Exemple #1
void KstViewArrow::paintSelf(KstPainter& p, const QRegion& bounds) {
  if (p.type() != KstPainter::P_PRINT && p.type() != KstPainter::P_EXPORT) {
    if (p.makingMask()) {
    } else {
      const QRegion clip(clipRegion());
      KstViewLine::paintSelf(p, bounds - _myClipMask);
      p.setClipRegion(bounds & clip);
  } else {
      KstViewLine::paintSelf(p, bounds);
  if (hasArrow()) {
    QPoint to = KstViewLine::to();
    QPoint from = KstViewLine::from();    
    const int w = width() * p.lineWidthAdjustmentFactor();
    QPen pen(_foregroundColor, w);
    if (_hasToArrow) {      
      paintArrow(p, to, from, w, _toArrowScaling);
    if (_hasFromArrow) {      
      paintArrow(p, from, to, w, _fromArrowScaling);
Exemple #2
 * Draws a circle and a solid arrow line and a stick arrow head.
void MessageWidget::paintFound(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option)
    int x1 = m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::A]->centerX();
    int x2 = m_xclicked;
    int w = width();
    int h = height();
    int offsetX = 0;
    int offsetY = 0;
    bool messageOverlapsA = m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::A]->messageOverlap(y(), this);
    //bool messageOverlapsB = m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::B]->messageOverlap(y(), this);

    if(x1 < x2) {
        if (messageOverlapsA)  {
            offsetX += 7;
            w -= 7;
        painter->drawEllipse(offsetX + w - h, offsetY, h, h);
        paintArrow(painter, offsetX, offsetY + h/2, w, Qt::LeftArrow);
        if (messageOverlapsA)  {
            offsetX -= 7;
    } else {
        if (messageOverlapsA)  {
            w -= 7;
        painter->drawEllipse(offsetX, offsetY, h, h);
        paintArrow(painter, offsetX, offsetY + h/2, w, Qt::RightArrow);

    UMLWidget::paint(painter, option);
Exemple #3
 * Draws a solid arrow line and a stick arrow head to the
 * edge of the target object widget instead of to the
 * sequence line.
void MessageWidget::paintCreation(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option)
    int x1 = m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::A]->x();
    int x2 = m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::B]->x();
    int w = width();
    //int h = height() - 1;
    int offsetX = 0;
    int offsetY = 0;
    bool messageOverlapsA = m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::A]->messageOverlap(y(), this);
    //bool messageOverlapsB = m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::B]->messageOverlap(y(), this);

    const int lineY = offsetY + 4;
    if (x1 < x2) {
        if (messageOverlapsA) {
            offsetX += 7;
            w -= 7;
        paintArrow(painter, offsetX, lineY, w, Qt::RightArrow);
        if (messageOverlapsA) {
            offsetX -= 7;
    } else      {
        if (messageOverlapsA) {
            w -= 7;
        paintArrow(painter, offsetX, lineY, w, Qt::LeftArrow);

    UMLWidget::paint(painter, option);
Exemple #4
 * Draws the calling arrow with filled in arrowhead, the
 * timeline box and the returning arrow with a dashed line and
 * stick arrowhead.
void MessageWidget::paintSynchronous(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option)
    int x1 = m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::A]->x();
    int x2 = m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::B]->x();
    int w = width() - 1;
    int h = height();
    int offsetX = 0;
    int offsetY = 0;

    bool messageOverlaps = m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::A]->messageOverlap(y(), this);
    const int boxWidth = 17;
    const int wr = w < boxWidth ? w : boxWidth;
    const int arrowWidth = 4;

