 * Remove all extended keys for the given @a page from the            
 * extended key cache.                                                
static ham_status_t
my_fun_free_page_extkeys(ham_btree_t *be, ham_page_t *page, ham_u32_t flags)
    ham_db_t *db=be_get_db(be);
    ham_assert(page_get_owner(page) == db, (0));
    ham_assert(0 == (flags & ~DB_MOVE_TO_FREELIST), (0));

     * if this page has a header, and it's either a B-Tree root page or 
     * a B-Tree index page: remove all extended keys from the cache, 
     * and/or free their blobs
    if (page_get_pers(page) 
            && (!(page_get_npers_flags(page)&PAGE_NPERS_NO_HEADER))
            && (page_get_type(page)==PAGE_TYPE_B_ROOT 
                || page_get_type(page)==PAGE_TYPE_B_INDEX)) 
        ham_size_t i;
        ham_offset_t blobid;
        int_key_t *bte;
        btree_node_t *node=ham_page_get_btree_node(page);
        extkey_cache_t *c;

        ham_assert(db, ("Must be set as page owner when this is a Btree page"));
        ham_assert(db=page_get_owner(page), (""));

        for (i=0; i<btree_node_get_count(node); i++) 
            bte=btree_node_get_key(db, node, i);
            if (key_get_flags(bte)&KEY_IS_EXTENDED) 
                blobid=key_get_extended_rid(db, bte);
                if (env_get_rt_flags(db_get_env(db))&HAM_IN_MEMORY_DB) 
                    /* delete the blobid to prevent that it's freed twice */
                    *(ham_offset_t *)(key_get_key(bte)+
                //(void)key_erase_record(db, bte, 0, BLOB_FREE_ALL_DUPES);
                if (c)
                    (void)extkey_cache_remove(c, blobid);

    return (HAM_SUCCESS);
Exemple #2
static ham_status_t
__insert_cursor(ham_btree_t *be, ham_key_t *key, ham_record_t *record, 
                ham_bt_cursor_t *cursor, insert_hints_t *hints)
    ham_status_t st;
    ham_page_t *root;
    ham_db_t *db=be_get_db(be);
    ham_env_t *env = db_get_env(db);
    insert_scratchpad_t scratchpad;

    ham_assert(hints->force_append == HAM_FALSE, (0));
    ham_assert(hints->force_prepend == HAM_FALSE, (0));

     * initialize the scratchpad 
    memset(&scratchpad, 0, sizeof(scratchpad));

     * get the root-page...
    ham_assert(btree_get_rootpage(be)!=0, ("btree has no root page"));
    st=db_fetch_page(&root, db, btree_get_rootpage(be), 0);
    ham_assert(st ? root == NULL : 1, (0));
    if (st)
        return st;

     * ... and start the recursion 
    st=__insert_recursive(root, key, 0, &scratchpad, hints);

     * if the root page was split, we have to create a new
     * root page.
    if (st==SPLIT) {
        ham_page_t *newroot;
        btree_node_t *node;

         * the root-page will be changed...
        if (st)
            return (st);

         * allocate a new root page
        st=db_alloc_page(&newroot, db, PAGE_TYPE_B_ROOT, 0); 
        ham_assert(st ? newroot == NULL : 1, (0));
        if (st)
            return (st);
        ham_assert(page_get_owner(newroot), (""));
        /* clear the node header */
        memset(page_get_payload(newroot), 0, sizeof(btree_node_t));

        stats_page_is_nuked(db, root, HAM_TRUE);

         * insert the pivot element and the ptr_left
        btree_node_set_ptr_left(node, btree_get_rootpage(be));
        st=__insert_nosplit(newroot, &scratchpad.key, 
                scratchpad.rid, scratchpad.record, scratchpad.cursor, 
        ham_assert(!(scratchpad.key.flags & HAM_KEY_USER_ALLOC), (0));
        scratchpad.cursor=0; /* don't overwrite cursor if __insert_nosplit
                                is called again */
        if (st) {
            ham_assert(!(scratchpad.key.flags & HAM_KEY_USER_ALLOC), (0));
            if (scratchpad.key.data)
                allocator_free(env_get_allocator(env), scratchpad.key.data);
            return (st);

         * set the new root page
         * !!
         * do NOT delete the old root page - it's still in use!
         * also don't forget to flush the backend - otherwise the header
         * page of the database will not contain the updated information.
         * The backend is flushed when the database is closed, but if 
         * recovery is enabled then the flush here is critical.
        btree_set_rootpage(be, page_get_self(newroot));
        be_set_dirty(be, HAM_TRUE);

         * As we re-purpose a page, we will reset its pagecounter
         * as well to signal its first use as the new type assigned
         * here.
        if (env_get_cache(env) && (page_get_type(root)!=PAGE_TYPE_B_INDEX))
            cache_update_page_access_counter(root, env_get_cache(env), 0);

        page_set_type(root, PAGE_TYPE_B_INDEX);
        page_set_dirty(root, env);
        page_set_dirty(newroot, env);

        /* the root page was modified (btree_set_rootpage) - make sure that
         * it's logged */
        if (env_get_rt_flags(env)&HAM_ENABLE_RECOVERY) {
            st=txn_add_page(env_get_txn(env), env_get_header_page(env),
            if (st)
                return (st);

     * release the scratchpad-memory and return to caller
    ham_assert(!(scratchpad.key.flags & HAM_KEY_USER_ALLOC), (0));
    if (scratchpad.key.data)
        allocator_free(env_get_allocator(env), scratchpad.key.data);

    return (st);