert((pp2 = page_alloc(0)));

  assert(pp1 && pp1 != pp0);
  assert(pp2 && pp2 != pp1 && pp2 != pp0);
  assert(page2pa(pp0) < npages*PGSIZE);
  assert(page2pa(pp1) < npages*PGSIZE);
  assert(page2pa(pp2) < npages*PGSIZE);

  // temporarily steal the rest of the free pages
  fl = page_free_list;
  page_free_list = 0;

  // should be no free memory

  // free and re-allocate?
  pp0 = pp1 = pp2 = 0;
  assert((pp0 = page_alloc(0)));
  assert((pp1 = page_alloc(0)));
  assert((pp2 = page_alloc(0)));
  assert(pp1 && pp1 != pp0);
  assert(pp2 && pp2 != pp1 && pp2 != pp0);

  // test flags
  memset(page2kva(pp0), 1, PGSIZE);
  assert((pp = page_alloc(ALLOC_ZERO)));
  assert(pp && pp0 == pp);
  c = page2kva(pp);
  for (i = 0; i < PGSIZE; i++)
    assert(c[i] == 0);

  // give free list back
  page_free_list = fl;

  // free the pages we took

  // number of free pages should be the same
  for (pp = page_free_list; pp; pp = pp->pp_link)
  assert(nfree == 0);

  cprintf("check_page_alloc() succeeded!\n");
Exemple #18
// Check the physical page allocator (page_alloc(), page_free(),
// and page_init()).
static void
	struct Page *pp, *pp0, *pp1, *pp2;
	int nfree;
	struct Page *fl;

	if (!pages)
		panic("'pages' is a null pointer!");

	// Sort the free list so that pages with lower addresses
	// come first.  (The entry_pgdir does not map all pages.)
		struct Page **tp[2] = { &pp1, &pp2 };
		for (pp0 = page_free_list; pp0; pp0 = pp0->pp_link) {
			int pagetype = PDX(page2pa(pp0)) >= 4;
			*tp[pagetype] = pp0;
			tp[pagetype] = &pp0->pp_link;
		*tp[1] = 0;
		*tp[0] = pp2;
		page_free_list = pp1;

	// check number of free pages
	for (pp = page_free_list, nfree = 0; pp; pp = pp->pp_link)

	// should be able to allocate three pages
	pp0 = pp1 = pp2 = 0;
	assert((pp0 = page_alloc()));
	assert((pp1 = page_alloc()));
	assert((pp2 = page_alloc()));

	assert(pp1 && pp1 != pp0);
	assert(pp2 && pp2 != pp1 && pp2 != pp0);
	assert(page2pa(pp0) < npages*PGSIZE);
	assert(page2pa(pp1) < npages*PGSIZE);
	assert(page2pa(pp2) < npages*PGSIZE);

	// temporarily steal the rest of the free pages
	fl = page_free_list;
	page_free_list = 0;

	// should be no free memory

	// free and re-allocate?
	pp0 = pp1 = pp2 = 0;
	assert((pp0 = page_alloc()));
	assert((pp1 = page_alloc()));
	assert((pp2 = page_alloc()));
	assert(pp1 && pp1 != pp0);
	assert(pp2 && pp2 != pp1 && pp2 != pp0);

	// give free list back
	page_free_list = fl;

	// free the pages we took

	// number of free pages should be the same
	for (pp = page_free_list; pp; pp = pp->pp_link)
	assert(nfree == 0);

	cprintf("check_page_alloc() succeeded!\n");
Exemple #19
 * This is the first real C function ever called. It performs a lot of
 * hardware-specific initialization, then creates a pseudo-context to
 * execute the bootstrap function in.


        dbgq(DBG_CORE, "Kernel binary:\n");
        dbgq(DBG_CORE, "  text: 0x%p-0x%p\n", &kernel_start_text, &kernel_end_text);
        dbgq(DBG_CORE, "  data: 0x%p-0x%p\n", &kernel_start_data, &kernel_end_data);
        dbgq(DBG_CORE, "  bss:  0x%p-0x%p\n", &kernel_start_bss, &kernel_end_bss);





        /* initialize slab allocators */
#ifdef __VM__

#ifdef __DRIVERS__

        void *bstack = page_alloc();
        pagedir_t *bpdir = pt_get();
        KASSERT(NULL != bstack && "Ran out of memory while booting.");
        /* This little loop gives gdb a place to synch up with weenix.  In the
         * past the weenix command started qemu was started with -S which
         * allowed gdb to connect and start before the boot loader ran, but
         * since then a bug has appeared where breakpoints fail if gdb connects
         * before the boot loader runs.  See
         * https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/526653
         * This loop (along with an additional command in init.gdb setting
         * gdb_wait to 0) sticks weenix at a known place so gdb can join a
         * running weenix, set gdb_wait to zero  and catch the breakpoint in
         * bootstrap below.  See Config.mk for how to set GDBWAIT correctly.
         * DANGER: if GDBWAIT != 0, and gdb is not running, this loop will never
         * exit and weenix will not run.  Make SURE the GDBWAIT is set the way
         * you expect.
        /*while (gdb_wait) ;*/
        context_setup(&bootstrap_context, bootstrap, 0, NULL, bstack, PAGE_SIZE, bpdir);

        panic("\nReturned to kmain()!!!\n");
Exemple #20
/** @brief Function deals with the page fault
 *  This is an amazing function.
 *  @param  void
 *  @return void
void page_fault_handler(void){

	int fault_addr = get_cr2();

	uint32_t align_addr = fault_addr & PGALIGN_MASK;
	uint32_t *ptep = NULL;
	Page *phy_page = NULL;
	phy_page = page_lookup(cur_task->task_pgdir, align_addr, &ptep);
	uint32_t pte = *ptep;
	/** Catch COW page fualt */
	if((ptep != NULL) &&(pte & PTE_P) && (pte & PTE_COW))
		if(phy_page->pp_ref == 1)
			*ptep = (pte | PTE_W) &(~PTE_COW);
			if(pte & PTE_RWMARK){
				lprintf("ERROR: Cannot access TXT or ro_data area!");
			Page *new_page = page_alloc();
			if(new_page == NULL){
	 		lprintf("ERROR: No pages for COW in page_fault_handler");
			uint32_t *temp_page = smemalign(PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE);
			if (temp_page == NULL){
			lprintf("ERROR: No memory for temp_page in page_fault_handler!");

			/* Copy the physical page to a temporary page in kernel space */
			memcpy((void*)temp_page, (void*)align_addr, PAGE_SIZE);
			if(page_insert(cur_task->task_pgdir, new_page, align_addr, 
				PTE_P | PTE_U | PTE_W) < 0)
			lprintf("ERROR: No memory for COW in page_fault_handler");
			/* Copy the content to the new mapped physical page */
			memcpy((void*)align_addr, (void*)temp_page, PAGE_SIZE);

			/* Free the temp physical page */
			sfree(temp_page, PAGE_SIZE);
	/** Catch the ZFOD */
	else if ((ptep != NULL) &&(pte & PTE_P) && (pte & PTE_ZFOD))
		Page *pg = page_alloc();
		if(pg == NULL){
	 	lprintf("ERROR: No pages for ZFOD in page_fault_handler");
		uint32_t perm = PTE_P | PTE_U | PTE_W;
		if(page_insert(cur_task->task_pgdir, pg, align_addr, perm) < 0)
		lprintf("ERROR: No memory for ZFOD in page_fault_handler");	
		bzero((void*)align_addr, PAGE_SIZE);
	/* Check if installed swexn handler can fix this up */
	else if(cur_thread->swexn_eip != NULL)