    if(isSelf()) {
        painter->fillRect(offsetX, offsetY, wr, h,  QBrush(Qt::white));              //box
        painter->drawRect(offsetX, offsetY, wr, h);                                    //box
        offsetX += wr;
        w -= wr;
        offsetY += 3;
        const int lowerLineY = offsetY + h - 6;
        // draw upper line segment (leaving the life line)
        painter->drawLine(offsetX, offsetY, offsetX + w, offsetY);
        // draw line segment parallel to (and at the right of) the life line
        painter->drawLine(offsetX + w, offsetY, offsetX + w, lowerLineY);
        // draw lower line segment (back to the life line)
        paintArrow(painter, offsetX, lowerLineY, w, Qt::LeftArrow);
        offsetX -= wr;
        offsetY -= 3;
    } else if(x1 < x2) {
        if (messageOverlaps)  {
            offsetX += 8;
            w -= 8;
        QPen pen = painter->pen();
        int startX = offsetX + w - wr + 1;
        painter->fillRect(startX, offsetY, wr, h,  QBrush(Qt::white));         //box
        painter->drawRect(startX, offsetY, wr, h);                             //box
        painter->drawLine(offsetX, offsetY + arrowWidth, startX, offsetY + arrowWidth);          //arrow line
        if (w > boxWidth + arrowWidth)
            paintSolidArrowhead(painter, startX - 1, offsetY + arrowWidth, Qt::RightArrow);
        paintArrow(painter, offsetX, offsetY + h - arrowWidth + 1, w - wr + 1, Qt::LeftArrow, true); // return arrow
        if (messageOverlaps)  {
            offsetX -= 8; //reset for drawSelected()
    } else      {
        if (messageOverlaps)  {
            w -=8;
        QPen pen = painter->pen();
        painter->fillRect(offsetX, offsetY, wr, h,  QBrush(Qt::white));              //box
        painter->drawRect(offsetX, offsetY, wr, h);                                    //box
        painter->drawLine(offsetX + wr + 1, offsetY + arrowWidth, offsetX + w, offsetY + arrowWidth);    //arrow line
        if (w > boxWidth + arrowWidth)
            paintSolidArrowhead(painter, offsetX + wr, offsetY + arrowWidth, Qt::LeftArrow);
        paintArrow(painter, offsetX + wr + 1, offsetY + h - arrowWidth + 1, w - wr - 1, Qt::RightArrow, true); // return arrow

    UMLWidget::paint(painter, option);
Exemple #5
 * Draws a solid arrow line and a stick arrow head.
void MessageWidget::paintAsynchronous(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option)
    int x1 = m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::A]->x();
    int x2 = m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::B]->x();
    int w = width() - 1;
    int h = height() - 1;
    int offsetX = 0;
    int offsetY = 0;
    bool messageOverlapsA = m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::A]->messageOverlap(y(), this);
    //bool messageOverlapsB = m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::B]->messageOverlap(y(), this);

    if(isSelf()) {
        if (messageOverlapsA)  {
            offsetX += 7;
            w -= 7;
        const int lowerLineY = offsetY + h - 3;
        // draw upper line segment (leaving the life line)
        painter->drawLine(offsetX, offsetY, offsetX + w, offsetY);
        // draw line segment parallel to (and at the right of) the life line
        painter->drawLine(offsetX + w, offsetY, offsetX + w, lowerLineY);
        // draw lower line segment (back to the life line)
        paintArrow(painter, offsetX, lowerLineY, w, Qt::LeftArrow);
        if (messageOverlapsA)  {
            offsetX -= 7; //reset for drawSelected()
    } else if(x1 < x2) {
        if (messageOverlapsA) {
            offsetX += 7;
            w -= 7;
        paintArrow(painter, offsetX, offsetY + 4, w, Qt::RightArrow);
        if (messageOverlapsA) {
            offsetX -= 7;
    } else      {
        if (messageOverlapsA) {
            w -= 7;
        paintArrow(painter, offsetX, offsetY + 4, w, Qt::LeftArrow);

    UMLWidget::paint(painter, option);
void ArrowRightKey::paint(QPainter *painter)

Exemple #7
void Splitter::drawSplitter()
	RECT rc, rcToDraw1, rcToDraw2, TLrc, BRrc;

	HDC hdc = ::BeginPaint(_hSelf, &ps);

	if ((_spiltterSize >= 4) && (_dwFlags & SV_RESIZEWTHPERCNT))
		adjustZoneToDraw(TLrc, ZONE_TYPE::topLeft);
		adjustZoneToDraw(BRrc, ZONE_TYPE::bottomRight);
		paintArrow(hdc, TLrc, isVertical() ? Arrow::left : Arrow::up);

	if (isVertical())
		rcToDraw2.top    = (_dwFlags & SV_RESIZEWTHPERCNT) ? _clickZone2TL.bottom : 0;
		rcToDraw2.bottom = rcToDraw2.top + 2;

		rcToDraw1.top    = rcToDraw2.top + 1;
		rcToDraw1.bottom = rcToDraw1.top + 2;
		rcToDraw2.top    = 1;
		rcToDraw2.bottom = 3;

		rcToDraw1.top    = 2;
		rcToDraw1.bottom = 4;

	int bottom = 0;
		bottom = (isVertical() ? rc.bottom - _clickZone2BR.bottom : rc.bottom);
		bottom = rc.bottom;

