Exemple #1
** Describe the usages of a b-tree page
static void page_usage_btree(
  int pgno,             /* Page to describe */
  int parent,           /* Parent of this page.  0 for root pages */
  int idx,              /* Which child of the parent */
  const char *zName     /* Name of the table */
  unsigned char *a;
  const char *zType = "corrupt node";
  int nCell;
  int i;
  int hdr = pgno==1 ? 100 : 0;

  if( pgno<=0 || pgno>mxPage ) return;
  a = getContent((pgno-1)*pagesize, pagesize);
  switch( a[hdr] ){
    case 2:  zType = "interior node of index";  break;
    case 5:  zType = "interior node of table";  break;
    case 10: zType = "leaf of index";           break;
    case 13: zType = "leaf of table";           break;
  if( parent ){
    page_usage_msg(pgno, "%s [%s], child %d of page %d",
                   zType, zName, idx, parent);
    page_usage_msg(pgno, "root %s [%s]", zType, zName);
  nCell = a[hdr+3]*256 + a[hdr+4];
  if( a[hdr]==2 || a[hdr]==5 ){
    int cellstart = hdr+12;
    unsigned int child;
    for(i=0; i<nCell; i++){
      int ofst;

      ofst = cellstart + i*2;
      ofst = a[ofst]*256 + a[ofst+1];
      child = decodeInt32(a+ofst);
      page_usage_btree(child, pgno, i, zName);
    child = decodeInt32(a+cellstart-4);
    page_usage_btree(child, pgno, i, zName);
  if( a[hdr]==2 || a[hdr]==10 || a[hdr]==13 ){
    int cellstart = hdr + 8 + 4*(a[hdr]<=5);
    for(i=0; i<nCell; i++){
      int ofst;
      ofst = cellstart + i*2;
      ofst = a[ofst]*256 + a[ofst+1];
      page_usage_cell(a[hdr], a+ofst, pgno, i);
Exemple #2
** Determine pages used as PTRMAP pages
static void page_usage_ptrmap(unsigned char *a){
  if( a[55] ){
    int usable = pagesize - a[20];
    int pgno = 2;
    int perPage = usable/5;
    while( pgno<=mxPage ){
      page_usage_msg(pgno, "PTRMAP page covering %d..%d",
                           pgno+1, pgno+perPage);
      pgno += perPage + 1;
Exemple #3
** Determine page usage by the freelist
static void page_usage_freelist(int pgno){
  unsigned char *a;
  int cnt = 0;
  int i;
  int n;
  int iNext;
  int parent = 1;

  while( pgno>0 && pgno<=mxPage && (cnt++)<mxPage ){
    page_usage_msg(pgno, "freelist trunk #%d child of %d", cnt, parent);
    a = getContent((pgno-1)*pagesize, pagesize);
    iNext = decodeInt32(a);
    n = decodeInt32(a+4);
    for(i=0; i<n; i++){
      int child = decodeInt32(a + (i*4+8));
      page_usage_msg(child, "freelist leaf, child %d of trunk page %d",
                     i, pgno);
    parent = pgno;
    pgno = iNext;
Exemple #4
** Find overflow pages of a cell and describe their usage.
static void page_usage_cell(
  unsigned char cType,    /* Page type */
  unsigned char *a,       /* Cell content */
  int pgno,               /* page containing the cell */
  int cellno              /* Index of the cell on the page */
  int i;
  int nDesc = 0;
  int n = 0;
  i64 nPayload;
  i64 rowid;
  int nLocal;
  i = 0;
  if( cType<=5 ){
    a += 4;
    n += 4;
  if( cType!=5 ){
    i = decodeVarint(a, &nPayload);
    a += i;
    n += i;
    nLocal = localPayload(nPayload, cType);
    nPayload = nLocal = 0;
  if( cType==5 || cType==13 ){
    i = decodeVarint(a, &rowid);
    a += i;
    n += i;
  if( nLocal<nPayload ){
    int ovfl = decodeInt32(a+nLocal);
    int cnt = 0;
    while( ovfl && (cnt++)<mxPage ){
      page_usage_msg(ovfl, "overflow %d from cell %d of page %d",
                     cnt, cellno, pgno);
      a = getContent((ovfl-1)*pagesize, 4);
      ovfl = decodeInt32(a);