	while (rcToDraw1.bottom <= bottom)
		if (isVertical())
			rcToDraw2.left  = 1;
			rcToDraw2.right = 3;

			rcToDraw1.left  = 2;
			rcToDraw1.right = 4;
			rcToDraw2.left = _clickZone2TL.right;
			rcToDraw2.right = rcToDraw2.left + 2;

			rcToDraw1.left = rcToDraw2.left;
			rcToDraw1.right = rcToDraw1.left + 2;

		while (rcToDraw1.right <= (isVertical() ? rc.right : rc.right - _clickZone2BR.right))
			::FillRect(hdc, &rcToDraw1, (HBRUSH)(RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)));
			::FillRect(hdc, &rcToDraw2, (HBRUSH)(COLOR_3DSHADOW+1));

			rcToDraw2.left += 4;
			rcToDraw2.right += 4;
			rcToDraw1.left += 4;
			rcToDraw1.right += 4;

		rcToDraw2.top += 4;
		rcToDraw2.bottom += 4;
		rcToDraw1.top += 4;
		rcToDraw1.bottom += 4;

	if ((_spiltterSize >= 4) && (_dwFlags & SV_RESIZEWTHPERCNT))
		paintArrow(hdc, BRrc, isVertical() ? Arrow::right : Arrow::down);

	::EndPaint(_hSelf, &ps);
**   BasicVedicChart   ---   paintAspectsForFieldPair
void BasicVedicChart::paintAspectsForFieldPair( const int &f1, const int &f2 )
	const double dist = 4;
	MPoint p1, p2;
	MRect rect;
	int acount = 0;
	list<AspectEvent> &al = aexpert->getAspectList();
	list<AspectEvent>::iterator iter;
	AspectEvent *event = (AspectEvent*)NULL;

	//printf( "BasicVedicChart::paintAspectsForFieldPair %d %d\n", f1, f2 );

	// first step determine field parts and whether apsect relation has to swapped
	bool swap = false;

	if ( charttype == CT_TRANSIT )
		part1 = FP_OUTER;
		part2 = FP_INNER;
	else if ( charttype == CT_PARTNER )
		const bool aspecting = markedFieldStatus & CHART_FIELD_STATUS_ASPECTING;
		const bool aspected = markedFieldStatus & CHART_FIELD_STATUS_ASPECTED;
		//printf( "aspecting %d aspected %d\n", aspecting, aspected );

		//const bool markedFull = markedFieldStatus & CHART_FIELD_STATUS_POS_FULL;
		const bool markedInner = markedFieldStatus & CHART_FIELD_STATUS_POS_INNER;
		const bool markedOuter = markedFieldStatus & CHART_FIELD_STATUS_POS_OUTER;
		//assert( markedFull ^ markedInner ^ markedOuter );

		if (( markedInner && aspected ) || ( markedOuter && aspecting ))
			part1 = FP_INNER;
			part2 = FP_OUTER;
		else if (( markedInner && aspecting ) || ( markedOuter && aspected ))
			part1 = FP_OUTER;
			part2 = FP_INNER;
			swap = true;

	// second step: find number of matching aspects
	for ( iter = al.begin(); iter != al.end(); iter++ )
		if ( (*iter).field1 == f1 && (*iter).field2 == f2 && (*iter).swapCharts == swap )
			event = (AspectEvent*)&(*iter);
	//printf( "ACOUNT %d H2SET %d\n", acount, h2set );

	if ( acount > 0 )
		// correct field index for north indian chart
		int g1 = f1;
		int g2 = f2;
		if ( positionOffset != 0 )
			g1 = a_red( f1 - positionOffset, field_count );
			g2 = a_red( f2 - positionOffset, field_count );
		if ( part1 != FP_ALL )
			rect = fields[g1].calculateModifiedRect( part1, MPoint( xr - 0.5 * transitrect.width, yr - 0.5 * transitrect.height ));
			p1 = rect.getCenter();
			rect = fields[g2].calculateModifiedRect( part2, MPoint( xr - 0.5 * transitrect.width, yr - 0.5 * transitrect.height ));
			p2 = rect.getCenter();
			p1 = fields[g1].getCenter();
			p2 = fields[g2].getCenter();
		if ( acount == 1 )
			assert( event );
			setAspectPainterStyle( event->strength, event->benefic );
			paintArrow( p1, p2 );
		else // acount > 1, draw aspects in parallele style
			MPoint c = findOrthogonalPoint( p1 - p2, acount * dist );
			int i = 0;
			for ( iter = al.begin(); iter != al.end(); iter++ )
				if ( (*iter).field1 == f1 && (*iter).field2 == f2 && (*iter).swapCharts == swap )
					double lambda = i++;
					lambda /= (double)( acount - 1 );
					MPoint q1 = lambda * ( p1 - c ) + ( 1 - lambda ) * ( p1 + c );
					MPoint q2 = lambda * ( p2 - c ) + ( 1 - lambda ) * ( p2 + c );
					setAspectPainterStyle( (*iter).strength, (*iter).benefic );
					paintArrow( q1, q2 );
Exemple #9
static void paintScroller(Scroller * sPtr)
	WMView *view = sPtr->view;
	WMScreen *scr = view->screen;
	Pixmap d;
	Drawable d = view->window;
	int length, ofs;
	float knobP, knobL;

	d = XCreatePixmap(scr->display, view->window, view->size.width, view->size.height, scr->depth);
	XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, WMColorGC(scr->gray), 0, 0, view->size.width, view->size.height);

	XDrawRectangle(scr->display, d, WMColorGC(scr->black), 0, 0, view->size.width - 1, view->size.height - 1);
	XDrawRectangle(scr->display, d, WMColorGC(scr->gray), 1, 1, view->size.width - 3, view->size.height - 3);

	if (sPtr->flags.horizontal)
		length = view->size.width - 4;
		length = view->size.height - 4;

	if (sPtr->flags.documentFullyVisible) {
		XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, scr->stippleGC, 2, 2, view->size.width - 4, view->size.height - 4);
	} else {
		ofs = 2;
		if (sPtr->flags.arrowsPosition == WSAMaxEnd) {
			length -= (BUTTON_SIZE + 1) * 2;
		} else if (sPtr->flags.arrowsPosition == WSAMinEnd) {
			ofs += (BUTTON_SIZE + 1) * 2;
			length -= (BUTTON_SIZE + 1) * 2;

		knobL = (float)knobLength(sPtr);

		knobP = sPtr->floatValue * ((float)length - knobL);

		if (sPtr->flags.horizontal) {
			/* before */
			XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, scr->stippleGC, ofs, 2, (int)knobP, view->size.height - 4);

			/* knob */
			XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, scr->lightGC,
				       ofs + (int)knobP + 2, 2 + 2, (int)knobL - 4, view->size.height - 4 - 4);
			W_DrawRelief(scr, d, ofs + (int)knobP, 2, (int)knobL, view->size.height - 4, WRRaised);

			XCopyArea(scr->display, scr->scrollerDimple->pixmap, d,
				  scr->copyGC, 0, 0,
				  scr->scrollerDimple->width, scr->scrollerDimple->height,
				  ofs + (int)knobP + ((int)knobL - scr->scrollerDimple->width - 1) / 2,
				  (view->size.height - scr->scrollerDimple->height - 1) / 2);

			/* after */
			if ((int)(knobP + knobL) < length)
				XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, scr->stippleGC,
					       ofs + (int)(knobP + knobL), 2,
					       length - (int)(knobP + knobL), view->size.height - 4);
		} else {
			/* before */
			if (knobP > 0.0)
				XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, scr->stippleGC,
					       2, ofs, view->size.width - 4, (int)knobP);

			/* knob */
			XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, scr->lightGC,
				       2 + 2, ofs + (int)knobP + 2, view->size.width - 4 - 4, (int)knobL - 4);
			XCopyArea(scr->display, scr->scrollerDimple->pixmap, d,
				  scr->copyGC, 0, 0,
				  scr->scrollerDimple->width, scr->scrollerDimple->height,
				  (view->size.width - scr->scrollerDimple->width - 1) / 2,
				  ofs + (int)knobP + ((int)knobL - scr->scrollerDimple->height - 1) / 2);

			W_DrawRelief(scr, d, 2, ofs + (int)knobP, view->size.width - 4, (int)knobL, WRRaised);

			/* after */
			if ((int)(knobP + knobL) < length)
				XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, scr->stippleGC,
					       2, ofs + (int)(knobP + knobL),
					       view->size.width - 4, length - (int)(knobP + knobL));

		if (sPtr->flags.arrowsPosition != WSANone) {
			paintArrow(sPtr, d, 0);
			paintArrow(sPtr, d, 1);

	XCopyArea(scr->display, d, view->window, scr->copyGC, 0, 0, view->size.width, view->size.height, 0, 0);
	XFreePixmap(scr->display, d);